The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3) Page 18

by Ashley Love

  Arliss had a room at the hotel, and after dinner, he and I left Jenny and Ross to head upstairs. Jenny gave me a knowing look and smile as I curled my arms around Arliss's and accompanied him to the elevator. I could not shake the idea that she was more than a little interested—and excited—about my 'adventures' as an escort. I wondered if Troy's little girl had fantasies about it.

  Arliss had not said anything directly sexual to me all night, although the carnal tension had been there since the moment we said 'hello.' Once alone inside the glass elevator, however, which carried us up along the outside of the hotel, Arliss pushed me gently but firmly against the glass and started seriously kissing me.

  I moaned, giving in readily to him, sucking ardently on his lips and tongue. I hadn't wanted a man as bad as I wanted Arliss since...well, since Sean, but that thought wasn't in my conscious mind. I only knew that I was practically desperate for this smooth, powerful man. And I didn't want to wait until we got to the room.

  Neither did Arliss. He broke our kiss and reached back, slapping the emergency stop button. Ten or so stories off the ground, the elevator lurched to a stop. An alarm bell rang, but neither I nor Arliss paid any attention to it. It faded after a minute as he and I kissed hungrily, running our hands over each other's bodies.

  He jerked down the top of my dress, making me gasp in passion, and lowered his head to suck on my puffies. Oh God, did he have a wonderful mouth! I nearly came on the spot, feeling his thick tongue massaging my sensitive nipple. One of his hands slid up my thigh, under my dress, finding my soaking pussy. I rolled my hips, pushing back against his fingers as they slipped between my slick folds.

  "Oh, yeah," I panted in a heated whisper. "Oh yeah, baby, I want you. I want you so fucking much."

  "Mmmm," he growled, sucking most of my left tit into his mouth. His finger smacked wetly against my pussy, already stirring the beginnings of an orgasm. He popped my nipple out of his mouth and kissed me again, driving his tongue past my lips. "You want it, baby?" he asked in an impassioned voice.

  "Oh God, I gotta have it," I moaned, groping through his slacks, feeling the growth of his impressive penis. I pressed my fingers around it, stroking him through the expensive material of his trousers.

  "What do you gotta have, baby?" he asked, his breath hot on my cheek as he massaged my breasts with his large, strong hands. The glass against my back was cold, but quickly warmed up as I squirmed against it. I wondered if anyone below could see what was going on. The thought inspired me, turned me on. I almost hoped someone was watching, seeing how desperate and slutty I was.

  "Your cock," I said, nipping at his neck. "I gotta have your cock." I wasn't acting, either; I really was desperate for him.

  "And what do you wanna do with it, little girl?" he asked, pinching my nipples and panting in my ear. His dick throbbed in my hands. It felt enormous.

  "Oh, God," I moaned, rubbing myself against him, smearing my juices along his leg. I was so close to cumming... "I wanna suck it, fuck it, anything you want, I wanna do!" I exclaimed.

  He grumbled again, a deep, primal, passionate sound, and pushed down on my head. I willingly sunk to a squat, spreading my legs wide. The skirt of my tight dress rode up over my hips, fully exposing me. I felt the cool glass against my cheeks as I practically ripped open Arliss's pants to get to his dick. Once again, I hoped we were being watched. I imagined people looking out through the windows of the surrounding buildings, watching a hot little blonde teenager lowering herself before a handsome black man, her legs spread, ass exposed, sleek pussy dripping...

  The monster sprang out at me, so thick and heavy that it couldn't stick straight out. Uncircumcised, Arliss's dick was the color of milk chocolate and tasted even better. I licked up and down the mighty shaft, squeezing and stroking it with my hands. I turned my head to the side, letting our 'audience' watch my tongue lap at his' mighty penis. His manly aroma filled my senses, increasing my desire for him.

  I kissed and licked all over his cock until it was shiny and slick, lifting it with my hands and pushing the foreskin back. The pink head was tapered and glowing, dripping with pre-cum. I lapped it all up eagerly, moaning at his flavor. Arliss sighed, settling his hands on my head, urging me on.

  My lips stretched around that impressive tube of flesh as I guided it inside my mouth. I knew I wouldn't be able to deep throat Arliss's serpent, but I did manage to suck enough of his length that I was able to flutter the opening of my throat around the head.

  "Oh, baby!" he cried out, his cock twitching in my mouth. Encouraged, I sucked back and forth, dragging my firm wet tongue along the underside, massaging the nerves of his penis. Arliss shuddered, a powerful man reduced to jelly by my skilled and eager mouth.

  I stroked his cock with both hands, squeezing, pulling, tugging on it to get my reward, keeping my lips locked around the head. I imagined our 'audience' getting so turned on that they would simply have to masturbate, watching my head bobbing back and forth. I felt his cock tense and stiffen, his balls drawing up along the outside of my hand. He grunted, holding his breath, digging his fingers into my scalp. He was close, so close, I could tell.

  I slipped my shiny lips off his dick, looking up at Arliss's impassioned face through a haze of lust. "You wanna cum, baby?" I teased him, pumping his wet shaft with my hands.

  He grinned, leaning over me, one of his hands against the window, the other on my head. "God damn, you know I do," he shuddered.

  "I wanna taste it," I whispered heatededly, my lips brushing the straining head. My tongue slipped out to tickle him.

  "Yeah, baby? You wanna taste my juice?"

  "Mmm," I moaned, squeezing him harder, twirling my hand around the sensitive head. "Give it to me, right in my mouth."

  "Show me, baby," he grunted, shaking, right on the verge of orgasm. His face was contorted with pleasure. "Show daddy how you take that load...oh, fuck!"

  "Yeah!" I panted, whimpering like the excited teenager I was. I cupped my open mouth around the head of Arliss's dick, pumping the shaft, squeezing his swollen balls in my hand, staring up at him...Are they watching? I thought in erotic delirium. Are they watching me make this gorgeous man cum in my mouth? Are you watching, Jenny? Let me show you how a real cocksucker takes a load of cum.

  "Ahhhh..." moaned Arliss in release, flooding my mouth with waves of creamy, bittersweet sperm. I sighed at tasting him, feeling the heat of his orgasm as it inundated my mouth. I squeezed and pulled on his mighty dick, coaxing up every spurt and surge of cum he had to give. They fell thickly into my mouth, heavy and warm, his flavor electrifying my taste buds. Oh, God! Mmm...

  I felt the rich puddle of his sperm growing on my tongue, flowing to the back of my throat. Arliss had such a look of erotic amazement on his face, staring wide-eyed as his spitting dick fed me. I was so turned on by making him ejaculate that my pussy twitched with my own orgasm, spraying sweet fluid onto the elevator floor and the window behind me. I quivered and whimpered through my open mouth as my rush ran its course.

  My cherry lips became slick as I kept working Arliss's dick, and I felt a trickle of liquid drip from the corner of my mouth and down my chin. I cradled his smooth-shaved balls, rolling them in the palm of my hand, squeezing gently to push out every last sweet drop. Holding his cock over my face, I watched as they dripped from his slit and onto my hungry tongue.

  Satisfied that Arliss had gotten a good look at my cum-filled mouth, I slipped my lips down his length, sucking hard and making my lover tremble. His cream was warm and satisfying when I finally let it slide down my throat. Then I kissed up and down his heavy cock, rubbing it against my cheek, sighing in satisfaction.

  "Oh, damn, baby," he moaned, running his hand through my hair affectionately. "You're...incredible."

  "Mmmm," I murmured, gently swabbing my tongue around the slick head of his' dick. I imagined our 'audience' applauding.

  How's that for charity? And only a thousand dollars a dish...

>   Arliss obviously got off on having sex in public—or at least semi-public—places, and to that end, we headed out to the balcony of his room once we had peeled off all our clothes. Arliss had a well-toned, muscular body with no body hair whatsoever. His sleek physique turned me on, especially with the contrast of his chocolate skin to my slightly-tanned complexion.

  I had him lay back on one of the plastic chaise lounge chairs and straddled him in reverse-cowgirl. I slipped the condom down his thick cock and slowly, sweetly, impaled myself upon him.

  Oh, sweet baby Jesus! No matter how wet I was, I really had to work to get his thickness inside me. The circumference of his dick was well more than that of my wrist, and my pussy spasmed around him. Never had I felt anything so enormous pushing inside my little tunnel. I started cumming even before he bottomed out inside me, and once I started, I didn't stop.

  I wailed and moaned loudly as I bounced up and down atop him, my multi-orgasmic cries echoing out from the balcony and over the city below us. I have no doubt that people, around us in the other rooms, on the street far below, in the offices in the buildings across from the hotel, heard me cumming. I wanted them to. I wanted them to know that a horny teenager was getting one of the most intense fuckings of her young life. I wanted to inspire the whole city with my passion and abandon.

  My pussy rippled along Arliss's impressive dick, sucking hard on him, harder than my mouth had. His strong hands gripped my hips and guided me up and down, occasionally reaching around to stroke my sensitive clit and heighten my already explosive orgasms. I literally screamed with my most intense orgasm yet when Arliss pinched my clit and shoved his dick all the way up inside me, moaning as he came as well. I could actually feel the balloon tip of the condom inflating inside my womb.

  Possessed by kinky desire, I slipped off his cock, wincing as my pussy was emptied, and whirled around as I fell to my knees. Arliss's penis remained long and thick, glistening with my juices and the lubrication of the condom. A thick white teardrop of sperm hung from the tip, the reservoir of his seed. I sucked it into my mouth, tasting my own sweet cum and feeling the warmth of his essence. I flopped the latex-encased cum bubble around on my tongue, grinning up at him.

  "Fuck, you a kinky girl," he sighed, collecting his breath.

  "Think that's kinky?" I asked, then carefully rolled the condom off his mammoth shaft. Holding it up, I tilted my head back, opened my mouth wide, and let his thick cream dribble out onto my tongue. I squeezed every drop of juice from the condom, then casually tossed it over my shoulder, off the balcony. I showed Arliss my semen-slathered tongue, then swallowed his load with a sigh.

  He chuckled. "Now, that's kinky," he said, stroking my hair. I kissed all around his groin, truly worshipping his dick as I rubbed it against my cheeks and lips.

  "We're not done yet, baby," I whispered sultrily. "We've got all night, after all."

  He groaned. "Oh, ma-a-a-n..."


  It seemed a little ironic that, while I spent four or five nights a week dating various men, I almost never saw a movie. In fact, the last time I had been in a theater was with Troy, and, well...I don't even remember what movie had been playing, or even what it was about.

  So I decided to treat myself. I headed down to the local theater, dressed casually, the only jewelry I had on being the pendant Troy gave me. I wore it practically all the time when I wasn't on a date, in fact. Maybe it was a little too flashy to wear with khaki shorts and a blue tank, but I didn't care. The pendant meant something special to me.

  I picked a movie to see from the scrolling marquee above the box office, got my ticket, and headed inside. In the mood to indulge, I got a hot dog topped with mustard and relish, a package of peanut M&Ms (a naughty little smile crossed my face as I recalled the circumstances around the last time I had M&Ms at the theater), and a Diet Coke. I had about half an hour before the movie started, so I grabbed a seat at one of the little bistro tables in the lobby.

  As I finished my meal, the sound of raucous feminine laughter gained my attention, and I glanced up naturally as a group of girls came through the door, laughing at some joke. I recognized Mya right away, as well as a couple of other girls from classes we had shared. My natural smile at hearing the laughter vanished as I saw my friend.

  I listened to them laughing about something they had seen on TV, a show or commercial, I wasn't sure which. I was instantly jealous of just how much they acted like girls. Carefree, enjoying youth. I wished my life was like that, where the most serious things I had to think about were what to wear and which boys thought I was 'cute.'

  They didn't see me, heading toward the concessions area, and I really didn't want them to, especially Mya. So I gathered up my food and soda, intending to head outside. I wanted a cigarette, anyway—

  "Hey! Allie!" I recognized the voice, but couldn't attach a name to it.

  I groaned inwardly. Too late. Making an effort, I turned around, pretending to have just seen them. I forced a smile as the other girls approached me. "Oh, hey," I said.

  Mya stared at me, her smile fading. She blinked a few times, then grabbed the arm of the girl in the lead, giving her a look. "Hold on," Mya said to her friend, then stepped away from them. "Hi, Allie," she said, looking sheepish.

  I shared her expression. "Hi."

  " you doing?"

  I shrugged. "I'm okay. You?"

  "Yeah, pretty good."

  We stared at each other for a moment, then sighed in unison. "This is stupid," I said. I touched her arm, giving her a sincere look. "I'm sorry."

  Mya let out a nervous laugh, smiled genuinely. "Yeah, I'm sorry, too."

  I shifted a little on my feet. "I wish I...I wish I knew what to say."

  "You just did," she said sweetly, settling it. Just like that. "So...seeing a movie?"

  I nodded. "I already got my ticket. That new comedy, you know, with Will Farrell, um—"

  "Hey! That's what we're seeing!" she exclaimed. She grabbed my hands. "Come on, sit with us!"

  I squirmed slightly. "Uh, well—"

  "Oh, come on!" Mya urged and tugged on my hands. I stumbled after her, then jerked my hand back.

  "Hold on," I said, and grabbed my drink and candy. I followed Mya to the others, none of whom I had seen since the end of the semester. I wrestled with my memory to recall their names. I had never been real friendly with any of them, just Mya, and felt like an outsider. Even in high school, I had never been part of any cliques. I was always the girl outside the box.

  The other girls, however, seemed to naturally accept me into the group, perhaps just because I was Mya's friend, and included me in on their conversation. They talked about classes, boys, movies, music, all the usual 'stuff'...stuff I never talked about. I had become so accustomed to talking with older men and people of society that I was out of touch with my own demographic.

  Thankfully, a couple of the other girls were smokers, too, so after getting their refreshments, we all headed back outside to kill time until the movie started.

  "Oh my God! Cool cigarette case!" exclaimed one of the girls, named Julie. She snatched the gold case from my hand, flipping it open and showing the others. "That's so sick! Where'd you get this?"

  Private jeweler. Two hundred and twenty bucks. Package deal with the lighter. I fidgeted a little, glancing at Mya, who looked a little uncomfortable. " was a gift," I said. I forced a smile that I hoped looked genuine. "From, uh—"

  "Is that real gold? That can't be real gold!"

  "Hey, don't scratch it," I said, taking the case back.

  "What, you got a sugar daddy, Allie?" asked one of the others.

  "I heard she was sleeping with Professor Karnowski," said another, Tina, giving me a mischievous look.

  Julie gasped, eyes girlishly wide. "Nuh-uh!"

  I rolled my eyes. "I'm not sleeping with any of my professors," I said firmly. They couldn't afford me, anyway.

  "Well, you eithe
r got a sugar daddy or a real good freaking job," said Tina probingly.

  I sighed, then decided to take a chance. "Actually, I'm a high-priced call girl," I said flippantly.

  Mya gasped, giving me a look that said, 'Are you crazy?'

  The others stared at me for a moment, then exploded with laughter, deciding, as I had hoped they would, my statement a joke. They screeched and hollered, and Julie wrapped her arms around me, hanging off me as she laughed. I laughed along with them, feeling immense relief.

  "God!" exclaimed Julie. "For a sec, I almost believed you!"

  "Yeah, right. If she was a call girl she'd be driving a Lexus or something," said Tina dismissively.

  "Nah. Mercedes," I said.

  "Ooo, yeah, like, one of those convertibles..."

  As the others discussed what kind of car they would have if they were call girls, I glanced at Mya, who gave me a look of relief that matched how I felt. Okay, you pulled it off, she told me with her eyes. Now don't scare me like that again!

  I just smiled.


  Over the following months, I established a routine. I dated four days a week, sticking to 'normal' clients. Some of my previous regulars were delighted to find out I had returned, and I met with them. They made me feel precious and appreciated, and I made them feel satisfied in ways few other women could. Or so they told me.

  When not dating, however, I spent a lot of time with Mya and her friends. Mya still wasn't happy about my continued profession, and we never talked about it. When I was hanging out with her and the others, however, thoughts of the men I saw rarely intruded upon my mind. I was enjoying just being a girl with them.

  In order to head off any further suspicions about my apparent lack of dating, whenever we were hanging out at the mall or the theater, I flirted with boys and got a few phone numbers here and there. Maybe my new circle of friends never saw me alone with any of them, but through innuendo, I managed to convey that I was 'seeing someone.'

  Aside from my clients, I also managed to find time now and then to be with Troy. I never said those 'three little words' to him again—after Sean, I told myself I never would—but I did love Troy, and not just when we were making love. Whenever we went out, it was always casual, just Troy and Allie, blue jeans and burgers. We managed to forget about the other parts of our lives when we were together.


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