The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by Suzy Shearer

  “Cassie, I am Richard, the owner. This is my wife, Fleur. The Doc is…well, he is the Doc.” He grinned down at her. “This is Antony. I think it best if we leave you to rest. Doc has given you something for the pain and he will give you something to help you sleep.”

  She looked terrified all of a sudden and grabbed Antony’s hand. “Sir, don’t leave me! Please. Oh Sir, Please don’t leave me!” She was so frightened her Master may return she whispered, “I am sorry, Sir, but I am so scared he will come back.”

  Antony looked down at her and spoke softly. “I won’t leave. I will be right here for as long as you want me.” And with that he sat down on the bed and gently took her hand in his.

  Richard raised his eyebrows but did not speak. The Doc stood, inserted a needle in her arm, and told Antony that she should sleep for at least six hours once the sedation set in. They all left the room except the Master called Antony. She wondered what would happen to her.

  She wanted to cry but knew it was not acceptable to cry in front of a Master. It felt so strange being held. He was touching her as if he cared how she felt. The Master began to stroke her hair and murmur in her ear. She tensed.

  “Just relax, close your eyes, and sleep.”

  It was too difficult to relax. She had forgotten what it felt like to be comforted. It had been far too long since she had been held. In fact, she could not remember when she had been held tenderly and not forcefully, although the Dom who had taught her would hold her.

  As if he read her mind he said, “How long is it since you were given aftercare and held?”

  “I can’t remember, Sir.”

  “What do you mean? What about after you performed for him? Was there never any aftercare, did he not look after you?”

  “Sir, never.”

  “He never held you? Never cared for you?”

  She shook her head. “In the beginning he did, but he would only make sure I was alert and not in sub space. He was nice and caring but never once he collared me.”

  “What did he do when he finished performing with you after you were collared?”

  “Sir, he would push me away or throw me to one of his mates to use.” She heard his intake of breath. “Sir, I am sorry. I was wrong to try to get away, but I thought I would die. I tried so many times but each time he or his mates would drag me back.”

  She felt his body tense as she spoke but he gathered her into his arms.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. Just because you are a sub does not give anyone the right to abuse you.” He pulled her a little tighter into his embrace. “Well you are safe now. He uncollared you in front of witnesses. He would be charged with kidnapping if he took you now.”

  “Sir, I do hope so. This was my last chance. I could not face any more pain.”

  “What do you mean?” He saw she was reluctant to speak. He encouraged her and told her she was to be truthful in all she said.

  “Thank you, Sir. He arranged for the trip here. I was to drive here and meet him tonight. I decided I was going to finally escape from him. I grabbed all my clothes and anything important. They are all in a hotel downtown. I thought if no one here accepted my pleading…” She faltered and then whispered, “I would run, and if he found me again I would kill myself.”

  “Oh hush, no, my sub, no. I won’t allow that.”

  She felt her eyes getting heavy as the sedative took effect. She tried hard to stay awake and listen.

  “You are safe with me now. I won’t allow any harm to come to you.”

  She felt him hunker down on the bed and settle her in the safety of his arms. “Hush, my little sub. Go to sleep. We will talk tomorrow.” He kissed her forehead and for the first time in over a year and a half, she felt safe and comforted and let the sedative take her away.

  * * * *

  Antony looked at the little sub in his arms.

  Never had he thought that he would turn into a knight in shining armour and rescue someone, but when he saw the punishment that sadist was inflicting on her his blood boiled, then when he ignored her screams of safe words he felt himself close to losing control. He wanted to take the whip from the monster’s hands and lash him with it.

  When they had laid her on the bed and the Doc had treated her, they all were shocked at the scars on her body. She had been beaten mercilessly, obviously abused. There were cigarette burn scars across her breasts and stomach, old scars from whips and knives. It did not need her telling him that there had been no love or comfort from her Master. He had lived only to torture her.

  The greatest gift that a Master could be given was when someone put their entire trust in his hands. For her, that trust had been so badly abused. Well he intended to make it right. He intended to show her just what it felt to be a loved submissive. That is, if she would accept him.

  She was so pretty. She looked around five six, with long brown hair, and brown eyes. She was too thin, but Antony thought that she had probably been starved. He would have to make sure she ate well. She had small, full breasts but far too many scars. Her life must have been hell. He was determined the rest of her life would be filled with only love and pleasure.

  He heard a tap on the door, saw it open and Richard beckon him. He carefully got off the bed and walked to the doorway.

  “She asleep?” Antony nodded.

  “Did some checking. She was living on the east coast in her early twenties and was being instructed by a Dom who, by all accounts, was very fair and honest but very young and very inexperienced. He had no idea how to treat a sub. When he left to go overseas, she was transferred a few hundred kilometres away with her job. She found a club in her new neighbourhood, but it was a thinly disguised S&M. There have been many complaints about it being a place to lure innocent victims for perverted sadists. I imagine this Avery lied and treated her nicely until he collared her, then he showed his true colours. The fact she was an obedient sub meant she was lost.”

  “She told me she had tried to escape him but he would track her down, beat her, and then give her to his mates to use. She has been badly abused, Richard, mentally as well I think. No one should be treated like she has been.”

  “I saw the scars, Antony. What are you going to do? I can speak to some of the more experienced Doms. She needs to be cared for but she also needs a Dom. I doubt she could live without one.”

  “Yes, she definitely needs a Dom. Even in the midst of her pain she still calls us Sir, will not speak unless encouraged to. She is too ingrained as a submissive to be able to live without someone guiding her.”

  Antony looked back at her, a tiny mound on the large bed. “I want her.”

  “Are you sure, Antony? I know you want to come back into the Club, that you are looking for a sub, but do you want to take one such as Cassie?” Richard looked at his friend. “She is going to need tender handling. She has been damaged, abused badly.”

  Antony went to speak but Richard held up his hand. “Look, I’m speaking the truth when I say she would be perfect in your hands. You have a gentle quality that many Doms do not have, and she needs that soft touch as well as a Dom who will direct her lovingly. You also do not live twenty-four-seven as Dom and sub. However, you have only just come back to us. Think, my friend.”

  Antony laughed wryly. “I have a feeling that I need her as much as she needs a Dom. We will help each other.”

  Richard put his hand on Antony’s shoulder. “You are probably right, my friend. Well, for what it is worth, I think she will be in the right person’s hands.”

  “When she wakes I will speak with her and see what she would like to do. Do you know she had intended to run tonight if we had not intervened when she asked for help being uncollared? She fully intended to kill herself rather than let him take her again.”

  Richard looked shocked. “My god, that is awful. She is stronger than she looks to have put up with this for so long. Show her the delights and love that a true Master can provide, Antony. She deserves it and you deserve someone to fi
nally love.” With that, they shook hands and Richard closed the door softly behind him.

  Antony went back to the bed and wriggled down beside her. She looked so lost in sleep, so frail and innocent. He went to gather her into his arms and felt her body tense. Even in sleep, she was fearful. Well, he would change that. He would show her that a true Dom loves his sub, and would do everything in his power to honour and care for her. Already, he felt so protective of her, his little sub.

  * * * *

  She woke and felt arms around her. For a second she panicked and tensed then remembered what had happened last night. She opened her eyes and saw Master Antony was asleep beside her. He had one arm across her body. The shades had not been pulled over the windows, and she looked at him in the daylight and saw he was in his mid-forties. He had short blond hair, a chiselled jaw, and five o’clock shadow. The arm across her body was very muscular and she admired the chest she could see. He seemed very tall, probably about six three.

  She started to feel nervous. What would happen to her now? She was worried. Both Masters had assured her that she was safe but she was not sure. She was frightened that her old Master may try to get to her. Even if he did not grab her, she wondered what would become of her. She had the room booked at the hotel and paid for three days. She had kept a secret bank account that she had not touched in over two years. However, the truth was she would need to find a job and find somewhere to live.

  The real concern for her was the fact that she was a sub. She was thirty-four years old. She had been drawn to submission all her adult life. When she was eighteen, she had adopted the BDSM lifestyle and embraced it. She had even been accepted by a Master at twenty who had tried to teach the things she should do as a sub. When he left and she moved she had tried to live alone, but it was so hard. She needed someone to direct her and care for her.

  In her public life she was strong and assertive, but if people knew what she was in private, she would shock them. She needed someone who directed her private life. Despite being outwardly confident she knew she was very insecure. She was always fearful someone in her public life would learn of her submissiveness and use it against her.

  To hand over control to someone gave her freedom. It was hard to explain to someone who did not live the lifestyle. She could be commanding and assured in public and safe in the knowledge that her Master would care for her in private.

  She thought she would be okay when she had found the BDSM club, but then that monster had collared her. That insecurity was how the monster had controlled her with his threats and abuse. He had destroyed so much. Now that she was damaged goods, who would want her? A sub that had run away from her Master. A sub that hated her Master and had embarrassed him in front of others.

  She felt a tear run down her face and went to turn away lest this Master wake and see her crying. She knew what happened if she showed her tears. The monster used to take great delight in punishing her severely if she let him see her cry. She felt a hand under her chin, felt her face pulled to look at this Master.

  “Why do you cry?”

  Panicking, she said, “Please, Sir, I am so sorry. I won’t do it again, oh sorry, Sir.”

  She tried hard to stop the tears, biting down on her bottom lip. He could feel how tight her body was. What had she endured?

  “I think we need to talk.”

  He pulled himself up and leant against the headboard. He pulled her up, turning her, and made her face him. “At the moment we are just a man and a woman, not a Dom and a sub. I do need you to be truthful but I want you to talk to me. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head. She looked at him in amazement. Did he really want her to talk to him? He did not want to punish her? He could read her expressions and smiled at her. “Come, Cassie, talk to me. Why are you crying?” She lowered her face, and he touched her arm and felt her flinch.

  “Cassie, look at me. I am not going to hurt you. I am not going to punish you. I just want to talk. Okay?”

  She looked at him wide-eyed, struggling to come to terms with the fact he was not going to punish her. He could see she was finally realising that he just wanted to talk to her. “Now, once again I will ask you, why are you crying?”

  She whispered, “I don’t know what will happen to me. Who will want me? I ran away. I am a bad sub.” The tears were falling and she dropped her head again.

  “What do you want to happen?”

  She looked up, suddenly stunned. “Me?” No one had ever asked her what she wanted in a relationship, what could she say? She dropped her face again in confusion.

  “Yes, you. Surely you must want something.”

  She whispered, “Someone to care for me.”

  “Do you want to be someone’s sub again or are you through with the lifestyle? Answer me honestly.”

  “I want to be a sub.” She was struggling to contain her emotions. “I can’t live any other way, I need someone to care for me.

  “Look at me, Cassie.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She raised her tear-stained face to him again.

  “Cassie, this is important. You must listen carefully. You must answer me truthfully. Do you understand?” She nodded and looked fearful.

  “Cassie, I do not have a sub. My partner left years ago to marry someone and I withdrew from the lifestyle but in truth, I need it. I need to have a sub that will depend on me, who will obey me, who will love me.” He looked into her face to make sure she understood what he was saying before continuing.

  “In return, I will protect her, I will cherish her, and hopefully I will even fall in love with her.”

  She looked confused. What was he telling her? Surely, this man would not offer to take her. He was far too good for the likes of her. Her old Master had told everyone she was useless as a sub and was just a doormat. Her old Master had taken away her confidence, her self-worth. She was now so insecure and unhappy.

  Antony drew a breath. “I will tell you I am attracted to you. I would like us to have the chance to see if we could be suited to each other. I understand what you have been through. I am not a sadist but I am a Dom. I would expect you to obey me always unless what I ask is unreasonable or abhorrent to you.”

  She acted as if he had slapped her. She sat upright and looked shocked. “What do you mean unreasonable or abhorrent?”

  “I am not your previous Master, Cassie. To me this is a partnership. You put your trust in me to make all the decisions for you, but I would expect that if I asked something of you that was distasteful and you were reluctant to do it then you would speak to me about it. We would discuss my reasons and yours and then I would make an informed decision. Do you understand?”

  Cassie could not believe what this man was offering, offering to her. She burst into tears and then tried to stop, panicking again in case he punished her.

  “Cassie. Look at me! Listen to me! Never hide your emotions from me.” He needed to get through to her. “I will punish you if you hide things from me. You will not be punished for showing me the truth of who you are.”

  Her tears were falling, unstoppable. He pulled her into his embrace. “Cry, my little sub.” She felt his head on the top of hers. He held her tight and that pushed her over the edge. No one had ever shown such tenderness for her, even the first Master who had taught her. She burst into sobs. He let her cry, rocking her, murmuring to her until finally she could cry no more.

  “Come, my little sub, I want you in the bath. I need to wash the filth from that monster off your body.” With that, he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. Setting her on a chair, he filled the tub, stripped off, then stood in it. He leant across and picked her up, then settled in the large bath with her on his lap. “Keep your ankle on the side of the tub.”

  “Yes sir.” Taking the soap, he began to wash her, careful of the cuts and welts on her body. She tried hard not to flinch when he rubbed against them.

  “I know this hurts but I will be as gentle as possible.” Cassie felt herself start
to relax. This man could have hurt her at any time. Instead, he had been gentle and tender. He pulled her tight against his body. Cassie could feel his erection pressing into her back.

  * * * *

  Antony tried to ignore her nakedness, but she was so perfect for him.

  Without thinking, his hands became more sensual as he washed her, his hands lingering on her pert breasts, and then he began to wash between her legs. She tried to hold back a soft moan, but it was still loud enough for his ears and if anything, his cock grew harder. Antony wanted those soft lips of hers wrapped around his cock, but he was willing to wait until he knew if she would accept his dominance. Still, she excited him with her soft moans. Maybe he could give her a little pleasure and she would see he was not a monster.

  “Put your other leg on the other side of the tub,” he whispered in her ear. He loved how she did it immediately without asking his reasons. Her body slid down his a little, so he propped her arms around his knees. “Do not move.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He began to rub across her downy mound. His fingers slid between her lips and he could feel the stickiness as she became even more aroused. He began to rub her clit and could hear her little moans under her voice.

  “You will not come. You will not move.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied huskily. He inserted a finger into her hot cunt and began to pump into her. He felt the muscles in her legs tighten and her hands, grasping his knees, clenched hard as she tried to stop her orgasm. He pushed two more fingers into her and heard her cut short a gasp. He smiled to himself.

  He could not wait any longer for her. She excited him and he had to know.

  “Will you take me as your Dom?” Cassie drew a surprised gasp and turned her head to look at him.

  “I told you not to move, but I will allow it this time. Now answer my question.” All the while, he was pushing and thrusting his fingers in her cunt or pulling at her clit. Cassie was bewildered but wanted to learn more about this man.


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