The Dream of Shadows

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The Dream of Shadows Page 7

by Nicholas Clausen

  “And what is that proposition exactly? Join ya and die?” Shanry asked. The other elders hadn’t tried to speak up yet, or even really move, making it very apparent as to who was in charge.

  “No of course not..” Cass started to reply.

  “Oh, so ya can guarantee that if we side with ya in this war that none of our people will die?” She demanded.

  “Well no, I can’t guarantee that but..” Cass started to say. Shanry cut her off again and was opening her mouth to speak again, but Hayden stepped up first.

  “It is obvious that the Frost Fangs have no intention of joining us. So, we will take our leave. You can go and cast yourselves with the Metallic Nation, and I can promise you that when you do they will force all of your people to the front lines. They will force you to march against us and wait for us to tire ourselves from killing you and then when you are all gone they will attack us.” Hayden said calmly.

  “And we will fight,” Shane added before any of the elders could speak.

  “We will fight hard,” Reane added.

  “We will win.” Rimney almost growled.

  Silence followed their statement, no one spoke but instead exchanged nervous glances back and forth.

  “I told ya that this lot here was the real deal,” Klarack exclaimed.

  “I still don’t like this,” Shanry said, the sound of defeat evident in her voice.

  “We don’t either, but I can promise you that we are the right side to join,” Cass said, walking over to Shanry.

  “I know what they have promised you if you join them, white dragon eggs for your villages. I understand what that would do for you, but that’s if they actually allow you to hatch more dragons. I say this because that would mean more potential enemies in the sky for them.” Cass began.

  “We won’t allow you to hatch more white dragons,” Cass said, the life being sucked out of the hut as she spoke. “We will allow you to choose what happens to the white dragon eggs yourselves, as we will allow the other races to choose what happens to their own dragon eggs.” As the words left her mouth, the Frost Fangs began looking at each other in shock by what she was saying.

  “We also won’t force you to stay here in the Frozen Tundra unless you so choose.” With those final words, the Frost Fangs cheered and the even Shanry smiled.

  “I believe the tribes have spoken young queen. I hope for ya sakes that ya able to fulfill those words ya spoke so loudly. If not, ya will have us to answer too.” Shanry said with ice in her fading eyes.

  Hayden could feel Rimney’s eyes burning themselves into the back of his head as Cass assured the elders that if they joined their cause, they would do all they could do to ensure that they kept their promises.

  “So, now that all this is settled should we storm the castle?” Klarack asked with a smile and all seriousness. Cheers answered him, and some of the Frost Fangs made their way to the entrance before Cass could speak.

  “Wait, what all did the Metallic Riders say to you? What exactly did they want?” Cass Asked.

  “You have all made the right decision today. A decision that will ensure the survival and prosperity of your people.” Ricen said as he stood before the masses of Frost Fangs.

  “All those who are of fighting age and all those who are bound to dragons will come with us to Celestial City to help with the defense of our city. Once there, we will march on the rebels, and once they have fallen to your might, you will be free to return to your villages.” Ricen continued.

  “What about the extra eggs you promised us?” Shanry asked, speaking up over the rest of the Frost Fangs. Hayden and the other riders stood with Klarack and wore the same style furs as the other Frost Fangs, blending in with the masses.

  “Ah, I haven’t forgotten about that.” Ricen smiled. Before Ricen could say anything else, a young woman wearing copper colored leather armor with browned furs draped over her shoulders walked over to Ricen. He leaned in and listened to what the young copper rider had to say.

  “It seems things are progressing faster than we had planned. You will have to get your dragon eggs once you have returned.” Ricen said with a coldness of a true Metallic Rider. Shanry however, refused to back down.

  “We will not leave until the eggs have hatched and we have white dragons on their way back to their villages,” Shanry shouted.

  Ricen and Shanry locked eyes, neither wanting to bow to the others stare. “Fine, bring your new riders here,” Ricen growled. From all around the front of the Ice Keep, young male and female Frost Fangs stood up and began making their way towards Ricen. At the base of the staircase leading up to the Ice Keep, the Frost Fangs made their way to the door.

  The young copper rider stopped them. “Show me your brand.” She said to a towering Frost Fang at the front of the group. Hayden was impressed that she was fearless before the Frost Fang.

  “We don’t have time for this,” Ricen said, but the copper rider again proved her fearlessness and faced the older silver rider.

  “We do have time for this. We have to check each brand. I am in charge of this keep, and we will do our job no matter what.” She growled at him as the Frost Fang removed his fur and lifted his shirt, showing the giant fang shaped brand that was in between his shoulder blades.

  The fury from Ricen’s stare was nearly hot enough to melt the ice around them. Hayden tried to keep his eyes down as he made his way to the front of the line. They had left their armor and other gear back with the villagers. Except for their swords which were hidden underneath their furs.

  No one else spoke as Hayden drew closer to the front of the line. The Frost Fangs that had passed before him filed in around Ricen and the copper rider, surrounding them.

  Hayden lowered his head as he stood before the copper rider. She glared at him, and although Hayden did not recognize the other rider, it appeared that they were close to the same age.

  “Turn.” She said shortly.

  Hayden slowly turned his back to the rider, and as he removed his furs, he saw the elders and other Frost Fangs brace themselves for what was about to happen. As the furs dropped to his feet, the copper rider saw the handle of his silver blade sticking out past his shoulder.

  “What is that?” She asked, reaching for the handle.

  In one smooth movement, Hayden pulled the silver blade free of its sheath while turning to face the copper rider and laid his metallic blade on the rider’s shoulder.

  “Who are you?” The copper rider asked. Hayden was impressed that she showed no sign of being afraid. “What do you want?”

  “Hayden the thief,” Ricen shouted. Before he could start to move the Frost Fangs around him laid their hands on Ricen and held him in place. “I knew you should have never been allowed to even try for a dragon.” He spat.

  “Hayden.” The copper rider said the name slowly, trying to place it. “Hayden the Silver?” She asked, seeming to have figured out the name.

  “The very same,” Hayden replied as one of the Frost Fangs removed the copper blade at her side.

  “We are your kin; you betrayed us for ….. for them.” She said, confused as to why Hayden was doing what he was doing.

  “You and your kin betrayed all of Arvain. We are trying to make that right.” Cass said as she walked up the steps.

  “That must mean you are the gold rider….. Cass?” The copper rider asked.

  “Cassidy.” She corrected “Frost Fangs, take the keep.” She ordered.

  The shouts were deafening as the Frost Fangs eagerly charged towards the keep. “Take the keep but don’t harm anyone that surrenders to you,” Cass shouted. Ricen roared like a dragon and pushed off the Frost Fangs that were holding him back and drew his silver blade. Before he could lash out a Frost Fang standing behind Ricen struck him in the back of the head, dropping the silver rider to the ground.

  “Does this mean he has surrendered?” The deep voice of the Frost Fang echoed as he asked Cass.

  “Yes, he has surrendered.” Cass smiled.

/>   “What do you think you are doing?” The copper rider yelled. “You just attacked a Metallic Rider!”

  “We are at war with the Metallic Riders,” Shane growled as he walked up the steps, flashing his own copper blade. “And I believe she said we were taking the keep.” Shane smiled.

  “I believe you are right.” Shanry moved beside Shane. The copper rider stared at Shanry, anger filling her eyes. Before she could speak to the elder Frost Fang, a shout rang out.

  “A dragon is trying to leave!” A Frost Fang shouted and pointed up to a frozen landing pad. A copper dragon was taking off with a copper rider jumping into the saddle. The rider seemed to be small of frame, but Hayden wasn’t sure.

  Draek. Hayden thought as the rider took to the air. Come out.

  Just as the dragon lifted off the ice Draek and the other dragons took to the sky, surrounding the keep and quickly forcing the copper dragon back down to the pad. For a split moment, Hayden felt bad for the copper dragon and its rider as they looked for some way to escape, but surrender was their only option.

  Draek, go ahead and land with the copper dragon. We need to find the other metallic dragons that are here. Hayden instructed as he made his way up the frozen steps heading to the keep.

  The Ice Keep looked to be carved out of ice and stone, and as they neared the structure, Hayden realized that his initial thought was right. The Ice Keep was in fact made of nothing more than ice and stone. Hayden watched as the grey and white doors were forced open by the horde of Frost Fangs. Most of the servants they had working at the keep were Frost Fangs taken from the villages.

  While some of the screaming men and women ran through the icy halls looking for those who dared to fight, others searched the servants, looking for lost loved ones.

  “Are you going to kill us?” The copper rider asked while Ricen’s limp body was pulled into the keep.

  “Oh, child. There are things far worse than death.” Shanry smiled, her wrinkled skin pulled into a wicked grin. “The cold for example.” Before the copper rider could respond shouts and cheers came up from within the central hall.

  “Ah I believe they have captured the last rider, a copper I presume?” Shanry continued to smile.

  “Enough, leave her alone,” Cass said, not taking her eyes off Ricen as he disappeared down a hall.

  Shanry bowed slightly and joined her people in the keep. “How could you do this?” The copper rider asked.

  “What is your name?” Cass responded, seeming to ignore the copper rider’s question.

  “Marian the Copper.” The rider replied.

  “Marian, by you being here that must mean that you have held each and every post in Arvain before this one, am I correct?” Cass asked.

  Marian nodded her head in silent reply.

  “That means for the last five years you have watched over each race, each people of Arvain. You have watched over them, led them.” Cass leaned in, allowing Marian’s face to be within a breaths distance away from hers.

  “I and my fellow riders did.” She said proudly.

  “That means you also branded the young of each race and their newest riders,” Hayden said from behind Cass.

  “That is the tradition of their people.” Marian tried to explain.

  “Slavery is not a tradition for those enslaved!” Cass screamed. “You branded children, CHILDREN!” Marian lowered her gaze, not willing to meet the eyes of Cass, or any of the other riders.

  “How could we do this you ask? How could we not?” Cass nodded her head, and the Frost Fangs holding Marian pulled her into the keep, taking her the same way they had taken Ricen.

  I believe that the keep is ours. Hayden told Draek, a smile written on his face at how easily their plan had succeeded.

  The copper dragons have all surrendered; the fight was over before it began. Draek confirmed. Hayden heard shouts and yells coming from inside the keep, and he looked to Cass and Shane with a smile.

  “We had better stop this fighting before they start attacking each other just for fun.” Shane nodded his head, but Cass looked concerned.

  “What’s wrong?” Rimney asked, sensing Cass’s confusion.

  “Those yells came from the hall they took the prisoners down,” Raena answered before Cass could speak.

  “You don’t think they killed the riders, do you?” Shane asked.

  A roar rang out overhead as a white dragon turned to stone and fell out of the sky, shattering against the keep and showering the snow beneath with giant stone fragments. Hayden and the others had to dive further into the keep to avoid being smashed.

  More screams and shouts came from down the dark hall. Hayden and the others quickly charged in but Hayden stopped as Draek’s voice echoed in his head.

  Hayden get up here now! Draek sent an image of a silver dragon, even larger than Draek burning his way onto the landing pad, killing another white dragon that stood in its path.

  Chapter Ten

  Hayden watched in stunned silence as his friends, and fellow riders ran down towards where they had originally taken the prisoners. In his mind, he watched as Draek jumped off the frozen pad to avoid the torrent of fire.

  Everything seemed to speed up around him as Hayden turned and ran back outside the keep, leaving his friends to deal with the shouts coming up from the lower levels of the keep.

  Hayden jumped over the larger pieces of the remains of the now stone dragon. He looked up, his heart racing and beating out of his chest as Draek dove to the side of the platform, fire all around him. Through the flames, he could just make out the gigantic outline of the silver dragon.

  Draek, get down here. Hayden screamed in his mind. He was unsure what, if anything, he would be able to do to help his dragon, but he couldn’t stand around and watch the fight take place.

  Draek landed hard as more fire and black, thick smoke billowed up to the blue sky as Hayden climbed onto Draek’s back. Draek roared and jumped into the air, flying right for the inferno.

  A loud, deafening crack shook the keep and could be felt in the very air around them. Hayden and Draek flew out of the way as the frozen landing pad cracked and broke off the Ice Keep.

  Smoke hid most of the landing pad from their view but the sound of ice cracking and breaking filled the air and all eyes looked up to where the fighting was taking place.

  The melting, smoldering landing pad fell through the smoke and came into view. The pad struck the side of the Ice Keep and broke into one large piece and three smaller pieces. All the while smoke was trailing behind the broken pieces as they fell and crushed those Frost Fangs who were not able to move out of the way.

  Smoke, snow, and ice exploded in front of the Ice Keep hiding everything from Hayden and Draek’s view. They could only imagine the damage that was dealt to those in front of the keep.

  “Oh no,” Hayden said aloud as he watched the Frost Fangs scramble around the smoldering remains of the landing pad, looking for survivors as the cloud of smoke and snow began to clear.

  Some of the white dragons that had been flying in the air turned to stone as the landing pad had struck the Frost Fangs, their bodies falling to the ground and adding to the destruction. Hayden and Draek had to flip in the air to avoid colliding with a stone dragon as it fell to join its rider.

  We can’t let them get away! Draek roared, doubling his efforts to get higher in the sky. Hayden lifted his gaze and watched as one of the largest silver dragons, or of any other color he had ever seen took off in a whirlwind of smoke and smoldering ash. As the silver dragon shot into the air, the other dragons that were in the air flew down to the Ice Keep to try to help with the chaos on the ground.

  His rider is on his back. Draek said as he began to chase after the silver dragon.

  They want us to come back. Draek growled as Ricen and his silver dragon got further away.

  But they are going to go to Celestial City, and they know that we are here and that we have the support of the Frost Fangs. Hayden argued as he watched them ge
t further and further away.

  Draek roared in frustration, putting on a burst of speed and chasing after Fennet, Ricen’s silver dragon.

  Draek, what are you doing? Cass said for us to come back. Hayden asked as he looked beneath them at the other dragons, their riders still within the keep.

  They aren’t going back to Celestial City. Draek said in a panic.

  Hayden had never heard his dragon sound afraid before and the tone of his voice forced Hayden to focus. They are just one rider and one dragon. Hayden tried to calm Draek down and get him to return to the Ice Keep. They can’t get to Kirin and our forces there and even if they could they wouldn’t be able to do that much damage. Hayden said as Ricen and his dragon continued to pull away but slower now.

  They aren’t going after Kirin either; they are going to Erskine. Draek said. The sounds around them silenced to Hayden and all he could hear was the beating of his own heart.

  Why would they be… Wait, how do you know they are going there? Hayden asked as fear began creeping into his mind.

  Fennet is screaming it at us; they want to burn it to the ground. Draek growled in a deep rumble that could be felt more than it could be heard.

  Fly faster. Hayden urged his friend to fly faster and harder. Pushing his massive silver wings with all his might.

  The frozen landscape quickly flew by beneath them as they shot forward. Ricen and Fennet continued to move further and further ahead even with their added efforts.

  Draek roared challenges and threats at Fennet, trying to provoke them to turn and fight but they never faltered. Hayden and Draek watched helplessly as Ricen and his silver giant flew over the ridgeline that separated the Frozen Tundra from the rest of Arvain. As soon as they crested the mountian top they disappeared from view.

  If we follow them, we are not going to be able to come back easily. Draek said without slowing down.

  Hayden knew Draek was telling the truth, he knew that by doing this they were putting both themselves and their entire mission at risk.

  I know, but if we don’t go after them we lose Erskine, and our plans are still revealed to the Metallic Nation. Hayden said, knowing full well what they were doing and what the cost was going to be.


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