The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3) Page 20

by Ashley Love

I gave her an intent look. "He looks even better naked."

  Jenny drew in a deep, dramatic breath, no longer able to hide the full scope of her arousal. She squeezed my hand. "Don't do that to me, Allie," she said heatedly.

  I smiled, pursing my lips. So...Troy's little girl has incest fantasies, huh? Hmm...

  "Yvette," I said, correcting her.

  Jenny smiled, laughing softly. "Right. Yvette."

  "So, is that what this is?" I asked, sipping my martini again. "Is this about your father? You can't have sex with him, so... you find someone who has?"

  Jenny stared at me, her smile fading slightly. "Something like that," she said. Her eyes drifted down my barely-concealed body. "Of course...maybe this is just about wanting to be with you."

  I could see the arousal on her face like the glow of candlelight. And there was no way, even if I wanted to, that I could deny my own fierce attraction to her. For some reason, the fact that Jenny was Troy's little girl just made her more desirable. How strangely appropriate that the first girl I would make love to would be the daughter of my first true lover.

  I sat up, set my martini on the ground beside the chaise. I didn't take my hand from hers. I faced Jenny directly, bringing my face close and studying her eyes. I sensed the nervousness, the apprehension, the desire within her. I lifted my hand, touched her warm cheek. She trembled slightly.

  "Well, Jenny," I said, my voice scarcely more than a whisper, "It doesn't really matter why I'm here. What matters is that you've paid for me...and for these three days, I will do anything you want."

  Jenny shuddered, letting out a faint whimper. Her lips quivered, so soft and full and wet. Taking the lead, as if I was no stranger to another woman's touch, I pulled her beautiful face close and touched my lips to hers.

  Never will I forget that kiss. Kissing another woman is unlike any other sensation in the world. Soft, sweet, wet, just a little firm. I almost had an orgasm right then as I gently sucked on Jenny's lips, pulling just a little, tasting her sweet breath and feeling the tip of her tongue slipping out to meet mine.

  She was a little hesitant at first, not due to lack of desire, but lack of experience. I pressed my advantage, conveying the idea that I knew what I was doing, hopefully providing encouragement for her. She gave in after a mere few moments, and kissed me back eagerly, giving in and letting me control the moment. I shifted on the chaise, sliding my arm around her body, feeling the little tremors beneath her skin. Jenny's telling nervousness, strangely enough, assuaged my own. I was the sexual professional, after all.

  I realized Cleo had been right: I did know how to make love to another woman, even if I had never done so before. Drawing upon what I always liked being done to me, I touched and caressed Jenny's body slowly, giving her time to relax and get used to being with me, while simultaneously building up her arousal.

  I eased her down onto the chaise, slipping my legs out of the way and supporting myself over her. Jenny pushed up a little to get comfortable, staring up at my face as she breathed in and out. I didn't take my eyes from hers as I reached up behind my neck and untied my bikini. I pulled the garment away and dropped it to the side.

  Jenny stared at my naked breasts, licking her lips. I had grown proud, and rightly so, of my puffy nipples. The unique eroticism of my breasts was not lost upon any who saw them. Jenny was no exception. Her lips parted, her eyes glowed as she took in my puffies.

  I didn't say anything to Jenny; words would have startled her, no matter what they were. Instead, I leaned over her slowly, not wanting to intimidate her by being too aggressive. She needed a slow touch, a gentle initiation into Sapphic love, and so did I. I savored every moment, wanting to remember every single detail.

  I kissed her once again, more insistently this time, and sje responded eagerly, showing no hesitation this time as she pushed her lips against mine. The soft wet sounds of our kissing, of lips sucking lips, tongues tasting tongues, and the gentle moans we both made, were all either of us could hear.

  I pulled on her top, exposing her firm, full breasts, and ran my hands over the warm, fleshy mounds. Jenny sighed deeply, whimpering again, and I took that as encouragement. Kissing my way slowly down her neck, eyeing the stiff, dark nipples that thrust up to the sky like the peaks of mountains begging to be scaled, I made my way to my goal. I cupped her firm tits in my hands, pushing them together, kneading them.

  Jenny moaned loudly, scooting up even more on the lounge. I moved about on my knees, hovering over her body, my own breasts hanging over her face. I settled my hands on either side of her body and lowered my head.

  Mouths wrapped around nipples at the same moment, and both Jenny and I emitted muffled moans as we sucked and pulled eagerly on one another's flesh. My body trembled, feeling her stiff, rubbery protrusion dancing against my tongue, her own tongue swirling around my sensitive nipple. Her skin tasted salty and sweet, not unlike my own. I instantly realized that I was going to greatly enjoy having sex with her.

  My hands ran up and down her body, and hers lifted to touch mine as she gave in a last. All nervousness, apprehension and anxiety was thrown aside, abandoned, replaced by the pure desire we harbored for one another. Our mouths passed back and forth between each other's breasts, sucking, licking, kissing, nipping at tender and sensitive flesh. We shook and moaned, enjoying soft, sweet orgasms that made us want more. long? Minutes? Half an hour? I realized that an even greater prize awaited me. Jenny was poised on the very edge of the chaise, her strong, supple thighs fanning back and forth. Her tiny bikini bottom did a poor job of concealing the object of my sudden and overwhelming desire. I reached further down with my hands, stroking gently the firm skin of her inner thighs, feeling the flex of her tendons. She squirmed beneath me, gasping hotly around my wet nipples.

  "Oh-h-h-h, God," she panted, running her hands up and down my back.

  My only response was a long, soft moan as I licked my way down her body. I tickled her navel with the tip of my tongue, feeling the hot bursts of her breath on my abdomen. She whimpered as I kissed and licked closer and closer to her sex, inhaling the increasingly pungent aroma of her arousal. She rolled her hips as if she was impaled on an imaginary lover.

  I pulled aside the tiny strip of fabric over her sex, beholding a truly beautiful, hairless pussy. Jenny gasped loudly. Her hands gripped my thighs as they framed her head. Her chin brushed the top of my pubic mound.

  "Uhhnn," she moaned. "Oh, God..."

  I gazed with rapt desire upon Jenny's glistening, exposed pussy. She possessed sleek, soft pink lips that flared out from between fleshy vulvae. Her clit was a skinny, long thing wrapped up in its protective sheath. The smell of her inflamed my senses as I breathed in. I licked my lips in preparation for the feast.

  And then I saw him.

  Standing at the glass door to the house, staring in aroused wonder, his jaw slack. He wore only a tight black male bikini, the bulge of his engorged dick obvious. Ross was, indeed, a very handsome man. Athletic, tanned, I envied Jenny for having such a sexy boyfriend. I eyed his crotch speculatively, grinning as I realized I would eventually be tasting what lay beneath that single layer of fabric.

  But for the moment, my hunger was not for a man, but for a woman.

  I caught Ross's gaze, locked his eyes with mine for a moment. Watch me, I told him silently. Then, with a hungry growl, I lowered my head and pressed my mouth to Jenny's pussy, instantly sucking.

  "OH-H-H-HMIGODDDD!!" she cried loudly, bucking her hips up. Her fingers dug into my cheeks, her breasts pushed against my abdomen, her breath panted hot against my pussy.

  I devoured her ruthlessly, inspired by the sweet, tangy, sharp flavor of her. Her pussy tasted both familiar and different. I loved it, and thrust my tongue deep, seeking the source of her trickling fluid. I sucked and pulled on her lips, prying her open with my fingers, lapping at the entrance of her vagina. Jenny writhed and moaned beneath me, thrashing her head back and f
orth. She sucked the inside of my right thigh, bit for a moment into my flesh. She was lost utterly to abandon, reduced to pure passion by the pleasures of my mouth.

  And then I found her clit.

  I could tell she was on the edge of eruption when I slurped my wet mouth—I could feel her essence dripping along my cheeks, and it was all but soaked into my lips—from her swollen and quivering genitals and slipped back the hood of her straining pearl. For a moment, Jenny trembled, feeling the breeze wash over that most sensitive part of her anatomy.

  I touched it with my finger, making little circles. Jenny cried out, her body tensing. She panted between my legs. She wanted to cum. She needed to.

  I glanced at Ross for a moment. He had moved closer, tentatively, as if afraid to disturb us, and remained at a distance. He squeezed his dick through his briefs. I could tell he was torn between watching the delicious spectacle before him and joining in. I smiled lustily, and again, spoke to him with my eyes.

  All in due time, Ross, I told him. But for now, watch me make her cum.

  Once again, I lowered my head, and pursed my lips around Jenny's clit, sucking and tugging on it the way I always liked having mine sucked. Evidently, Jenny liked it the same way.

  "J-J-J-JESSSUUUSSS!!!" she screeched, arching her back deeply, only her shoulders and ass touching the chaise. "OH! OH! OHHHGGGOODDDD!!!"

  I struggled to hold on as Jenny exploded volcanically, her fluid gushing out from between her slick lips. I sucked hard on her clit, feeling it shrink in my mouth, then slipped down and latched greedily onto her flowing hole. I literally drank from her pussy, grinding my mouth against her spurting slit, moaning at the rich, sweet taste of her.

  Jenny heaved and cried as she came again and again, exploding with multiple orgasms that I eagerly sucked out of her. In the midst of her dramatic release, Jenny jerked aside my own tiny thong and plied her mouth to my pussy, sucking hard between gasps and moans.

  Her oral attention only spurred me on, but eventually, as I neared my own orgasm, I pulled my saturated mouth from Jenny's cunt, pushing up on my hands while pushing down with my hips. I grinded into her mouth, allowing myself to be selfish for a moment, to want nothing other than the blissful release of orgasm.

  I opened my eyes again.

  Ross had stepped closer, watching in amazed fascination at what I had done to his girlfriend. His cock was straining, pushing the tight bikini away from his body. I eyed it hungrily, licking my dripping lips. I felt rivulets of Jenny's juice trickling down my chin and neck. I panted as I felt my clit begin to throb in her enthusiastic mouth.

  Ross didn't need much of an invitation. He knew what I wanted, what he wanted to give me. Stepping up to me, he pushed down his trunks, revealing a long, thick cock, bulging with veins and dripping with pre-cum. He had trimmed his dark pubes to just a little patch above the shaft of his penis, and his balls were conspicuously smooth.

  Oh, such a beautiful dick. I opened my mouth wide, breathing huskily.

  No finesse, no false modesty. Just raw lust. Ross grabbed my head and thrust his dick deep into my mouth. I moaned at tasting him, my tongue sliding along the underside of his shaft as my lips wrapped around him. He pushed in deep on the very first plunge, invading my throat and shaking against me. I sucked hard, instantly light-headed, grinding my chin against his smooth testicles.

  The feel of him, the taste of him, the delicious lashing and sucking of Jenny's warm mouth on my needy pussy...I convulsed as I came, flooding Jenny's mouth, her cheeks and chin. She squealed and moaned, the sounds muffled as she sucked and slurped and smacked her lips wetly, eating me as eagerly and desperately as I had eaten her.

  I pulled back on Ross's stiff cock, catching my breath. I looked up to his face, panting laboriously on the wet head of his dick, thick saliva stretching like a heavy bridge between his penis and my mouth. He stared back with desire, giving me a worshipful, pleading look.

  I gulped, readied myself, and as Jenny continued licking and moaning into my pussy, I dove back down on Ross's dick, swallowing him to the root then sliding all the way back up. I sucked madly, literally fucking his rock-hard prick with my mouth, wanting only to make him cum, to feel and taste that sweet, sweet fluid that was soon to flow...

  I could not blame him for not holding out any longer than he did. It was only a minute or two after that first delicious plunge into my mouth before Ross came, ejaculating fiercely in my mouth. I swallowed the first hot spurt of his cream, then slipped back, my mouth open and eager, and brought up my hand, masturbating him through the remainder of his orgasm. Strands and ropes and drops of thick semen splattered my lips, cheeks, chin and onto my outstretched tongue. Ross shuddered, gasping, holding onto my head for balance.

  I slipped my mouth back down his sensitive rod, sucking out the last few bits of cream and making him moan loudly. Jenny shifted under me, disengaging her lip-lock from my cunt, finally aware of the presence of her boyfriend. I pulled a little longer on Ross's dick, milking it with my hand and mouth, before easing back and letting Jenny slide out from under me. I sank back on the chaise, practically breathless. The mingled flavors of cock and pussy filled my mouth. I licked and smacked my lips.

  On her knees beside the chaise, Jenny looked up at her boyfriend, then to me, her own mouth shiny and dripping. Slowly, she smiled, taking in the sight of my cum-dripping face and her satisfied and temporarily sated boyfriend. Ross just gave her a sheepish look and a shrug.

  Jenny giggled, then pushed up, obviously fascinated by the white streaks of her boyfriend's semen that decorated my face. She grinned.

  "You little slut," she said, but her words were no insult. "Sucking my baby off like that."

  I grinned back, then lifted my hand and pushed some of Ross's juice into my mouth with a finger as Jenny watched wide-eyed. I gathered the gooey cream on my tongue. "Want some?" I asked Jenny, as if daring her.

  Jenny's eyes glazed. Then she cupped my face and pressed her slick lips to my own, sucking Ross's cum off my tongue as I thrust it into her mouth. We kissed heatedly, torridly, for several moments. Jenny pulled back, smacking her lips. She made a face. I didn't have to be a genius to realize she had never tasted cum before. But she didn't seem all that turned off by it. Strands of semen stretched between our faces. Jenny and I giggled like the teenage girls we were, smearing our fingers in Ross's cum and sucking them clean.

  "Oh, shit," moaned Ross, overwhelmed by the scene. "I gotta sit down."

  Jenny and I both laughed at Ross's words, made room for him on the lounge chair. He fell down heavily, catching his breath. Jenny wrapped her arms around him, snuggling against her boyfriend's chest and grinning happily. I leaned back, watching them for a moment, seeing mirror images of myself and Sean in the way that Jenny was so playful and affectionate with her boyfriend. I felt like an intruder.

  Christ, why are you thinking of him now? I asked myself angrily. This isn't the time! I found my towel, wiped my face, looked around for my cigarettes. Damn it, I left them inside...

  "You okay, Al...Yvette?" asked Jenny, lifting her face from Ross's chest.

  I smiled. "Yeah, I'm good," I said. I pushed away my thoughts of Sean, forced myself to remember where—and what—I was. I was there for Jenny and Ross's enjoyment, not to get mushy over thoughts of a man I would probably never see again. "I just really want a cigarette," I added with a little laugh.

  Jenny and Ross both laughed. He pushed up, having found his strength again. "Where are they?" he asked.

  I smiled up at him. Yeah, he was sexy, all right, I had to admit. "Black purse, on the counter by the door," I said.

  He gave me a wink—he looked like such a boy and a man at the same time; I had to commend Jenny's taste in guys—and headed away.

  "Hey," said Jenny, touching my leg.

  I looked back at her.

  She gave me a playfully threatening look. "Don't you go getting ideas about my fiancé."

  I smiled, laughed
softly, then looked at the engagement ring on her finger. Although I had seen it before, I hadn't made the obvious connection. I held her hand, gazing fondly upon the ring. I felt the welling of emotions within me. "When's the big day?"

  Jenny smiled, admiring her ring. "Next summer," she said proudly. "June 15th. That's our...'second and a half' anniversary."

  I smiled, but knew it didn't look genuine. "You're lucky," I said.

  Jenny studied my face. "Hey," she replied, her voice sympathetic. She touched my cheek. "You're not gonna do this forever, right? You'll find somebody."

  I held back my tears. "Don't, Jenny, okay?" I said. "Just don't."

  Her eyes dipped. "I'm sorry," she responded timidly.

  "It's all right," I told her. "Just...for right now, while I'm here...I'm not your friend, okay? I'm just a girl who's really good at fucking."

  Jenny lifted her face, startled for a moment by my statement. But then she slowly began to understand. I wasn't part of her world, and probably never would be. I was something she had always found exciting in an abstract sort of way, like a ballerina or a professional athlete, yet suddenly, I had shown her the real person behind the façade of sex and glamour. A real human being, not just a vixen, but a person with emotions and thoughts and pain. A person with a history, and not all of it good.

  She looked away. "I-I'm really sorry, Allie," she whispered.

  I smiled. I couldn't blame her for wanting the excitement I could provide, for thinking that my life was as carefree and easy as hers. She really didn't know any better.

  I slipped my arms around her, nuzzled her neck, kissed her ear. Despite the moment, she breathed in sharply. Jenny was pretty easy to turn on, I realized. Like father, like daughter... .

  "Hey," I whispered. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be."

  She turned her face toward mine, revealing the sense of guilt she felt for having made her simple assumptions about me. "You can leave if you want," she said earnestly. "I mean it."

  I smiled, bit my lip. "Not a chance, baby," I said. I passed my hand down over her breasts, gracing her nipples. "You got me for two more days...and you're definitely gonna get your money's worth."


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