Monsters (A Detective Pierce Novel Book 1)

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Monsters (A Detective Pierce Novel Book 1) Page 10

by Remington Kane

  “He must have swallowed it right before he was killed.”

  “It could be what he and his brother had a falling out over,” Rodgers said.

  “If they’re the killers.” Pierce said.

  Rodgers gave him an appraising look, his dark blue eyes seemed to take Pierce in and weigh him.

  “You surprise me detective; I would have thought you were eager to have the Canto brothers go down for these murders. It would make your clearance rate skyrocket.”

  “I don’t give a damn about the numbers; I just want to hunt down the killers.”

  Rodgers nodded.

  “That would explain why you already have the best clearance rate in the state.”

  “You’ve been checking up on me?”

  “Just on paper, and as I said before, your clearance rate is phenomenal, sometimes that’s due to expediency, but now that I’ve met you, I don’t think that that’s the case, if it were, you’d be ready to hang the Cantos out to dry, and you’re not.”

  Pierce gave Rodgers his own appraising look, and then made him an offer.

  “There’s a cafeteria on the second floor, let me buy you and your partner a coffee.”

  Rodgers gave a slight nod.

  “Yeah, I think it’s time we compared notes.”


  FBI Agent Daniel Rodgers raised up an eyebrow in enquiry.

  “Dave Owens and Jack Murphy?”

  Pierce leaned towards Rodgers as he spoke.

  “Owens works at the same company Manny Canto worked at. In fact, their cubicles are close together. My victim, Karen Dunham, she was their boss, and Dave Owens and Jack Murphy are admittedly the last ones to see her alive.”

  “That’s strike one against them, what else do you have?”

  Jerold answered that one.

  “Valeria Mangieri, the lone surviving victim. She says that the man she fought with was white, pale-skinned, Manny Canto had an olive complexion, so did his brother.”

  “Strike two,” Rodgers said, “But, it’s a little weak. Eyewitness testimony is often wrong, especially when gathered under stress.”

  “True,” Pierce said, “but Jack Murphy owns a van... correction, owned a van, one that fit the description of the van Mangieri was beaten in. What about the Canto brothers, did either of them own a van? If they did, it wasn’t listed with the DMV.”

  “No, we haven’t found a van, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have access to one.”


  Rodgers looked around the cafeteria as he took a sip of his coffee; when he looked back at Pierce, he smiled.

  “I guess it’s my turn to share, so here goes. Neither Manuel or Maxwell Canto had a cell phone on them, and we’ve yet to locate them. That home was equipped with Wi-Fi service, but we found no computers anywhere in the house. I also spent the morning going over the crime scene photos of that place, and I’d be willing to bet that it was tossed, very carefully tossed, but tossed nonetheless.”

  Pierce squinted at Rodgers.

  “You were a cop at some point, weren’t you?”

  “I worked robbery/homicide in Philly for three years, spent four years in uniform before that.”

  “It shows.”

  Rodgers phone rang.

  “It’s the lab.”

  He answered the phone and listened. After saying the single word, “Thanks,” he ended the call.

  “The flash drive was damaged. Apparently, one of the slugs hit it and the stomach acid did a job on the memory chip.”

  “Shit, but at least we know what they were looking for, I’d also bet that was the reason they burnt down the house. When they couldn’t find the flash drive, they also couldn’t take a chance that someone else would, and so, the house had to go.”

  “What about the bodies?” Agent Abrams said, and it startled Pierce. He had been around the man for nearly an hour, and they were the first words he had spoken.

  “You mean the victims’ bodies? I don’t know. They must be somewhere, but only Murphy and Owens know where.”

  “You have to turn them against each other.” Abrams said. “Offer a deal to the first one who leads you to the bodies.”

  Pierce shrugged.

  “Why should they cooperate? They’ve managed to frame the Cantos for their crimes, destroyed any evidence, and gotten rid of the van. We’ve got no leverage.”

  “What about the flash drive?” Abrams said.

  “You heard your partner; the lab said that it was useless.”

  ‘Yeah, but Murphy and Owens don’t know that.”

  Pierce stared at Abrams, and then smiled at Rogers.

  “I see why you keep him around.”


  The following day, Jack and Dave sat on one side of a metal table in a windowless room. Their lawyer, Mr. Grimes, sat between them.

  Pierce settled across from them with his partner, Jerold, at his left and Agent Rodgers on his right. Sitting atop the table in a plastic evidence bag was a flash drive. It wasn’t the one found in Manny’s stomach contents, but a duplicate, a prop.

  Pierce held up the bag.

  “This was found inside Manny Canto’s stomach. He must have swallowed it just before he was shot to death.”

  Both Dave and Jack turned pale as they stared at the flash drive inside the bag, and Pierce knew for certain that it was what they had been looking for when they searched the house. And it was what they had been trying to destroy when they burned that same house to the ground.

  Pierce placed the bag on the table and paused. Now it was time for guesswork and bullshit.

  He stared at Dave Owens.

  “You know that we have you dead to rights on Karen Dunham’s murder, this video will put you on death row.”

  Dave appeared sick as he stared at the evidence bag and fell back in his seat.

  Beneath the table, Rodgers bumped Pierce’s knee with his own, in a show of quiet triumph. They had guessed correctly that the flash drive had contained a video.

  The lawyer pointed at the bag.

  “I want to see this film.”

  Pierce smiled. “No problem, it’ll be playing on every major news channel night and day; seems like there was a copy slipped to the media, we’re ah, we’re investigating the leak.”

  Dave sat up straight again.

  “It’s going to be on TV? My kids will see it.”

  “That’s the least of your problems. That video contained a code, a digital signature that matched with a phone owned by Manny Canto. So, we figure that Canto was blackmailing you, and that’s why you killed him and tried to frame him for your crimes.”

  The part about the phone was a half lie. If they actually had the phone and the video filmed on it, they could connect them, but they had neither, and so they had to bluff.

  The lawyer, Grimes, held up his hands. Pierce knew that he had only been in criminal law for about a year, having come from a corporate background, he hoped that it would play in his favor.

  “Just one second, are you saying that the Canto brothers weren’t abducting women, but what about all the evidence found in their home?”

  “It was planted by your clients after they killed the brothers. Your clients are the men who actually killed all those women.”

  Grimes looked first at Dave, and then Jack, with a stare filled with trepidation.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?” Jack said. “Do your job and get these cops off our asses.”

  Grimes recovered and pointed at the bag again.

  “I still want to see this video.”

  Pierce’s partner, Bob Jerold, held up an iPad.

  “I think they’re going to show it soon. Yeah, here it comes.”

  He turned the tablet around so that everyone could see it, and news anchor, Maria Romo appeared. She was sitting on the set with a huge monitor behind her.

  It was a video, not live TV, but they had the time displayed on the video in sync with the actual current time, and so it loo
ked damn real. This bit of trickery they owed to Val. She was Maria Romo’s personal assistant and Romo had agreed to make the video, saying that she would do anything to help trap the men who hurt Val.

  “Breaking news about the Canto brothers’ exoneration and a shocking video that reveals the real killer of businesswoman Karen Dunham, but first, this word from our sponsor.”

  Jerold laughed as he turned the sound down on the iPad and turned the screen back around.

  “TV people, they make you wait for everything likes it a big deal, but they’ll be playing that video 24/7.”

  Dave looked down at the table as his breathing increased and sweat popped out on his forehead.

  “Oh shit.”

  “The Cantos are in the clear.” Pierce said. “Max’s wife brought forth evidence that proved he was at home on the night Valeria Mangieri was abducted. They couldn’t have been the men who tried to rape her.”

  Dave raised his head and Pierce stared hard at him.

  “We’re not only going to charge you with the murder of Karen Dunham, but will also be bringing charges against you concerning all those other women.”

  Jack spoke up.

  “What am I being charged with?”

  “You’re as guilty as he is, but since we don’t have actual video of you committing a murder, the D.A. is looking to make a deal.”

  “What sort of deal?”

  “Tell us where to find the bodies, and you’ll do thirty years in prison, otherwise, they’ll charge you as an accessory in Dunham’s murder and seek the death penalty.”

  Jack swallowed hard as a sour look darkened his face.

  “Thirty years?”

  “That’s right,” Pierce said, and then he spoke to Dave. “Mr. Owens?”

  Dave looked over at Pierce with eyes full of shock, and Pierce knew that whatever had been on that video was truly damning. Dave Owens looked as if he had no hope. It was time to give him some.

  “Yes?” Dave said.

  “That deal is good for either of you. The first one to tell us the location of the bodies gets to live; we’ll also make certain that you’re imprisoned nearby, so that your family can visit.”

  “Gentlemen,” Grimes the lawyer said, “I would advise you to remain silent, and united.”

  Pierce turned and spoke to Rogers.

  “I guess we know whose lawyer he is now; Owens has more to lose than Murphy does.”

  Dave looked over at Pierce.

  “Thirty years, and I get to see my kids?”


  “I have your word on that?”

  “If you take the deal, otherwise they’ll ship you across the country to a maximum security penitentiary, and someday you’ll get the needle.”

  Jack reached across Grimes and grabbed Dave’s arm.

  “Do like the lawyer says and shut up.”

  “This is a limited time offer.” Pierce said. “We would like the families of your victims to know what happened to their loved ones, but we don’t need their bodies to prosecute you. We have you killing Dunham on film and we have her body. One murder is enough to put you away.”

  It was Jerold’s turn again. He made a hissing sound and then looked over at Owens with disgust, as if he were watching the video.

  “Oh, that poor woman.”

  The lawyer, Grimes motioned for him to turn the iPad around again. Jerold did so, while also turning up the volume. Maria Romo was on screen again, but this time she wore a shocked expression.

  “You just watched an exclusive video that showed the murder of businesswoman Karen Dunham, and it was truly disturbing... we’ll be back.”

  Bob Jerold shook his head at Dave.

  “They show that to a jury and they’ll put you under the jail.”

  Pierce watched as Dave Owens eyes flickered over towards Jack Murphy, and then locked with his own.

  “I’ll take the deal! I’ll tell you where the bodies are.”

  Pierce slapped a piece of paper in front of him.

  “You’ll need to sign this. It waives your right to have an attorney present, and outlines our agreement.”

  Jack turned in his seat and gaped at Dave.

  “What the fuck, man! You’re hanging me out to dry?”

  “I gotta see my kids, Jack. I can’t lose my kids, you know that,” Dave said, as he signed the agreement.

  Jerold stood.

  “Jack Murphy, you are now under arrest and charged with the murder of Karen Dunham.”

  “No!” Jack shouted. “Hell, fucking, no, I did not kill that bitch, he did! You saw the damn video. I wasn’t even there.”

  “Hands behind your back, Murphy,” Jerold said as he advanced on the man.

  Jack was led out of the room by Jerold, as Jack’s lawyer, Grimes, followed behind them, now it was only Dave with Pierce and Agent Rodgers.

  Pierce gathered up the signed form and pushed a lined, yellow pad across the table.

  “Tell us where the bodies are.”

  Dave wiped at tears, picked up the pen, and began writing.


  Val sat her beer atop the coffee table and laid down atop the sofa by resting her upper half atop Pierce’s legs.

  “Have another slice of pizza, you’re too skinny.”

  Pierce chuckled.

  “Typical woman, trying to change me already.”

  Val raised her head and kissed him.

  “You’ll do as you are.”

  Pierce brushed back her long dark hair with his left hand as his right hand rested on her stomach.

  “When do I get to see your place, Rick? This is the third time that you’ve seen mine.”

  “How about next weekend? I’ll even fire up the grill.”

  “You can cook?”

  “No, but I can grill a burger or two.”

  Val gazed up at him.

  “Stay with me tonight.”

  “I planned to, but I have to leave early.”

  “Something to do with a case?”

  “Yeah,” he lied, and then his hand moved up to her breasts, and he leaned over and kissed her.


  The next morning at 6:34, Pierce was at his stalking post, with binoculars trained on Amy Lowe’s kitchen window.

  There was a steady mist of rain that dampened the windshield and threatened to turn to ice, as the temperature had fallen sharply overnight.

  When a light came on in the kitchen, he sat up straighter and readjusted the binoculars. Amy appeared by the sink. She was filling a coffee carafe with water. Three minutes passed without a sign of her husband, and Pierce felt joy, thinking that she might have finally tossed the professor to the curb. But then, Arthur Lowe appeared, and placed his arms around his wife.

  Amy turned around in them and they kissed, when Pierce saw her smile seductively and guide Lowe away by the hand, he assumed that she was leading him back to bed, and a soft moan escaped him.

  Pierce let the binoculars fall.

  He knew watching her was wrong, wanting her was wrong. The woman had made it very plain that she no longer wanted anything to do with him, but he also knew that the feelings he had for her had only grown stronger in her absence.

  He had left Valeria Mangieri’s warm, embracing bed to sit in a cold, damp parking lot and spy on a woman who treated him like dirt, a woman who once threw him away.

  He thought of Murphy and Owens, and how they had brazenly driven around the city, taking any woman they wanted, doing with them as they pleased, discarding them as easily as he would discard a paper bag.

  Pierce stared at Amy Lowe’s window and wondered what it must be like to do as one pleased, to simply take what one wanted, what one needed, but then he shook himself and closed his eyes.

  “This is the last time I come here.”

  He shoved the binoculars into the glove box, put the car in gear, and drove away.

  Twenty-four hours later, he was back.



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  In the year 2033, the police don’t uphold the law, they unleash it.


  Thank you, precious reader, for spending time with one of my books. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please consider writing a review. Without reviews, an author's books are virtually invisible on the retail sites. Let other readers know what you thought! You can leave a review by visiting the book's page and I will greatly appreciate it.

  Thank you!

  —Remington Kane


  The TANNER Series in order

  INEVITABLE I - A Tanner Novel - Book 1

  KILL IN PLAIN SIGHT - A Tanner Novel - Book 2


  THE FIRST ONE TO DIE LOSES - A Tanner Novel - Book 4

  THE LIFE & DEATH OF CODY PARKER - A Tanner Novel - Book 5

  WAR - A Tanner Novel - Book 6

  SUICIDE OR DEATH – A Tanner Novel – Book 7

  TWO FOR THE KILL – A Tanner Novel – Book 8

  BALLET OF DEATH – A Tanner Novel – Book 9

  MORE DANGEROUS THAN MAN – A Tanner Novel – Book 10

  TANNER TIMES TWO – A Tanner Novel – Book 11

  OCCUPATION: DEATH – A Tanner Novel – Book 12

  HELL FOR HIRE – A Tanner Novel – Book 13

  The TAKEN! Series in order




















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