The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3) Page 5

by Ashley Love

  I managed a smile. "So why the other guys?" I asked.

  Sean grinned. "Just helping out a friend," he said. "I had the feeling, after that first time, that you were one of those rare girls who...well, who got off on dick. And I've always wanted to be part of a blow bang."

  I laughed, rearing back. "'Blow bang?'" I asked. The term was new to me.

  "Yeah," said Sean. "You've never heard of that?"

  I bit my lip. "No. I've heard of gangbangs, but—"

  "Well, it's the same thing," said Sean. "Except it's just your mouth. Don't worry, Allie; I'll make sure all the guys know that your...down below is off-limits."

  I smiled, looking Sean over. I loved watching him smoke. He had a casual flair about it. Looking at him, naked in my living room, and still tasting his cum in my mouth, I was getting turned on again.

  I leaned forward, stubbed out my cigarette in the ashtray Sean had made out of a Diet Coke can. Then I eased back and lifted my hips, slipping off the one last article of clothing I wore. Sean watched as I dangled my panties from the tip of a finger and lay back, spreading my legs wide.

  "It's not off limits to you," I said. "Just don't go too deep."

  Sean moaned in arousal. "Oh, baby," he muttered, then went down, burying his face between my thighs. I grinned and cooed, holding onto the back of his head as my new friend went to work with his tongue.

  "Mmm, yeah, baby, eat my pussy...oh, yeahhhhh...”


  I was anxious and nervous the following Sunday. All day long at work, I fidgeted in anticipation of the evening to come. Sean had called me that morning, giving me the address of the motel and the room number, assuring me that he would bring a bottle of strawberry-flavored vodka. He assuaged my fears that some of the guys would want to go too far, saying that they would feel 'blessed enough' to enjoy my mouth.

  My nervousness was telling, prompting some of my coworkers to ask me if anything was wrong. I told them that everything was fine, I had just gotten news about a friend who was in the hospital. The lie helped deflect any further questions.

  Once I was done with my sidework and other duties, I caught the bus home, showered carefully, and applied fresh makeup. I dressed in a tiny little green skirt I had purchased just for the occasion, and a tight white shirt. I tied my hair in pigtails again, and seeing myself in the mirror, I decided that I looked like a hot little slut schoolgirl. Every man's fantasy. I grinned.


  Sean arrived at seven, and commented on my appearance. He could barely keep his eyes on the road, especially once I lifted my skirt to show him the absence of panties. I knew he wanted to pull over somewhere and let me work on him, but I could also tell he wanted to wait.

  By the time we arrived at the motel, I had dripped so much that my little skirt sported a very obvious stain in the back. Not that it mattered; I wasn't going to be wearing it for long, I figured.

  The guys were already in the room when we arrived. There were four of them, as Sean had promised. Two were tall and skinny, another was pretty short and a little pudgy, and the fourth was downright fat. But they were all cordial and nice, giving me looks as if they were in the presence of a goddess.

  I slugged down a strawberry vodka cocktail, and Sean switched on a music station on the TV. Michael Jackson's 'Dirty Diana' was playing. It seemed appropriate. As the guys watched, sitting on the edges of the two beds, I did a little strip-tease for them. I loved the way they stared at my body as it was revealed. They moaned and groaned when I showed them my firm tits and licked my fingers, polishing my puffies until they shined. The fat one, Saul, just about fell off the bed when I dropped my skirt.

  I got up on all fours on one of the beds, and all five of them knelt around the end as I masturbated for them. I loved the attention, and spread myself open wide to let them get a good look. They made appreciative comments about the appearance of my pussy, never once using rude words. When I came, spurting all over the bed sheets, they applauded. I actually blushed.

  Then they stood and pulled out their dick. Now it was my turn to swoon.

  Sean was a little above average in size, I had come to realize, topping out at about seven inches. The two tall guys were both a little smaller—I found out later that they were brothers—and the short guy was average as well. But Saul...

  The fat man had a dick to match his body. Maybe it wasn't too long, but it was easily thicker than my wrist. I wondered if I would even be able to fit the thing in my mouth. But with enough spit and some adjusting, I did, and Saul moaned as I stuffed his beer-can dick as deep as I could take it. He all but passed out when I drank his seed the first time.

  I was in heaven, sucking one cock, stroking two others, while various fingers and the occasional tongue diddled my horny snatch. I made the stipulation that the guys could do whatever they wanted, as long as it didn't involve penetration and as long as they got off in my mouth. They all agreed readily.

  I gulped down load after load of sweet, thick cum, even took one on my face before scooping it up with my fingers as the guys watched, and sucking my fingers clean. Sean spent a lot of time licking and sucking and fingering my dripping puss, making sure I came over and over. I rewarded him with a deep-throat blowjob that had him literally exploding in my mouth.

  The hottest part of the evening was when all five of them surrounded me, beating off and taking turns in my mouth. One by one they shot their loads onto my waiting tongue, until I had all five loads floating heavily in my mouth. One of the guys handed me my compact so I could see the erotic image of all that cum at once. I couldn't even see my tongue, there was so much milky fluid. I had to swallow twice to get it all down, and the guys cheered.

  By the time I announced I'd had enough, each of the guys had cum at least three times. My mouth was tired and my tummy was full. I had swallowed so much dick sauce that I actually burped up sperm. I kissed the guys goodbye as they left the room, even walked out naked onto the breezeway to wave them off. Saul gave me such a look of gratitude before he left that I was touched. Then I headed back inside, where Sean lay naked and waiting for me.

  I crawled up atop him, straddling his hips, rubbing my pussy against his half-hard dick. It was the closest a cock had ever come to my virgin hole, but I trusted Sean not to take advantage of the situation.

  "Thanks, Sean," I said, feeling heady from both the alcohol and semen I had consumed.

  He smiled up at me, gently massaging my breasts and tilting his head to kiss and lick them. "You're welcome," he said. "I knew you'd enjoy it."

  I breathed out, surrounded, saturated, with the aroma and flavor of sperm, and kissed his forehead. I was still turned on. I could have kept sucking the guys all night, but knew they wouldn't have been able to handle it. Besides that, my jaw was sore.

  "I've got something for you," said Sean.

  My eyes lit up. "Yeah?"

  He chuckled, indicated his jacket hanging off one of the chairs. "Go get it."

  I scrambled off him, excited, and rummaged through the jacket. I found a thick white envelope inside, and took it out. I looked to Sean expectantly. He nodded with a smile.

  "Goody!" I exclaimed, jumping back atop him, making him grunt and the bed bounce. I opened the envelope, finding a stack of twenties inside. I counted the money quickly, grinning as I realized I held four hundred dollars in my hands. Not bad for three hours' work, I thought. It was more than I made in a week at the restaurant.

  "There's something else," he said.

  I frowned, and dug into the envelope. Something bulged against the side, and I pulled it out.

  A ring. Gold, lined with tiny diamonds, with a blue butterfly centerpiece. I swooned, and my eyes watered. "Oh, Sean," I sighed, dripping tears down my cheeks.

  He smiled, smoothing his hands up and down my body. "Call it a friendship ring," he said. "Go ahead, put it on. I think I got the size right."

  I slipped the ring down my finger. It fit perfectly. I w
iggled my fingers, looking upon the jewelry, then bent over and kissed Sean deeply. He responded immediately, kissing me back, wrapping his arms around me.

  My body undulated atop his, and I felt his dick stiffen. Panting and moaning into his mouth, I slid my hand down between us, finding it with my fingers. I tilted it up, rubbing the head against my damp labia. Sean groaned.

  "Oh, Allie," he sighed, grabbing my ass with one hand, the other pushing up through the hair on the back of my head.

  "Do it," I panted. "F-fuck me..."

  I arched my back, rolled my hips, feeling my pussy spread open. The head of Sean's stiff dick pushed between my folds, sliding inside...

  "Oh, God!" I cried out, my virgin tunnel immediately clamping down on the intruder. I worked it a little, wincing, then sighing as the head popped inside. "Oh, sweet baby Jesus..."

  Never had I felt anything like this. Fingers and tongues were one thing, but this was a dick! And it was pushing up inside me, penetrating me for the first time, probing deeper and deeper until...

  I yelped as I felt the barrier inside me stretched by Sean's penis, and pulled up. I stared down at his face, saw the mirror of my own shock and reluctance.

  "You're not ready," he said.

  I sighed, and cried again. "Oh, God, I-I'm s-s-sorry..."

  But Sean just smiled and slipped out of me. I moaned as my pussy was emptied, his slick cock sliding out and slapping wetly to his abdomen. He pulled me down and kissed me again. "It's okay, baby," he whispered. "You'll know when you're ready."

  I smiled at him through my tears. "I'm glad you're my friend."

  "I am, too," he said, and held me close.


  Every Sunday evening, I 'entertained' Sean's employees, sucking and fisting their dicks until I received mouthful after delicious mouthful of creamy cum. Maybe they weren't the most attractive men in the world, but they served up generous amounts of dick cream for my hungry mouth, and treated me like a princess on parade.

  I would dance naked for them, give lap dances as they groped and fondled me, and masturbate before their eyes as a prelude to a wild round of cock sucking. Some of them licked and fingered me—always being careful, of course, not to tear my hymen—and such men received extra special attention in return.

  I always went home satisfied and full, with Sean dropping me off on my doorstep and giving me a sweet kiss good night. We didn't talk about how close we had come to making love for the first time.

  The holidays brought an abatement to our blow-bang weekends. I spent Christmas with my parents, and Sean was out of town with his wife and kids, visiting family 'back east.' I satisfied my carnal needs with the usual boys in the mall, but I missed the thrill of having multiple dicks at my disposal. I couldn't wait for Sean to come back.

  My cell phone rang shrilly on New Year's day, rousing me from an alcoholic stupor. I had gone to a party the night before, hosted by Lily, a girl from work, and had ended up doing at least two, maybe three guys in the bathroom by the time the fireworks started. I barely remembered the blow jobs, clouded as they were by the fog of too much alcohol.

  "Hello," I grumbled.

  "Allie, it's Sean."

  I became awake instantly, even if I was still drunk. "Sean?" I slurred.

  He chuckled. "Good party?" he asked.

  I clutched my head. "Ffffuck...I think I got a hangover."

  "You're not the only one."

  "Where are you?"

  "Still home," he said, referring to 'back east.' "I miss you. You okay?"

  I smiled. Sean was so sweet. Even if he was married, he was a better boyfriend than I could hope for. "I'm fine," I said. "I didn't do anything crazy, if that's what you're asking. I'm still cherry...I think." I reached down, between my legs, and poked a finger in my hole, feeling around. "Yup. Still cherry."

  "That's not why I called," he said. "I just wanted to say Happy New Year."

  I imagined kissing him. "Sean."


  "Do you wanna be my first?"

  I heard him breathe in. "Is that what you want?"

  I sighed. "'re kinda like my boyfriend, right? Even if you are married."

  "Allie...we talked about this."

  "No, we didn't."

  "Well, not about this, know what kind of relationship we have."

  "Then why are you calling me at...eight-thirty-six on New Year's Day?"

  He didn't say anything, silence on the other line.

  "Well? Do you or don't you?"

  "It's not that simple, Allie—"

  "Sure it is. Just come over, pop my cherry, it'll hurt a little bit but I'll be okay—"

  "And then what?"

  I frowned. "What do you mean?"

  "You can't fall in love with me, Allie."

  "I'm not—" I began, then stopped myself. I became defensive. "Oh, right. I forgot. I'm just your friend. You're favorite whore."


  "No, hey, it's all right. No big deal, right? You just let me know when you're back in town, so we can set up some more blow bangs. Happy fucking New Year." I snapped my phone closed, then fell back into my silk pillows and cried myself back to sleep.

  * * *

  I heard the knock at my door a couple of days later, as I was getting ready for work. I was starting to hate my job. I worked too much and didn't have enough time to study. On top of that, I was being teased by guys at work about my New Year's Eve antics.

  If only they knew the truth...

  I had just gotten out of the shower and answered the door clad in only a towel, my hair wet and slicked back. Something blocked the peep hole of my door, so I couldn't see who was outside. I opened the door anyway.

  The first thing I saw was a big bushel of red roses. Then a pint bottle of strawberry vodka. Then Sean's sheepishly smiling face.

  I couldn't help but smile back. "Damn it, Sean," I said, and snatched the bottle from his hand. I turned into the apartment, Sean following behind. He closed and latched the door.

  "Peace offering?" he said.

  I chuckled, and opened my towel, flashing him. "Piece offering?"

  He laughed, and went into my kitchen, looking for something to put the roses in. I retied my towel and sat down on the couch, unscrewing the cap on the pint. I sighed at the taste and warmth of the vodka. I looked for my cigarettes, lit one.

  Sean came back, the roses sprouting out of one of the big schooner glasses I kept in the cupboard. "Finally buying your own smokes, huh?"

  I shrugged. "Well, you haven't been around to bum off of," I said.

  He sat down beside me. "Are you mad that I went away for the holidays?" he asked. "You know I have a wife and family."

  I sighed. "I know, Sean. And no, I'm not mad at you. I just..." I couldn't figure out what I wanted to say.

  He touched my arm, watching me as I drank and smoked. "Do you really want me to be your first?"

  I took a deep breath, let it out heavily. I stared at my blank television. "No."

  Sean didn't say anything. I got the impression he was a little disappointed. I knew guys were turned on by the idea of taking a virgin, and I guess, since my comment two days before, Sean had been thinking about it.

  "I know this girl, in one of my classes," I said as Sean took out his own pack of cigarettes and lit up. "Mya. She's real cute, about my age. Actually, I think she just turned nineteen. Anyway, we're not really that close, but we hang out sometimes in the Quad. I don't know how we got around to it...we were talking about guys, I guess...but, she started telling me about her first time."

  I tapped my cigarette over my new crystal ashtray (courtesy of Manny at the Waterford store and his surprisingly large dick), took another swig from the bottle. Sean was silent as he listened to me.

  "She didn't, like, go into detail or anything like that, but she was telling me how sweet her boyfriend was at the time, how it hurt at first but then felt so good...a cou
ple weeks later, he dumped her. Just like that."

  Sean sighed. "Guys can be real assholes," he said.

  I laughed sharply, tilted the bottle to my lips again. I was starting to feel a little buzz. I still didn't look at Sean, just continued with my monologue: "Ever since then, I've been thinking about it. About what my first time will be like...and about what'll happen after."


  I took a drag of my cigarette, another slug from the bottle. "Every girl I know, the story's always the same. They never stay with the guy who popped them. So, when you think about it, it doesn't really matter who I do it with." I finally looked to Sean. "Right?"

  His eyes studied my face a moment. "Do you really think that?"

  I nodded. "But you know what's funny?"


  "I don't want it to be you," I said, making Sean frown. I smiled, touched his face. He had a little stubble. "I know that doesn't make sense, but it was something you said."

  He nodded in understanding. "About...falling in love," he said.

  "I really like you, Sean," I said earnestly, the alcohol loosening my inhibitions. "And I just know, if we did it, I'd start feeling..." I looked down. "I think I probably would fall in love with you. Even more than I already have."

  "Oh, baby," he said tenderly, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled close to him, breathing in his scent. God, he smelled so good. I closed my eyes, murmuring softly, wanting to just lay down with him and pull off our clothes, feel him pushing inside me. I wanted that. But I knew it would be the wrong thing to do.

  "I don't know what to say, Allie," he whispered, stroking my hair. "Like I said, I do love you, but we'll never—"

  "I know," I said, pulling away. I gave him a little smile, letting him know I wasn't upset.

  Sean just nodded, watching me as I drank again. He laughed softly. "Hey, don't go getting drunk."


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