Pauper's Gold

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Pauper's Gold Page 33

by Margaret Dickinson

  As they walked home, hand in hand, Adam still had not said the words Hannah wanted to hear.

  Three weeks later, Adam came into the workroom and, not caring now who saw them together, he walked straight up to Hannah at her machine.

  ‘He’s coming home. He’ll be back here next week. I’ve had a letter. Roper’s written to tell him about us. He’s so angry, threatening, well, all sorts.’

  ‘To throw us both out, you mean?’

  Adam avoided her gaze. ‘Well, sort of, but worse.’

  ‘Worse? What do you mean – worse?’

  ‘Look, we can’t talk here. Come up to the office as soon as you can. I’ll wait for you there. We’ll have to decide what to do.’

  Without waiting for her reply, he turned and walked away, his shoulders hunched, a look of desperation on his face.

  As soon as she could, Hannah left her work and hurried after him. As she moved through the long room Daniel stepped out in front of her. ‘Trouble in paradise, is there? He went out of here looking as if the world was going to end.’

  ‘Maybe it is,’ Hannah said tartly. ‘His world anyway.’

  She side-stepped around him and would have hurried away, but Daniel caught hold of her arm. ‘Be careful, Hannah. I mean it. Just be very careful what you’re doing.’ For the first time, there was genuine anxiety in his eyes. ‘They’re powerful people. They’ll stop at nothing.’

  Hannah nodded. ‘I know,’ she said huskily, touched by his concern. ‘But you see, Daniel, there’s nothing they can do to hurt me. Not now. Not any more.’

  Roper was not in the outer office, and as Hannah opened the door to the inner room, she saw Adam sitting at the desk, his head in his hands.

  At the sound of her entrance he looked up. ‘Oh, Anna, what are we to do? What are we to do?’

  Hannah bit her lip. She didn’t want to be the one to suggest it. She wanted the words to come from him.

  He rose and came round the desk to her, taking her in his arms and burying his face against her neck. ‘I love you, Hannah. I love you so much. I can’t bear to lose you. And once my father comes home, that’s what will happen. He . . . he’s threatening to have you arrested.’

  ‘Arrested? Whatever for? On what charge?’

  ‘I . . . I don’t know. But he’ll think of something. He always does. And . . . and he has friends who’ll help him.’

  I could have told you that, she thought bitterly, but aloud she said, ‘Then I must leave, straight away.’

  ‘No,’ he clasped her to him as if he would prevent her physically from walking away from him. ‘I won’t let you go. We . . . we’ll get married. Now. Right away. Before he comes home. Then there won’t be a thing he can do about it.’

  Hannah was triumphant. She put her arms about him and pressed herself to his chest, hiding her face so that he should not read her feelings showing clearly on her face. ‘Are you sure?’ she whispered, injecting into her tone all the trembling delight and yet at the same time uncertainty that she could muster. ‘You said yourself he’s a powerful man.’

  ‘When he’s got used to the idea, when he’s had time to meet you, to get to know you, he’ll love you too. I know he will.’

  Hannah said nothing.

  ‘If only my grandfather was still alive,’ Adam went on. ‘He’d’ve been on my side. In his eyes, I could do no wrong.’

  Hannah said nothing. Though Nathaniel had not been quite so bad as his son, Edmund, she had vowed to hate all Critchlows. With a vengeance.

  It was all arranged with such speed that Hannah wondered inwardly at the legality of it all.

  ‘We’ve to go to a place in Yorkshire.’ Adam grinned boyishly. ‘It’s like a local Gretna Green. No questions asked. It’ll be quite a journey and we’ll have to stay there for a while. In separate rooms until we’re married,’ he added hastily, in case she was thinking he meant to seduce her and then not go through with the marriage. ‘Can you be ready tomorrow morning? We’ll leave early.’

  Hannah’s eyes shone, not with the happiness as Adam saw it, but with victory. ‘Oh yes,’ she said. ‘I can be ready.’

  ‘I’ll be leaving tomorrow, Mrs Grundy. I just want to thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. I know it hasn’t been easy for you especially . . . especially because you think I’ve been unfair to Ted.’

  ‘I do,’ Lily said shortly. ‘Anyway, that’s as maybe. Least said, soonest mended, I suppose.’ She eyed Hannah. ‘So your fancy plans didn’t work out then? You’re going back home, are yer? Back to Macclesfield?’

  Hannah shook her head. ‘No,’ she said quietly. ‘I’m going away with Adam Critchlow. We’re going to be married.’


  They returned to Millersbrook Manor hand in hand to face Adam’s father like two naughty school children caught stealing apples. But their sin was far greater than taking fruit from a neighbour’s orchard.

  ‘He’ll be home by now,’ Adam said as they walked down the hill and through the dale. ‘He’ll know.’

  ‘Know what?’

  ‘That we’re married.’

  Hannah’s eyes widened. She had achieved what she’d schemed for, yet now that the moment had come to face Mr Edmund, her resolve almost failed her. She was still afraid, deep down, that he had the power to hurt her.

  And her fear was mirrored in Adam’s face.

  It was almost dusk as they passed the Grundys’ farm. Hannah was thankful that there was no one about; the last people she wanted to see at that moment were either of the Grundys or, worse still, Ted.

  They climbed the steep hill through the village until they came to the driveway leading to the big house perched on top of the cliff overlooking the river flowing through the dale below.

  ‘Well, here we are.’ Adam turned to her and, forcing a lightness into his tone that she knew he wasn’t feeling, he said, ‘I suppose I ought to carry you over the threshold.’

  Hannah laughed weakly. ‘I don’t think you’d better.’

  ‘Oh, what the hell . . . ?’ He dropped their bags to the ground and swung her into his arms. ‘You pull the bell.’

  They waited for what seemed an age, feeling rather foolish, until the heavy front door swung open and the Critchlows’ butler stood there. For once, even the straight-faced manservant couldn’t hide his surprise.

  ‘Master Adam and . . . and . . .’ he faltered not knowing how to refer to the girl being carried by the young master.

  ‘And Mrs Anna Critchlow,’ Adam said as he walked into the house and deposited Hannah on the floor. Ignoring the manservant’s presence, Adam bent and kissed her. ‘Welcome home, Mrs Critchlow.’

  The butler coughed discreetly. ‘The master is in the library, Master Adam. I . . . er . . . think he would want to see you straight away.’

  Adam took hold of Hannah’s hand. ‘Come on, let’s get it over with then.’ He crossed the hall, pulling her along with him. Her heart was thumping painfully as he opened the door and they entered the room.

  Edmund Critchlow was standing in front of the fireplace. Tall and broad, just as she remembered him. Yet, as she drew closer, she could see that there were noticeable differences even in the three and a half years since she’d last seen him. His dark hair was now flecked with white. His undeniably handsome face was florid, his skin blotchy. The excesses of the life he lived were beginning to take their toll and show on his features. But his eyes were just the same: hard and cruel and vindictive.

  He scarcely glanced at Hannah and she kept her head lowered in submissive meekness. She left the talking – such as he was given chance to do – to Adam.

  ‘You can pack your bags and be gone from this house.’


  ‘You are a disgrace to the name of Critchlow. I never want to see you or this . . . this slut again.’

  ‘She’s no slut, she’s—’

  ‘Then pray tell me – who is she? Where does she come from and who are her family?’

  The qu
estions were genuine. He didn’t know who she was – not yet. Hannah thought fleetingly of Josiah Roper. Whatever game of his own he was playing was certainly working to her advantage at the moment. He had not revealed her identity.

  Adam faced his father squarely. ‘She’s the girl I love. She’s my wife.’

  Edmund stared for a moment, then threw back his head and laughed a loud, cruel sound. ‘Ha! You silly young cub, you don’t have to marry ’em just because you get ’em with child. If I’d married every one of them, I’d have a veritable harem.’ He eyed Adam keenly. ‘You mean you’ve actually been through a ceremony with her?’

  Adam ran his tongue around his dry lips. ‘Yes, a week ago. And – since you brought the subject up – she is not expecting my child. We . . . we didn’t lie together until after the marriage.’

  Now Edmund stared at his son in disbelief. ‘Then, boy, you are more of a milksop and a fool than even I thought you. Love ’em and leave ’em. That should be your motto. Far safer.’

  Listening, Hannah was seething. She could scarcely contain her rage. All the years of bitterness and resentment, the years of hatred, welled up inside her. But now was not the time. She must wait. Whatever it cost her not to speak up right this minute, she must hold her tongue. This was only the beginning.

  Edmund was pacing the hearth in front of the roaring fire in the huge grate. ‘What am I to do with you, boy? Thank God your grandfather is not alive to see this day. It would have broken his heart. He lived only to see the mill pass down the generations. How could you do this to his memory, Adam? How could you do it to me? Everything I hold dear is wrapped up in this mill and in you. I have worked and schemed to pass on a great inheritance to you. And this!’ He flung his arm out towards Hannah. ‘This is how you repay me.’

  ‘Father, I—’

  Edmund held up his hand, palm outwards. ‘Not another word, boy. Go to your room. I’ll talk to you later – when I have decided what to do.’

  Adam stood his ground. ‘There’s nothing to decide. I’ve thought it all out. I know exactly what I’m doing.’

  ‘I don’t think so—’ Edmund began nastily, but Adam interrupted with surprising calm.

  ‘I am your only legitimate son and heir.’ The accent on the word legitimate startled Hannah. So, Adam knew about his father’s philandering. A spark of anger ignited against her new husband. But then, she realized, what could a young man do against his own father? At least, Adam appeared determined not to follow in his sire’s footsteps. That was a point in his favour. She listened now as he went on. ‘If you wish us to leave, then so be it. But I hope you will reconsider. If you don’t want us to live here – in this house – then we can move into the apprentice house. We can no doubt take in lodgers as well as work at the mill. That is – if we still have jobs at the mill.’

  Edmund’s only answer was a grunt as he still paced up and down the hearth. At last he said, ‘Go. Get out of my sight. Leave me to think.’

  ‘But if you’d only talk to Anna – get to know her.’

  ‘I have no wish to get to know her. Go, Adam, just go.’

  They went up to Adam’s room to wait whilst their fate was decided.

  ‘He’ll come around,’ Adam said confidently as he closed the bedroom door behind them and took her in his arms. ‘It’s just a shock for him, that’s all.’

  Hannah hugged him in return and buried her head against his shoulder. She was experiencing a strange, unexpected tumult of emotions. She’d achieved her goal – or almost. Edmund was beside himself with rage, and he’d be devastated when, to cap everything, he found out who she really was. She’d have achieved it all then. But revenge didn’t taste as sweet as she’d anticipated.

  She’d reckoned without Adam. He’d been but a pawn in her dangerous game. She’d not spared a thought for him. And she’d believed herself immune to any feelings of sympathy for him.

  But as she’d watched him stand up to his formidable father, she realized that he was indeed prepared to give up everything for his love for her. The realization humbled her. And suddenly, without warning, she felt an overwhelming affection for him. She hugged him harder. He chuckled softly. ‘Hey, what’s this?’ he asked, surprised but delighted.

  She raised her face to look up at him and there were tears in her eyes.

  ‘Oh, Anna, don’t cry.’ Gently, he smoothed away her tears with his forefinger. ‘Please don’t cry. It’ll be all right.’

  ‘Oh, Adam, I’m sorry – I’m so sorry if I’ve hurt you, I didn’t mean that to happen. Please – believe me . . .’ He couldn’t know the full meaning behind her gabbled words as he kissed her gently. His kisses became more urgent and he had begun to draw her towards the bed when a knock came at the door.

  With a click of impatience he released her and opened the door. The manservant stood there. ‘Mrs Childs wonders if you’d like something to eat, master Adam. You and . . . er . . . Mrs Critchlow.’

  Adam beamed at him – more because of the butler’s acknowledgement of Anna as his wife than for the food he was offering. ‘Thank you, Beamish, that’d be wonderful.’

  The man, though always conscious of his position, leaned forward and smiled conspiratorially. ‘I expect you’d prefer a tray up here, sir?’

  ‘Thank you, Beamish. That’s most thoughtful of you.’

  The hours passed. They ate, made love and slept wrapped in each other’s arms in the bed that had been Adam’s since boyhood.

  It was only now that she was here in his home that Hannah realized just how little she knew of the man she’d married. Apart from the fact that he had been away at school when she had lived here before, she knew nothing about his life. She had believed he would be another Critchlow: selfish, self-centred and with a cruel steak.

  She was beginning to see that the truth might be very different.

  Night came and there was still no summons from Edmund. A light supper was brought to them on a tray and a maid brought hot water to their room. At midnight they climbed into bed but now sleep eluded them and they both lay awake staring into the darkness and listening to the creaking of the old house. They fell into a restless sleep in the early hours and woke late to a knock on the door.

  ‘Breakfast is served in the dining room, sir, and the master asks that you both should join him.’

  ‘Right, Beamish, thank you.’

  ‘Very good, sir. The maid will bring hot water for you both in a moment.’ The butler gave a little bow and Adam closed the door and turned towards Hannah, who was still lying in the bed.

  ‘There! You see? I was right. He wants us to join him for breakfast. He’s coming round. I said he would. Come on, darling. Let’s get dressed quickly and go down.’

  ‘Oh, Adam, you go. I . . . I can’t face him.’

  Her reluctance was genuine, though Adam couldn’t know the real reason. He thought she was just afraid of his father’s temper, whilst the truth was that she was feeling the first stirrings of regret that she’d ever entered upon such a game of revenge. She certainly wished she’d not involved Adam. She wished now that she’d found some other way.

  ‘Oh, please come down, Anna. We must face him together. I’ll be with you. I won’t leave you alone with him, I promise.’ His face was so boyishly appealing that she couldn’t hold out against him any longer. All her resolve, all her single-minded desire for revenge was melting away beneath Adam’s charm and his genuine love for her.

  What have I done? she asked herself silently. Oh, what have I done? But it was too late now – she had to carry on. As they descended the stairs hand in hand a few minutes later, she found herself praying the very opposite to what she had planned and schemed for weeks and months.

  She was now hoping that Edmund Critchlow would not recognize her.


  He was sitting at the end of the long table. When they entered the dining room, he waved them to their places, one on either side of him. There was no welcoming smile. He didn’t speak, not even to
wish them good morning.

  For him, Hannah knew, it was anything but a good morning.

  The three of them ate in silence, though Hannah could hardly be said to be eating. She picked at the food set before her by a solicitous Beamish and kept her eyes downcast.

  As the meal came to an end, Edmund rose and spoke for the first time. ‘Adam, you will oblige me by joining me in my study.’ As they both made to rise from the table and follow him, Edmund barked, ‘Not you. I wish to speak to my son alone.’

  Hannah sank back into her chair as Edmund marched from the room. Adam came around the table to kiss her. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll stand up to him.’

  She touched his hand and smiled weakly at him. ‘Good luck,’ she whispered, and was surprised to find that she really meant it.

  When the study door across the hall closed, Hannah went back upstairs to Adam’s bedroom. She couldn’t think of it as ‘theirs’ for she doubted it ever would be. Sitting on the window seat overlooking the steep drop down the cliff to the river below, Hannah leaned her forehead against the cool pane and sighed. They’d all tried to warn her: Auntie Bessie, Nell, the Grundys, Ted – even Daniel. But she hadn’t listened. She’d been hell-bent on avenging the innocent life that Edmund had taken. She lifted her eyes and looked up above the river to the hillside opposite. She could see the narrow path that she and Luke had walked. And in her fanciful imagination, she could see herself and Luke – two youngsters walking along the path on a bright, sunlit day, hand in hand. So young, so innocent, so in love. A cloud hid the sun and the vision faded. She could no longer recall Luke’s face clearly nor hear his voice in her head. Her memories of him were no longer so vivid. A tiny corner of her heart would always belong to him – her first love. But now, there was someone else who was pushing his way into her heart and her mind. Adam.

  She chewed on her lip, wondering what was happening in the study. Had Edmund recognized her? Was he, at this very minute, telling Adam just who she was? And if so, what would Adam’s reaction be? Would he love her still – or hate her?

  It seemed an age before she heard footsteps in the passageway outside. Slowly, Hannah rose to her feet. Her heart was doing painful somersaults inside her chest as the bedroom door opened and Adam came in. He looked pale and drawn, but he was smiling.


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