The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3) Page 3

by Ashley Love

  My mouth-work on his penis proved too much, however, and he begged me to stop, pulling on my head. Giving his spent dick one last, hard suck, I let it pop out of my mouth as I lifted up. I sighed in satisfaction, swishing his manly load in my mouth. His cum was the sweetest yet, and fairly thick as well.

  For a few moments, as I petted Sean's spent and wilted dick, running my hands over his soft, pudgy abdomen, I just held his cream in my mouth, savoring it. I smiled at him, enjoying the stupefied reaction on his face. Then, staring him in the eye, I sucked in my cheeks and made a loud gulping sound as I swallowed his load. I could feel the warmth of it in my chest as it oozed down to my stomach.

  "Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "Y-you swallow?"

  I licked my lips and smiled in satisfaction. "Mm-hmm," I moaned, then leaned over and licked a last little bubble of cum from his dick. I showed Sean the creamy white dollop on my tongue before sucking it down with a sigh. Being so naughty and dirty turned me on so much more than I had ever thought it could.

  Sean laughed, sagging back in his seat. "Oh my God," he breathed out. "I can't believe it. You did it, baby." He sat up, giving me a worshipful look. "In all my life, I've never cum from a blow job. How'd you do that?"

  I smiled and shrugged. "Just a gift, I guess."

  He swooned. "Baby, please," he said with such sincerity. "I know I shouldn't ask, but...I gotta have your phone number. Please. I promise I'll be discreet."

  I thought about it a moment, then nodded, and gave him my cell phone number. Then I looked at him expectantly.

  "What?" he asked, then smiled sheepishly as he understood. He dug into his jeans, pulled out a wad of cash. He peeled off two twenties and a ten, handed them to me. I was impressed.

  "You're that good, baby," he said.

  I just smiled and gave him a little kiss. Then I kissed his cock one last time before he pulled up his slacks.


  I thought about my experiences over the following few days. Three times in one day, I had given head in exchange for money, making me a prostitute. That word, which had always held a seedy, dark reputation, now seemed almost like a badge of honor. More than the act of giving head, more than taste of cum, what aroused me the most was being so sinful and wicked as to take money in exchange for the pleasures of my mouth.

  Still, twelve years of Catholic guilt were difficult to overcome, and I felt shame and wickedness (as my father had always called it) as I thought about what I had done. I fell back into my mode of being the shy, quiet one at school and work. While I still flirted as I had always done, I toned it down, and kept to myself.

  On Saturday morning, before my lunch shift at work, I got off the bus before St. Andrew's. The towering steeple of the church loomed over me like the condemning hand of God. Guilt over my actions three days before washed through me with the strength of Noah's flood. I could hear Bible verses repeated in my head in my father's voice.

  The church was mostly empty, save for some of the more devout who knelt in the first few rows of pews, muttering prayers over and over. I headed to the confessional, slid the door closed as I sat on the hard wooden bench. I picked my nails until I heard the little window slide open in the wall to my right.

  "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," I intoned.

  "How long has it been since your last confession, child?" asked a wizened voice through the wire screen. The priest sounded tired, weary of hearing the selfish confessions and whining he was subjected to on a daily basis.

  I trembled. "About...three months," I said.

  "What do you wish to confess?"

  I fell silent. How can I say it? How can I confess to something so wicked and corrupt, yet so...wonderfully satisfying?

  "Talk to me, child," came the voice again, urging me. "You would not be here if you did not have sins to confess."

  I sighed. "I have always listened to God's word," I said. "I have honored my father and mother, done charitable things, and behaved as I was taught a proper woman should behave."

  "That is very commendable," said the disembodied voice.

  I continued. "But, recently, I...I did something I know is wicked and immoral, just felt so good. I couldn't help it. I wanted to do it, even though I know I shouldn't have."

  "What did you do, child?" asked the tired voice.

  I gritted my teeth, having arrived at the moment of truth. The air in the confessional was fragrant with the aromas of pine and guilt. "I...I accepted money in exchange for..." I trailed off, unable to finish.

  "For?" the invisible priest prompted me. He seemed suddenly interested in my confession.

  I felt hot, embarrassed, but also aroused as I recalled Carlos, and Tyree, and Sean, and the stiff, throbbing dicks between their legs, the rush of cum on my tongue, the tart flavor of semen as it flowed down my throat...

  " head," I said with a sigh, then immediately corrected myself, feeling a need to be clinical. "I mean, performing oral sex."

  "Ah. I see. That is, indeed, wicked."

  I slumped, feeling ashamed. And ashamed even more that the mere thought of what I had done was making me moist again. I had spent every night and morning since Wednesday masturbating in my bed to the memories of what I had done, often exploding in multiple orgasms that left my thighs and cheeks dripping.

  "And say you accepted money for this service?" asked the hidden priest.

  "Yes, Father," I said. "Please, forgive me."

  "Did it...excite you?" he asked.

  I breathed out, whimpering. "Oh, God, it turned me on so much!" I exclaimed in a pained, hoarse voice. "Just the feel of it, and the knowledge that I was doing it for money, and...and the taste...oh, God, it tasted so good..."

  "The...taste, child?" he queried.

  I moaned, lost in my recollection, forgetting where I was and who I was talking to. "Mmm, when they came in my mouth...oh, fuck...that's the best part."


  "Am I wicked, Father?" I asked, temporarily returning to the moment. "I am, aren't I? I'm terrible, and wicked, and...and evil, and—"

  I stopped abruptly as I heard the little screen in the window between the booths pulled to the side. There was a dark shadow of movement, the sound of cloth, and then, through the window, thrust a hard, very pale, and very throbbing dick.

  "I think you need special dispensation, child," said the voice.

  I whimpered again, controlled by lust. Without hesitation, I descended upon the priest's penis, wrapping my fingers around the base, sucking on the head. I moaned in pleasure, determined to satisfy my craving for the taste and feel of a stiff dick that had been building for the previous few days.

  "Oh, yes, child," moaned the priest on the other side. "'Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.'"

  I hummed along to the cadence of the prayer as I slurped and sucked hungrily on the pale, marble-like rod in my mouth, drawing out a literal river of oily pre-cum and swallowing the sweet treat. The vibrations I made as I repeatedly mumbled the prayer seemed to excite the priest even more, bringing about his orgasm quickly.

  The pitch of the priest's voice became more strained: "Our father...who art in H-heaven...uhn...h-hallowed by thy kingdom...ohhh...thy kingdom...cum! Oh, Lord, forgive me!"

  I could actually feel the forceful spurts of the priest's pudding-like semen as it shot out of his dick. I nearly choked on the first gooey glob as it hit the back of my throat, but managed to swallow it down. I moaned in rapture, and kept sucking as thick ropes of cum landed heavily on my tongue. The flavor was unexpectedly sweet, the consistency of his juice like tapioca. I figured the priest had not ejaculated in quite a while.

  Abruptly, he jerked his prick out of my mouth and back through the window, leaving me with drops of sperm on my lips and a mouthful of his 'spiritual' essence.

  "God bless you, my child," he murmured.
  I leaned back, holding his cum in my mouth, wanting to savor it for as long as I could. My hands touched my breasts through the white tank I wore, caressing my stiff nipples.

  "Ten Our Fathers," said the priest, his voice breathless. "And my...personal grace." A twenty-dollar bill emerged through the window.

  I sighed through my nose, taking the money. I guess a priest deserves a half-price blow job, I thought. "Thank you, Father," I managed to say around my thick mouthful, then took up my bag. I stepped from the booth, smiling naughtily. There was a fat woman outside, waiting to enter the confessional.

  "Is Father Thomas in a good mood today?" she asked me, her eyes wide.

  I smiled at her, conscious of the traces of gummy white fluid on my lips. I knew she could see them. I sucked in, swallowed Father Thomas' rich sperm, then licked my lips. "Oh, I'm sure he's in a very good mood," I said, then stepped away, listening to the fat woman's gasps of shock.

  I left the church, heading to the bus stop, feeling strangely vindicated and absolved. There's no turning back now, I thought.

  "'Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name...'"


  That afternoon, following my single lunch shift (it was rare that I only worked a Saturday lunch and not a double, as was the norm), I headed out into the mall, after once again stripping off my work shirt. I felt a strange sense of confidence, of casual arousal. The thick taste of Father Thomas' sperm remained with me, even after six hours. It made me want more.

  As I headed through the mall, seeing boys and men, fathers with their families and husbands with their wives, I kept thinking that it would be so easy to approach any of them and make them an offer. I simply knew that no man would refuse me, and that knowledge fueled my ego, making me inordinately confident.

  As I passed a shoe store, I stopped in my tracks, spying a pair of leather boots I had always dreamt of having. My mouth watered, and my pussy juiced just looking at them. I had to have those boots. Still, the two-hundred-dollar price tag was daunting. I didn't have that much on me, nor even in my account. The money I had made since Wednesday had gone toward bills, groceries, and incidentals.

  Still, there was no harm in looking...

  I headed inside, made a bee-line for the display of boots. There happened to be a pair in size five, and I took them down, smelling the rich leather. Mmm...if these boots were a man, I'd give up my cherry right now, I thought.

  I took the boots down an aisle, sat down and took off my black work shoes. But I realized that I wouldn't be able to pull on the boots, since my jeans were so tight around my legs. Damn it, I wish I wore a skirt!

  "Can I help you, miss?"

  I looked up from the little bench I sat upon, seeing an attractive black guy with a shaved head, wearing khaki slacks and a blue polo. He had a name tag that read, "Marcus."

  "Yeah," I said, looking to his crotch a moment. I could see a faint bulge beneath the fabric. "I wish I could try on these boots."

  Marcus shrugged. "Go right ahead."

  I smiled in a self-deprecating way. "You gonna let me take my jeans off right here?" I asked sarcastically.

  The salesman looked me over in a way that told me he sure as hell wouldn't mind seeing me in my panties. "Tell you what," he said. "We have a stock room in the back. I'll watch the door."

  I mused over the proposal a moment, then smiled. "Sure."

  * * *

  Marcus lead me through a narrow door in the back, and I found myself in a room lined with overstuffed shelves of shoes and heels and boots. The aroma of leather was strong and seductive. Marcus closed the door behind us and looked me over again as I found a little stool and sat down.

  "I thought you were gonna watch the door," I said.

  He smiled confidently. "I am. From the inside."

  What a sneaky bastard, I thought, even as I smiled. "Is that what you like to do? Watch?"

  Marcus licked his lips, already undressing me. "You got it, babe."

  That warmth returned, making my cheeks blush and my pussy twitch. Teasingly, I unsnapped and unzipped my jeans, giving Marcus a glimpse of my white cotton undies with little hearts on them. I sat with my legs parted, providing him with a great view. "You could do more than watch," I suggested, hardly believing the words coming out of my mouth.

  He arched a thin eyebrow, and took a step closer. "Yeah?"

  The idea of exposing myself to this guy suddenly made me hot...even hotter than taking off my top and blowing Sean in his car. "Maybe," I said.

  He narrowed his eyes and smiled knowingly. "What'chu want, girl?"

  I leaned forward, spreading my legs more, my hands on my knees, letting him see my cleavage. "Two things," I said. "I want these boots."

  He pursed his lips. "Hmm..."

  I smiled mischievously. "And I want your cum in my mouth," I added, feeling so wonderfully naughty as I spoke the words.

  "Ooo," he responded, taking a breath. He shuddered a moment, then composed himself. "Show me that pussy, baby, and you got a deal."

  I grinned, ogling his crotch. "Show me yours," I said, lifting my hips as I pushed my jeans and panties down. "And I'll show you mine."

  Marcus' eyes glazed as he took in my blonde bush. My pubic hair is just as light-toned as the hair on my head, maybe even more so, and I trim it just enough to wear a bikini. I trembled in excitement as I allowed a man to see my naked pussy for the first time ever. I had to bend and spread my legs to work my jeans and panties off my ankles, giving the shoe salesman glimpses of my pink.

  "Oh, damn, baby," he breathed, reaching for his belt as he stepped out of his shoes. “I ain't never seen a real blonde before.”

  I arched an eyebrow, sitting up, keeping my legs splayed wide, petting my furry mound. I could feel how wet I was, and could smell my tangy scent as well, drifting up from between my legs. "Never?" I asked, petting my furry mound.

  Marcus stared unabashedly at my pussy, licking his lips hungrily. "You got a real nice little pussy there, baby," he said, and shoved his khakis down. Marcus wasn't wearing underwear, and his thick, dark penis bounced heavily between his legs. He wasn't completely hard, not yet.

  "Yeah?" I asked huskily, leaning back and pushing my hips out. Giving in to the moment, I spread my pussy open with my fingers, getting them wet, and exposed my little clit. "Think so?"

  He grinned. "Let me show you how much," he said, moving closer. Each step he took seemed to make his cock grow and thicken, until it jutted out toward me. It was uncircumcised, with a dark pink head poking out from the foreskin sheath. Marcus' dick was the thickest I had seen yet. He had smooth-shaved balls, which made me curious, and trimmed his pubic hair to a small dense patch.

  I sat up straight as he stopped before me, his legs between my own. I had the impression that he wanted to fuck. The head of his cock was within inches of my mouth as I looked up at him. "Wait," I said. "No sex, just head."

  Marcus chuckled, and lowered himself to his knees. "Just what I had in mind, baby," he said, his brown eyes glittering. Gingerly, he placed one hand between my breasts, gently pushing me back, as his other hand settled on my right thigh. My heart palpitated as I realized what he wanted to do. I eagerly spread my thighs as wide as they would go as Marcus kept his eyes locked on mine.

  His hands slid down my body and up my thigh, meeting just above my pussy. I started breathing heavily, anticipating the delights to come. The touch of his fingers running through my pubes and down over my swollen vulvae was electric, making me shiver. I actually heard my pussy lips slurp wetly, and so did Marcus.

  "Damn baby, you ready for this, ain't you? Oh, yeahohhmmm..."

  Oh, sweet Jesus in Heaven! I sighed deeply in pleasure as Marcus pressed his thick, soft lips to my dewy cunt, kissing it tenderly, lapping up my trickling juice with soft, slow passes of his tongue. I cupped my breasts, pushing up my top and bra, groping and kneading my tender mounds. Marcus watched my actions as he devoured me, his sucki
ng growing more intent, his tongue probing deeper. I gasped, lifting my hips, when his tongue pushed into my virgin tunnel.

  "Oh, God!" I cried out, rolling my hips, humping his mouth. I watched his face, seeing the bliss registered in his features as he sucked and licked my juicy snatch. He made these sexy 'ummm' sounds in between smacking his lips and swallowing my fluid. I had never felt anything so incredible in my life.

  My passion was ready to explode by the time his fingers peeled back the hood of my clit. The moment he pursed his lips around my button, pressing his chin to my slick lips and his nose into my soft blonde pubes, I started cumming. And cumming hard.

  I bucked and gasped, shrieked and moaned, lifting my ass up off the chair and shoving myself hard against Marcus' mouth. I pinched and pulled on my nipples, something I had never done before when masturbating, but which accentuated the intensity of my orgasm.

  Marcus sucked greedily on my flowing hole, licking deep between my lips and even passing his tongue down as he chased after dribbles of my cum. I hissed when his tongue wormed against my asshole for a moment, sending a charge through me. Marcus cupped my firm cheeks in his hands and licked up and down from my anus to my clit and back and forth, back and forth...

  I was trembling with aftershocks by the time I came back down. Marcus lowered my butt back onto the stool and stood before me. I panted, catching my breath, barely watching as he began stroking his dick. He leaned over me, bracing his other hand against the wall above my head. His cockhead rubbed against my tits as he jerked off.

  Inspired by the pleasure he had given me, I cupped my breasts around the head of his dick, making him moan in pleasure. I licked his abdomen, kissed his flat navel as he pumped faster and faster. His skin tasted sweet and musky, stronger than any other man I had thus far tasted.

  "Oh, baby!" he grunted, jacking faster and faster, pre-cum making his hand smack wetly along his shaft. "I'm gonna shoot, baby!"


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