Waiting for Something

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Waiting for Something Page 11

by Whitney Tyrrell

  “You have everything, right, dear?” said my mom as she and Dad walked me to the security gates.

  “Yes, Mom, I have everything,” I laughed.

  “Alright, call us when you get in.” She kissed my cheek and hugged me.

  “I will. Love you, Mom.” I hugged her tightly.

  “Oh, sunshine, I love you so much.” She kissed my forehead.

  “Behave yourself, young lady.” My dad still wasn’t thrilled about the whole living together thing.

  “I will, Dad. I love you,” I hugged him.

  “I love you too. Be safe,” he squeezed me tightly. I was actually going to miss them, but Jake told me that whenever I wanted to go back, I just had to say the word.

  “See ya, squirt,” I hugged Dillon.

  “Bye. Bring me back something.” He was such a twerp.

  “Dillon, that’s not appropriate,” my mom hit his arm.

  “I’ll bring you back something. I guess,” I rolled my eyes and laughed.

  “Alright, well you better get going,” my mom hugged me one last time and I headed off to security. I looked back one last time and they were waving goodbye and I waved back.

  I hopped on the plane and sat in the window seat since my seat buddy wasn’t there yet. I put my headphones in and started listening to my music. I didn’t realize my seat buddy was there until a guy tapped my shoulders.

  “You’re in my seat.” His piercing blue eyes and deep black hair and tan skin took my breath away and I instantly felt a pang of guilt.

  “Really? Is your name on it?” I crossed my arms.

  “Touche. I’m Elijah Young,” he held out his hand and I did the same, receiving a handshake.

  “Ali Burns,” I smiled kindly before turning back to my Ipod.

  Once we took off I couldn’t help but stare at his obviously muscular physique. He had his head against the seat with his eyes closed. He wore a v-neck and some dark blue jeans. The blue green color of his v-neck made his skin look great. He had a phone in one hand and a notebook in the other. I looked at him for a couple more seconds before going back to my music. I had the song “Lucky Ones” by Lana Del Rey playing when I felt him brush my arm and I looked up instantly.

  “Oops, sorry,” he grinned.

  “Oh, no. That’s fine. You surprised me a little,” I tried not to blush.

  “Lana Del Rey? She’s alright. Not my type of music but she’s got a good voice,” he glanced at my song.

  “Oh yeah. She’s great, but I like Norah Jones better personally,” I shrugged.

  “You like country?” he showed me a crooked smile with two dimples on each side.

  “Who doesn’t?” I joked.

  “Tell me about it. Who’s your favorite?” he turned his body toward me.

  “I really am into Eric Church but I like mostly all of them.” I let the chemistry between us flow.

  “I’m a die- hard Jason Aldean guy, but I will say Eric Church is pretty damn good. Where ya from?” His smile just wouldn’t wear away.

  “Originally, Colorado. But I just moved to San Diego this last year. You?” I went ahead and put my Ipod in my purse.

  “North Carolina. Going back home. I go to school in San Diego actually. I’m at the college. I just finished my first year. I’m on a baseball scholarship there actually.” Wow, he had the whole package. Stop yourself, Ali. You’re in a happy relationship with Jake, but it’s okay to look, right? Just not order. Yes, don’t feel guilty. Ah, damn it, too late.

  “You like it there? I’m going to be a senior but I don’t plan on going to college in California. I’d rather go to college in North Carolina. Do you know any good colleges around the area?” I felt so stupid but honestly I needed to know.

  “Seriously? Duke any day. I’m actually going there this fall on a new scholarship. I couldn’t stand being so far away from home,” he laughed.

  “Aw, that’s cute,” I nudged him.

  “Well, I’m a southern boy born and raised,” he winked and my heart just about dropped.

  “I can tell by your accent,” I tried not to blush.

  “Yeah, it can be pretty thick at times,” he grinned.

  “It was nice chatting with you,” I was trying to stop myself from more trouble.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m sorry for bothering you,” his face turned.

  “No, it’s not that you bothered me. I just. Never mind.” I was digging a hole.

  “No, tell me,” he looked at me with his piercing eyes.

  “It’s just I don’t want to get myself into trouble,” I sighed.

  “Trouble? How?” his face was perplexed.

  “I’m going to North Carolina to visit my boyfriend who’s in the Marines.” I felt so stupid.

  “Well, good for you. But I don’t see how you are going to get into trouble.” He was obviously not interested. Now I was mortified.

  “I guess I just thought we had chemistry or something and it scared me. Ignore my stupidity,” I gave myself a face palm.

  “No, you’re right about that. But if you’re taken I’m not going to be that guy,” he smiled.

  “Well, then, I guess we’re ok,” I returned the smile.

  “So, tell me about yourself, Ali,” he winked at me and I began my story.

  By the end of the flight he knew as much about me as Marlie did, and I knew just as much about him. He came from a rich family. They lived on a huge plantation and he and his older brother farmed for their dad. It was really like I was talking to a Nicholas Sparks’ character. But I knew he was hiding something, which made me a little nervous. But for some reason, I liked it.

  “Well, I’ll see you around, Elijah.” We walked out of the terminal together.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” he gave me that crooked grin.

  “Say hi to Lane for me,” I was referring to his older brother.

  “Same for Jake. He’s a lucky guy.” I felt my insides warm a little.

  “I’m the lucky one.” And with that, we went our separate ways.

  I walked out past security and looked around for Jake a bit when I was suddenly caught completely off guard. He grabbed me from behind, spun me around, and set me on the ground. Once my feet were on the ground, I threw myself into him and squeezed him as tightly as I could.

  “I missed you,” I mumbled into his chest.

  “Ali Cat, you have no idea,” he held me close.

  “Let’s go home,” I said as I looked up at him. I felt like this was going to last forever.


  After being with Jake for a week, I knew that this could be the life I live for the rest of my life. Once we got back to his place, he helped me unpack and get things all moved in to their own little drawers and what not. He made me a sandwich, which is ironic because it’s usually the other way around and the sandwich was amazing actually. The next day we went to Mike’s house and had a barbeque there, which was really nice. His wife is such a sweetheart and their kids are adorable.

  As far as the physical part of our relationship, well, let’s just say we’ve gotten a little too close to home more than once. It’s not that I don’t want to. I just need to know for sure that I’m ready. I want to be able to decide that I’m ready when I’m not just horny and in the moment. So until further notice, I’m still a virgin well at least when it involves sex everything else we’ve done.

  Tonight Jake is taking me out to this restaurant that supposedly has the best lobster ever. I didn’t care where we went. I was just excited to see the night life finally.

  “You almost ready?” Jake yelled from the front door.

  “Yes, just a minute! I’m hurrying!” I rushed from the stairs and basically fell into Jake.

  “Watch your step, Ali Cat,” he helped me get my balance back.

  “Thanks,” I giggled.

  “You look stunning,” he twirled me in my skin-tight halter top black dress. I’m not going to lie, I looked hot and I felt sexy. I wore red stilettos and my pearl bracelet with matching

  “Thank you.You look good, too,” I kissed his cheek. I couldn’t help but let my jaw drop while I looked at him in his black suit.

  “You ready for a night out on the town, pretty lady?” he winked at me.

  “More than ever. So, supper and then the movies?” I had suggested dancing but he wanted to go to the movies.

  “I was thinking dancing instead,” he looked at me to see my face light up.

  “You never cease to amaze me,” my heart fluttered and my stomach flipped.

  “Gotta keep you on your toes,” he kissed my forehead.

  We went to the restaurant and before we got there, I had worried we might be overdressed, but we fit right in. It had to cost a lot but Jake said not to worry about it, to enjoy myself and get what I wanted. So I did. My birthday was tomorrow and since he had to work, this was my celebration. Finally 18. I was now a legal adult.

  “How’s the lobster?” He looked at my messy fingers and smirked.

  “Delicious. Although I’m a feeling a little tipsy from the wine you ordered. How’d you get away with it?” I leaned in a little.

  “Fake I.D.s, baby. Just because I’m a changed man doesn’t mean that I still don’t like to live a little dangerously,” he winked and took a sip of his wine.

  “You’re a naughty boy,” I bit my bottom lip.

  “Oh, you have no idea, sweetheart. If you’d like me to show you, I will.” His eyes burned into me and I felt my nether regions heat up.

  “I’d be honored.” My voice was surprisingly seductive and I assumed it was the hormones coursing through me.

  “Ali Cat, you turn me on too easily.” His Adam’s apple jutted out a little as he cleared his throat and I felt the heat again.

  “Oh, you have no idea.” My face flushed and that was all he needed.

  “I’m going to give you the best night you’ve ever had, Ali Cat.” I watched as he licked his lips and I knew he had to be hard.

  “I can hardly wait,” I readjusted myself in my seat trying to cool down my lady bits.

  After dinner, we headed to a bar with live music and dancing. It was a little dressier but I still changed into more comfortable shoes.

  “This place is crazy packed!” I yelled over the band.

  “Let’s go to the bar.” He put his hand on the small of my back and directed us toward the bar.

  “I’ll have a Jack on the rocks,” he sounded so confident.

  “I’ll have an apple martini, please.” I felt so adult but also slightly nervous, which was really not so adult.

  “I’ll need to see some I.D.s, please.” The bartender didn’t seemed fazed, just asking a routine question.

  “There you go,” Jake set them on the table and the bartender went to work.

  “I love you,” I leaned my head on his shoulder.

  “Anytime, Ali Cat,” he kissed me.

  We got our drinks and watched the band for a while, drinking and just enjoying our time together. After two martinis I was ready to dance.

  “Let’s go dance,” I pulled him off the stool and he followed in pursuit.

  “You’re drunk,” he laughed.

  “So are you,” I poked his nose.

  “Let’s go, little lady.” He whisked me away on the dance floor and spun me around.

  We danced for at least 45 minutes, line dancing, slow dancing, and the pretzel. I felt like life couldn’t get any better. But then it did. We walked back to the bar and sat down for a little breather

  “Let’s get out of here. We need to sober up.” Jake helped me outside and called for a cab.

  “Where to?” the driver asked.

  “Waffle House on Marine Boulevard, please,” Jake leaned back and put his arm around me.

  “Mmm, breakfast,” I snuggled against his shoulder.

  “At 2 in the morning. Shit, I’ll need to come get my car tomorrow,” he threw his head back.

  “Oh, well,” I smiled slightly and started kissing him. Everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

  “Take me home,” I breathed between kisses.

  “Driver, um. Uh. Take us to. Yeah,” he gave the driver the address and we headed home.

  Once we got back to the house, it wasn’t long before my clothes were gone and his as well. They were strewed everywhere, making a trail to the bedroom. His dog Max watched from his chair as we headed to the room.

  “I want you,” I moaned.

  “Oh, Ali Cat, you have no idea,” he smothered his face in my neck.

  “Take me.” We laid on the bed.

  “I’ll take you anywhere,.” he groaned.

  “No, make love to me, Jake Thomas.” I felt him freeze on top of me.

  “Ali, baby, you’re drunk,” he looked pained.

  “No, I know I want this. I want it with you and only you. Now.” I knew what I was feeling was not just the alcohol talking.

  “Are you sure, Ali? Because once it happens, we can’t take it back,” he looked deeply in my eyes and I just knew.

  “I’ve never been so sure in my life,” my throat started to get a little dry.

  And with that notion Jake and I made love for the first, second, and third time that night. It was the most passionate and most romantic action I’ve ever done with someone, and I’m glad I did it with Jake. The next morning, though, was rough. My legs were sore and so were my lady bits. I woke up at noon with a massive hangover, too. I smelled coffee coming from the kitchen and decided to make my way toward it.

  “Well, hello, beautiful,” Jake smiled looking from the paper. I could tell he’d already been up for a while, worked out and showered too.

  “Hi,” I groaned at the pains in my body.

  “Coffee?” he got up and started to pour a cup.

  “Please,” I sat at the island.

  “So, are you ok?” he was hesitant.

  “My head? No. My lady bits? No. My legs? No. My heart? Never been better,” I grinned.

  “I love you, Ali Cat.” He kissed me and I had to return the favor. I’m not going to lie, I was horny again.

  “I love you so much, Jake,” I wrapped my arms around him and he lifted me up.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, little girl,” he moaned as we headed into the bedroom again.

  “I plan to be.” And we were drowning in our own love again. Our legs intertwined and my heart beat fast. We were in the zone and there was no returning.

  “I feel like death on wheels,” I said as I laid on the couch later in the day.

  “That’s because you’re hungover and you lost your virginity. It happens,” he snuggled closer to me, both of us with our coffees and a big blanket covering us.

  “I love you. You know that, right?” I smiled.

  “I love you more, though. You know that, right?” he winked.

  “You’ll never win,” I glared at him playfully.

  “Trust me. Having you is winning, Ali Cat.” He kissed me and pressed play on the movie we were beginning to watch.


  Everything was going as it should be. Life seemed to be perfect. I was in a happy, healthy relationship and my family was doing great back home. For the fourth of July we were going to Mike’s for a barbeque and to watch fireworks off of their dock.

  “Babe, we’re going to be late,” I hollered up the stairs.

  “I’m coming! Hold on a second,” he seemed to be tripping over things.

  “Are you getting beat up?” I joked and he came rushing down the stairs.

  “Nope. All good. Let’s go, beautiful,” he kissed my forehead and we left.

  “Ali! Hi! Oh, you look so cute! I love your dress,” Mike’s wife hugged me as we arrived out back. Their place was packed actually.

  “Thanks. You look great, too. Here’s the snicker’s salad,” I gave her the huge Tupperware container.

  “Oh, you’re a life saver. Thank you,” she put it on the table behind us and put a big spoon in it.

  “So a lot of people showed,�
� I looked around and noticed Jake was off with Mike and some of his friends.

  “I know! It’s great. My brother should be here any minute, too. He’s a year older than Jake. He’s a sweetie,” she smiled.

  “Should I record you saying I’m a sweetheart?” I heard a voice come from behind.

  “Eli?!” She turned as they met eye contact and squeezed him tight. Once she pulled back, I about passed out. Elijah Young from the damn plane. Jessie’s brother was Elijah. Fuck.

  “Well, thanks for the welcome,” he laughed.

  “Eli, this is a friend of mine, Al…” she started and then was cut off.

  “Ali. Hi,” he smiled and I felt my heart melt a little.

  “You two know each other?” Jessie looked confused.

  “Sort of,” I mumbled in shock.

  “Oh, I had no idea I guess.” I could tell she felt uncomfortable.

  “Yeah, sort of.”

  We never took our eyes off of each other and I felt the same fire from our first meeting start up once more.

  “Hey, baby, you want something to drink?” Jake came just in time.

  “Oh, yeah. Just a water, please,” I broke the eye contact.

  “You must be Jake,” Elijah held his hand out.

  “Yeah, and you are?” he shook his hand politely.

  “Eli. I’m Jessie’s brother,” he returned the politeness.

  “Oh, nice to meet you. You should come hang out with us down by the dock. I’ll get you your water, baby,” he kissed me and went down to the cooler.

  “Well, I’ll see you two later. See ya later, Al,” he grinned at me and Jessie just looked at me in shock.

  “We sat by each other on the plane ride here. I didn’t know he was your brother,” I shrugged.

  “Hey, I could care less how you two met. That energy between you two was like hot!” she gasped.

  “No, no. Yuck. No,” I shook my head.

  “So you don’t think my brother is good looking?” she acted hurt.

  “No, he’s good looking. I’m sorry. Yeah, he’s hot.” Word vomit.


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