Wanting You

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by Danyell Wallace

  Wanting You

  Danyell A. Wallace

  Wanting You

  Copyright © 2015 by Danyell A. Wallace

  This book contains strong sexual themes and content not suitable for persons under the age of 18. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the author or publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or review.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Thank You!

  I’d like to dedicate this book to all my readers! Thank you to the ones who read my story and gave me their honest review, before I decided to publish!

  I would like to give a special thanks to: Gladisha, Kiley, Lorilee, Cassandra, Ernest and Kym! I LOVE you guys, and thank you for being the very first to read my book!

  A very special special thanks goes out to my very supportive husband. You know who you are, and I Love You!

  This is a story about Love and Heartache.

  ~ ~ ~

  I Hope You Enjoy & Happy Reading!!


  The New Girl


  Tamia closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, and took in all that was going on around her. The weather was beautiful, not too hot, but just right. The wind blew through her natural curly strands, while she allowed the sun to kiss her already brown skin. She opened her eyes and looked across the campus that stood in front of her and couldn’t believe she was starting her sophomore year at a four year college. After graduating from high school, Tamia took a year off, then decided to attend the local junior college in her hometown for a year until she was able to qualify and be accepted into the University of East Florida, home of the Tigers.

  Students were scattered around the campus. Many were carrying boxes to their dorm or apartment, and some stood around saying their goodbyes to their families; while others were trying to get to their next destination. She was looking forward to meeting new people and getting started on her degree studies in Business Administration that would allow her to earn her Bachelor’s then eventually Master’s Degree.

  “Tamia honey, are you going to help me and your dad get your stuff unloaded & up to your apartment? I mean this is your stuff!” My mom says with a slight laugh.

  Before giving her attention to her parents, she continued to look around the large campus trying to familiarize herself with some of the buildings, then her attention settled on the building in front of her. She couldn't wait to get settled into her new apartment that she would be calling home for the remainder of her college experience.

  “Tamia!” Her mom sings her name, knocking her out of her fascination spell.

  “I'm coming!”

  ~ ~ ~

  Once my parents help me get settled into my apartment they leave, and make that long trip back to Georgia. After unpacking a couple of boxes, I attend orientation, then two hours later I'm back at my apartment checking my email for my class schedule, then I start to unpack some more. Just as I'm finishing up with my bedding I hear a light knock, then the door to my bedroom opens and in walks a girl with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes and she's talking on her cell. At this point I can only assume that she is my roommate. Even though I wasn't staying in a dorm, but in an on campus apartment, I still didn't have a clue to who I would be living with until move in day. She ends her call and gives me her full attention.

  “Hey you must be my new roomie!” She squeals and gives me the biggest hug. “I'm sorry. I'm Katie by the way and you are?”

  “Tamia.” I respond with a smile.

  “Well Tamia it's nice to meet you. I hope you are getting settled in okay. I actually got in yesterday. Do you need any help unpacking?”

  “Actually Katie I think I'm about done, but thank you so much for asking.”

  “No problem! Is this your first semester here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around campus before.”

  “Yeah.” I say looking around my room. “This is my first semester here. Before I attended a junior college, then decided to transfer here. So yeah I'm one of the newbies here.”

  “Well I think you'll love it here this is my second year, and so far I'm enjoying it.” She says smiling. “You know what, how about a break? I can take you on a quick tour of the campus, and I'll introduce you to a couple of people, then maybe we can get a bite to eat at the Sandwich Shoppe. All this unpacking can wait.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. I could use a break. Lead the way Katie!” I say with a laugh.

  ~ ~ ~

  Katie took me all over the campus. She showed me where all my classes were going to be held, places to shop and eat, and which frat house threw the best parties. I was so exhausted and all I wanted to do was go back to our apartment and go to sleep, plus I had my first class tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning. I looked at the time on my cellphone and it was already 6:30 in the evening. Where did the time go? Since I had some more unpacking to do, I decided it was best to get a bite to eat, then head back. As if reading my mind, my tour ends, and we’re standing in front of the Sandwich Shoppe. Just as we’re about to enter I hear a guy yelling in our direction.

  “Yo Katie!”

  We both turn in the direction of the voice. The next thing I know this guy is picking Katie up in a hug and spinning her around in a circle and then puts her down.

  “What's up girl! Man it's good to see you!”

  “It’s good to see you too Jay!” Katie responds pulling way.

  I stand there looking at them both and noticed a girl standing behind the guy with her arms folded across her chest looking at them too. Maybe she was this guy’s girlfriend? I thought to myself. Katie turns in my direction and introduces me to the both of them.

  “Tamia, these are my friends Jay and his sister Tasha. You guys this is Tamia! She's new here at East Florida.”

  Tasha was the first to speak. “Nice to meet you Tamia.”

  Then Jay approaches me and extends his hand out to shake mine. “Hey beautiful it's nice to meet you.” He pulls his hand away and all I can do is blush. “So Tamia,” he continues. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Seriously!” I hear Tasha say. “Must you hit on every girl you come in contact with?” She asks rolling her eyes.

  “No Jay.” I say laughing. “I don't have a boyfriend at the moment. I'm not actually looking for one. Right now school is my top priority.” I say smiling at him.

  “Well that's too bad.” He responds. “So how are you liking the campus right now?”

  “So far so good!” I respond back and can't help but to check him out. Jay was probably 6'2, and had a really nice body. He wasn’t too big but was lean with just the right amount of muscle. His brown skin was a shade lighter than mine and his hair was cut short, and he had some nice brown eyes. Then there was his sister. Why did I think she was his girlfriend? They looked just alike but she was way gorgeous and had straight shoulder length black hair with brown highlights.

  “Tamia?” Jay startles me.

  “I'm sorry did you say something?”

  He chuckles. “Yeah girl, are you hungry? We're about to go in.”

  I nod my head yes, then Jay opens the door and we all walk in.

  ~ ~ ~

  Damn this is good. I moan while chewing my sandwich. It's been five hours since the last time I ate.

  “Damn Tamia, keep moaning like that and I might need to...” Before Jay could even complete his sentence, his sister pops him in the back of his head.

  “Don't you even say it!” She warns.

  Jay rubs the back of his head and clears his throat
and decides to change the subject. “Hey Katie, where's your brother?”

  “I don't know where Kellen is. I saw him earlier and I just sent him a text letting him know you were here. Maybe he's still helping Ashley get settled in at his apartment. Maybe I should call him.” She says briefly looking at her phone. “Never mind there he is! Kellen and Ashley over here!”

  I look in the direction Katie is yelling and can't help but to stare at the couple heading in our direction hand in hand. Ashley was beautiful. She was tall, had a model body, a tan thanks to the Florida sun, green eyes and long wavy brunette hair. Then there was Katie's brother Kellen. He was about the same height as Jay, and he had identical blue eyes like Katie, but when it came to his hair, it was a dark color, almost black, that complimented his eyes. His hair came a little past his ears and some swept across his forehead. He had a bad boy look going on, but in all he was a really good looking guy. The short sleeve shirt he was wearing exposed his lean muscled tan arms, and one arm was covered in tattoos. When they make it to our table, Katie gives both Ashley and Kellen a hug, then she turns in my direction.

  “You guys, I want you to meet my new roommate, Tamia!”


  Who Is This Girl?


  I'm looking at the girl standing in front of me that my sister has introduced to me as her new roommate. At the moment, all I can think about is how beautiful she is. “Tamia.” I say testing out her name. She's staring at me wondering what I'm going to say next. I pause briefly before speaking again. “It's nice to meet you.” I finally say, as I continue to stare, not wanting to take my eyes off of her. A voice next to me reminds me that Ashley is still standing next to me.

  “Hey Tamia, It’s nice to meet you,” she says and waves. She then turns her attention to me.

  “Kellen do you want something to eat?” She asks.

  “No I'm good, here.” I reach in my pocket and pull out my debit card and hand it to her, then she heads to the counter to place her order. I turn my attention back to Tamia, who is now gathering up all her belongings.

  “Leaving so soon?” I ask her.

  She looks up and smiles and pushes a strand of her curly hair behind her ear. “Yeah, it's getting pretty late and I have class in the morning at 8:30.”

  “Really, what class would that be?” For some reason I wanted to get to know her.

  “I have Business Statistics with Dr. Stutts.”

  “He's pretty tough, I had him last semester. If you need any help or have questions, let me know. Maybe I can share my notes with you.”

  “Thanks Kellen, I really appreciate that and I'll keep that in mind.” She smiles.

  I continue to watch her as she gathers the rest of her stuff, when I hear Jay.

  “What's up Kellen, you doing alright?”

  My eyes are still on Tamia when I respond. “Yeah man I'm good, and you?”

  Jay is responding to my question but I'm not really listening because my attention is still on Tamia.

  “Kellen.” Ashley says, tearing my attention away. “Here's your card and receipt.” She then grabs my face and pecks me on the lips as a thank you, and walks off to sit with Katie and Tasha.

  Tamia comes around the table and is standing next to me now. “Well it was nice meeting all of you, but I'm going to head back to my apartment now. Katie thanks again for the tour.”

  “No problem Tamia. We're going to be seeing a lot of each other so I got your back. Can't have my new friend lost in an unfamiliar place. I'll see you back at the apartment in a couple of minutes.”

  “Okay, see you guys later.” She says waving goodbye.

  Before she can head out the door, Jay rushes to her side. “Hey Tamia. You mind if l walk you back?”

  “Sure!” She responds and they walk out together.

  Who is this girl? I'm thinking to myself as I watch them both leave.


  What's Going On?



  Could my day get any worse today? It first started off with me showing up at my first class at 8:15am, just to find out that the time moved to 9:30am. Then leaving my final class of the day, I step out the building and it starts pouring down rain! So now I'm standing outside of my apartment door searching for my keys. I'm wet, my clothes are sticking to my body and I'm sure my curls are a mess!

  “Shit, shit, shit!” I say to myself.

  “Are you alright?”

  I look up and see Katie's brother, Kellen standing beside me.

  “No I am not alright! I can't find my keys! This has been like the worse day!”

  “Here I'll let you in.”

  I watch as Kellen pulls out a set of keys and unlocks my door. All I can do is look at him and I'm sure he can read the confusion on my face.

  “What?” He laughs. “Katie gave me a set for emergencies.”

  I huff and walk inside and drop all my wet belongings on the floor.

  “I'll be right back.” I say over my shoulder. “Make yourself at home.”

  I rush into my bathroom that's attached to my bedroom and begin to undress. “This can't be fuckin' happening right now! Of all days, Katie's sexy ass brother has to show up and I'm sure I look a mess!” I mumble to myself. But then again he did have an extra key Tamia. I stare at myself in the mirror and I almost scream. My hair is all over the place and my mascara is smudged under my eyes. I finish taking off my wet clothes, when I hear something hit the floor.

  My keys!

  I start the shower & get in and quickly wash my hair and my body. After I shower, I quickly dry off and decide to air dry my hair. I head back into my room and lotion my body and throw on a pair of sweat pants and a spaghetti strap tank top. Before heading back towards the front where I left Kellen, I toss my clothes in the washing machine, add washing powder and start the washer, then I head into the kitchen to find a snack.

  I'm looking in the fridge when I'm interrupted by Kellen.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I turn in his direction and give him a 'This is not the time' glare, and he laughs. “Sorry just trying to help.” He says holding his hands up.

  “You know what Kellen.” I sigh. “I'm sorry and I know you're just trying to help, but no I'm fine.”

  “Are you sure?” He asks.

  “Yes, but I do have a question for you.”

  “And what would that be Tamia?”

  “What are you doing here?”

  He smiles. “Well I'm actually here to pick up some luggage that Ashley let Katie borrow last month when she went to Vegas. Ashley is going out of town for a couple of weeks for a modeling job.

  So she is a model. “So where is she going?”

  “New York.” He responds.

  “Wow! That's amazing. Have you ever been?”

  “Years ago with my family, but not recently.”

  “I would love to go one day! So when does she leave?”

  “She leaves tomorrow morning. That's why I need to get going so she can finish packing.”

  “Oh okay, well thank you for letting me in. Come to find out my keys were in my pocket the whole.” I laugh.

  Looking straight in my eyes Kellen smiles. “You're welcome Tamia, and I hope your day gets much better.”

  “I hope so too, I guess I’ll see you later?”

  “Later, Tamia.” He responds.

  Then he was gone.

  ~ ~ ~

  It's been several weeks since my so called bad day. I was adjusting to my new schedule and everything was falling into place. Katie and I hung out with Jay and Tasha practically every day since they were at our apartment all the time; which I didn't have a problem with and they also stayed in the same apartment complex as us. So if they weren't at our place we were at theirs.

  Since Ashley was out of town, Kellen came around when he wasn't busy with school. There were times when Katie had a late class or a date, he would pick me up and we would hang out, grab a bite to eat, talk, and he woul
d help me with my Business Statistics work. Getting to know Kellen I learned he was an Accounting Major, and his choice in major had a lot to do with his family since his dad owned an accounting firm here in Florida, and after graduation he would be working there. Since Kellen has already taken most of the classes that I am enrolled in, he was very helpful, plus we got to know each other and found out that we had a lot in common, and we eventually became close friends.


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