Ice Water in Hell

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Ice Water in Hell Page 9

by Carol Lynne

  Galen smiled. He’d always loved making Baz lose the control he fought so hard to maintain. He tried to pull Baz down into his arms, but Baz and Nick both began to shake their head.

  “We’re too heavy for you, baby,” Baz explained as he and Nick rolled to either side of Galen.

  As soon as Baz’s cock slipped free, Galen sighed. If he had his way, he’d always have Baz inside of him. He felt a hand on his stomach and glanced down to see Nick tracing patterns in the drying cum on his stomach. He mentally amended his earlier thought. It might be quite nice to feel Nick inside him as well.

  * * * *

  Nick was standing in his office looking down at the club when a commotion at the front door caught his eye. He immediately started down the stairs when he spotted Tao waving for him.

  Dodging his way through the crowd, Nick met Tao by the front door. “What’s going on?”

  “That guy was just here. The one Lu told us to keep an eye out for. I wouldn’t let him in, but he said he’d be back with reinforcements. He told me to tell Baz he would return for his property.”

  Reinforcements? Nick didn’t like the sound of that. There was no way to know just how far Lysander would go to get what he wanted.

  “Thanks, Tao. If he comes back, don’t put yourself in danger. Just let him in and call one of us.”

  Tao nodded, and Nick turned to walk back through the club. He spotted Lu and Dominic at the bar and headed in their direction. He slid onto the stool beside Lu. “Can you contact Bruga for me?”

  Lu set his drink down and turned to address Nick. “Why are you down here instead of upstairs with Baz and Galen?”

  “Baz is reading and Galen’s asleep. I thought I’d get some work done in the office, but Tao just told me Lysander came by. He said he’d be back with reinforcements. I was hoping Bruga could tell us if it was likely Lysander would bring his friends from Old Town here.”

  Lu stood and glanced around the club. “If he does and this place is full of people, it could turn into a blood bath.”

  Lu pulled out his phone. “I’ll ask Bruga about it.”

  Lu walked away with the phone to his ear, and Dominic scooted over to take his partner’s vacated stool. “Do you think we should close Ice Water until this situation with Lysander has been resolved?”

  Nick shook his head. “I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure out how there can be a blood bath if we’re all already dead.”

  “Yeah, I was wondering the same thing,” Dominic said.

  “Bruga will be here in an hour. I promised I’d meet him in the alley and take him up to your apartment using the backstairs,” Lu said, rejoining them.

  Dominic wrapped his arms around Lu and positioned him between his legs. “What about the club? Should we shut down for the night?”

  Lu shrugged. “That’s up to you. I have no idea what Lysander may be planning.”

  “What about the bloodshed you mentioned? We’re already dead. How is that possible?” Nick asked.

  Without saying a word, Lu reached out and scraped a fingernail against Nick’s forearm. Blood immediately rose to the surface of the scratch.

  “Ow!” Nick yelled, pulling his arm out of Lu’s reach.

  “You can still bleed. You’ve chosen to house your soul inside your human form. You may not be able to die in the sense that you already have, but your body is still vulnerable to attack.”

  Nick still didn’t understand. “So we can still bleed even though we can’t die again?”

  Lu ran his hands through his black hair. “It’s hard to explain. Think of your body as a shell, which is really all it is. The only way to truly kill you again would be to destroy your soul. The soul is what’s alive, not your body.”

  “So if there was a way to drive Lysander’s soul from his body, we could destroy it?” Nick asked.

  “You wouldn’t need to drive it from Lysander’s body, but even I don’t have the power to destroy his soul.”

  “Who does?” Dominic asked.

  “Lysander or God. The only ones who can destroy a soul are the one who created it or the one who owns it.”

  Nick was filled with a spark of hope. “So instead of going before the elders in Old Town, we could petition God?”

  Lu’s eyes rounded as he vehemently shook his head. “God will not interfere with the souls who’ve either chosen to live in The City or have been sent here.”

  “Well then, you’re the head honcho here, why can’t you do something?” Nick asked, his voice growing louder.

  “Because I’m not God!” Lu yelled as he tore himself out of Dominic’s arms and walked away.

  “Shit.” Nick ran his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I’m just so damn frustrated.”

  Dominic squeezed Nick’s shoulder. “I know, and so does Lu. He’s just as upset about this as you are.”

  Nick stood and gave Dominic an apologetic smile. “I need to go tell Baz and Galen we’re expecting company.”

  “If there’s a way out of this, we’ll find it,” Dominic told him.

  Nick nodded. “That’s what I’m hoping.”

  * * * *

  Baz was so into the gay western Lu had given him, he didn’t even hear Nick come into the apartment.

  “Caught ya,” Nick said.

  Baz removed his hand from his cock and smiled at Nick. “This is a really good book.”

  “I can see that.”

  Baz glanced at the erection poking through the opening of his robe and shrugged. “It’s Lu’s fault. He should’ve never introduced me to gay erotic romances. I’ve only read two, and I’m completely hooked. It’s so much easier than pretending the damsel in distress is a man.”

  Nick laughed and leaned down for a kiss. Baz spread his robe further, hoping Nick would get the hint and take care of him. Nick nipped Baz’s lower lip and pulled the robe closed.

  “As tempting as you are, we’ve got business to deal with. Lysander tried to get in downstairs. When Tao stopped him, he promised to return with reinforcements. Lu called Bruga and he’s agreed to come over and brainstorm.”

  Baz’s cock deflated at the mention of his father. “I’ll get dressed and wake up Galen.”

  “We’ll both wake up Galen.”

  Baz cocked an eyebrow. It was a very possessive response. It seemed odd for someone who’d only known Galen a short time. “Okay.”

  When they walked into the bedroom, Galen’s nude body was bathed in the soft light from the small lamp in the corner of the room. Baz wrapped his arms around Nick as they took a few moments to study the sleeping angel.

  “He’s breathtaking,” Nick whispered.

  “Yes. He always was,” Baz said, remembering the day he’d met Galen. Nick’s body stiffened at the comment, and Baz knew his lover didn’t understand the relationship he’d had with Galen.

  “I know it bothers you to think of me making love to Galen when he was a teenager, but things were different in Sparta. Remember, this was a military culture that existed over two thousand years ago. A sexual relationship between a mentoring soldier and his trainee was not only acceptable, but encouraged. I know things have changed since then, but the love I feel for Galen is nothing but pure.”

  Galen stirred and opened his eyes. “What’s going on?”

  Baz released Nick and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached out a hand down Galen’s stomach to rest in the sparse nest of short curls at the base of his cock. “Bruga is coming over. You need to get dressed.”

  “Bruga?” Galen questioned, spreading his legs in invitation.

  Baz grinned at the wanton creature and moved his hand down to fill his lover’s hole with two fingers. Almost immediately, a peaceful expression crossed Galen’s face. Baz couldn’t get over how little Galen had changed in all the years they’d been apart.

  “Bruga’s the one who told me you were in danger. I don’t know how he knows what he does, but he’s been accurate so far. He was setting up the meeting with th
e elder in Old Town for us.”

  “And the meeting’s been set?” Galen asked, subtly moving on Baz’s fingers.

  “No. He’s coming over to discuss Lysander. He was downstairs earlier.”

  Galen’s body clamped down around Baz’s fingers. “Lysander was here?”

  Baz leaned down and kissed Galen, trying to soothe his lover with his tongue. “It’s okay. He’s gone now, but he said he’d return. Bruga is coming to help us.”

  A loud knock at the door cut their conversation short.

  “I’ll get the door. The two of you get dressed.” Before leaving the room, Nick gave Baz and then Galen a deep kiss.

  Baz removed his hand from between Galen’s legs and stood. “Come on, baby.”

  Galen climbed off the bed and pressed himself against Baz. “I need to tell you something.”

  “Don’t you want to wait until Nick’s with us?” Baz asked.

  Galen bit his bottom lip. “I don’t know if you’d want me to say it in front of anyone else.”

  Although Bruga waited in the adjoining room, something told Baz to take the time to listen to Galen. “What is it?”

  “Remember the well in the center of the city? The big one where people gathered?” Galen asked.

  “Yes.” Baz couldn’t figure out where Galen’s story was going.

  “One evening, when you were off fighting, I went to the well. I was lonely and really only looking for someone to talk to.”


  Galen stepped away from Baz and reached for the jeans Baz had left out for him. “The only person there was Lysander. We started talking and he had some wine.” Galen ducked his head. “You know what wine does to me.”

  Baz knew exactly what red wine did to Galen. “Did you let my father fuck you?”

  “No! But he kissed me. I couldn’t believe he’d done it. I ran away, ashamed of myself for being put into the position in the first place. Nothing happened after that, but I noticed the way Lysander always seemed to watch me. The night before our death, he came to me and demanded I leave you. He said I’d cost him grandchildren and he expected to have me in repayment.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Baz asked. He’d seen Lysander go after what he wanted with a ruthless sense of purpose before. What would it have been like for Galen to suffer Lysander’s brand of intensity on his own?

  “I was afraid if you found out that he’d kissed me, you’d leave me.”

  Noticing the way the jeans fit Galen’s much thinner frame, Baz walked to the closet and withdrew one of Nick’s belts. He approached Galen and systematically began threading the black leather through the belt loops. “Is that the reason you think you belong in The City?”

  “I could have prevented your death.”

  “No. You may have been able to put off my physical death, but losing you would have killed me in an entirely different way. You’re not responsible for Lysander’s actions.”

  “He seems to think I am. I’m sure that’s why he’s trying to claim me and Nick. Once again, my past is coming back to haunt me.”

  Baz pulled the belt as tight as it would go and fastened it before wrapping his arms around Galen. Carrying the guilt of what he thought he’d caused had punished Galen for over two thousand years. It was time they found a way to get past Lysander’s actions, and Baz knew the only way that would happen was to put an end to his father’s hold once and for all.

  “I’m glad you told me. It’s over now. Let’s go forward from here and stop worrying about what happened in the past.”

  Galen nodded. “It’s just… I’m sorry.”

  “So am I. Sorry you had to deal with this alone for so long. But we’re together now, you, me and Nick? We can have a fantastic future together if we fight hard enough for it.”

  Galen smiled and held up his arm. “I don’t have nearly the strength I once did, but I’ll fight with everything I have.”

  Chapter Eight

  Baz stepped into the living room and glanced around. “Where’s Dominic?”

  From his spot on the sofa next to Bruga, Lu waived toward the door. “There was an issue at the bar between Cory and a customer. He’ll be up soon.”

  Baz looked at Bruga. “Thanks for coming.”

  Bruga nodded. “When I heard Lysander had tried to get in, I couldn’t stay away.”

  Bruga had steered Baz in the right direction so far, so Baz decided to trust him. He walked to the small drink cart and poured himself a glass of wine. “Do you think Lysander will bring others from Old Town here?”

  “It’s possible,” Bruga said, finishing off his glass of Scotch.

  “Tell Baz what you were telling me and Nick,” Lu said to Bruga.

  Galen walked into the room and stopped in his tracks. “Why’re you here?”

  Baz’s gaze swung from Galen to Bruga and back. “You know Bruga?”

  “Bruga?” Galen questioned. “That’s Draco. Your father’s friend from our city. The man who taught me to use a dagger.”

  “What?” Baz gazed at Bruga. There was nothing that reminded Baz of the handsome man who had befriended his father.

  Galen’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Bruga. “Tell him who you are.”

  Bruga suddenly looked very uncomfortable. “How did you know?”

  Galen looked at Bruga as if he were crazy. “What do you mean, how did I know? You were one of my instructors.”

  Bruga’s hands moved up to run across the mass of scars covering his face. “No one’s ever looked beyond my scars to see the man underneath.”

  Baz moved to stand between Galen and Bruga. “Why are you here? Are you working with my father?”

  Bruga shook his head. “No. I’ve spent years watching Lysander, waiting for the perfect moment to exact revenge on the man who did this to me.”

  Baz’s jaw dropped. “Lysander did that?”

  “I’m the one who found the two of you that morning. Galen didn’t show up for our training session, so I went to find him. When I walked in to your home, Lysander was…”

  Bruga shook his head. “I’ve never seen anything like it. I managed to get away and ran to one of the councilmen. I told him what I’d witnessed, and Lysander was arrested and given a death sentence. Your deaths haunted me more than any I’d ever witnessed. Dying in battle is honorable, but what your father did…”

  Baz poured Bruga another glass of Scotch and handed it to him. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you, Draco.”

  “Bruga, please. I’ve lived for years under a different name, staying in the shadows.”

  “Because of Lysander?” Baz asked.

  “Yes. I took my own life, you see. I just couldn’t live with the nightmares. When I arrived in The City, I made it my mission to find Lysander. I eventually tracked him to Old Town, but evidently, I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought. He cornered me one evening and did this to me,” Bruga said, gesturing to his face. “After that I changed my name and started plotting my revenge.”

  “And have you figured out how to do that?” Galen asked, going to sit in Nick’s lap.

  Bruga nodded. “I was planning to follow the three of you to Old Town because I need to catch Lysander unprepared.”

  “Why?” Baz asked.

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  “So what if Lysander comes here? Does that mean we won’t have to go to Old Town?” Baz sat on the arm of Nick’s chair and put a hand on Galen’s shoulder. If there was any way possible for the three of them to avoid Old Town, they had to take it.

  “If I’m able to take Lysander completely by surprise, here should work fine. I’ll just need to find somewhere to hide,” Bruga explained.

  Baz went to kneel on the floor in front of Bruga. “Do you know a way to take his soul?”

  Bruga nodded slowly. “I’ve watched him for over a thousand years. I know more about him than anyone. I won’t have to take his soul, he’ll destroy it himself if my plan works.”

  “What can we do?” Nick asked.

  Bruga smiled, the simple movement stretching his scarred skin into an even uglier mask. “Rile him. I need him as emotional as possible.”

  Baz knew it wouldn’t be hard to get Lysander worked up. The only thing he worried about was the power he already had over Nick. “What about Nick and Galen. Do they have to be there?”

  “Yes. Just the thought of the three of you being together has driven Lysander to this point. If he actually witnesses it, it should be enough.”

  Baz turned back to Nick and Galen. His loves looked so right wrapped in each other’s arms. “Can you be around Lysander and not look into his eyes?”

  Nick nodded. “I know better than to let him get too close now.”

  “If we turn off the lights in the office, you should be able to see everything that’s going on without being seen,” Lu suggested.

  “Okay, so if Lysander does show up, how do we get the people out of the club?” Baz asked.

  “I doubt he’ll show until close to quitting. Maybe even afterward. I doubt he’d want a crowd.”

  “Then why did he try to get in earlier?” Nick asked.

  “He was probably fishing to see if the three of you were here. Since your man at the door refused him entry, he has a good idea you’re inside,” Bruga explained.

  Baz sure hoped Bruga was right. He hated taking chances with Nick and Galen, but the thought of trying to plead his case to an Old Town elder didn’t sit well either. If Lysander had dwelt in the forbidden city of Old Town, surely they were now his friends, or at least his acquaintances. He had to be on their good side if he’d been able to convince them to give him the Grongler ability in the first place.

  Baz stood and held out his hands, one for each of his men to take and hold forever. “Let’s go downstairs and dance.”

  * * * *

  After their third dance, Nick convinced his lovers to retreat to one of the private alcoves. As it neared closing time, the nerves between the three of them were becoming palpable. Hopefully a break from the loud chaos on the dance floor would bring them back together. He settled on the sofa next to Baz and pulled Galen down between them. There was something so genuine about the smaller man. Everything Galen said or did tugged at Nick’s heart. It wouldn’t take long for him to fall for the gorgeous man.


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