Ice Water in Hell

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Ice Water in Hell Page 3

by Carol Lynne

  Galen shook his head and set the brass bowl on the floor. He wondered if someone would refill it if he put it back in its place. Unless Lysander decided to move on, Galen knew he was trapped indefinitely.

  * * * *

  Tired of being shut in the office, Nick sat at the end of the bar doing the weekly employee work schedule.

  “Compliments of the gentleman,” Cory said, setting a Guinness in front of Nick.

  Nick glanced up and followed Cory’s gaze to a gorgeous older man several stools away. It was rare someone was so bold with him. It wasn’t his size that kept men away, but rather his brusque nature when dealing with people outside his ring of friends.

  It was also rare to see an older-looking man in The City. Because you could choose your eternal age upon your death, most men appeared to be in their lower thirties. There were odd exceptions of course, his favorite little blond sprite behind the bar for one. Although the man currently smiling at him looked to be in his late forties or early fifties, it definitely didn’t detract from his sex appeal. The guy had it in spades.

  Nick held up his stout and nodded a thank you to the charming gentleman. The man made a gesture with his hand, asking without words if he could sit beside Nick. Intrigued, Nick motioned him over.

  The older man rose from his stool and walked Nick’s way. Despite the exquisitely cut suit, Nick could tell the man took excellent care of his body. His cock started to harden, taking Nick completely off-guard. No one except Baz had been able to get that kind of reaction from him since he’d come to The City.

  The closer the man came, the better looking he was. Wow.

  “I’m Leo.”

  Nick reached out to shake the man’s hand. “Nick.”

  “Mind?” Leo motioned to the stool next to Nick.

  “Not at all.” It was the truth, which was yet another surprise to him. Nick couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away. The thick salt and pepper hair lay in perfect waves, he was sure it would curl around his fingers if mussed. Leo’s eyes were a shade of brown, almost orange, Nick hadn’t come across in his long life.

  Nick searched for something to say. “I’ve never seen you before.”

  Leo smiled, dimples accenting his handsome face. “I’m new to The City.”

  Nick couldn’t help himself. He turned his stool to fully face Leo and whispered in his ear. “Welcome to The City. I have a feeling you’re going to love it here.”

  Leo turned his head and brushed Nick’s lips with his own. “I have a feeling you’re right.”

  Nick moaned and captured Leo’s mouth with a passion he hadn’t known for years. He thrust his tongue in the smaller man’s mouth and moaned again. Fuck. Leo’s taste was intoxicating. Nick couldn’t get enough. He stood and pressed himself between Leo’s legs, dry-humping him against the bar.


  He heard someone call his name, but didn’t care. He cared about fucking the man in his arms and nothing else. Nick began clawing at Leo’s pants, desperate to bury his cock.

  “Nick!” Lu screamed in his ear, easily pulling Nick from Leo’s arms.

  “What the fuck?” Nick spun around with murder on his mind.

  Lu grabbed Nick’s face and held him still. “Stop. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  Nick blinked several times as he stared at Lu. “Of course I know what I’m doing. I’m going to fuck him.”

  Lu shook his head. “What about Baz?”

  Baz? Nick’s entire body shook as he realized what he’d almost done. Before he could say anything to Leo, Lu shoved him to the side.

  “Get out and don’t ever come back,” Lu told Leo.

  Once again, Nick tried to turn around, but Lu’s superior strength held him in place. What the hell was going on?

  “You don’t want to do this,” Leo said, his voice deeper than it had been earlier.

  “Get out!” Lu yelled, tightening his grip on Nick’s chest.

  Unable to move, Nick shot a look at Cory. The last thing he needed was Lu and Leo coming to blows in the middle of Ice Water. “Get Tao over here.”

  Nick tugged on Lu’s arm. “Let me go. I’m fine.”

  Lu put his lips to Nick’s ear. “He has bewitched you. You will not be able to resist him if you look into his eyes.”

  Nick stopped fighting Lu’s hold. There was no doubt in his mind Lu was telling the truth. Never had he wanted a man more than he had a few moments earlier. Not only were his actions completely out of character, but frightening. Control was something he didn’t give away to anyone. As deeply as he loved Baz, even he had never been in control of their relationship.

  “Release me. I won’t turn around,” Nick said.

  “Let’s go,” Tao growled.

  Nick smiled. Tao was the baddest motherfucker he’d ever met. If Leo tried to argue with Tao like he’d done with Lu, Nick was sure Tao would simply snap the man’s neck.

  “You’re mine!” Leo yelled behind Nick.

  Nick closed his eyes, his body still remembering the press of Leo’s body, the taste of his mouth. Fuck. He was hard again.

  “You can turn around now. He’s gone,” Lu said.

  Nick reached for the full glass of Guinness and drank it down as fast as he could swallow. “What the fuck just happened?”

  Lu motioned toward the offices. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Nick adjusted his cock to a more comfortable position. A quick look at Cory, and Nick could tell his little sprite was badly shaken. Nick leaned across the bar and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

  “I’m fine. Sorry if I scared you.”

  Cory licked his lips and shook his head. “I’ve never seen anything like that.”

  “Well, hopefully you never will again. Make sure you tell Tao to keep that guy out of here from now on,” Lu told Cory.

  Cory nodded. If Nick had it right, what he’d mistaken for fear was actually arousal. What was it that had impassioned the bartender to the extent he seemed to be at a loss for words?

  “Come on,” Lu said with a nudge to Nick’s ribs.

  Nick followed Lu upstairs. Dominic stood at the top of the steps with his office door open.

  “What the hell was that about?” Dominic asked.

  Lu stopped to give Dominic a deep kiss before entering the office and sitting on the sofa. “Have a seat, guys.”

  Nick glanced at Dominic before sitting in one of the chairs opposite the couch, while Dominic chose to sit on the sofa with Lu.

  “You know him, don’t you?” Nick asked.

  Lu shook his head. “But I know what he is.”

  “An incubus?” Dominic guessed.

  Lu laughed. “There are no such things. An incubus, the kind you’re thinking about at least, was a wife’s excuse for getting pregnant while her husband was away.”

  “Then what?” Nick sat forward in his chair, his cock still painfully hard.

  “A Grongler. A spirit so impure it is cast directly to the underbelly of Old Town.”

  “How did you know? He looked like everyone else.” Nick tried once again to hide his erection. The grin on Lu’s face told him he hadn’t succeeded.

  Lu chuckled again. “When are you going to realize I’m not, nor was I ever, human. I see things you cannot.”

  “Why me?” Nick reached down and kneaded his erection. “And why won’t this go down?”

  Lu shook his head. “I don’t know. I was on my way to Baz’s. Something happened earlier at the library that has him spooked.”

  Nick jumped up and headed for the door without giving Lu time to say more. Baz was a warrior. If he was spooked, something was seriously wrong. He was almost to the front door of the club when Lu caught up to him.

  “I’m going with you.”

  Nick nodded but didn’t break stride as he waved to Tao on the way out. “We’ll take my car. Your driving sucks.”

  Lu had the nerve to look affronted by the comment. “It’s Dominic’s fault. He won’t let me get another driver.”
r />   Nick got behind the wheel, and within moments, pulled away from the curb. “Tell me more about what spooked Baz.”

  Lu shifted uncomfortably in his seat.


  “Someone from Old Town was in the library earlier. Evidently, he was from Baz’s past.” Lu turned to stare at Nick. “My guess is it’s the same man you met at the club.”

  Nick gripped the wheel tighter. He hated that he didn’t know more about Baz’s past, but his ex-lover had refused to speak of his life before Heaven. Why now? Baz had lived in The City for hundreds of years.

  He pulled up outside Baz’s loft. “Is he safe here?”

  Lu nodded. “All homes in The City are safe. When I built them, I wanted everyone to have a refuge. Unfortunately, I can’t provide the same once you step outside.”

  “At least I know he’ll be okay if he stays inside,” Nick said as he got out of the car.

  Lu was already standing on the sidewalk waiting. “We both know he won’t do that.”

  “I’ll figure something out.” He’d tie Baz to the bed if he had to. The image of Baz’s bronzed muscles straining against bonds had his cock hardening. Dammit!

  * * * *

  Baz had just stepped from the shower when he heard the doorbell. After a quick swipe of the towel, he went to the corner of the large loft reserved for his bedroom. The bell sounded again as Baz pulled out a pair of white jersey lounge pants.

  “Hold on!” he yelled as he tried to pull the pants on over his still-wet skin. Struggling to cover himself, he reached the door and looked through the peephole. Shit. Why was he here?

  Baz opened the door, blocking entrance to the loft with his body. He couldn’t believe his best friend had run to Nick with what had happened.

  “What’s going on, Lu?” he asked.

  “We need to talk,” Lu replied. He placed a hand on the center of Baz’s chest and gave a slight push, easily moving Baz out of the way.

  “Why’s he here?” Baz gestured to Nick.

  “He’s part of it,” Lu answered. “Do you have anything to drink?”

  “Wine and beer. Take your pick.” Baz refused to look at Nick. He was still upset over the way Nick had pawed him the previous night.

  “Wine,” Lu said.

  “Beer,” Nick said at the same time.

  Baz went to the kitchen, hoping to get a few moments to himself. The loft was so much smaller with Nick in it.

  “I’m sorry about last night,” Nick’s deep voice said from behind Baz.

  “You had no right to touch me like that.” Baz pulled a beer out of the fridge and set it on the counter.

  “Maybe not, but it seemed everyone else in the club had enjoyed touching you.” Nick picked up his beer and took a swig.

  Baz paused in the process of uncorking the bottle of wine. “I was horny.”

  “So was I, still am. Give me one good reason we shouldn’t take care of our mutual conditions together.”

  “Because your dick has too many strings attached.” Baz retrieved two glasses and carried them and the bottle to the living room area. He handed Lu a glass of wine before taking a seat.

  “There. Now talk,” Baz instructed Lu.

  “Evidently, Nick has gained the attention of a Grongler.” Lu took a sip of his wine and moaned in appreciation.

  “A Grongler? I thought they didn’t step foot out of Old Town.” Baz had heard tales of the lustful beings, but had never run into one in all his years in Hell.

  Baz’s gaze went to Nick for the first time. “Did the Grongler succeed in getting what it wanted?”

  Nick squared his shoulders, meeting Baz’s stare straight on. “Almost. If it hadn’t been for Lu, I would’ve fucked him against the bar.”

  Baz swallowed around the lump in his throat. He didn’t like the idea of Nick fucking anyone else. It was selfish, but he hated the thought of someone enjoying Nick’s incredible cock.

  Baz returned his attention to Lu. “So what does Nick’s fuck buddy have to do with me?”

  “That’s not fair,” Nick said, getting to his feet. “According to Lu, once I looked into the guy’s eyes, I was under some sort of spell. I wouldn’t cheat on you.”

  “Cheat on me? Are you honestly going to tell me you’ve not had sex since I left?” Baz couldn’t believe Nick had used that term. It wasn’t cheating if you weren’t together.

  “I haven’t fucked anything but the mattress and my own hand since I saw you at Lu’s penthouse.”

  “Enough!” Lu yelled.

  Baz and Nick stared at each other for several moments before looking at Lu.

  “You two are getting on my last nerve. Now, either the Grongler is the same man who visited you at the library, or something big is going down in Old Town.” Lu leaned toward Baz. “Who was at the library?”

  Baz shook his head.

  “Out with it,” Lu demanded. “Without the correct information, I don’t know what we’re up against. This isn’t just about you anymore.”

  “Lysander,” Baz ground out through clenched jaws.

  “Okay.” Lu nodded. “Leo was the name of the Grongler.”

  Baz suddenly couldn’t breathe. He bent over and sucked big gulps of air into his lungs.

  “What’s wrong?” Nick asked, rushing to his side.

  Baz shook his head. “That was the name the boy I mentored called me. It was short for Basileios.”

  “Do you think the Grongler is this boy?” Lu asked.

  Baz felt the sting of tears. How did he make them understand the shame he’d fought so hard to hide? He couldn’t tell them all of it, he was certain of that. What would Lu and Nick think of him if they knew how over-the-top-in-love he’d been over Galen.

  “No. Galen was pure of heart. The man you’re looking for is my father, Lysander. He’s not only my tormenter, but your Grongler.”

  Chapter Three

  “Your father?” Nick asked. He’d never heard Baz speak of his family.

  “Yes. Obviously, I was right in my assumption he would have been sent directly to Old Town. I’d hoped I’d never see his face again,” Baz admitted.

  “Why would he rear his evil head now? You’ve been in The City for a long time.” Nick hated the lost look in Baz’s eyes.

  “But you haven’t,” Lu told Nick. “I’m betting it has something to do with your arrival.”

  “Then make Nick go back to Heaven!” Baz shouted.

  Lu reached out to Baz. “You should both go back. I should have sent you back when you first came, but I was selfish. I wanted a friend. I wanted you as a friend,” Lu clarified.

  Baz shook his head. “I’m not going back. I left my entire life behind for you!”

  The statement cut through Nick like a knife. Without a word, he stood and walked out the door. Despite everything Baz had accused him of, Baz had been the one to leave, and he’d just admitted why.

  By the time the elevator reached the first floor, Nick felt numb. He managed to stumble to his car, but couldn’t bring himself to start it. Had he been wrong about Baz’s feelings towards him?

  A knock on his window made him jump. He turned to see Baz standing beside the car, a scowl on his otherwise gorgeous face.

  “What?” Nick asked after rolling down the window.

  “Come back upstairs.”

  Nick shook his head. “I don’t think I can.”

  Baz rolled his eyes and leaned his hands against the roof of the car, putting his face just inside the window. “We need to figure out what to do.”

  This close to Baz, there was no doubt Nick’s face betrayed his love. Nick watched Baz’s Adam’s apple bob several times before he cleared his throat.

  “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Sorry if I hurt your feelings,” Baz mumbled.

  Nick’s eyes burned as he struggled to hold back tears. “Whether you meant to hurt me or not isn’t the issue. You told the truth. I see that now.”

  From somewhere deep in his heart, Nick drummed up enough s
trength to start the car. It had suddenly become painfully obvious he was wasting his time with Baz.

  “Have Dominic call me,” Nick said before pulling away from the only man he’d ever loved.

  Nick drove aimlessly through the city for several hours before going back to Ice Water. He parked in his usual spot and waved to Tao as he entered the club.

  On his way to his apartment on the third floor, he stopped by the bar. He waited for Cory to finish the drink order and spot him. How easy would it be to invite Cory upstairs?

  “I’ll be in my apartment if anyone needs me,” Nick said.

  Cory reached across the bar and covered Nick’s hand. “Are you okay? You don’t look like yourself.”

  “Don’t feel like myself either,” Nick admitted. What would Cory think if Nick told him how utterly alone he felt at that moment? “Come by after work if you feel like it.” There. He’d extended the invitation.

  Cory’s blue eyes sparkled. “Okay.”

  Nick leaned over the bar and placed a soft kiss on Cory’s plump lips. When he pulled away, Cory’s eyes were wide with surprise. With one last smile, Nick turned and walked away. He wove his way through the crowd to the staircase.

  Thinking about the kiss, Nick almost went back and told Cory to forget it. Whether or not he was desperate for company wasn’t Cory’s fault, and if he fucked the little sprite, Nick knew he’d only end up hurting him.

  By the time he entered his apartment, he was more confused than ever. Dammit. He needed to make up his mind. Either he needed to let Baz go and move on, or figure out how to fix things between them. How many times have I already tried to fix things with no luck?

  He began stripping his clothes on the way to the bathroom. Whether or not he ended up in bed with Cory, he needed a good soak.

  * * * *

  “You need to do something about Nick,” Lu told Baz. “You’re my best friend, and I love you, but you’re being cruel to him.”

  “How do you figure? I do my best to stay away from him,” Baz defended himself. He carried the empty bottle of wine into the kitchen and retrieved another one. The only thing he could give the people who loved him was heartache. He knew it. He’d known it since his death. A pair of big brown eyes with long lashes came to mind. Galen. The pain the memory caused threatened to topple Baz where he stood.


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