The Annotated Pride and Prejudice

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The Annotated Pride and Prejudice Page 47

by Jane Austen

  46. The casual nature of Darcy's entrance, one of the most important events in the novel, is remarkable. It occurs with so little fuss or fanfare that it is almost possible for the reader to miss it.

  A room with the light furniture of the time. See p. 455, note 38.

  [From K. Warren Clouston, The Chippendale Period in English Furniture (London, 1897), p. 183]

  47. Of course, Darcy was at his most angry when they last parted, since this occurred just after she had rejected him. Now he has had time to recover from that; moreover, he is on his own grounds, where he is comfortable and where he would be expected to play the host. Additional reasons for his increase in civility will soon become apparent.

  48. accent: tone of voice.

  49. sedateness: composure.

  50. spoke: indicated, revealed.

  51. Darcy's distraction, or confusion, suggests the continued strength of his feelings regarding Elizabeth.

  52. figure: general appearance or form.

  53. In other words, so vain a man would be likely to think she came in pursuit of him. Elizabeth has good reason to believe him vain, especially because of the smug confidence he displayed when he proposed to her.

  54. discrimination: perception; noticing of them.

  55. horse: men would sometimes travel from place to place on horseback rather than in a carriage.

  56. nobler fall of ground: grander slope or change of elevation. Earlier passages describing Pemberley mentioned the abruptness of the landscape and of the view it presented. Abrupt rises or falls of ground were valuable according to prevailing aesthetic standards, which celebrated sharp contrasts and irregular or rough surfaces. It was also standard to design walks around parks and grounds so that people would be able to experience a variety of spectacular or beautiful views as they proceeded along. In this case, Elizabeth's experience of such views is giving her an even stronger sense of the beauties of Pemberley, and thereby adding to her perception of Darcy's good taste and of the desirability of being mistress of the place.

  57. sensible: aware.

  58. Again Elizabeth cannot let her private thoughts prevent her from performing social duties to others, in this case conversation. Moreover, as agitated as she is and as much as she wishes she were not there, the idea never occurs to her of cutting short her aunt and uncle's pleasure by asking that they all leave immediately.

  59. These more distant views would still be of objects within the Pemberley grounds or park. Landscaping of the time did not aspire toward providing views of objects beyond the park such as roads or farmhouses.

  A park, from a guide to landscape gardening by its leading practitioner in this period, Humphrey Repton (he is discussed in Mansfield Park). The park embodies the prevailing ideal of sloping terrain (see note 56 above).

  [From Humphrey Repton, The Art of Tandscape Gardening (Boston, 1907; reprint edition), p. 138.]

  60. By the gardener, who would still be guiding them. His “triumphant smile” indicates that, like the housekeeper, he has a strong identification with his employers.

  61. accustomed circuit: standard path around the grounds. During the eighteenth century the layout of grounds near a house had changed. Instead of, as earlier, having all paths radiate from a central axis (generally the house itself), landscapers moved toward circular layouts that would allow guests and visitors to traverse the entire grounds and to experience its varied beauties. Often there was a long circuit for carriage riders and a short circuit for walkers.

  62. hanging woods: woods on a steep slope. They were called that because they would hang down. Contemporary advice on landscaping and the picturesque praised effects that could be created by such woods, especially those, such as these, that were next to water.

  63. coppice-wood: a small woods grown in order to be cut periodically, and thereby furnish wood for fuel or other purposes. Woods and forests were becoming a more prominent feature of the grounds of grand homes during this period; this was partly because of their appeal to current aesthetic tastes, but the economic usefulness of wooded land supplied a further reason.

  64. windings: winding or meandering paths. Winding paths constituted one of the principal elements of the natural English landscape and garden, which deliberately eschewed all straight lines. The Encyclopaedia Britannica of the time, in an article on gardening, states that a walk “ought to be subservient to the natural impediments (the ground, wood, and water) which fall in its way, without appearing to have any direction of its own.”

  65. Darcy's preservation of his trout stream, instead of making it into an artificial body of water as some landlords did, signals his restraint in his improvements. In Mansfield Park Jane Austen satirizes those who become excessive in their mania for improvement.

  66. mischievously construed: interpreted in a mischievous or negative way, or as something mischievous. In other words, she fears that Darcy might think she is indicating her interest in Pemberley as part of a scheme to recover the opportunity of becoming its mistress.

  67. fashion: high social standing.

  68. sly: secretive, furtive.

  69. decamping: scurrying away.

  70. connexion: relationship; in other words, connection to the Gardiners. Darcy already spoke, in his letter to Elizabeth, of his knowing the situation of her mother's family; thus, he is presumably not surprised that she has such an uncle and aunt. His surprise probably stems from his expectation that she, as a person of a higher class than the Gardiners, would not wish for them to be her traveling companions.

  71. Meaning that he bore with fortitude having to meet people of lower social position. His reaction foreshadows his eventual acceptance of the rest of Elizabeth's family.

  72. This contrasts sharply with Darcy's last encounter with members of Elizabeth's family, at the Ball at Netherfield. The difference results partly from an improvement in him, but it also stems from an improvement in the representatives of Elizabeth's family. In his letter explaining his objections to Bingley's match with Jane, Darcy asserted the Bennet family's improper behavior to be a greater drawback than their lower social connections, and the Gardiners exhibit none of this behavior. Darcy's conduct here also contradicts Elizabeth's earlier reflection that she would have had to renounce the Gardiners if she had accepted Darcy's proposal.

  73. They had departed from their positions in the walk when they moved toward the river bank; they had initially resumed those positions—the two ladies followed by the two gentlemen—upon returning to the walk, but had then switched to the new arrangement described in the next sentences.

  74. Bakewell: a historic town in Derbyshire, one also recommended in contemporary travel writings. The sentence implies that it was there that Elizabeth and the Gardiners were staying the previous night, which would mean that Lambton and Pemberley were imagined to be very close to Bakewell (see maps, pp. 742 and 744).

  75. This statement indicates how much this crucial meeting depends on coincidence. Had Darcy already been at Pemberley, or been scheduled to arrive this day, Elizabeth and the Gardiners never would have visited. Had Darcy arrived at Pemberley the next day as the visitors were told he would, he could not have encountered Elizabeth. Only the unlikely event of an arrival planned for the following day, but advanced to this day by Darcy without anyone's knowledge, permits the existing sequence of events.

  76. Since Darcy showed only limited interest in Elizabeth before the visit to Kent during which he proposed to her, and afterwards had every reason to think he would never see her again, it is unlikely that at any point he would have said much to his sister about Elizabeth.

  77. Girls of Miss Darcy's age and social position were often very sheltered—and Miss Darcy's recent near-elopement with Wickham would give her brother reason to be especially protective of her. In such cases they would normally be introduced only to good friends of the family.

  78. embargo: prohibition. Since neither of them knows where they stand regarding the other, they find it almost impossible to
talk about personal subjects.

  79. Tourist sites in Derbyshire; see p. 441, note 30.

  80. ideas: thoughts (i.e., things to say).

  81. stately: high, imposing.

  82. countenance: expression or look. This is a reference to Wickham's friendly manners and demeanor, which make him look more attractive than Darcy even if the physical features of his face are no better.

  83. great men: men of high social position. Such men's power would give them the opportunity to be whimsical or capricious if they chose, and their power also meant that any such behavior would be noticed by people in general.

  Map of an estate from The Art of Landscape Gardening, by Humphrey Repton (see caption to illustration on p. 461). The landscape exhibits a number of the features popular at the time, including channeled water, the emphasis on woods, and a summit that is clear to provide a good view.

  [From p. 210]

  84. flaming character: extravagantly glowing character. In other words, she was wild or extreme in her praise of him. Mrs. Gardiner's statement has an ironic twist, for a character, i.e. a testament of worthiness, was normally what a master gave a servant when the latter was seeking other employment. Here it is the servant who is testifying to the master's good qualities.

  85. liberal: generous (in a financial sense).

  86. In other words, a master's financial generosity is so important to a servant that the latter will consider such a master to be virtuous in every respect.

  87. construction: explanation, interpretation. In other words, they could be explained very differently.

  88. amiable: kind, good-natured.

  89. Meaning the exact places where she had lived before.

  90. This would be especially important, since Darcy's wish could indicate that he hopes to continue seeing Elizabeth, whether as friends or as something else.

  Chapter Two

  E lizabeth had settled it that Mr. Darcy would bring his sister to visit her, the very day after her reaching Pemberley; and was consequently resolved not to be out of sight of the inn the whole of that morning. But her conclusion was false; for on the very morning after their own arrival at Lambton, these visitors came.1 They had been walking about the place with some of their new friends, and were just returned to the inn to dress themselves for dining with the same family, when the sound of a carriage drew them to a window, and they saw a gentleman and lady in a curricle,2 driving up the street. Elizabeth immediately recognising the livery,3 guessed what it meant, and imparted no small degree of surprise to her relations, by acquainting them with the honour which she expected. Her uncle and aunt were all amazement; and the embarrassment of her manner as she spoke, joined to the circumstance itself, and many of the circumstances of the preceding day, opened to them a new idea on the business. Nothing had ever suggested it before, but they now felt that there was no other way of accounting for such attentions from such a quarter, than by supposing a partiality for their niece.4 While these newly-born notions were passing in their heads, the perturbation of Elizabeth's feelings was every moment increasing. She was quite amazed at her own discomposure; but amongst other causes of disquiet, she dreaded lest the partiality of the brother should have said too much in her favour;5 and more than commonly anxious to please, she naturally suspected that every power of pleasing would fail her.

  She retreated from the window, fearful of being seen; and as she walked up and down the room, endeavouring to compose herself, saw such looks of enquiring surprise in her uncle and aunt, as made every thing worse.6

  Miss Darcy and her brother appeared, and this formidable introduction took place. With astonishment did Elizabeth see, that her new acquaintance was at least as much embarrassed as herself. Since her being at Lambton, she had heard that Miss Darcy was exceedingly proud; but the observation of a very few minutes convinced her, that she was only exceedingly shy.7 She found it difficult to obtain even a word from her beyond a monosyllable.

  Miss Darcy was tall, and on a larger scale than Elizabeth; and, though little more than sixteen, her figure was formed, and her appearance womanly and graceful. She was less handsome than her brother, but there was sense and good humour in her face, and her manners were perfectly unassuming and gentle.8 Elizabeth, who had expected to find in her as acute and unembarrassed an observer as ever Mr. Darcy had been, was much relieved by discerning such different feelings.9

  They had not been long together, before Darcy told her that Bingley was also coming to wait on her; and she had barely time to express her satisfaction, and prepare for such a visitor, when Bingley's quick step was heard on the stairs, and in a moment he entered the room. All Elizabeth's anger against him had been long done away; but, had she still felt any, it could hardly have stood its ground against the unaffected cordiality10 with which he expressed himself, on seeing her again. He enquired in a friendly, though general way, after her family, and looked and spoke with the same good-humoured ease that he had ever done.

  To Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner he was scarcely a less interesting personage than to herself. They had long wished to see him. The whole party before them, indeed, excited a lively attention. The suspicions which had just arisen of Mr. Darcy and their niece, directed their observation towards each with an earnest, though guarded, enquiry; and they soon drew from those enquiries the full conviction that one of them at least knew what it was to love. Of the lady's sensations they remained a little in doubt; but that the gentleman was overflowing with admiration was evident enough.

  Elizabeth, on her side, had much to do. She wanted to ascertain11 the feelings of each of her visitors, she wanted to compose her own, and to make herself agreeable to all; and in the latter object, where she feared most to fail, she was most sure of success, for those to whom she endeavoured to give pleasure were prepossessed12 in her favour. Bingley was ready, Georgiana was eager, and Darcy determined, to be pleased.

  In seeing Bingley, her thoughts naturally flew to her sister; and oh! how ardently did she long to know, whether any of his were directed in a like manner. Sometimes she could fancy, that he talked less than on former occasions, and once or twice pleased herself with the notion that as he looked at her, he was trying to trace a resemblance. But, though this might be imaginary, she could not be deceived as to his behaviour to Miss Darcy, who had been set up as a rival of Jane. No look appeared on either side that spoke particular regard.13 Nothing occurred between them that could justify the hopes of his sister. On this point she was soon satisfied; and two or three little circumstances occurred ere they parted, which, in her anxious interpretation, denoted a recollection of Jane, not untinctured by tenderness, and a wish of saying more that might lead to the mention of her, had he dared. He observed to her, at a moment when the others were talking together, and in a tone which had something of real regret, that it “was a very long time since he had had the pleasure of seeing her;” and, before she could reply, he added, “It is above eight months. We have not met since the 26th of November, when we were all dancing together at Netherfield.”14

  Elizabeth was pleased to find his memory so exact; and he afterwards took occasion to ask her, when unattended to by any of the rest, whether all her sisters were at Longbourn. There was not much in the question, nor in the preceding remark, but there was a look and a manner which gave them meaning.

  It was not often that she could turn her eyes on Mr. Darcy himself; but, whenever she did catch a glimpse, she saw an expression of general complaisance,15 and in all that he said, she heard an accent16 so far removed from hauteur or disdain of his companions, as convinced her that the improvement of manners which she had yesterday witnessed, however temporary its existence might prove, had at least outlived one day. When she saw him thus seeking the acquaintance, and courting the good opinion of people, with whom any intercourse a few months ago would have been a disgrace; when she saw him thus civil, not only to herself, but to the very relations whom he had openly disdained, and recollected their last lively scene in Hunsford Parsonage,
the difference, the change was so great, and struck so forcibly on her mind, that she could hardly restrain her astonishment from being visible. Never, even in the company of his dear friends at Netherfield, or his dignified relations at Rosings, had she seen him so desirous to please, so free from self-consequence,17 or unbending reserve as now, when no importance18 could result from the success of his endeavours, and when even the acquaintance of those to whom his attentions were addressed, would draw down the ridicule and censure of the ladies both of Netherfield and Rosings.

  Their visitors staid with them above half an hour,19 and when they arose to depart, Mr. Darcy called on his sister to join him in expressing their wish of seeing Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, and Miss Bennet, to dinner at Pemberley, before they left the country.20 Miss Darcy, though with a diffidence which marked her little in the habit of giving invitations, readily obeyed. Mrs. Gardiner looked at her niece, desirous of knowing how she, whom the invitation most concerned, felt disposed as to its acceptance, but Elizabeth had turned away her head. Presuming, however, that this studied avoidance spoke rather a momentary embarrassment, than any dislike of the proposal, and seeing in her husband, who was fond of society, a perfect willingness to accept it, she ventured to engage for her attendance, and the day after the next was fixed on.

  Bingley expressed great pleasure in the certainty of seeing Elizabeth again, having still a great deal to say to her, and many enquiries to make after all their Hertfordshire friends. Elizabeth, construing all this into a wish of hearing her speak of her sister, was pleased; and on this account, as well as some others, found herself, when their visitors left them, capable of considering the last half hour with some satisfaction, though while it was passing, the enjoyment of it had been little. Eager to be alone, and fearful of enquiries or hints from her uncle and aunt, she staid with them only long enough to hear their favourable opinion of Bingley, and then hurried away to dress.21


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