Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales

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Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales Page 2

by Royalty K. I. N. G McCall

  She walked outside of maternity unit and sent a text to Keisha.

  "Girl where you at? Come fast, I need to meet ya?"

  "I am at home, getting ready to run to the store. What you mean I need to come fast? What the hell for?"

  "I don’t want to tell you in a text, just meet me at my job. But put your hair back and sneakers on... It's bad and I put that on my mom."

  "I promise if you're playing with me, I won’t talk to you for a week. I just got my hair done and these bundles aint cheap."

  "Girl would you come on, you are just wasting time. If you don’t hurry he will be gone and there will be nothing to find."

  "What you mean? Who will be gone? Okay now I am getting mad. You better not be playing with me. It can’t be that bad."

  Chapter 9

  Now Keisha pulled up to her girl’s job and walked through the entrance. Her friend already had a visitor pass ready, and she didn't have to go through admittance.

  " Okay, what! I'm here. Can you tell me what's going on?"

  " Girl I hate to be the one to tell you, but Maurice is doing you wrong"

  " What the hell do you mean? Tell me where he's at?"

  " Hold up! I'm about to tell you, I just don't know if you can handle all that."

  " Girl can you just tell me! I need to know if that fool is playing me?"

  " Well he's up in maternity with some white girl and their baby"

  " What do you mean their baby? What is this fool drunk? You know what I'll be right back I'm about to pop my trunk."

  "Girl this is a hospital, keep your cool and don't act crazy. Let’s just go upstairs and I'll ask to see the baby."

  So Keisha and her friend walked right into Sam's room. Maurice was down the hall and she was in the bathroom. Sam walked right out.

  " Now who the fuck are you?"

  " I'm Sam, I beg your pardon?"

  " So my husband had a baby with you?"

  " I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong room. My child's father is named Maurice."

  " Well so the fuck is mine, and our 3 kids Robert, Angel, and Shalise."

  Maurice walked back in the room. "Keisha? What are you doing here?"

  " You better have a better explanation than what am I doing here. Now who the hell baby is this? Or someone is getting fucked up in here."

  "You need to leave my room right now before I phone the police."

  " Girl do you know who the hell I am? The police are scared of me!"

  " Keisha it's not what it looks like, she is only my friend! Her baby's father is white and his name is Jason"

  "What are you saying Maurice? So this whole time you had a wife? You said we were going to make a family together and start a brand new life."

  " I'm sorry that I lied to you Sam, but you knew that I was the plug. I knew you were desperate for attention, and I needed you to move the drugs."

  "So what? You were just using me and fucking me when you were horny? What the hell am I supposed to do now? I have no one else to support me?"

  Chapter 10

  "Look Sam, I got my wife and she ain't going nowhere. I did what I could for you at the time that I was there. Now I kept my word about helping with the baby, but it’s come to a close and I gotta handle this with my lady."

  "Oh what? Now I'm your lady? Where the hell was all this loyalty when you were playing daddy to someone else's baby? You know what fool you got me fucked up and I should really kick your ass out. You better be glad little Robert needs you at his football tryouts!"

  "So can we just head back to the crib now?"

  "We will finish this when we get home., but boy this shit aint over. Give that desperate girl a couple hundred so there aint nothing that you owe her."

  Maurice left three hundred dollars on Sam’s table in the room. But stress kicked in full force and she didn't know what to do.

  Sam was discharged from the hospital and was trying to survive on her own, no matter where she was at she just refused to go home.

  Sam started living out of a hotel and cleaning for them on the side. She didn't have anyone to watch her son, but she made sure she tried.

  She carried him in each room as she cleaned it from bottom to top. She told them she had a new baby but she hoped that they forgot. Then the owner caught her doing laundry with the baby in the basket.

  "I knew you had a child here and I have just about had it."

  So Sam and baby Josiah were kicked out on their own, no one to confide in and help them, just the two of them all alone.

  But Sam came to realize she was down to her last 30 bucks, with nowhere to go and 35 degrees, she was really down on her luck. Baby Josiah was wrapped in a blanket and she was walking down the city streets. But the closest bus didn’t run for 2 hours and Josiah had nothing to eat.

  Sam had chosen not to breastfeed and she was all out of milk. So she had to let him try to nurse, that would be the only thing that would help.

  Thankfully enough her milk came in and finally Josiah was fed. With a brand new baby cold and starving they were lucky that they weren't dead.

  So Sam just kept walking until she came up to a bridge, there was blankets, food, and some pillows like it was where someone else had lived. So she made them a little pallet right underneath the road, and cuddled the baby against her skin to keep him from getting cold.

  Chapter 11

  Sam and Josiah were sleeping when a lady pulled over her car. There was a piece of a box that got caught underneath her car.

  She saw them sleeping together in the dirt and her spirit was overwhelmed with pain and hurt.

  "I've been in that position before, she just needs someone to lift her up."

  So she walked down by Sam and Josiah.

  "Excuse me Miss, are you up?"

  Sam jumped up quickly and said,

  "Oh yes, I just fell asleep. We were just trying to find the closest place to eat."

  "Well you won't find anything downtown sweetheart, there isn't anything for miles. If you need a hot meal and place to stay, you can come with me for a while."

  "Ma'am, I really don't want to trouble you, but we do need somewhere to stay. I got fired and kicked out, so we had been walking around all day."

  "Well then, come on and stay with me and let's get that baby out of the cold. OMG! He's so small, he can't be more than a few months old."

  So Sam and Josiah went with the nice lady, and rode with her to her home. She was elderly and single, so she lived all alone.

  The lady's name was Erma and she was very nice. As long as she was around she made sure everything was all right.

  She took Sam and Josiah the next day to her church, and the preacher asked Sam,

  "Do you have any idea what your worth? You see God puts greatness in all of us. He can restore the broken, heal the sick, and bring back the dead. Do you believe this?"

  " I am not sure what I believe sir..."

  " You see that right there is the problem. God needs you to come to him right now and say Lord I need you. I'm not perfect, I know my family isn't perfect, but I give it to you God. I know you have what's best for me. I know the greatness in me has yet to come Lord. I need you to do something right now. Are you listening?”

  " Yes sir."

  " I need you to walk up to the microphone in front of my entire church and say to everyone... God I am worthy. Today I am worthy, and as long as you continue to breathe life into me I am worthy of the purpose you have given me."

  " In front of everyone?"

  "You are only in front of God."

  Sam walked very slowly in front of the congregation.

  " I've never done this before, so I'm just asking for you to be patient."

  "Sam forget we are here this is your moment to speak to the Lord."

  "Lord I don't know how to pray so I hope you still can hear. Ever since I was a child I never felt like anyone cared. I searched for love in the wrong places and now I have a baby. I lashed out for attention, but my parents never tri
ed to save me. Telling you my problems, you see to me this part is easy. But to tell you I'm worthy and believe it. How can I tell you when I don't even believe me?"

  Chapter 12

  As Sam started to break down in front of the church, one by one each of them started to walk up and hug her. After each hug the members placed money in her hand for her to get her own place.

  As they continued to place money in her hand, tears continued to roll down her face.

  "Why are you guys helping me? To you I am just a stranger."

  "Sometimes we all need a little help child, and it's just a small favor."

  "Mrs. Erma I just feel bad I can't accept this."

  "Yes you can, you will take it for that can't be out here homeless."

  "I don't even know how to repay you, or where I would begin."

  "Repay me by getting on your feet and let me see you win."

  "I don't know where I would be if I never met you."

  "Well you did and it was meant so don't think about things you're not supposed to."

  Sam counted the money and just that day the church family had blessed her with almost five thousand dollars. She left and was overwhelmed with tears of joy. She could get them a place to stay and a real crib for her baby boy.

  She left with Mrs. Erma to go buy a car for her and her son, she couldn't believe the blessings she was given from above.

  Mrs. Erma found a small dealership that was even willing to help, they sold her a 5000 vehicle half price just help. She took another 2000 and put down 6 months that day on rent, she was almost through it all but it was money well spent.

  She took the last of the funds and found herself a new crib, some products for her child, and she was proud of where she lived. She started going to church and was on the right track.

  But then came word of mouth, that Jason was now back. He was searching hard for Sam and wanted to see his son. With her parents not in contact, he wondered what she had done. He wondered if she was with the plug and out here doing bad, he worried about his son and it was only making him mad.

  So his parents paid an investigator to find out where she lived, Jason was now on a mission to come and take his kid.

  Chapter 13

  Jason's parents found out where Sam lived and he walked right up to her door.

  "Knock Knock Knock"

  "Who is it?"

  "Just open the damn door."

  Sam opened the door and looked right in the eyes of Jason.

  "Were you ever going to tell me you moved? or Just move place to place with him?"

  "You were talking crazy and I want Josiah to have a good dad. Plus, you were in prison and I was out here doing bad."

  "So you take off with my son? You're lucky I don't take him for good."

  "Jason I've got everything we need, so good luck I wish you would."

  "Well I'm going to give you an option, you can let me move in and us work this out."

  "Jason it's just too soon, how about let him just get use to you being around."

  "Sam this really isn't an option, either you do it or I guess I'll snitch. Moving drugs into prison? You know that's a federal offense."

  "So what are you saying? You'll turn this around on me?"

  "What I'm saying is I love you, the question is do you love me?"

  Sam gave in and let Jason move in and control her every move. From the places she went, to the calls she made, he told her everything she was allowed to do.

  As Jason gained control, Sam had finally lost her voice. She didn't speak without permission and wouldn't disagree with his choice. She had grown completely submissive but in the most abusive way, but she was always told abuse was physical not verbal; therefore, she assumed everything was okay.

  She picked up every item he dropped repetitively on the floor, she even had sex on command and became his on-call whore. She thought by keeping her family together that the pros outweighed the cons. But as the control continued, the physical abuse didn't take long.

  Chapter 14

  Sam was being abused repetitively for months. She tried to hide the bruises, but it eventually became too much.

  Jason would continue to beat her until she was unconscious, then plead and say he was sorry, because he didn't do well with a guilty conscious.

  She forgave him over and over, and once again accepted his flowers. Get beaten by him again, then make love to him for hours.

  You see Sam had misinterpreted what it meant to be loved, and thought she was doing the right thing. Always thinking of her son. But she didn’t know how to accept, that love can also be toxic.

  One day while she was cleaning, she broke down and lost it.

  "I am trying to do right and keep my family at their best. But no one ever prepared me on how to deal with the rest. I am tired of being beaten, Lord please hear me as I pray. I ask that you heal his demons, and if you can't help us get away. I don't want to keep him from his son, but this way has become unsafe. Our home has become a prison and I now can't stand this place. I'm tired of the black eyes and the fat lip every week, I don't know if it’s what I attract or the qualities in men I seek. Maybe I'm looking for love in all the ways it will never be, or maybe I had faith in a man who will never be able to truly love me."

  Sam continued to try beyond the bruises on her body or scars on her face. The more that Jason would beat her, the more she planned her escape.

  One day while they were cooking, Sam had burned their dinner. So you know what Jason did? He jumped up and quickly hit her. He slammed her against the kitchen table and threw her across the floor. Josiah was crying his eyes out and pulling on the door.

  Sam continued to scream and Jason only got angry, he was only focused on hurting her and had forgotten about their baby. Jason placed his hands around Sam’s throat, and as he cut off her air supply, Sam began to choke.

  She tried hard to hit him, but he had an advantage with his reach. As he continued to squeeze harder, her breath she could no longer keep.

  She scratched his face as hard as she could, and gave it one last try. If he was going to kill her, then she was going to take his eye.

  Jason began to slam her head against the floor, but now Josiah wanted to help his mommy and left beside the door. He crawled up Jason’s back and bite him on the neck... then Jason smacked him across the room and it would be his last regret.

  Chapter 15

  Jason threw baby Josiah so hard he hit the wall. Baby Josiah didn't make a sound, not a cry, nothing at all.

  He laid there on the floor, and his body didn't move. As Sam struggled for her own life, she didn't know what to do.

  She reached for the closest vase and slammed it against Jason's head. He was quickly knocked unconscious, but No, he wasn't dead.

  Sam rushed to Josiah's side and performed CPR, but he still wasn't breathing so she rushed him to the car. She drove 110 on the highway all the way there, a cop flipped on his sirens behind her, but Sam just didn't care. Josiah started to turn blue and discoloration came of his face.

  "Baby just please hold on... I'm taking you to the best place."

  Sam ran into the E.R. with Josiah collapsed in her arms. Nurses ran to her side, to see who had caused them harm.

  " Hi my name is Sarah and I'm with registration."

  "I don't give two fucks about my insurance right now, just take my son as your patient."

  They took Josiah away and rushed him to I.C.U. They hooked him up to oxygen because his face was turning blue.

  The oxygen wasn't working, so a ventilator was the only option. She wanted them to save her baby, so anything they could do.

  She knew she wouldn't stop them. So Sam held Josiah’s arm, and watched a machine keep him alive. All because she didn't leave, her baby almost died.

  She started to blame herself and thought she did the right thing, now accepting her son's condition was the hardest thing she had ever seen.

  Chapter 16

  Baby Josiah was still on life su
pport and the Doctor came in to speak.

  "Hello Sam, how are you? My name is Doctor Leat?"

  "I'm okay I guess, I mean the best that I can be. Do you have any good news or something more to tell me?"


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