An Impromptu Adventure

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An Impromptu Adventure Page 2

by Vivienne Cox

  “And you thought kidnapping me would cheer me up?”

  “A change of scenery always makes things brighter, doesn’t it? Besides you saw me and’ seemed inclined to call for the Night Watch, which I really couldn’t be having, now could I?”

  “I knew you had more concerns than my happiness. So we fought and then what happened?”

  “I banged you on the head with the hilt of my sword, then I borrowed the blacksmith’s mule… I don’t think that wretched beast likes me, because he threw you off a couple of times… and brought you back to the Siren.” Cruise opened his arms wide, as if he’d accomplished a stupendous feat.

  “Then my loss of memory comes from the multiple assaults on my head.”

  Alexander winced. “There were a few of them, I’m afraid.”

  “Why didn’t you leave me where you knocked me out?”

  “We’d made a bit of noise at that point. If anyone found you unconscious, they’d start looking for your assailant wouldn’t they? But if they didn’t find you, they wouldn’t know what the noise was about. Aye?”

  Except, of course, Alexander could have fled much quicker without the Admiral’s unconscious body on a resisting mule, but James supposed it was irrational to expect logic from a pirate as addled as Alexander. “And my nakedness?”

  “You were still unconscious, so Mr. Stubbs said you needed to be watched to be sure you recovered. Unfortunately, no one in me fine crew wanted to be responsible. I think they rather wanted your demise. So we put you in here. And I couldn’t have you in my bed with clothes on, could I?”

  “No, of course not.” He waited to see if Alexander would say more, but the pirate merely looked expectantly at him. “Is any of this ridiculous nonsense true?”

  “It’s all true, mate. Promised it on the Siren, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did. And since I upheld my end of my bargain, you are upholding yours?”

  “Yes, and a very nice kiss it was indeed.”

  A bit indignant at that description after all the passion that James had poured into the kiss, he had to ask, “Nice?”

  The expression in Alexander’s brown eyes faded into pleasant memory. “The passion was lovely, truly lovely. I knew there was a man of fire under all that fancy uniform and stiff back.”

  James was unsure if he wanted to pursue this conversation, but ‘nice’ was too unflattering a word to accept without further explanation. Besides, he’d rather hear this pirate’s opinion then embarrass himself with inadequacy in front of the love of his life that he still hoped to find. “But?”

  “Technique, James. You do need to work on your technique.”

  “My technique.”

  “There is a technique for kissin’. It’s like sailin’. It’s all very fine to love the sea and your ship, but y’have to know how to tie a good knot, savvy?”

  Icily, James noted, “My technique was good enough to knock the great Captain Alexander Cruise off the crossbar.”

  “I have to admit, that wasn’t quite your technique. More like surprise that you lived up to your end of the bargain. I don’t expect Admirals to keep their promises to pirates.”

  “And what precisely is wrong with my technique?”

  “Well… hard to describe, exactly. It’s just not quite as good as mine, is it?”

  Feeling goaded by both Alexander’s lack of appreciation for his kiss and faith in an officer of the British navy, James taunted, “So your technique is the best in the world, is it Captain? I couldn’t agree with that assessment, as I don’t know how you kiss, Captain Cruise. You didn’t kiss back.”

  As if waiting for that invitation, Alexander smiled mischievously. “We must remedy that lack then, mustn’t we?” Before James could decide if he wanted to say, ‘No, we mustn’t,’ Alexander tucked his knees on each side of James’ legs on the chair, sinking down to sit on his lap. Brushing his hands through James’ short dark hair, he cupped his head and tilted it to one side, just as he’d done when waiting for James’ kiss.

  And then Alexander kissed James. And ohh… James instantly understood what Alexander had meant about technique and passion. For Alexander Cruise was a captain of kissing, a veritable master of the art. He knew how to use his mouth, how to express passion and encourage reciprocation, how to make James feel desired and desirable.

  With just a kiss. What could he do with the rest of his body?

  James whimpered in his throat, disconcerted to realize he was holding Alexander’s hips, unconsciously thrusting his own at the pirate, hard and wanting, thinking thoughts that should never occur to a respectable man. And not breathing.

  “You gotta stop forgetting t’breathe, mate,” Alexander said fondly as James gasped. “That’s what your very fine nose is for. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’d not been kissed often, James me love.” He tapped the bridge of James’ nose, slid his finger the length and to James’ lips, tracing the top lip as James’ breath softened. Daringly, James flicked his tongue at Alexander’s finger, tasting the salt of his skin.

  “So tell me,” Alexander asked conversationally, “how did a fine man such as yourself escape multiple pillaging?”

  “I’ve been at sea most of my life.” Damnation, had he just unwittingly confirmed Alexander’s suspicion? He should have bluffed, should have pretended that any lack on his part was from the distaste he experienced kissing a pirate. Why did he have to be so honest?

  “So have I.”

  “Not in the British Navy, you haven’t.” Or had he? Pirates didn’t spring full blown from the sea. Where had Alexander learned to sail? The more time he spent with Alexander, the more questions he wanted answered. What had made Alexander such a unique man? How much of his bizarre behavior was real and how much was pretense to fool enemies into underestimating him?

  “And you’re telling me nothing of an illicit nature goes on below decks? I find that a mite hard to believe.”

  In for a penny, in for a pound. Alexander knew the truth now so he might as well discuss it. “Not for officers. Particularly not for officers who intend to be Captain. Sodomy is a hanging offense, in case you weren’t aware.”

  “And you always intended to be a Captain, did you?”

  “Since before I can remember. I knew I wanted to command the first time my father took me to the London docks and I saw my first ship.”

  “So you poured everythin’ into duty, did you? That, my fine James, has been a waste.”

  Incensed at the statement, James rose abruptly, dumping Alexander from his lap. “I don’t consider my life wasted. I have served my country well and with distinction.”

  “You now… you have got to stop being so sensitive. I didn’t say your life was wasted. Your life has been all fine and good I’m sure. But oh…” Alexander reached up to cup one hand over the front of James’s breeches, where the traitorous organ promptly swelled to fill his palm. “That this hasn’t gotten more use… now that is a waste.”

  Chapter 4

  James shuddered and sat back down, stunned by his body’s easy response to this pirate. “I’m not a libertine.”

  “So what have you done, James? When you let yourself indulge?”

  The pirate’s hand was clever in its caresses, making James want to answer every question and accede to his every request. But a lifetime of dignity and discretion doesn’t vanish in a second, no matter how great the temptation. “That’s none of your business.”

  The rebuke didn’t faze Alexander. “I’ll just have to guess then, won’t I? Let me see, a fine English officer… I bet you haven’t watched a man strip for his lover.”

  “Certainly not!”

  “Oh goody. That’s something we can remedy easily.”

  Alexander sprung to his feet and James watched helplessly - and with a certain fascination - as Alexander begun to do as he promised, stripping in front of him as if the Admiral was a lover he wanted to arouse. Gracefully, fluidly, he shucked his clothes, first the shirt then boots and breeches, brushin
g his fingers seductively against his own golden skin as if to say, ‘Look here’s my nipples. Here’s my feet, elegant and long. See? My belly button. Now pay attention as my pants drop…’ revealing that yes, Alexander was very cocky indeed. The bandana was the last to go, exposing the high forehead before his hair fell forward, leaving Alexander wearing only the bangles on his wrists.

  “Now you see? You’ve seen a man strip. What else would y’like to learn?”

  Sitting on James’ lap again, Alexander claimed his lips in another kiss, and James kissed him back, his mind swamped by his emotions careening out of control. Duty… lust… duty… lust…Why did he let a pirate undress in front of him? Why didn’t he leave the cabin? Why was he letting Alexander touch him this way?

  What else would Alexander do if he asked him?

  “I never said I wanted to see a man strip,” James responded, standing again.

  From the floor, Alexander sighed. “You have to stop droppin’ me, James. My backside’s goin’ to get bruises.” He rolled over, twisting his head to look at himself and presenting James with a view of his back and buttocks, all sleek and muscled, just as Alexander had described James. Alexander rubbed himself and James sunk back to the chair, groaning, and buried his face in his hands until he felt Alexander’s soft lips kissing his fingers, his warm tongue darting between them to lick his face. “Give over. Give over. No one’s going to know.”

  “I’ll know,” James whispered, frightened by how much he did want to know.

  “And you’ll know so much more than you do now. Won’t that be good?” Prying James’ hands away from his face, Alexander coaxed him over to the bed, sitting him on the edge.

  “Why are you doing this?” James asked, even as he let Alexander unbutton his shirt and take it off him.

  “I’m a pirate, love. Pirates go after what they want.”

  “And you want me? Why? For the entertainment value of seducing an English officer?”

  “I thought you’d have a higher opinion of yourself.”

  “My track record hasn’t exactly been sterling,” James admitted, even as he let Alexander push him onto his back and obligingly lifted his hips so Alexander could remove his breeches. “The one woman I asked to marry me picked a lord instead.” His tone expressed more bitterness than he thought he’d felt at Eliza’s rejection.

  “The fair the Lady is young and the young make bad decisions. Now me,” Alexander swung James’s legs onto the bed, waggling his eyebrows, “I’m older and wiser. I make excellent decisions.”

  His eyes roamed James’s naked body. “I know a fine man when I see him. You are a very fine man, James my love.”

  Unwillingly blushing with embarrassment, James started to move his hands in front of his manhood, intending to shield himself. He stopped, wondering how ridiculous he would look at this juncture. Seeming to divine his intention, Alexander captured his hands, raising them over his head, and lowering himself onto James as they laid on the bed, touching the entire length of their bare bodies.

  Then Alexander kissed him again… and oh god, how Alexander could kiss. And kiss. And kiss. James remembered to breath and followed Alexander’s lead, allowing complete access to his mouth and attempting to duplicate Alexander’s technique. The smooth glide of his tongue there then a tickling motion there then a subtle increase of contact until the kiss was ferocious and devouring, then softening to beautiful romantic gentleness. Alexander’s lips disappeared and James moaned for their loss.

  But he didn’t lose Alexander’s lips, they simply moved to places that James didn’t know one man would kiss another to his neck, his chest, his nipples…

  James shuddered and groaned as bolts of energy, like white-hit jagged lightning striking a black sea, arced from the pebbled nubs, through his body and down to his aroused shaft.

  “My you are sensitive there, aren’t you James my love?”

  “That’s indecent.” Gloriously indecent.

  “Indecently wicked, that you might have married the fair lady Eliza and never known such pleasure.”

  James wanted to protest, he did, for surely nothing was better than the marriage bed, but Alexander had cupped his shaft and it was even better than through his breeches. He’d known his own hand numerous times in his life, but Alexander’s was much better, his touch more talented, more arousing.

  Unable to say anything that might stop Alexander from doing what he was doing, but still clinging to a shred of his civilized notions, he asked in protest, “What makes you think I wouldn’t have known such pleasure with Eliza? She’s a beautiful woman. A fine woman.”

  “And would have come to your bed in her nightshirt and never taken it off. Fine young ladies don’t know what I know. They can’t do what I can do…” Alexander’s mouth joined in the task of driving James wild with sensation, forcing James to concede to himself the likely truth of that assertion.

  Surely no gentlewoman would ever suck on the head of James’ shaft like Alexander Cruise, so greedily, hungrily, all while caressing the length, teasing with a sharp flick of nails, making him twitch and writhe with amazement.

  James looked down at Alexander’s head, bobbing over his organ, that ridiculous wild mass of deep black hair, and couldn’t protest any more. There was nothing perfunctory about Alexander’s attentions, no pretense for a few coins. Nothing in his life had ever felt so good. He didn’t want Alexander to stop. No one had touched him with such knowledge, such abandon, such dedication and James let him, feeling more cherished and lusted after than he could ever recall.

  Twisting his hands into Alexander’s hair, careful to avoid the ivory bone, James began to thrust his hips, riding the cresting wave of Alexander’s sensual devotion, the ecstasy ripping through his body, higher and higher like a ship sailing in a storm, riding on the white waves, plunging down, rising back up… surrounded by darkness and barely able to hang on until he surged over the final powerful wave, yelling out Alexander’s name before blanking out as he sailed into calm blue seas.

  Alexander’s body was moving on the bed, crawling up to lie alongside James’ limp form. Hands began to turn him over and a spear of alarm shot through James’ lethargy, causing him to protest, “Alexander, I don’t know - ”

  “Shhh… James my love. Nothing worryin’. Just let me use my imagination?”

  The plea reassured James, and he relaxed his tense muscles, allowing Alexander to tip him on his side and cuddle up to him, Alexander’s rather substantial shaft angling downward and tucking between the checks of James’ arse. “What a nice channel, luv. So very nice… ” Alexander rolled his hips lazily, “… the best channel I’ve ever been in.”

  Feeling a bit peevish at the acknowledgement that Alexander Cruise had pleasured many other lovers before him, James sniped, “You’re not in it. And you’re not going to be.”

  “It’s nice, just like this, very nice…” Alexander’s hands stole around James’ chest, finding a nipple, plucking gently, his voice chuckling at James’ gasp. “Y’are so very sensitive there, James my love.”

  “Just… get on with it.” Even as he growled the words, James took hold of Alexander’s hand, bringing it to his lips. Dare he? Yes, he dared, because to be honest, he owed Alexander at least a small measure of participation. He could not lie unmoving and pretend to think of England, not after Alexander had given him such pleasure so unselfishly. Hoping that a symbolic gesture would satisfy the pirate, he covered Alexander’s middle finger with his mouth, curled his tongue around it and sucked hard.

  Alexander’s whimper was such a gratifying reaction that James took his efforts a step further, tucking the foot on his upper leg behind Alexander’s ankle, using the leverage to pull the pirate forward, his shaft nestling more firmly into James’ arse. He clenched his muscles, squeezing Alexander’s shaft between them, then releasing again so Alexander’s hips could move back. They developed an even rhythm together, Alexander thrusting back and forth, James clenching harder and harder, the tempo quickenin
g as their long, lean bodies moved in unison. Alexander’s breathing becoming harsher and more labored until his entire body quaked against James’ and wetness shot between James’ legs.

  “Very nice, James my love. Very nice.”

  It was indeed very nice, the emotional satisfaction that Alexander had enjoyed his body, and that he’d repaid a small portion of the pleasure Alexander had given him. “Alexander?”


  “Go to sleep.”

  A pleased mumble was the answer to his demand. Closing his eyes to the sunlight shining through the porthole, James fell asleep too.

  Chapter 5

  “Cap’n! Cap’n!” If there was any less pleasant noise to wake up from a nap than Alexander’s First Mate, Mr. Stubbs’ voice, James couldn’t think of it. Well, perhaps cannon fire. But Mr. Stubbs came a very close second, particularly when his body was so deliciously sated. “Cap’n!”

  Alexander scrabbled over him, pulling on the clothes he’d discarded on the floor, yelling, “I’m awake, you scurvy dog!”

  Following his example, James began dressing in his breeches as Mr. Stubbs yelled, “It’s the Intrepid, Cap’n!”

  Both men froze a second before resuming, needing covering to face this surprise. “Well… your mates caught up quicker than I would have expected.”

  Though he felt obliged to note the fact, the words sounded hollow. “They’re good men. The cream of the British Navy.”

  “You’re the cream of the British Navy, James,” Alexander said, and from the gleam in his eyes, and the grin that flashed a view of his gold teeth, James knew he was remembering the things they’d done… things James knew he wished they could do again, even if he should never have allowed them in the first place.

  “How close are they?” He yelled to Mr. Stubbs, tightening the lacings on his breeches. “Close!”

  James turned away from Alexander, leaving the room without another word, Alexander following him. The Intrepid was easily visible, approaching her target quickly.


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