Dr. Single Dad's Fake Marriage: A Virgin & Billionaire Romance

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Dr. Single Dad's Fake Marriage: A Virgin & Billionaire Romance Page 56

by Tia Wylder

  Until that day, however…

  He slipped towards his desk, pulling out his office chair and flopping into it. He felt vaguely exhausted, just as one should after a proper screwing. Or, in this case, after a proper session of love making. He’d never made love before, but he mused that the feeling was one that could grow on him rather rapidly. He leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on his desk and allowing his eyes to slip shut. Though he had never expected things to turn out so wonderfully when he asked Svetlana to be his pretend girlfriend, he wouldn’t change what had happened for the world. As he drifted off into dreamland, he mused that things could only get better from there on out. Nothing could come between him and his newfound love.

  At least, one could hope.

  Chapter Seven

  The following days were about as wonderful as one could expect. Svetlana was much more open with her affection than Jackson might have anticipated, but he certainly didn’t mind the surge in physical attention. Her usual breaks in his office had a whole new connotation, the sort that the staff had probably thought already lie within. Initially, the two had difficulty keeping their hands off each other long enough to get any work done. They found a happy medium after some time, though their sex life did have to tone down a bit. Jackson was certain that things couldn’t get any better, and he felt sure that Svetlana felt the same.

  They had been together in a non-farcical manner for three weeks when Svetlana simply didn’t come to work one morning. Jackson was worried, but he tried to keep his composure. It was easier thought than done, however, and his mind ran rampant with possible scenarios that would keep her home without notifying him. Did she decide that she no longer wanted to be with him? Had she been in some horrible crash? Could it be that she was cheating on him with another man? He likely could have easily soothed his nerves with a simple text message, but despite himself, he didn’t want to appear desperate. He knew he was likely past the point in which that was a real worry, but all the same, he couldn’t shake the idea that he had possibly done something wrong. Had he forgotten some sort of three-week anniversary that he hadn’t known existed?

  He swallowed his growing dismay, fidgeting with his phone as he weighed his options. He could call her and tell her that he was simply concerned, but she could think he was doubting her fidelity. While he was in a way, he didn’t want her to know as much. He could text and wish her well, but she could think he was being clingy. He clenched his jaw, swiping his phone screen and bringing up her contact details. Who cared if it seemed he was being clingy. He was her boss for God’s sake, and she could at the least tell him when she would be out of work. He was in the midst of typing a furious text when his phone dinged cheerfully to indicate he had gotten a message. He glanced up at the messaging screen, eyes widening in dismay as he read the short message from Svetlana. Natalia was dead. He jolted out of his chair, rushing towards the door. He paused, realizing he would need to notify the staff that he would be out of the office. He swore loudly, backspacing the long message he had begun to type.

  “Be there soon,” he muttered under his breath as he entered a new message, stuffing his phone into his pocket and sending a mass email across the office. It was a simple notification that he would be out of the office that day, but that things were to continue as usual. His heart felt as if it had sunk into his stomach. The day would not continue as usual, not at all. He could only hope he could offer some comfort to his grieving lover and…

  God. He had forgotten about Klaus altogether. He rushed more quickly than before, taking the elevator to the ground floor and racing out into the parking compound. He slid into his car, revving the engine and speeding out of the garage without bothering to fasten his seatbelt. His hands were white knuckled as he gripped the steering wheel, and he was certain his face was equally as pale. He knew, at least from what Svetlana had told him, that her sister might pass away anytime. Still, he was sure that no one had expected it to happen so soon. He felt tears pool unbidden in his own eyes, swiping the back of his hand roughly across his eyes. He couldn’t help but feel angry at himself for not getting to know the woman better while she was alive. Here he sat, in love with Svetlana, and the only family he would ever meet was now dead. Except Klaus, who would hopefully take some small comfort in his aunt’s presence. While he was her son now, for all intents and purposes, he couldn’t imagine he would forget his mother any time soon.

  He pulled into the parking complex of the hospital, cursing the fact that he couldn’t get a spot any closer. It seemed such a petty thing to be concerned about in that moment, but it took his mind off the pain he knew his lover would be in. It was a brief but welcome reprieve. He wouldn’t have long to steel himself, however, and he darted across the parking lot without bothering to check the road. Someone laid down on their horn, nearly slamming into him as he passed. He flipped them off with little regard, continuing his set path. Nothing would keep him away from Svetlana. Not when he knew she would need him so desperately.

  The hospital operated as usual, as if a wonderful life had not been callously stricken from the world. He swallowed a cry of despair as he came to the elevators, only to hear his name called from the opposite direction.

  “Jackson, what are you doing here?” Svetlana called out, her voice shaking with sadness. He darted towards her, taking stock of her appearance as he grew closer. Klaus clung desperately to her side, his face buried in the side of her skirt. She had a hand tangled in his blonde curls, and his body shook with unrestrained sobs. Jackson could only mourn the happiness that had been ripped away from the boy, and at such an early age. For her part, Svetlana seemed to be taking things as well as possible. Trails of tears continued to roll down her cheeks, but she wasn’t sobbing outright, so that was a small blessing.

  “I told you I was on my way. I didn’t think you’d want to be alone. Neither of you,” he managed, gently crouching to rest a hand on Klaus’s shoulder. The boy quaked uncontrollably, and Jackson looked up at Svetlana with sympathy in his gaze. Somehow, she seemed more troubled than when he first saw her. She drew her lip between her teeth scrutinizing him in a way he wasn’t quite sure he liked.

  “I didn’t expect you to leave work. I didn’t… I didn’t want to actually see you right now,” she muttered. He felt his heart clench in his chest, and he rose to his feet. He couldn’t stop the wounded expression that crossed his face, but he tried to control his desire to demand answers. She shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, hesitating for a long moment before speaking. “Klaus is in my care now, Jackson. I’m all he has left. And… he needs stability more than ever in this trying time,” Svetlana managed. Jackson drew back as if stricken, a dozen thoughts racing through his head. What was she saying? What could she possibly be implying?

  “Svetlana, I just thought that I should be here for you,” he managed weakly, and she hesitated before reaching out to touch his cheek.

  “I’ll talk to you at work next week, alright? I have to make arrangements for someone to watch Klaus during my work hours, and… can we please just discuss this when I come back?” She pleaded. Jackson looked between the woman and the child who had been abruptly placed into her care. His heart sank at being a burden upon the two of them at such an awful moment.

  “Of course. Please… keep in touch with me,” Jackson murmured, leaning in to press his lips to Svetlana’s. She turned her head at the last second, and he planted a chaste kiss to her cheek instead. Alarm bells were going off in his mind, but he didn’t have time to consider them. He simply turned his back on the two, slinking away from the scene like a scolded child. He wasn’t sure why Svetlana was being so unreceptive to his attention, but he could only give her the space she requested. She deserved that much.

  The following days were agonizing, and Jackson couldn’t help feeling wounded that he had not been invited to Natalia’s funeral. He knew he wasn’t that close to the woman, but he could have at least been a crying shoulder for his girlfriend. He wasn’t sure w
hat was going through her mind, but it was if she were trying to lock him out of her life altogether. He tried not to overthink things, however, and waited for the return of the woman he loved. Any doubts he’d had in his mind dissipated in the time they’d been apart, though he knew he couldn’t abruptly confess his feelings after such after such a tragedy had taken place. He would give Svetlana time to recover, he would be there as much as she needed; as much as she would allow anyway. He would even offer to pay for a babysitter for Klaus during the day, if that was what burdened her thoughts so. He would see that the two wanted for nothing. He wasn’t at a point in his life where he was prepared to be a father figure, but perhaps a cool uncle would do. The kid could use his share of spoiling after all this.

  He just had to convince Svetlana to simply speak to him. He was beginning to feel as if she no longer wanted him, though that certainly couldn’t be the case. She had no reason to be upset at him specifically, at least as far as he was aware. It wasn’t as if he had willingly turned his back on her, she had forced him to.

  To make things worse, Lina was lingering around the office again. Though Jackson made it very clear she was to steer clear of his office, he just so happened to run into her at almost every corner. It was as if she’d caught on to his despair and had latched onto him like the harpy she was. He hadn’t told her about any potential missteps with Svetlana, but she seemed rather convinced that something terrible had happened between them. He had argued the point, though he felt a bit silly doing so. Something terrible happened, granted it hadn’t been between them specifically. As far as that went, Svetlana’s family business was none of Lina’s concern.

  When Svetlana returned to work, there was something obviously off about her behavior. She was avoiding Jackson like the plague, despite her job being directly correlated to his orders. She refused to even step foot into his office. He’d paged her dozens of times, but she made some excuse to remain in her office for the duration of her first day back. Deciding to take the initiative, Jackson slipped out of his office and made his way through the building to his lover’s personal office. He couldn’t remember the last time she had used it, except perhaps before they truly got together. As he walked, Lina fell into step beside him, looking all too eager to stir the pot. He thought to give her a piece of his mind, but truly he didn’t have the energy to waste on the latina. He ignored her presence altogether, even as she yammered on about how Svetlana was neglecting him.

  When Jackson came to his lover’s office, he opened the door without preamble. Svetlana was hunched over her desk, her face buried in her hands and her shoulders shaking with sobs. Lina apparently took the hint to remain outside, and Jackson slammed the door in her face before rushing to the one he loved.

  “Svetlana, darling, if you were not ready to come back to work, you should have simply told me,” he murmured warmly, gathering her into his arms. She struggled against his grip, drawing away and looking up at him through tearful eyes.

  “I wasn’t ready, but… I needed to talk to you. Jackson, I’m so sorry,” she choked out. He quirked a brow, parting his lips to speak only to get cut off. “I can’t be with you anymore,” she blurted. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he had to brace himself against her desk.

  “What on Earth are you talking about? You can’t be with me? Why not? What did I do wrong?” He demanded, trying to reel in his anger when he noticed her flinching at the desperation in his tone. “Svetlana, talk to me. I’m sure whatever it is, we can work it out,” he murmured more gently, drawing closer to her. She rubbed her eyes, scooting back and away from him.

  “It’s Klaus, Jackson,” she mourned. Jackson stared, feeling his heart break in his chest.

  “He… doesn’t like me?” He inquired hesitantly. Svetlana laughed bitterly, rubbing her teary eyes.

  “He loves you. Worships the ground you walk on. I know you, though, Jackson. I know that you’re not ready to commit to someone forever. I know you’re not ready to play second fiddle to a child,” she murmured. It was Jackson’s turn to flinch this time, and he took a step back. He felt as if his heart would hammer out of his chest. This couldn’t be happening. He was ready to tell Svetlana he loved her, and she was so willing to throw everything away?

  “You haven’t even given me a chance,” he blurted, and she rose from her seat. She stepped towards him, edging past him at the last possible second.

  “I think it’s better I take more time off. For both of us to come to terms with things. I hope you’ll find it in your heart to keep me in your employment but… I can’t be with you. I must take care of Klaus. I must take care of myself,” she whispered. He said nothing, staring straight ahead as she slipped out the door. He could hear the clacking of her heels as she retreated, and tears pooled in his eyes. A hand rested on his shoulder, and he wheeled around to see Lina leering at him.

  “So… she broke up with you? I guess that means there’s nothing stopping our engagement now, loverboy. Come on, you know you were out of her league anyway,” she said callously. He stared at her, for the first time in his life tempted to strike a woman. However, he managed to keep control of himself and truly consider her words. In one fell swoop, all the work he’d put into the charade with Svetlana had gone down the drain. He had no reason to back out of the engagement with Lina. He knew he should be angry that his plan was foiled, but more than anything, all he felt was heartbreak.

  “I guess you’re right,” he began, reaching out to draw Lina into his arms. She pressed against him, and he could feel excitement radiating from her form. “The engagement is on,” he breathed. With that one statement, he signed away his life. But what was there to fight for, anyway?

  Chapter Eight

  His parents had been thrilled, but he supposed he should have expected nothing less. They were finally getting their way, and he would settle down to marry someone he didn’t love. It was all the same in the end. The one person he had ever fallen for had broken his heart into a thousand pieces. Svetlana didn’t want him, wouldn’t even give him a chance to prove himself. He slipped a hand in his pocket, idly fidgeting with a velvet box he had been keeping on him for… what seemed an eternity now. Truly it had only been a few days, but his excitement at the jewelry shop seemed an eternity away now. It had been too soon, too fast, but he was so certain that Svetlana would have been thrilled to take him as a husband. He liked to think he was something of a catch, but it turned out he had been dead wrong. Withdrawing his hand from his pocket, he sorted through the emails that he was left to deal with in Svetlana’s absence. While Lina had taken the opportunity to run the show all too well, he wasn’t up to replacing his personal assistant yet. Lina had insisted, but he still fostered the hope that Svetlana would return to him. It seemed a silly thing, considering he had agreed to go forward with the engagement with Lina. There was no sense in entertaining silly notions of happily ever after.

  Shaking off the agonizing thoughts, he returned his attention to the computer screen. He scrolled through his emails, only partially processing the text that spanned across his screen. Jackson rested his chin in his hand, allowing his eyes to flutter closed as he drifted away from reality for a moment. For the briefest of moments, he could swear he heard Svetlana’s voice, but he knew that time was in the past. The woman of his dreams was out of reach, and he had sealed the deal as far as letting her go. Though Lina was far from his ideal woman, he could only muse that his parents must have a point. It was time for him to settle down, put his bachelor lifestyle to an end. Despite how hard he had worked to save it, he realized it was no longer his deepest desire. For the first time in his life, he was at a loss. Money couldn’t buy what he wanted. No, what he needed; what he craved.

  As if his mind were taunting him, Svetlana’s voice echoed through his mind once more. This time, however, it was interrupted by the haughty and obnoxious voice of his future bride. He opened his eyes, a bit startled when the voices didn’t fade away. In fact, they only grew nearer. He jolted to his f
eet just as the door of his office flew open and Svetlana stormed in. Lina trailed behind her, angrily demanding that she leave, but the blonde paid her little mind. She slammed the door behind her, slipping the latch into place. Lina screamed on the other side, demanding to be let inside.

  “I take it she doesn’t have a key,” Svetlana said brusquely, eyes narrowed in irritation upon him. He hesitated, glancing between her and the door that seemed as if it were going to be knocked off its hinges. He shook his head slowly, returning his attention to Svetlana with a quirked brow.

  “What are you doing here?” He inquired mildly, vaguely concerned that he was hallucinating. Truly he hoped that he hadn’t lost it to that severe of a degree yet, but he couldn’t be sure. She seemed furious at him for reasons he couldn’t quite discern, but lately it seemed as if everyone had it in for the billionaire.

  “What am I doing here? That’s funny, what the hell is Lina doing here? She tried to convince me that you were actually marrying her, and I knew I had to talk to you--,” she began. Jackson felt irritation rise within him, and he folded his arms on his desk as he scrutinized the woman who dare question his choices.


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