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Mandy M. Roth - Magic Under Fire (Over a Dozen Tales of Urban Fantasy)

Page 27

by Unknown

  “Yes?” she said, out loud, not yet comfortable with the idea of speaking with her mind. Dante seemed to hear her as if she’d pushed with her mind so Francy went with it.

  I can see you in my mind, spread out on the bed, touching yourself and I know that you’re thinking about me. I know that you want me there, licking you, fucking you, coming in you. Show me how right I am.

  That drove her onward. Francy opened her legs more and began methodically rubbing her clit, wishing it was Dante’s tongue there. She could almost feel his sexual frustration even with the distance between them. “Are you safe?”

  I was until I was suddenly hit with images of my wife pleasuring herself. Now I’m in danger of my own needs killing me. Every ounce of me wants to have my cock buried deep within you, wants to experience this with you. She sensed his sigh. I can smell your sweet cunt, Francy, and I want to be there tasting it.

  “I want you here tasting it too,” she whispered. It was the truth. All she’d ever wanted was Dante. Knowing that he was now, in the eyes of the supernatural community, her husband, her mate for eternity only served to increase her need to find sexual release.

  Come for me. I want to see you touching yourself as you think of me while I continue to hunt whatever it is that’s out here.

  “Is that safe?”

  He chuckled. It’s a hell of a lot safer than depriving me of what I want. Don’t think I’ll go easy on you if I have to return with a dick so hard it could impale you. I’ll fuck that sweet ass of yours, Francy. I’ll bend you over and mount you. Mmm, I’m hard just thinking about it—about you.

  “Mmm,” she let out a soft laugh. “I don’t know, Dante. I’d rather have you here touching me.”

  Do it, Francy. I need it. Let me experience you masturbating. Let me watch and feel it through our otherworldly bond.

  Giving in, Francy rubbed faster and lowered her other hand. She inserted a finger into her wet channel and continued to stimulate herself. The very thought of Dante’s body entering hers pushed her close to her zenith.

  “I can’t. Not without you.” No sooner did the words leave her mouth then she felt something warm draw her clit upwards. Gasping, Francy opened her eyes to find Dante leaning down, licking and sucking on her. It was one of the most erotic sights she’d ever seen. “Dante.”

  He moaned, the sound vibrating through her pussy as he stared up at her with dark, haunted eyes. The passion and lust in them shook her to her very core. All those years of believing that he’d turned her away, wanting only to be friends, had been wasted. Dante was the man she was born for and she had denied him for too long.

  He swirled his tongue over her clit and she writhed beneath his expert touch. Clutching the sheets, Francy tipped her head back and let the pleasure of her orgasm wash over her. Dante slid his long tongue into her, lapping up her cream, prolonging her pleasure.

  “No more,” she pleaded, unable to take another single second of the mind-numbing sensations moving throughout her body.

  Dante ignored her as his gaze bore through her and his tongue continued to work its magik, forcing her to peak again and again. She lay there, so wet, so stimulated that she bordered on numbness. When Dante slid his finger into her ass she jolted, the intrusion surprising, and he chuckled into her pussy.

  The strange fullness that followed as he finger-fucked her ass did nothing in the way of stopping the seemingly endless onslaught of pleasure. It built slowly at first as her body grew accustomed to the bizarre feeling of fullness. Dante added another finger and she immediately drew in a sharp breath.

  “Relax and push down, amore.” Dante licked her clit, easing her fears and allowing her to loosen a bit. “Has anyone ever taken you here, Francy?” His voice was suddenly cold and his gaze hard. ”Did he take you here?”

  “No,” she panted. Until now, the very idea of a man fucking her ass had never occurred to her. Having Dante’s finger in her, she knew that she wouldn’t be completely satisfied until she was permitted the pleasure of his cock in her ass as well.

  “How could you let another man touch you? Pleasure you? Love you, Francy?”

  No part of her wanted this conversation to take place period, let alone in the middle of what they were sharing. Reaching down, she cupped the sides of his face and tipped her head. “I didn’t know, honey. I swear it’s true.”

  It was easy to see that he understood that fact when he nodded ever so slightly but it didn’t erase the hurt on his face. Francy let her magik build before running it over Dante’s lower lip with the pad of her thumb. “I love you.”

  His gaze snapped to her face. For a moment, he looked confused and then shocked. How he could be surprised by her admission was beyond her. She’d been in love with him from the day she met him but their age difference prevented either of them from acting upon it.


  “This is where you tell me that you love me too, Dante.”

  With his supernatural speed, he moved up and over her quickly, hooking an arm under her right leg and lifting it as he entered her. His cock filled her, spreading the walls of her channel to the brink of tearing. Thankfully, he’d more than prepared her. Her wet pussy still managed to grip his shaft, demanding that he stay rooted in her.

  “Ti amo—I love you.” As the words fell from his lips Francy felt her very soul, her essence reaching out to meet his. The beast and the man answered her mystical search, merging with her on all planes of existence, binding them even more than the claiming had.

  Dante’s lips captured hers as their merged magik set out, caressing them in places they never dreamed could be reached and leaving them both so close to coming that they shared a moan a second before they shared an orgasm. His hot seed filled her quickly. Being connected to him caused Francy to experience what he did. She knew how her pussy felt around his thick, long cock and she knew how good he felt in her.

  His jaw dropped and his eyes swirled with flecks of solid black as a growl tore free of him. Dante moved his hands away from her, leaving the entire weight of his body pressed to her. Riding out her orgasm, she tipped her head and found that his hands had shifted. Long claws and the starts of honey-colored fur hovered above the bed.

  Her heart sped as she considered screaming and bucking him off her. Dante growled again. “Don’t, Francy. Don’t be scared, it makes it harder for me to control the beast. I can smell your fear and it makes me want to pin you to the floor, mount you and fuck that sweet ass until sunrise.”

  “Dante?” she asked, unable to push her fears away.

  He shook his head slightly, his jaw tight and the cords in his neck popping out. “Please, Francy. Don’t be scared. I would never hurt you. I love you.”

  Before she could respond, something pinched deep within her lower abdomen. Drawing in a ragged breath, Francy’s eyes widened. “Dante, something’s wrong.” A strange, fuzzy feeling washed over her. It held a magik she didn’t recognize and it seemed fixated on her womb.

  Dante took a deep breath and a feral smile spread over his face. “You accepted my seed, Francy. The gods blessed us.”

  “The gods blessed…?” It hit her then. Tears welled quickly in the corners of her eyes as she reached out and brought his clawed hands to the sides of her face. Any fear she had of Dante fled and she planted tiny kisses in his palms. “We’re pregnant?”

  “Yes, amore, we are.” His hands shifted back into human form while she held them. Dante stroked her cheeks, wiping away her tears. When his lips found hers, she surrendered herself to his kiss, knowing that he was every bit as happy as she was.


  F rancy picked a handful of strawberries and placed them in her basket before moving forward to the next bed. Dante’s gardens were extensive and spanned the western side of his home. The smell of rosemary, oregano and thyme filled the air around her, invigorating her. She’d awoken hungry and feeling a bit worn. That was to be expected after having spent the night in the arms of her insatiable husband. With the daw
n several hours out, she was hoping to be able to surprise Dante with breakfast when he woke.

  At random times she’d wake to find Dante slipping his cock into her. His excuse had been that he was making up for lost time. In truth, he needed no excuse. She had no problem allowing him to find pleasure in her because she found pleasure with him as well.

  Smoothing down the pale green, ankle-length skirt she wore, Francy couldn’t help but smile as she thought about Dante hiding her undergarments from her. After they showered together, she’d gone to put some on only to find him grinning mischievously. After twenty minutes of searching his mansion she gave up and slept next to him naked.

  Francy ran her hand over her bare midriff, trying to imagine what her stomach would look like in several months. As she stared down at the cropped white vest that she wore, she knew it would be a thing of the past very soon. Already, it barely contained her breasts, coming just shy of showing her nipples to the world.

  Something rustled in the trees surrounding the gardens, catching her attention and leaving an odd sensation prickling over skin. The hair on the back of her neck rose and her gut told her to get back to the house. Back to Dante. There was still an hour before sunrise and she knew better than to wander to the edges of the property but the lure of making him breakfast had been too great to pass up.

  Turning to rush back to the house, Francy found herself standing face-to-face with the one person she never dreamt to run into at Dante’s—her now ex-fiancé.


  “Surprise,” he said, his French accent thick. That was never a good thing. It usually meant that he was upset about something. “I thought you might be lonely, coming up to stay at your parents’ cottage all by yourself, so I decided to join you.”

  Francy watched him closely. Something was very off with him. His normally blue eyes were as dark as the sky surrounding them and his ear-length chestnut brown hair was disheveled. Ivon was normally one who appeared together at all times. This was different.

  Ivon glanced back towards Dante’s house and nodded his head. “Hmm, it is so much bigger than you described it, Francy.”

  “That’s because it’s not my parents’ cottage. The cottage is down that trail that leads through the woods,” she said, knowing that she had to tell him the truth. She’d mated with another man and was now Dante’s wife. Not to mention that she was pregnant with his child.

  “You are a long way from it, Francy.” Ivon took a step towards her. His all-black ensemble added to the menacing air about him. He’d never intimidated her before. Why now? “Care to tell me why you’re on Dante Guerrasio’s property and why you wear his scent?”

  “You know Dante?”

  The smile that covered Ivon’s face scared her. “Oh, he and I go way back. I am surprised that he has not told you all about his first love.”

  Francy drew in a sharp breath. First love? Ivon moved towards her with a speed he shouldn’t possess, even for someone with his powers. He was standing before her in the blink of an eye. He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “Did he forget to mention that to you before he fucked you? That is what he did, is it not? Did he fuck you, Francy?”

  She tried to back up but Ivon slid his hand behind her and cupped her neck. “Ivon…”

  “Answer me, Francy. Did he fuck you?” He tipped his head down, centering his gaze on her. “Did you open yourself to him, knowing you told me that you would spend eternity with me?”

  “You don’t understand. Dante had already started the mating process before I met you.” She pleaded with her eyes. “I didn’t know.”

  “Mating process?” Ivon’s eyes narrowed. “Are you telling me that you are his true mate?” A sick-looking smile crept over him slowly, making Francy’s stomach clench.

  She didn’t answer. It turned out she didn’t have to. Ivon laughed, the sound made her skin crawl and confused her even more. “Ah, this is so fitting. He had an affair with my true mate, leaving me no choice but to kill her to avoid the shame it would bring me to claim her and now I have spent five years paying him back—fucking his true mate, making her scream out my name and beg me for more.”

  “Get away from her,” Dante said, his voice hard.

  Francy tried to look behind her to see Dante but Ivon refused to ease his hold on her neck. He glanced over her shoulder and seemed to take great pride in the situation. “I came expecting to find Francy fucking some ex-lover, a human even. Never in my wildest dreams did I suspect she would be fucking you.” He licked his lower lip. “Tell me, Dante. Did you ever dream that it was me she has been fucking for five years? That it was me that she agreed to wed?”

  Dante growled, the sound so loud that it vibrated through Francy. Ivon made a move to go at Dante but Francy put her hands up quickly and pressed them to his chest. “I need to talk to you, Ivon.” She glanced at the ground. “I can’t…”

  “You wish to tell me what I have already figured out, Francy.” He reached down and cupped her sex, taking her by surprise. “You let him cram his dick in you. You let him fill you full of his animal seed and you let him mark you as his.”

  “Ivon, what in the hell is wrong with you?” she asked, doing her best to understand his complete personality turnaround. “This doesn’t sound like you. Where’s the man who spent countless nights making me laugh as he spun me around our kitchen to old swing music? Where’s the man who whispered sweet nothings in French every chance he got?”

  A low jealous growl emanated from Dante. Guilt consumed her as she glanced at her mate.

  “The second you gave yourself to that animal you killed that part of me, Francy.” He pulled her to him and stared down at her. “Denounce his claim on you and come home with me now. I swear to you that I will make his death quick and painless if you do.”

  Death? Quick and painless?

  Francy fought down the sick feeling in her stomach and shook her head. “Ivon, you can’t hurt Dante. It was his right to finish the mating ritual. And he couldn’t have done it if I didn’t want it to happen. I didn’t plan on it, on him, but I can tell you that I refuse to regret it or wish it away.” She stood tall, not wanting to show how very afraid of him she now was. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. That was never my intent.”

  Ivon laughed. “Please, Francy. Do not tell me that you believe his bedroom lies. He promised Edeline the world, his eternal love and protection. He followed through on none of those.”

  “Edeline?” she asked, doing her best to keep up with it all.

  Ivon traced the outline of her nipple while he pressed his mouth to her ear and she shuddered with disgust. “She was to be my mate until she allowed that filthy beast to enter her. Tell me, how does it make you feel knowing that he loved someone before you came along? That he wanted to spend his life with her?”

  As hard as Francy tried to fight it, her jealous streak kicked into full gear.

  He lies, Francy, Dante’s voice boomed through her head. She came to me, scared of him, seeking refuge. I offered her that but nothing more. I swear to you. It was never sexual between us, Francy. Never. You are the only woman I’ve loved, Francy. You know that’s true.

  She rolled her eyes. Ivon may not be acting like himself at the moment, but he would never lie to me.

  Really? Then did he tell you that he’s one of the heads of the Dark Council?

  The Dark Council was evil through and through. Thoughts of her five years with Ivon flooded her mind. All the nights that he had to leave on sudden business trips, all the times that he would call and cancel plans, all the times he’d hold her close as if hiding her when around his friends—it all made sense. Had he used black magik on her to make her want him? Was that why she’d felt the odd pull to him?

  Before Francy could question Ivon about it, he was dipping his head down and sniffing her stomach. He hissed, flashing fang as he went. “You carry the animal’s child.”

  He seized hold of her quickly, lifted her off her feet and glared at her through
fully shifted vampire eyes. “Edeline, how dare you do this to me? You know who I am. You know my position on the council yet you seek to embarrass me by running to that…that thing for help. Why? Because you could not handle the truth about me?”

  What? Ivon had gone mad. She wasn’t Edeline.

  “I’m not… Ivon, please.”

  He sneered. “Beg for your life and that of the child you now carry. I want to hear it passing over your lips as I teach you once and for all that if you do not belong to me then you belong to no one.”

  “Ivon,” Francy clutched onto his arm in an attempt to ease the pressure on her throat, “You’re hurting me—Francy, not Edeline.”

  Ivon laughed deeply. “Can you not sense her around you, Francy? It is what first drew me to you. She is your guide, your protector from the other side—a gift from the gods. I should have known that he was your mate. Edeline would tell me again and again how sorry she felt for him, not having a true mate, not knowing real love. I should have known that she was standing by your side, protecting you, guiding you to him. Her heart literally bled for him in the end. As will yours.”

  Francy clutched tighter to his arm as she stared into his hate-filled eyes. “Ivon, don’t do this. I can feel your pain. You’re letting the demon within you make decisions for you.” A breeze kicked up from out of nowhere. It surrounded her, lifting her hair and whispering without words. The sudden knowledge of who it was, Edeline, and what she was saying hit her. She gasped and agreed to what Edeline wanted. Closing her eyes, Francy allowed the presence to enter her.

  When she opened her mouth to speak, it wasn’t her voice that came out. “Ivon.”

  He stilled, no doubt shocked by the sound of Edeline’s voice.

  “You misdirect your rage. It was not you that I ran from, scared for my life and that of our child. It was the demon you carry within you.”

  Ivon’s brow furrowed, his dark gaze seeming to search Francy for answers she could only pray she had. “Edeline? A child?”


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