Waiting for Something

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Waiting for Something Page 22

by Whitney Tyrrell

  “So I’ve got to tell you something.” She gave me a tiny grin.

  “What is it?” She was such a dork.

  “Well about a week ago I found out I’m pregnant I’m a month along. Listen I would have told you but I didn’t want to stress you out.” Wow, I’m honestly very surprised.

  “I thought you and Justin were being safe.” At least that what she told me.

  “Does it really matter?” She looked offended.

  “No I guess not it’s just, never mind.” I turned and headed for the mirror.

  “No tell me Ali, what’s going through your mind?” She set her hand on her hip.

  “I just think you’re being a little selfish by not telling me, I am your maid of honor and come to think of it I should be clued in on these sort of things.” I was getting pissed.

  “Me? Selfish? You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re freaking out over a baby. Honestly Ali I’m sick of it always being about you.” Her words cut me deep.

  “Wow I’m glad I know what you think of me. You know what go without me if I’m such a burden.” My voice rose with anger and I saw Jackie appear behind Marlie.

  “Oh you must be Marlie.” Jackie held out her hand awkwardly.

  “Finally someone normal, I’m guessing you’re Jackie.” She smiled kindly.

  “Sure am now the way I see it both of you need to put this petty fight to an end. Ali whether you like it or not she’s getting married tomorrow and yes she is pregnant it’s just what it is, you’re no saint yourself and Marlie well it was kind of shitty that you didn’t fill Ali in. Now that’s settled we’ve got a rehearsal dinner to get to ladies, chop, chop.” She smiled wide and walked off leaving us staring at each other blankly.

  “Well that was interesting. She seems like quite the character.” Marlie smiled slightly.

  “Oh trust me she is but she’s always right. I’m sorry.” I felt like an ass.

  “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner but I just had a lot on my mind.” She really didn’t need to apologize I was in the wrong.

  “No don’t apologize, I screwed up. I’m really sorry. Let’s go have a good time.” I wrapped my arm around her and we headed down the stairs.

  “Finally you two, let’s go.” Jackie opened the door and headed to the car.

  “Jake’s riding with us, I hope that’s alright.” Marlie looked at me as we reached the car.

  “Of course, it’s perfectly fine.” I sat beside him.

  “Ali Cat nice to see you.” He looked at me with that same crooked smile.

  “Hi, Jake.” I tried to act unbothered his presence.

  “I’m sorry, for how everything ended.” His voice was lower.

  “Yeah well me too.” I felt myself let feelings rush in once again.

  “Can we talk?” I didn’t want to look at him because I was afraid of my letting my heart open to him again.

  “There’s nothing to talk about?” I ignored his seemingly passing glances at me.

  “No there is. Tonight after the dinner we need to talk.” He wasn’t going to let this just end.

  “Fine.” I crossed my arms and that was the end of that.

  “What was that all about?” Jackie looked at me.

  “It’s just the same old thing. It’s nothing really.” I didn’t want to talk about it. We pulled up to the church and got out of the car.

  “Did something happen the last time you were here?” Jackie eyed me suspiciously.

  “No it was just your average bachelorette party that’s it.” I thought back to that night.

  “I think you’re lying to me.” She pinched my arm.

  “Ow, stop. It was nothing.” I let my mind wander.

  “Ali, Ali oh my gosh thank god you’re still here Marlie is blowing chunks everywhere.” Sarah approached short of breath.

  “Great, um I’m sorry I gotta go.” I looked over at the guy I was talking to.

  “See you around.” He winked and turned to the girl beside him. Finally.

  “You are a lifesaver.” I walked back over to our booth.

  “Anytime, I could tell you were miserable.” She laughed.

  “I’m glad Marlie asked you to be in the wedding.” We sat back in the booth while Marlie danced with a couple of other bridesmaids.

  “Me too, if it wasn’t for you in high school I don’t think I would have ever made any friends.” I remembered back to dorky Sarah and how much she’s changed.

  “You’re sweet. I’m gunna go dance.” I drank one of the shots Marlie ordered and slid out of the booth.

  “You go ahead I’m just gunna catch my breath.” She smiled sweetly and with the okay I went back to the dance floor.

  “You’re the best!” Marlie squealed loudly as we danced to the music.

  “Anything for my girl.” I hugged her quickly between songs.

  “Best spring break ever.” She laughed and somehow between the songs changing and people moving around I lost them.

  “Ali Cat.” I felt his hand on my hips and I got chills down my spine.

  “Jake.” I choked.

  “Wanna get out of here?” He didn’t want to small talk and currently with getting over Jesse neither did I.

  “Your place?” I turned and faced him.

  “Please.” He looked into my eyes for the first time in a while and I felt the spark all over again.

  “Let me tell Marlie quickly.” I walked through the crowd and found her, told her Jake was here and she understood.

  “Ready?” I held my jacket in my hand.

  “After you Ali Cat.” We headed out into the chilly spring night.

  “Jake what are we doing?” I stopped walking abruptly.

  “We’re having fun.” He pulled me closer to his waist.

  “Jake, I don’t know seems irresponsible don’t you think? Maybe I should go back inside.” I hesitated and he stopped me.

  “Ali we’re both attracted to each other, we both want to do this and last time I heard you were single.” He looked down at me.

  “Marlie and her big mouth. But you know what you’re right. Let’s go.” I pulled him behind me and called a cab.

  “I’m going to tear into you like a bear.” I shoved him against the wall of his bedroom was we arrived, there was no funny business.

  “You’re sexy as hell when you try to be sexy.” He pulled my shirt over my head.

  “Kiss me.” I pulled his head in and devoured me.

  “Ali, we’re here.” Marlie looked at me dragging me from my thoughts.

  “Oh sorry. Where’s Jake and Jackie?” I looked beside me since I was in the middle.

  “Already inside you’ve been daydreaming. Is this about my bachelorette party?” She eyed me suspiciously.

  “Let’s just go inside.” I slid out of the car.

  After the run through of the ceremony we headed to a nearby restaurant for everyone in the wedding party.

  “Ali Cat are we still on for later?” I felt Jake’s hands on my shoulders.

  “Yes.” I was a bit curt but he was being a little pushy.

  “What’s with your attitude towards him tonight?” Jackie looked at me funny.

  “It’s nothing. I noticed you and Carter are getting closer.” I winked.

  “I’ve got him in the palm of my hand.” In which case they probably going to sleep together.

  “Well don’t break his heart, he’s a good guy.” I took a sip of the champagne.

  “You worry too much about me breaking guys’ hearts. He seems like a keeper anyways.” She got up and headed over to the bar where Carter was sitting with some of the other groomsmen.

  “Ali Cat.” I watched Jake sat beside.

  “What do you want Jake?” I was done with him and his bull shit. No more games for this girl.

  “Come take a walk with me.” He got up again.

  “Okay but no funny business.” I got up and he lead me out onto the dock near the restaurant.

  “You sound like you hate me.
We haven’t spoken since the bachelorette party.” He looked confused.

  “I don’t hate you Jake. And please don’t bring that up, it was a mistake.” I looked out onto the water.

  “Was it? Because I don’t think it was. I’ve given you your space but now we gotta talk about this.” He tried to get my attention.

  “There’s nothing to talk about Jake, what happened, happened and that’s the end of that. It didn’t mean anything.” My heart started protesting my words as soon as they came out.

  “I think did, I think you know it did and I also think you’re hiding from me so you don’t have to face your feelings.” Spot on.

  “Well what else do you think Jake? You seem to think a lot.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Stop pushing me away or at least trying to just be honest with me.” He made me look at him in the eyes.

  “I can’t be honest with you because then I’ll have to be honest with myself, and I’m not sure I’m ready for all the emotions and feelings to come back.” He had a way of making me open up to him.

  “Why are you so scared of us Ali Cat?” He always knew what to say.

  “Because every time we work through things and get back together something happens again and I’m just tired of my heart getting broken.” I finally was honest with and myself. I was tired of being heart broken and let down.

  “Can’t things be different this time? Let’s take things slow, no rush this time.” He was still into me.

  “I don’t know Jake I have to think about this. I’ll see you later.” I gave him one last look before walking back inside.

  I felt my heart drop into my stomach and my head started to rush. He made me so weak but I couldn’t help but love him. After everything we’ve been through my heart always comes back to him. Maybe he was everything I’ve been missing all this time. Maybe he’s what I’m waiting for, he’s my other half, my missing piece. But all the pain we’ve caused each other, he couldn’t be. I really had things to think about. I sat back at my spot where Jackie and Carter were flirting with each other.

  “Oh hey Ali, we were just talking about you.” Carter grinned at me.

  “Oh good lord if you two are talking about me that can’t be good.” I tried to hide emotions.

  “We were just saying how wonderful you are for introducing us to each other.” Of course.

  “Oh of course you were.” I rolled my eyes.

  “No really, thank you.” Jackie looked at me and I knew that for her, her heartbreaking days were over.

  “Anytime, hey I’m heading back to my place, you two okay alone?” I grabbed my handbag.

  “I’m sure we’ll be just fine.” Carter gave Jackie that crooked grin he’s so well known for.

  “Hey Marlie I think I’m gunna head out.” I scratched my forehead knowing the tears were going to come at any moment.

  “Jake?” She gave me a frown.

  “Yeah but hey don’t worry about me. You enjoy your time and I’ll see you at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “On the dot.” She grinned.

  “Love you, sleep tight.” I hugged her.

  “You take care of yourself Ali.” She waved at me as I walked away.

  You know those moments in movies where the girl has to do decide what to do with her future and who she’s set on being? The moment where they hit the rewind button and show how she first met the guy and the tiny little moments that make you smile and then they go back to the present. She suddenly makes up her mind and goes running into his arms and that’s the end of that. I’ve just hit rewind.

  I’ll never forget the night I first met him he was so mysterious and secretly I wanted to get closer to him and then there was the time he took me to ice cream and we just talked and talked for hours. When he started calling me Ali Cat or when we met on the beach and he taught me how to surf. I haven’t been surfing in ages. The summer my parents reluctantly let me live with him and I lost my virginity to him. Our first break up, our first time getting back together, our second breakup, everything has lead us up to this moment but I still have no idea what to do.

  “Miss, we’re at your destination.” The taxi driver kindly interrupted my trance.

  “Oh I’m sorry, here you go, keep the change.” I handed him the money and got out.

  “Honey, why are you home so early?” My mom came walking into the living room.

  “Oh just stuff, Marlie is staying over anyways since the bride groom aren’t supposed to stay the night together on the wedding night.” I set my handbag on the end table by the couch.

  “Well alright, your father and I headed to bed so we’ll see you in the morning.” She gave me a kiss.

  “Mom it’s only 10. Wait, oh ew yeah I’m heading down to the beach.” I’m glad my parents still loved each other but TMI.

  “At least we still love each other right.” My mother gave me a devilish grin.

  “Okay just go have fun.” I rolled my eyes and headed towards the back door.

  “Night sweetheart.” She walked up the steps.

  I hoped I would have a love like that, a love that lasts for years and years and the fire never stops burning. I started walking along the water letting the tiny waves brush up onto my calves. I just want to be happy I mean I am now but like I want to be happy every day, morning, noon and night. I didn’t want to settle I’ve too much in my life and I deserved more the only time I’ve ever really been truly myself is when I’ve been with Jake. I looked out across the moonlit ocean and knew where my heart has been this whole time and I knew that he was the answer. He’s everything I’m not and everything I’ll need he’s my missing piece, he is what completes me.

  “Ali wake up! It’s today, it’s today! I’m getting married.” Marlie jumped up and down on my bed.

  “I’m up, who put crack in your cheerios?” I rubbed my eyes letting myself wake up.

  “Very funny, I’m just so excited can you believe it? I can barely believe it myself.” She hopped off my bed and stood there until I actually got up.

  “What time is it?” I looked for my phone.

  “It’s about 8, thanks for letting me stay last night I completely forgot about that whole rule.” She seemed to have calmed down a little.

  “Of course I’m glad I reminded you. Oh hey the hair stylist and makeup people will be here at 9 so let’s get some breakfast fast and then I’ll give you my gift for you.” I pulled my hair up.

  “You got me a gift?” She grinned.

  “Of course I did, you’re my best friend.” I opened my bedroom door.

  “Morning ladies.” My dad had started making bacon and pancakes.

  “Morning dad.” I sat down.

  “Coffee?” He poured me and Marlie a glass after we nodded our heads.

  “Thank you.” Marlie took her cup and took a tiny sip.

  “So are you excited?” My dad grinned at her.

  “Oh my gosh yes I’m just so ready to marry the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’ve loved him for so long and I can’t wait to love him for so much longer.” Yes she was sappy but she was also so adorable.

  “That’s a very well thought out answer.” My dad chuckled a bit.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound sappy.” I saw her blush a bit.

  “No, very heartfelt.” My dad reassured her.

  After breakfast I brought her back to my bedroom where I had her gift waiting for her.

  “What is it?” She held the wrapped gift.

  “Well open it you goof.” I grinned as she tore the wrapping paper to find a scrapbook of all of our friendships, her, me and Justin’s.

  “Oh Ali, it’s perfect. Thank you so much. I love you and I don’t know where I’d be without you. You changed my life for the better.” She gave me a tight hug and I started to get tears in my eyes.

  “Don’t make me cry.” I laughed trying to muffle my tears.

  “No time to cry we have to get ready.” I checked my phone a
nd sure enough it was 9.

  The rest of the bridesmaids showed up as did the stylists and as we started getting ready my large house actually became quite hectic. I made sure Marlie was taken care of the entire, whatever she needed I was there so between taking care of her and myself I was little frazzled. I knew I had to tell Jake how I felt I left him last night with no answer and I felt awful for just letting his heart fall like that.

  “Marlie I’ve got to make a quick phone call.” I stepped out onto my back porch and dialed his number.

  “Ali Cat?” He sounded relieved.

  “Jake we need to talk.” I was ready.

  “I’m, I’m sorry I’m cutting out. Battery dying, I’ll see you at the wedding.” And with that the call dropped.

  “Sarah what time is it?” I walked back inside and caught her sitting at the table.

  “It’s a little after two, why? You can’t leave now we have to leave in a half hour.” Her eyes looked frantic.

  “No don’t worry I’m not going anywhere. Damn it, well I guess it’ll just have to wait.” I walked back into the living room where Jackie stood in last night’s outfit.

  “It’s not what it looks like, we just stayed up talking.” She saw my facial expression.

  “Did I say you did anything else?” I laughed.

  “I gotta get ready, Carter’s already in trouble with his brother.” She took her heels off and ran up the stairs.

  “The photographer is here to get some pictures.” Sarah let him in.

  “Alright thanks, Marlie let’s get you in your dress. Girls slip into your dresses as well please.” I shouted out and they all did as they were told.

  “I’m getting nervous.” Marlie looked at me.

  “Don’t be, remember what you said this morning.” I held her hand and helped her get into her dress.

  After the pictures we snapped it was time to head off to the church and Marlie looked absolutely breathtaking. I’ve never seen a more beautiful bride not even in the movies. I helped her get of the car and as I walked by I saw Jake standing with the ring bearer as they were talking up a storm and my heart melted a little.

  “Ali, pay attention.” Marlie snapped.

  “Oh sorry.” I opened the door and made sure the coast was clear.


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