Home > Romance > MARRIED TO MY MASTER > Page 57

by Nicole Fox

  He leaned over me, and without hesitation, kissed me. I kissed him back, letting my lips part and his tongue explore me without any of the baggage that had come with our interactions this far. I wanted him. He wanted me. That was out in the open and clear. There was just—

  “What about Rodent?” I had to ask the question. I knew that if he hadn’t been handled, he would just continue to be a hindrance—he would keep on trying to hurt us. There was nothing left of the Rodent that I might have loved in the past, and I wasn’t going to cling to the idea of hoping for that.

  Grizzly shook his head. “He won’t be bothering us, or anyone else, for that matter every again.”

  I didn’t need to ask him what he meant by that, or to clarify. I simply nodded, and pulled him back to me.

  “Keep kissing me, then. I’m going to cash in on these for a long, long time.”


  I stayed in the hospital for a few days after that. The doctor wanted to make sure that it was safe for me to be up and about before signing me out and giving me the go ahead. Though I didn’t really like staying in a hospital, I wasn’t about to complain about it; it was what was best for my baby, and therefore I would do it.

  I had a lot of visitors during those few days, though. There seemed to be a round-the-clock supply of Butchers coming in. I got flowers, cards, little plushies, and, most of all, I got congratulations on the baby. Grizzly apparently hadn’t been able to contain his enthusiasm about the fact that we were going to have a baby, and I honestly couldn’t and didn’t blame him for this. With all of the stress from everything else lifted from me, I was finally able to be happy about the prospect of being a mother, as well.

  I was so ready when Grizzly came and picked me up on my third day in the hospital. I was ready for a decent shower and sleep in a decent bed—Grizzly’s, to be exact. I didn’t want to spend my time in that room beside his anymore when I could be cuddled and snuggled up nice and tight to him.

  He wrapped me in his arms when he saw me. I hugged him back fiercely.

  “You ready to go home?” he asked. I loved the way he said home.

  “Yeah. Been ready.”

  In the three days I had been in the hospital, the boys had moved all the things from my apartment back to the clubhouse. I had given Grizzly the go-ahead, and was more than happy to never go back there and see that apartment again. It had only served to be a reminder of what I was losing rather than a symbol of what I was gaining. I found that in the clubhouse.

  Grizzly called a cab, and as I sat in the back of it with him on the way to the clubhouse, I leaned against him.

  “I’m glad this is all over,” I said. “I’m glad we can finally get a little bit back to normal.”

  He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  “Me too. I can’t wait to take you home and know that you’re staying with me.”

  He leaned down further and kissed me properly. We’d been doing a lot of that in the last few days when he would come and visit me. We had been insatiable before, but that had been with the cloud of everything going on hanging grayly over us.

  And, if I was being perfectly honest, pregnancy hormones apparently made me very, very horny.

  My hand slid along his face and I pulled him closer. His hand rested on my thigh, his nails digging into my skin. I craved his touch more than anything. His hand slid up further and further, cupping me through my shorts as we made out in the back of the cab—

  “Hey, we’re here, if the two of you could not do that in the back of my cab, thanks.”

  We pulled away, a little breathless, but hardly embarrassed. Grizzly made up for it to the cabbie by giving him a little extra on his tip. The cabbie thanked him for his generosity and ushered us away. Grizzly took my hand as he led me up to the front of the clubhouse, and I readily squeezed back. I was still warm between my thighs and I ached a little, but my attention was taken away from my arousal as soon as the clubhouse doors opened.

  “Welcome back!”

  Every Butcher and club girl was in the front of the clubhouse, smiling and waving at the two of us as we walked in. The whole area had been decorated with streamers and balloons. A giant banner read: WELCOME BACK, ANA, and there was another strung up too that said CONGRATULATIONS, ANA AND GRIZZLY that was colored in pink and blue—celebrating the news of our baby.

  I smiled up at Grizzly. “Did you plan all of this?” I asked him.

  He grinned sheepishly. “I had a bit of help. Candy and Kid did a lot of the real work. I don’t know shit about decorating for parties.”

  I laughed, and was ushered through to be greeted by everyone. There were presents stacked up on the pool table, and a full buffet of food, even. I shook my head.

  “You guys went way, way out there just for me coming back,” I said. “Thank you ... This ... this means so much to me.” I started to tear up, almost overwhelmed by how much love there was with all of these people. I loved them. They loved me. I loved Grizzly—and he wrapped around me from behind as I got hugs from everyone else, them telling me how happy they were to see me and how glad they were to hear that I was doing all right and okay.

  From there, we ate. I was starving from eating just nasty hospital food the last three days, and there was always amazing food to be had at the Butcher’s clubhouse. I practically stuffed myself to the gills and more.

  “You already trying to pull the eating for two card, Ana?” Grizzly teased me as I chowed down on what might have been my second (or third) plate of wings. What could I say, I was hungry!

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “You’re one to talk, Griz, with your mountain of food over there.” I nodded to his plate, which was far more loaded up than mine.

  The night progressed and we got through eating and opening presents. A lot of them were baby related and I was surprised that people were already thinking about such a thing (and the fact that Candy was insisting that I would get a ‘real’ baby shower the closer that it got to my due date.)

  Eventually, Grizzly and I managed to break away and head upstairs. There were wolf whistles and cat calls and yells of FINALLY that had me laughing to myself.

  “I guess they were tired of waiting for this to finally be a thing, officially, huh?”

  “Oh? Is that you saying we’re official now?” he asked, wiggling his brows at me.

  “That’s me definitely saying that we’re official now.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  He took us to his—our—room. It had my things in it, not sorted yet, but that didn’t really matter to me. Grizzly pulled me into his arms and kissed me again like he had in the cab. I practically melted into his arms and wrapped around him, nuzzling against him.

  “Shower with me?” I asked him softly.


  There wasn’t the same kind of urgency as before, and I think that’s because we actually knew where we stood with each other now. It definitely helped, I’d say that. There wasn’t the urgency, but it didn’t change how badly I wanted him.

  I tugged him gently into the adjacent bathroom that was in the bedroom. Slowly, I undressed him. Kutte. Shirt. I kissed his bare chest and where his tattoos were on each of his pecs as I undid his belt and then the fastenings on his pants. He tilted my head up to kiss me as we both worked his pants down and he kicked them off. I took him in my hand. He groaned softly against me and only nudged me away so that he could pull my shirt off and then undo my bra. He leaned down and kissed my shoulder while I worked off my shorts, letting me be as naked as me was.

  We stood there, kissing and exploring each other’s bodies. His fingers brushed over my shoulders, my breasts, and nipples. He eventually came to my belly where he caressed just as softly and reverently.

  “I can’t wait to have this baby with you, Ana,” he said. “I fucking love you.”

  “I love you too, Griz.”

  It was the first time that either of us had said this to each other, and I was glad that it had waited until this pure
moment where the both of us were so sure of what we wanted from the other and we had no regrets and no hesitations moving forward. There was no fanfare, no overtly romantic set up ... Just the truth.

  I loved that.

  I pressed against him, kissing him some more before I pulled him back, drawing him to the shower. I only broke away from him to turn the water on and get it hot before I pulled him in.

  I wanted to let this moment prolong itself a little. I continued to kiss him, palming his already hard cock. I wanted to show him with my body what I already had with words and when I knew he was at his hardest, I lowered myself down to my knees for him.


  “Let me.”

  I looked up at him from between his legs. This was what I wanted. I was choosing this. I think he could see that in my eyes and he nodded with his lip bitten, putting his hand in my hair to guide my face to his cock.

  I started at the tip, licking at it sensually. I toyed with the slit and enjoyed the way the sensation made him gasp before I wrapped my lips around him. He was thick, and big, and I had to work a little to get him into my mouth, but I was rewarded with a little buck of his hips at how enthusiastic he was about it. I looked up at him through my lashes as I took him in my mouth and down my throat, starting to bob on him. I loved the way that his face screwed up a little at the motions of my mouth and how his fingers tightened in my hair.

  “Just like that ... Ana ... you’re so good.”

  The praise made me close my eyes and enjoy this even more—the weight of him in my mouth, the length and girth, and more importantly, how much he enjoyed it. I didn’t rush. We had all the time in the world and I savored his cock. And when he released, I stayed on him until he was finished, swallowing him all the way down.

  When I stood up, he wrapped around me, nuzzling into my hair. The water flowed down and around our bodies and the sound of it hitting the porcelain drowned out anything else that might have been going on downstairs for the remainder of the party. After a moment, Grizzly pulled away from me.

  “I’m going to wash you.”

  I turned around for him, propping myself against the shower while his hands roamed over my body, drawing sweet-smelling suds against it.

  “You brought my favorite body wash,” I said with a small smile.

  “I thought you’d like it.”

  “I do.”

  His hands were tender and loving on me as he moved them over me. He teased a little when he got between my thighs, making me buck my hips against him a little.

  “Soon,” he promised.

  The anticipation, I think, was what made the moment so wonderfully intimate. There wasn’t anything hurried in him washing me—he even took to working shampoo and conditioner through my hair. When he was done, I returned the favor.

  We kissed while we rinsed. It took longer because we just couldn’t stop. We didn’t even turn the shower off when we stepped out. It just kept running as he kissed me while he backed me up all the way out of the bathroom and onto the bed.

  “I love you,” he whispered to me, letting his hands roam all over my slick, wet body. I tugged a little playfully at his lip, drawing him closer and closer to me.

  “I love you too, Griz.”

  He palmed over my breasts, making me arch. They were so sensitive now, and a little bigger. Under the right man’s touch, I panted and writhed; I was always dripping wet just from the touches alone.

  Lower, lower, his hands wondered, never rough and never going fast. He slid his fingers over my wet slit, but didn’t enter me.

  “Is this okay?” he asked me, not knowing for certain if he could. “Will it hurt?”

  “It’s fine, and it won’t hurt me,” I assured him. “We’ll go slow ... But I want you.”

  That was all the permission that I needed to give him. His fingers entered me slowly. I shuddered and gasped at how tender and intimate it was.

  Grizzly took his time opening me up. He let his finger slide in and out of me easily before adding another, and then another, until I was soaking around him. He kissed me while he played gently with my clit, making me buck softly against him. When I didn’t think that I could take any more of this being drawn out, I breathed out to him.

  “I want you inside me, Griz. Please.”

  I took a little more time to open me, and I let him—I didn’t want him nervous while he loved me with his body, I just wanted the both of us to feel good. Better than good. When he was certain that I was ready to take him, he pulled away and situated himself between my legs gently, nudging the head of his cock at my opening.

  “Ready?” he asked one last time, just to be sure.


  He pressed into me, slow. Easy. I let my knees come up to his sides and wrap around the lower portion of his back to accommodate him. My hands went to his shoulders, holding him.

  “I love you, Grizzly.”

  “I love you too, Ana.”

  He kissed me then and began the languid movements of his hips. His cock slid in and out of me sweetly, tenderly, and I didn’t do anything to make him go at me harder or faster. This, right now? It was perfect. I felt the love flowing from him.

  “Perfect,” I muttered. “So perfect. So good.”

  He groaned against my mouth as we made love, before settling his mouth at my throat to kiss and nibble on a little. I whined so sweetly and gently for him, I didn’t know if the sounds were even my own—but they certainly didn’t belong to anyone else but Grizzly.

  “Don’t stop,” I sighed out. “Don’t stop—”

  And he didn’t.

  Epilogue Grizzly

  It was a few months after getting Ana back that we welcomed our little bear cub into our lives.

  Her pregnancy was easy—something that shocked and pleased me greatly—but bringing Cub into the world was a near nightmare. He stayed in there a little longer, and his delivery took almost three whole days to get through. I was worried for Ana. Worried for the little tyke. Just goddamn plain worried.

  I stood by her side through the hours of pain. The hours of wondering if she would need a cesarean. The hours of worrying that one or both of them wouldn’t make it out of this miracle of life alive.

  The only thing that was better than holding my bloody, messy, baby boy in my arms after Ana delivered him was the pure joy that was etched across Ana’s face at seeing the two of us standing there with her.

  “My boys ...” she muttered out. “My boys ...”

  Cub was a good baby. He barely cried and screamed. Hell, I didn’t even mind changing his diapers. I just loved being a father. This little boy, this thing that I could just hold practically in one hand, I had made that with the love of my life, and I would raise and take care of him for the rest of his.

  There was nothing better than this.

  I sat on the front porch of the clubhouse about a month after Cub was born (technically we named him Aaron, after me, my real name, but I was more fond of him being my little bear cub anyway), watching Kid trying to fix his bike while Ana pushed Cub on the little baby swing that I had put up on the tree out front. Candy was there, talking with her. I liked that they were friends; Candy could be a damn airhead, but like she always said—she was the smartest ditsy blonde around.

  A smile crested over my face as Ana tossed her head back and laughed at something that Candy said. She moved out of the way, letting Candy take a turn at pushing Cub gently in the baby swing. He kicked his little fat legs, like he knew how to swing at all. It warmed my heart, seeing him like that. It warmed it more knowing that there had been so many circumstances that had been overcome just to get me to this place.

  “Hey, Griz,” Kid called over. I looked up, taking my attention away.

  “If you broke that bike, you’re gonna figure out how to fix it on your own,” I told him. “You gotta learn someday.”

  “Huh? What? No, not what I’m calling you over for,” he said, exasperated. I raised a brow and stood when he gestur
ed over to me.

  “What?” I asked. “Do you want?”

  “So, uh.” He looked around a little sheepishly. He glanced over his shoulder, over to where Candy and Ana were talking. I had a feeling I knew where this was going, and already had an answer.

  “I know the two of you are boning,” I said with a shrug.

  He looked surprised. “Huh?! What?! When? How?”

  “You’re so fucking obvious, it’s embarrassing, Kid,” I said. I laughed at him. “You don’t need my permission, just know that if you fuck up, it’s not gonna be me that you have to worry about. Ana and Candy are thick as thieves now that Ana’s back.”


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