The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3) Page 8

by Ashley Love

  I shuddered. " turned me on," I whispered.

  "Hmm," mused Troy. "I suppose I can understand that. But, after all is said and done, don't you think you might regret this?"

  I looked up to his face. "I hope not," I said.

  Troy reached for his cigarette, tapped off some ash, and sucked on it. I watched his movements, the way his lips wrapped around the filter. Everything he did just made me more and more wet.

  "My daughter is your age," he said, breathing out a long cone of smoke. He looked to me. "I wonder if she would do the same thing in your position."

  I frowned. Oh, God, please don't let Troy be some kind of sick freak who has fantasies about doing his own daughter!

  "But this is about you," he said. "And us. Are you really ready to go through with this?"

  I stared at him blankly, unsure of what to say.

  His eyes bore into mine. "I will give you one last chance to back out," he said. "You can leave, at any time during this dinner, and I will harbor no ill feelings toward you. You will still get your money, and I will not do anything to your friend. I promise that. But..." He leaned closer, and touched my chin. "If you are still here by the time desert is know what I will expect."

  I nodded slowly, mutely. Then, acting on impulse, I reached up and grabbed Troy's head, pulling him down to mash my lips against his. As before, I whimpered and moaned into his mouth, found his tongue. I sucked on it like a little cock, and managed to draw out a moan of his own.

  "How's that for an answer?" I asked heatedly, after breaking the kiss.

  "I think...we should look at the menu," he said.

  * * *

  The sexual tension between Troy and I was obvious. It was one thing, I figured, to be on a date and hope for sex at the end of the night. But it was something else altogether to be with a man that I knew would soon be inside me, taking me, making me cry and bleed and sob and scream. I was as much nervous as I was horny.

  Troy ordered for us both. We had Oysters Rockefeller for an appetizer, a couple of Caesar salads, then grilled sea bass and filet mignon for the main course. All throughout the meal, Troy and I traded little details about our lives. He talked freely of his wife and daughter, giving me the impression that he felt no guilt whatsoever about our impending intimate union.

  We had a slice of Key Lime pie for desert, with Troy and I feeding each other like a newlywed couple. We laughed and giggled, feeling more and more comfortable.

  After dinner, I had expected Troy to take me upstairs to a room at the hotel. Instead, he lead me back outside, to the waiting limousine. Carlos opened the door for us, giving me a quick glance before I slipped inside.

  Troy raised the privacy screen and turned up some music. Soft jazz. He opened the cabinet and produced a bottle of strawberry vodka. I shouldn't have been surprised. Troy had done his homework.

  We mixed cocktails, drank, and talked some more. I nuzzled closer and closer to him as the limo rumbled quietly. I could not have cared less if Carlos was driving around in circles. I loved being with Troy, loved the way his strong body felt against mine. I loved hearing him talk, telling me stories of his youth in New York. I realized that Troy was almost three times my age. That just turned me on more.

  We started kissing. Not just soft, promising kisses, but serious, 'I want you now' presses of our lips. I did not protest, as our tongues dueled, when Troy pulled up my dress and pressed his fingers against my inner thigh. Indeed, I spread my legs wide, slipping one over his lap and encouraging him on.

  I gasped when his fingers rubbed my pussy through my thong, and sighed when he pulled it aside and began slipping his fingers up and down my dewy slit. I moaned and sighed into his mouth, kissing him frantically as his fingers delved inside me. His thumb pressed against my clit while his index and middle fingers rubbed the roof of my tunnel.

  "Oh, God!" I cried, clutching Troy tight and bucking against him. He responded with a low growl and jerked his fingers harder and faster inside me. The pressure he applied to my clit with his thumb was almost painful. But the pleasure...oh, it was intense...

  I had squirted before in orgasm, but never had I ejaculated like this. My pussy was literally flooded with fluid when I came, and gushed out all over Troy's hand, spurting in a high arc and splashing wetly onto the floor of the limousine. I was astounded, amazed, and uncontrollably turned on. One orgasm turned into two, then three...

  My pussy swollen and dripping, my inner thighs wet, I shoved Troy onto his back and practically ripped through his clothes. I grabbed his expensive slacks in my hands and tore them from his hips, exposing his hard dick. It sprang up, hovering above his trimmed black nest of pubic hair. Partially circumcised, the dark foreskin stopped just under the crown of his penis. Troy's was the most impressive dick I had ever seen.

  I grabbed his shaft, tilting it toward my face as I settled on my knees. I stared up into his eyes. "I want it," I hissed. I licked up and down the shaft, tasting the sweet, salty flavor of him.

  "Do you want to drink from it, little girl?" he asked, petting my hair. His self-confidence was overwhelming.

  I lapped softly at the head of his cock, tasting sweet dribbles of pre-cum. "Yes," I said, my voice strained. "Please."

  Troy said nothing more. He just pushed my head down and closed his eyes, relishing the sensations I gave him with my experienced lips and tongue. I sucked and pulled, working my mouth back and forth. The head of Troy's dick rubbed against the roof of my mouth, popped in and out of my throat as I took him deep. He was about the same thickness as Sean but almost twice as long. I really had to push down before I felt his pubic hair against my lips.

  "Oh! Allie!" he cried once I had swallowed him all the way. Encouraged, I bobbed up and down rapidly, literally throat-fucking him, feeling my hair fall free from the chopsticks and dance against my cheeks. I finally had to come up for air, breathing in deep through my nose, sucking hard and wet on Troy's long, stiff penis.

  "Uhhnnn," he grunted, slapping his hands to the leather seat, digging in with his fingers. His dick pulsed and throbbed, unleashing a torrent of thick, sweet cream that inundated my tongue and flowed to my tonsils. I moaned at tasting his cum, my ego soaring with the knowledge that I had taken this powerful man and reduced him to a semen-spurting machine.

  I sucked to get it all, letting his creamy cum flow back and forth in my mouth as my lips and tongue massaged his softening cock. I kept it in my mouth, sliding my slippery lips up and down while he shuddered with aftershocks. Only when he told me we were 'here' did I finally pull my mouth off him and swallow.

  We took a few moments to arrange our clothes and have another cocktail. The vodka was making me relaxed without detracting from my libido. Carlos opened the door, letting the aroma of cum and pussy drift out. I knew he could smell it, judging by the reaction on his face. He gave me a forlorn look, jealous that what he had once coerced me to do, I had done willingly with Troy.

  Troy slipped Carlos a folded bill, and asked him to wait for the night. Carlos looked my way a moment, uncomfortable about the idea, but nevertheless agreed. He got back behind the wheel and drove around the property as Troy took my hand.

  We stood before a large, stone-brick house, surrounded and hidden by trees. I could just make out an underlit pool toward that back. The sounds of cicadas and other hidden wildlife echoed from the trees. There was a hand-carved wooden sign by the stone steps that lead to the door. "The Grey House. A Secluded Romantic Hideaway."

  Troy gave me a smile, ran his thumb across my lips. A thick white dollop of cum dripped down his finger, and I sucked it quickly into my mouth, staring up into his eyes.

  "Come on," he said, and lead me to the front door. I held onto his hand desperately, like a little girl trusting Daddy to take care of her.

  There was a middle-aged woman behind a small desk just inside the door. She smiled as Troy approached, and gave me a knowing look. "Mr. Holloway," she said. "Nice to fina
lly meet you."

  "Is everything arranged?" he asked.

  The woman smiled. "Down to the letter, Mr. Holloway," she said. "Down to the letter."

  A skinny, pale-skinned guy appeared, slightly stooped, and offered to show us to our room. We followed him up the stairs, with Troy ahead of me. Glancing back to the front desk of the bed-and-breakfast, I saw the middle-aged woman giving me a wistful smile. She waved with her fingers. I waved back with an awkward smile. How many times, I wondered, has she seen older men bring their young playthings to this house?

  The porter opened a round-topped door and showed us into our room. I caught my breath. The scene before me was absolutely beautiful. A big, king-sized bed dominated the room, replete with four posters and a canopy. There was a small fireplace across from the bed, two low-back chairs and a chess table before it, and a French door that lead to the balcony.

  Candles were everywhere, scented with vanilla that filled the room. The little flames flickered, casting dancing shadows upon the walls. On the bed, hundreds of rose petals lay, covering the turned-down sheets. Some had fallen to the floor. A crystal vase filled with the same crimson flowers stood on a stand beside the bed, next to a chiller in which lay a bottle of champagne. I felt like crying.

  Troy slipped the porter another bill, whispered something in the young man's ear. The porter nodded, glanced to me, then nodded again with a smile before leaving. He closed the door behind him, and Troy turned the latch.

  "Troy," I said, my voice shaking with emotion.

  He turned and looked at me. "Yes?"

  "Thank you."

  Troy just smiled, and took me in his arms. I melted willingly, kissing him with the deep, soulful passion I had been feeling all night. I moaned and sighed and held him close, feeling that I was absolutely and truly in love with this man. His hands roamed over my body, divesting me of my dress and panties with such grace and smoothness that I hardly realized I was naked until I felt my clothes in a heap around my ankles.

  Troy stepped back, taking me in, his parted lips and smoldering eyes revealing the admiration he held for me. He unbuttoned his shirt as I watched, slipped it from his shoulders. He had a muscular chest, the hair slightly grey toward his collarbones and growing darker as it crept down his taut abdomen. His slacks followed, then his shoes and socks.

  His dick was hard again for me, making me swoon. I reached for it as he approached me, and fell to my knees. I licked all around that magnificent, long rod of manhood, tasting the dried semen around the tip. Troy moaned and lifted me up, sitting me on the edge of the bed. The rose petals were cool to the touch. Some of them stuck to my cheeks.

  "We have all night, Allie," Troy said, stepping around the bed. I watched his muscles move, marveling at the shape he was in. Guys twenty or even thirty years younger than Troy would kill to have this man's body, I knew. I smiled, feeling blessed.

  He worked the cork free from the bottle with a loud pop! that made me gasp and giggle. He smiled at me from across the bed as he poured the bubbly liquid into two flutes. Then, instead of coming around the bed, he beckoned me to crawl across it.

  I did so, sultrily, on my hands and knees, swaying my naked hips and feeling my pussy juice drip down the insides of my thighs. Rose petals stirred and stuck to me as I moved. I locked eyes with Troy, telling him without words how much I wanted him. He stared back, and handed me one of the flutes. We clinked, drank. Our eyes never left one another's.

  Troy drained his glass quickly, then took mine from my hand before it was half-finished. He threw it into the fireplace, making the flames explode outward for a moment in a fireball that illuminated the room. I gasped, falling back on the bed.

  And then he was upon me, his gorgeous body supported above mine on strong arms, gazing down into mine. From the corners of my eyes, I watched rose petals flit in the air. I sighed and swooned, stroking Troy's muscular chest and arms, tracing the outline of an old Navy tattoo on his shoulder. His dick pressed against my slick pussy, nudging my clit and making me expel a sharp breath each time he moved.

  "Trust me, Allie," he whispered, and kissed me.

  I trembled, closing my eyes. "I trust you," I said, my voice sounding so far away.

  Softly, tenderly, Troy kissed my lips, my ears, my neck. He trailed down my body, his tongue leaving a warm trail that grew cool as the air hit it. I arched my back, pushing up into him when Troy's searching mouth found my breasts. He engulfed one of my puffy nipples and sucked deeply upon it, making me moan in pleasure. Then he moved to the next one, sucking it as well. And all the while, his hands drifted up and down my body, touching my skin and making every nerve come alive.

  I had never been so desperate for a man's touch. I was truly beginning to understand the definition of the word passion.

  "Ahhhh," I moaned desperately, spreading my legs wide as Troy firmly but lovingly licked my swollen slit. His tongue pried my lips apart and slipped deep inside me, tasting my oozing fluid from its source. Unlike any other man before him, Troy made love to my pussy with his mouth. His appreciative moans and soft, wet sucking sounds made me shudder and groan with pleasure. I curled my legs back toward my chest and urged him on, pulling his silver-haired head between my thighs. Rose petals stuck to my body and floated in the air around us.

  I screamed when I came, flooding Troy's mouth with my cum. He didn't stop sucking as my pussy twitched and squeezed his questing tongue, and I loved the way he lapped up every drop of my essence. I cooed and giggled, having never felt as satisfied as I did at that moment.

  He pulled himself up over me, settling between my legs. I was running on instinct, barely cognizant of anything other than what I wanted, what I needed. I slipped my arms around him, encouraging him, worshipping him.

  "Just relax," I heard Troy say. He kissed me again, and I greedily sucked my own flavor from his lips. I felt his dick start to push inside me. I lifted my legs again and wrapped them around his waist, even as my arms clutched his strong shoulders.

  "Look at us, Allie," he said to me, making me open my eyes. I stared at Troy's handsome face, then let my eyes drift down his body, seeing his torso ending between my widespread thighs. A scarlet petal had somehow fallen right on my pubic mound. I felt his dick push inside me again.

  "Oh, God," I whimpered, digging my nails into his shoulders. I craned my neck, looking down. I could just see my swollen, smooth vulvae wrapped around the staff of his hard dick. Inside me, the pulsing head of his penis pushed against my virginity.

  "Tell me to stop," said Troy, his breath warm and sweet in my ear. "And I will. I promise you. Tell me to stop, right now, and—"

  "Oh, God!" I cried again, hooking my ankles around his waist. I pulled my body up off the bed and impaled myself upon him amid a flurry of crimson petals, forcing his dick to sink deep inside me. I felt the pain as my barrier was sundered, coupled with the indescribable feeling of being so completely filled. I clutched Troy tight as I cried out, my entire body spasming.

  His arm slapped around me, holding me close. My pussy tugged and squeezed, pushed and pulled on the cock that now invaded me, deeper than anything had gone before. I held onto Troy desperately, like a Koala cub clinging to its mother, and gulped for air.

  "It hurts," I moaned, panting and crying in his ear. "Oh, God, it hurts!"

  "I know, baby, I know," Troy responded, his voice soothing. "Just listen to my voice. It's going away. The pain is going away. You will never feel it again. All you feel is pleasure. You're a woman now, Allie. Revel in it."

  I trembled against him, and sagged back down into the bed, Troy atop me, and still so deep inside. I could every inch of his length filling my tunnel. My thighs tensed and trembled. And, as I listened to Troy's strong voice...the pain faded.

  He pulled back, his long, slick penis vacating my pussy. The shaft was streaked with blood. I murmured at the emptiness. He reached for a small terrycloth towel on the bedside table and wiped between my legs. I winced at see
ing the dark crimson smear. Troy tossed the cloth aside and lined up his dick with my pussy, pushing back in. I gasped at being invaded once more. But this time, there was no pain.

  Just the most incredibly delicious pleasure I had ever known.

  "Ohhh...Godddd," I moaned, holding my legs open wide, urging Troy to make love to fuck me. I laced my fingers around his neck, tilted my head back as each slow, sweet movement Troy made electrified my body. He kissed me, tenderly, lowered his head and sucked once more on my puffy nipples. I sighed sweetly, feeling my first true orgasm building.

  "Oh, Troy!" I gasped heatedly, tangling my fingers in his silver hair. "Oh, Troy, I love you!"

  I felt an intense, warm rush flow through me, bringing every cell in my body alive in ways I had never experienced before. I felt him throbbing and pulsing inside me, felt the tightness of my contractions around that wonderful thick rod. My clitoris buzzed with so much more feeling than ever before. My orgasm was so complete and total that I couldn't make a noise other than small, shallow gasps. I held him tight, never wanting the sensation to end.

  But it did, eventually, fading away to a pleasurable glow that encased my entire body. Troy kept moving, and I hungrily sucked his lips and tongue, running my hands all over his body. His muscles tensed as he pushed again and again into me, his passion and pace growing. My own matched him, and I rocked my hips back against his body eagerly.

  This wasn't love anymore. This was raw, serious fucking.

  I came again, crying out this time, all but screaming his name and calling for the saints. Troy grunted, pounding me harder and harder, and we both looked down to watch the sight of his manly dick sliding in and out of me, glistening with my cum.

  Troy suddenly pulled out, his cock slipping free with a wet sound from my vacated lips. Immediately, he thrust over me, stroking his dick with fast, slick smacking motions of his hand. He jacked off over me, and my eyes fluttered, watching the rapid pumping of his hand. I pushed up, forgetting the sharp pain between my legs, and cupped my mouth over his slick penis. The faint metallic flavor of my virginal blood was a strange turn-on.


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