The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Suzy Shearer

  Antony grabbed his keys but Richard took them off him.

  “I’ll drive. You are in no state.” Antony nodded. The five of them piled into Richard’s SUV and drove as quickly as possible to the hospital. Antony was a bundle of nerves. Richard had never seen him so unsure of himself.

  “She is okay, Antony. She is in the best hands at the moment.” Antony only grunted.

  When they arrived at the hospital, they had to run to keep up with him. He went to the front desk and asked where Cassie was. They were directed to the emergency section of the hospital. When they got there, Mark Torrens was waiting for them.

  “Where’s Cassie?” Antony demanded.

  “The doctors are still with her. She will be okay.”

  “I want to see her.”

  “Just wait. They should be through soon.” He led them to a waiting room and after about ten minutes, a doctor came into the room, with a folder in his hand.

  Before he could speak, Antony rasped out, “Where is she?”

  “Er…Miss White is resting comfortably. We have admitted her and she will probably be here overnight or for a day. She is concussed but she will recover fully.”

  “I need to see her.”

  “I’m sorry, you are?” the doctor asked patiently.

  “I’m her partner. Where is she?”

  “I’m sorry, at the moment I need to speak with Detective Torrens.” Antony was not happy, but until he knew where Cassie was he had to accept the situation.

  The doctor and Mark walked out of the room. The others could see them in the corridor.

  * * * *

  “Detective, I need to report abuse against my patient. She is covered in old scars as well as some recent ones. She has been through some serious pain in her life. She has had broken bones that have not been treated correctly. That man has said he is her partner, I believe he has been abusing her systematically for years.”

  “Doc, you’ve got it wrong. We know she was abused but it was not by Antony. It was the jerk who kidnapped her today. She escaped from him a couple of weeks ago with the help of these people here.”

  The doctor looked into the waiting room, his face showing surprise.

  “Oh. Oh, I see.” He was flustered but recovered quickly. “I am sorry but you must realise when I saw all the marks of abuse I am bound to report it to the authorities.”

  “That’s good, Doc. Can you give me a full report of her injuries both past and present? They will give us all the ammunition we need when we go to court. I want to put the prick away for a long time.”

  “Yes, of course. I have a preliminary report done for you. I will give you a more detailed one tomorrow.”

  “What about her injuries from today? Are they serious?”

  “She was hit about the head. She has a large contusion with swelling on her forehead, another on her cheek. She has a split lip. There is considerable bruising to both wrists. I gather she was forcefully tied. Both ankles are also badly bruised. She has swelling and a large contusion on her breasts where she was kicked and another bruise on her stomach.”

  “Will she be okay?”

  “Physically she will heal, she will be sore and stiff for a few days. Her memory may be a little fuzzy and she will need rest for at least a week after the concussion. However, I am not sure about her mental health. She has been systematically abused for a long period, she told me she had been gang raped often, and now she has been kidnapped. I believe she must see a counsellor.”

  “Thanks, Doc. I appreciate everything you have done.” The Doctor handed over the folder telling Mark it was the preliminary report.

  “So can they see her now?”

  “Yes, she will be groggy. We have given her medication for the pain. She is a little hazy on what happened. I believe you took a statement from her earlier?”

  “I spoke with her at the scene when the paramedics were treating her. I thought if I could get the details from her immediately, it would be easier for her. She will still need to make a full statement but at least I know most of the details.”

  * * * *

  They walked back into the room and the doctor spoke to Anthony.

  “Miss White has been given some medication for pain. She had been through a lot and needs rest. I ask only that you do not excite her, she needs rest to recover. I would prefer only one person see her at a time.”

  Antony shook hands with the doctor and nodded to the others. Fleur gave him a hug and told him to give them all their love. He followed the doctor down the corridor to a single room.

  Cassie appeared asleep. She looked so tiny and frail in the bed. The bruises on her face stood out in sharp contrast to her pale skin. Antony could not help but gasp as he approached the bed. Pulling up a chair, he took her hand gently. The tears that had been threatening to fall finally got their release. He laid his head on the bed and sobbed, her hand in his.

  “Sir?” Cassie whispered, “Sir?”

  Antony lifted his head. His beautiful Cassie was looking at him fearfully. He wanted to gather her in his arms but she had a drip in her arm and was hooked up to some machine. Instead, he leant in and tried to wrap his arm across her shoulders.

  “Cassie, my little Cassie. You’re safe. Oh, my Cassie.” He could not stop his tears.

  “Sir! I was so scared. I am so sorry, Sir,” she croaked.

  Antony sat up quickly. “Sorry? What have you to be sorry about, Cassie? None of this was your fault.”

  “If I had not left him he wouldn’t have tried to find me and you would not have been upset.”

  “Oh, my little sub.” He gently kissed the unbruised side of her mouth and her face. “Don’t you understand? I am glad you left him. I am so glad you are in my life. I never want to let you go.”

  He smiled down at her and saw silent tears streaking her face.

  “You are safe now. I will protect you and care for you always. You are my Cassie and my little sub.”

  She caught her breath. She was still scared that her old Master might come back to take her again.

  “Sir, I—” Antony placed a finger over her mouth.

  “Shh, not Sir. Antony.”

  “Antony. I…he…will he come back?” He could feel her shaking.

  “Never, Cassie, never. He is going to gaol for a long time and he can never hurt you again.” He took her hand and kissed the bruises on her wrist.

  “Promise me you will never think of him again. He cannot touch you ever again!”

  Cassie would know he was right but it did not stop her from fearing her old Master. She tried to relax but he could see she ached, and her head would be pounding. She moaned aloud a little, not realising that Antony could hear her.

  “Cassie, you need to sleep. Just relax and rest. As soon as they let us, I am taking you home.”

  Cassie squeezed his hand tightly. “Antony, don’t leave me! Please. Please don’t leave me!”

  He smiled, recalling these were almost the exact words she had used when he met her. “I’m not going anywhere, little sub. I will be here all the time. Now rest, go to sleep.” He settled her on the pillows and sat back down, taking her hand.

  She was fearful of sleep but slowly the events of the day and the sedatives she had been given overtook her and she fell asleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Voices woke her. She opened her eyes and saw a nurse and Antony talking softly together. He looked tired. He needed a shave and his hair was mussed, but she thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He must have felt her eyes on him because he turned and when he saw she was awake, he smiled so lovingly at her.

  “Good morning, Cassie.”

  She murmured back to him and the nurse came over and smiled at her.

  “I am just going to remove your drip. The doctor is coming to see you in an hour or so. Would you like to use the bathroom and have a shower?”

  Cassie nodded. The nurse helped her sit and then let her stand with her supporting her. Her ankles and legs w
ere sore as she walked with support into the bathroom.

  “Make sure you sit on the stool in the shower, Cassie. We do not want you falling over. Just buzz when you have finished and someone will come and help you back into bed.”

  Cassie thought it was the best shower she had ever had. The water felt so good on her body. She was upset when she saw all the bruises. She dried herself and pulled on a clean hospital gown, trying to decide if she would walk to the bed herself when she heard Antony’s voice.

  “Are you ready to come out, Sweetheart?”

  “Yes. No. I want to see my face.”

  Antony came in. He let her lean against him as he moved her in front of a mirror. She cried when she saw her face. Her lip was split and swollen, there were bruises on one cheek, and on her forehead was a large, ugly bruised lump. He held her tight and told her not to cry, that she would heal soon. Carefully he helped her walk back to the bed. She gave a sigh as she sat back onto the bed. She looked down at her ankles and saw they were almost black, matching the ones on her wrists. She put her hands to her face. It felt so tender.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks, the past twenty-four hours were finally catching up with her and she thought she was going into shock. Antony was about to ring for the nurse when the Doctor walked in.

  “Good morning, Ms. White. How are you feeling?” He reached over and read her chart then looked at her.

  “Mr. Grenville, would you like to wait outside please?”

  “No! No, please let him stay.” Cassie sounded frantic, grabbing at his arm, and the doctor smiled down at her.

  “Of course he can stay, Ms. White.”

  He examined her face and her wrists then lifted the sheet and the gown to check the bruises. Antony had to hold back a gasp when he saw them. He got Cassie to stand and made her walk a few steps. He checked her eyes and asked her some general questions.

  “Okay, I think it would be best for you if we sent you home. I would like you to see a counsellor after what has happened.”

  Cassie looked terrified at the suggestion but Antony spoke up.

  “I have a personal friend who is a professional counsellor. She has actually helped one of the women who was with me last night. She was attacked and found it easy to talk with a friend. I can get her to ring you if you like.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. Ms. White, you definitely need to speak with someone, do you understand?”

  Cassie nodded her head meekly and whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Okay. I will give you some medication for the pain, but only take it today and perhaps tomorrow. After that, use some paracetamol. You need to rest. Mr. Grenville, do you have access to a pool?”

  “Yes, I have a saltwater one at home with a spa in it.”

  “Good, it will help with healing.”

  “Now, Ms. White, you are free to go. A nurse will bring in a wheelchair to escort you when you are ready. Any questions?”

  Neither of them could think of anything so the doctor shook hands with them both and left. Antony pulled out his phone and rang Richard.

  “Hi, mate. Yes, Cassie is being discharged. Any chance you can pick us up?”

  Cassie grabbed his attention. “I don’t have any clothes, they cut them off me.”

  “Did you hear that, Rich? Can you grab something for Cassie to wear? What? Okay, hang on.”

  He gave the phone to Cassie. “It’s Fleur.”


  “Yes, that would fit me.”

  “No, no, it’s fine.”

  “Thank you. Yes we will see you in about an hour.” She gave the phone back to Antony. He climbed up on the bed and pulled her into his arms. They talked quietly together until Fleur and Richard arrived. Fleur helped Cassie dress, while Richard went down to bring his car to the front entrance. They called for the nurse to escort them from the hospital and then settled Cassie into the car.

  She felt so happy to be going home. She was tired and sore but knew she would heal faster with Antony by her side, away from the hospital. He helped her inside when they arrived and settled her on the lounge in front of the window view. Fleur told her she and Richard would call in the next day to check how they were and then they left. She was surprised when Antony knelt at her feet. He put his head on her lap.

  “I have never felt so useless in my entire life. I could do nothing to find you. I…I…was so angry. Forgive me for not finding you. I thought I would never see you again.” He started sobbing.

  Cassie was overwhelmed. Never before had anyone asked for her forgiveness, never had anyone knelt before her. She was at a loss to know what to say to him. He seemed so distraught. She leant forward, put her head on his, and let him cry. She ran her hands across his back until she felt him relax. He slowly got to his feet and sat alongside her, pulling her into his arms.

  “Oh, my little sub. What would I do without you?”

  He gently kissed her cheeks, her eyes, and her mouth. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms forever. Antony sat up with a huge smile on his face.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “A little.”

  “Me too. Sit there and I will go and make us something to eat.” Cassie looked as if she would protest but the look Antony gave her made her stop. Even though they had been together for a few weeks she still found it very difficult to have him do things for her.

  Ten minutes later he came back with a tray for her. He then went back to get one for himself. He had made them an omelette each and told her she had to eat the entire thing or he would be angry. Unfortunately, the grin on his face ensured that he would not punish her if she did not.

  The remainder of the day was spent with him coddling her. He made her sit in the warm spa for a while and she had to admit it was soothing to her aches.

  They had both discovered they enjoyed the same sort of books and movies. Antony put the first Star Wars episode DVD on and they argued about which character was the best. It was a relaxing afternoon for them both. Antony had her in fits of laughter when he pretended to be Jar Jar Binks and decided to make her a cup of tea in character.

  By early evening, after he had made them a meal, she found herself yawning and trying hard to keep awake. Antony was quick to spot her and lifted her to her feet. He helped her climb the stairs to their bedroom and made sure she was comfortable.

  “I have to catch up with some work, Cassie. Are you okay here?”

  She nodded and settled under the covers. Antony leant over and kissed her gently then left the room. Cassie felt so wonderful despite her aches and pains. Antony treated her as if she was the most loved person in the world. She thought if she was not already in love with him this would have clinched it. Wriggling and getting comfortable, she thought she would lay there and wait until he returned before sleeping, but her fatigue caught up with her and then next thing she knew the sun was streaming in.

  Antony was lying beside her, still asleep with one arm across her. She lay there marvelling at him, thanking her lucky stars that he had given her a new life. She reached out and lightly brushed his hair and touched his face. He murmured in his sleep. She would love to feel him inside her. She still felt stiff but was not as sore as she had been. She wanted him to make love to her. She needed that closeness, the feeling of being loved while making love. So she carefully pulled the covers aside.

  Chapter Eleven

  With a light touch, she ran her hand down his chest and across his stomach. Looking at his face to ensure he still slept she crept her hand closer to her target. Running her fingers through the hair that ran from his navel, she followed it downward to nestle her hands above his cock. With infinite patience, she feathered her fingers across it as it lay against his skin. She grinned to herself when it gave a little jump.

  As lightly as she could, she caressed his cock, her fingers dancing across and down its length. She was rewarded as it began to grow. Carefully wrapping her fingers around it she gently massaged, her fingers running up and down its

  “I think it wants you to kiss it good morning.”

  Cassie gave a little start. She had forgotten Antony might wake. She looked guiltily at him. His eyes were hooded with passion.

  “That felt so good, don’t stop.”

  Cassie wriggled into a comfortable position so she could pay better attention to his dick. She ran her tongue across the head and felt Antony tense, waiting. With one hand holding the base, she slowly lowered her mouth over the top of his cock, her tongue poking in the eye. Antony groaned in delight as she began to move up and down on him. Her tongue was doing wonderful things as she moved and even her teeth were skimming on the sensitive skin.

  “Cassie, stop, stop!”

  She looked at him in surprise.

  “I want to come inside your cunt, not in your mouth.” He laughed when she grinned happily.

  He moved her and settled her back against the pillows. One hand ran softly across her bruised breasts and the other grabbed the hair covering her slit.

  “Promise you will tell me if it hurts anywhere, even just a little. I will be angry if you don’t.”

  * * * *

  “I promise.” With one finger, he began to rub her clit until he felt the pearly nub harden. He pushed one finger into her soaking channel while he used his thumb to press against her clit.

  “Oh god, you are so wet, I love it!”

  He pushed another finger into her cunt then began to scissor and circle inside her. He looked up at her face, and she was flush with her eyes closed. He loved hearing her moan as she got closer and closer to orgasm.

  Holding his cock at the entrance to her cunt, he rubbed it up and down and across her clit, and grinned when she wriggled, trying to make him enter her. She was so responsive to him that he knew he would come with just a few hard thrusts. Holding himself steady, he waited until she opened her eyes then thrust deep into her hot wet cunt. It felt like heaven to him as he drove in and out of her. She was moaning and pleading with him to let her come.


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