Tangled: Emerson Falls, Book 1

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Tangled: Emerson Falls, Book 1 Page 15

by Harlow James

  Opening the steel barricade, I’m elated to see my beautiful redhead in front of me, holding up her cup of coffee with Ellen DeGeneres’ face on it.

  “Did you enjoy your coffee date?” I ask her, loving the smile on her face.

  “Ellen was quite the company. Of course, we were interrupted by my students asking questions every five minutes. But it was definitely a coffee date for the books,” she winks at me while taking a sip. “But she promised to bring Jennifer Aniston along next time, since they’re best buds, you know.”

  “I figured I could help make some of your dreams come true,” I say while opening the door wider and inviting her in. She glides in on her heels, her body draped in a navy blue pantsuit cinched at her waist that makes her look powerful and sexy as hell. The top half of her hair is pulled off of her face while the rest of it drapes down her back in soft curls. I take the opportunity to marvel at the way her ass looks in those pants before she turns around and gazes around my classroom.

  “Well, I truly appreciated the gesture. Thank you,” she beams. “So this is your room?” She searches the space, walking casually around to admire my walls.

  “Oh, yeah. You haven’t been in here yet, have you?”

  She glares over at me. “Well, you weren’t exactly welcoming me when I first arrived now, were you?”

  “Got me there,” I agree, placing my hands in my slacks to keep me from reaching out and grabbing her by the waist and devouring her mouth. I refrained from kissing her the other night, knowing that taking this slow would be the best route for starting over. But every time I see her, I recall the feeling of her beneath my fingers, and it makes the rule hard to commit to.

  “Your room is great, Kane. I love the posters the kids created.”

  “Yeah, I had them pick a critical event in our country’s history and then make their own political cartoon about it. They loved it and their creativity impressed me.”

  “I’m jealous. I rarely get to see that side of the students. Math is so black and white that I don’t see the imaginative side of my students very often.”

  I take a few steps towards her, soaking up the features of her face. Oliva doesn’t wear a lot of make-up, and quite frankly, she doesn’t need it. But her dark lashes sure do bring out the subtle green hues in her eyes, and no matter what shade of lipstick she has on, it draws my attention to her perfectly plump lips—the lips I vividly remember wrapped around my cock.

  Clearing my throat and willing my dick to calm down, I attempt to continue our conversation. “I’ve never thought of that.”

  “So, I really enjoyed Saturday night…” She trails off, looking away as if embarrassed by her confession. I reach for her chin to turn her head back to face me.

  “Me too, Olivia. I thought about texting you yesterday, but I didn’t want to seem desperate,” I joke.

  “I wouldn’t have minded,” she says as her eyes bounce back and forth between mine.

  “Good to know,” I answer as we stare each other down. I can feel the rapid fire of my pulse as I prepare myself to ask her my next question.

  “So, I have another question for you, if you’ll amuse me,” I smirk as she cracks a cheesy smile.


  “Are you sure? Because it’s a doozy.”

  She giggles. “Yup. I’m ready.”

  I take a deep breath and get very serious. I watch Olivia’s face drop as she prepares herself.


  She waits.

  “Would you…”

  “Yeah…” she stands there on pins and needles.

  “Go on a date with me this Saturday?”

  The laugh she lets out sends a flurry of excitement rushing through my body, her reaction everything I wanted from her.

  “God, Kane,” she playfully swats my chest. “I thought you were going to ask me something that would make me run for the hills.”

  I pull her by her waist, pressing my body against hers, making her breath hitch. “You never know. It’s still early. You might want to run away at some point.”

  Her eyes search mine, then bounce down to my lips. “I think I’m done running for now.”

  And if that doesn’t light a fire under me, I don’t know what will. It’s definitely taken us a few miscommunications and obstacles to get here, but feeling her in my arms again and hearing her say that means we’re finally both on the same page.

  “Good. I’ll pick you up at five.”

  “Can’t wait,” she almost whispers as we feel each other out. I want to kiss her, no doubt about that. But I feel like I should probably take her on a real date before that happens again. Knowing what she already tastes like though and the little sounds she makes when she’s turned on helps me remember that our next kiss will be worth the wait.

  “Well, I’d better get back to my room. I have some grading I should really catch up on,” she says while backing away from me. I release her reluctantly, but I know the period is about to end.

  “Yeah, me too. It never stops, does it?”

  She chuckles. “No kidding. Well, have a good rest of your day, Kane.”

  “You too, Oliva,” I say while watching her give me one more glance over her shoulder accompanied by a sweet smile before exiting my room.

  I throw a fist pump in the air, celebrating my accomplishment. Dating is unchartered territory for me, but so far, I feel like I’m winning.

  Chapter 23


  All week long Kane left me little notes in my classroom in the morning, mostly filled with questions he wanted to ask me.

  Chocolate or vanilla? Depends on my mood.

  Favorite flower? Red roses

  Idea of the perfect date? Any date that I don’t want to end.

  Each one I answered via text when I got a free moment from teaching or grading, running copies, or returning emails. And then Friday morning, there was no question, just a note from him that made my heart flutter.

  Can’t wait for tomorrow.

  And truthfully, neither can I. I don’t think I’ve ever been so anxious for a date in my life. Hell, Kane and I have already slept together, so it’s not like I’m nervous about that, although the thought of that happening again is nerve-wracking. But I think it’s more the reality that we mean more now than just a one-night-stand. And given how well Kane has been showing his interest this week, I’m dying to know what he has planned for our date. For a guy who hasn’t pursued a girl since he was sixteen, he sure is doing a fine job. I wonder if Drew has been helping him.

  By the time the last bell rings on Friday, I’m so exhausted from the week that I’m grateful Kane planned our date for Saturday instead of tonight. A twelve-hour coma will help me feel human again and fully awake for conversation tomorrow.

  Tammy stops by my room with her arms full of bags, obviously on her way out for the weekend.

  “Hey, girl,” she greets me as I’m finishing grading a few tests at my desk.

  “Hey, Tammy. How’s it going?”

  “Good. I was actually coming to ask you the same thing. A little birdie told me you have a date tomorrow night,” she winks while setting down her bags on one of the desks.

  “Is that little birdie named Drew?” I tease.

  “I plead the fifth,” she smirks. “So, I take it things went well the other night?”

  I then realized that I haven’t seen her since the mixer at her house. “Oh, yeah. Kane apologized for acting like an ass and we actually talked the entire night. It was like I got to see this whole other side of him…”

  “That a boy! See, I told you he’s really a great guy. He just needs some direction.”

  “Yeah, I gathered that. He was very honest that it’s been a while since he’s dated, but by the way he’s been surprising me all week, I’d say he’s better at this than he thinks,” I smile elatedly.

  “Oh, yeah? Do tell!”

  So I do. I fill her in on Saturday and everything that’s happened since.

p; “Yeah, sorry about Saturday. I tend to get drunk when we host since we don’t have to drive and all.”

  “Hey, no judgment. I totally understand.”

  “But hearing you talk about Kane just reminds me of when Drew pursued me back when I started working here.”

  “Oh, yeah, that’s right. Was he an ass to you at first too?” I joke.

  “No, the opposite actually. He was almost afraid to talk to me. I actually broke the ice with him.”

  I laugh trying to imagine Drew being too scared to talk to Tammy. From the time I’ve spent with him, I don’t see him as anything but outgoing. “That’s hard to believe.”

  “Yup, but true. Just don’t risk having sex on campus, okay? Getting caught can be detrimental to your career.”

  I choke on my saliva with her confession. “Did you and Drew…”

  “Almost, until I was the voice of reason and stopped it. Drew didn’t care, but I did. I didn’t work this hard for this job to give it all up for an orgasm or two.”

  Her bluntness makes me laugh. “No kidding. Well, thanks for the warning.”

  “What are friends for?” She winks. “Well, I hope Kane doesn’t disappoint tomorrow night. You’d better fill me in next week.”

  “Definitely. Have a great weekend.”

  “You too, Olivia,” she says before gathering her things and leaving my room.

  After I finish my grading and inputting the scores into the computer, I shut down everything, lock my room, and head for my car. I grab some takeout on the way home, put my feet up on the couch and turn on Netflix, and gorge until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. I pass out on the couch and wake up in a panic Saturday morning when I realize I’m not in bed.

  Chuckling to myself, I stand up and make my way to the bathroom, showering and pampering my body until I feel human again to prepare for my date. I do my laundry, clean around the apartment, and bask in the routine that I’ve created for myself over the past few weeks. But deep down I know that there’s more to life than this. And I want more.

  I want the husband and kids. I want the crazy, loud noise of a family spending time together on a Saturday morning, making pancakes and watching cartoons. I want a man beside me who is my best friend, but also the person I can’t get enough of. And as I envision that scene in my mind, the face of the man I dream of as my husband looks like Kane.

  Could he be that person for me? Am I putting all my eggs in one basket because he is the first man I’m dating after Trevor? Or does what I feel for him already honestly make me believe that this could be the real thing? I remind myself to take it one day at a time and try not to put pressure on this. But the ticking clock in the back of mind keeps reminding me that I’m not getting any younger.

  Shaking off my insecurities, I put on a playlist on my phone while I get ready for my date. I curl my hair, opt for slightly darker make-up for the evening, and choose a body-hugging maroon sweater dress with cream-colored leggings, dark brown boots, and my heavy brown coat to complete my outfit. I give myself one last glance in the mirror before making myself comfortable on the couch to wait for Kane.

  Three minutes before five there’s a knock on my door. I stand, wiping my sweaty palms on my dress and smoothing the fabric over my curves. Taking a deep breath, I open the door to the vision of Kane in all his handsome glory, decked out in his black pea coat, dark denim, and a dark green Henley stretched across his muscular chest. The sight of him warms my insides, and a throbbing commences between my legs. He’s so incredibly sexy and masculine, his beard trimmed to perfection and dark to match his hair—he takes my breath away.

  “Hi, Olivia,” he greets me as I usher him inside out of the cold.

  “Hi, Kane,” I say sheepishly, wondering how I could be even more nervous now that he’s here.

  His eyes dance up and down my body before landing on my eyes. The glint of approval shines just as he speaks. “You look incredible.”

  “Thank you. So do you,” I reply, feeling the blush on my cheeks.

  “Your place sure looks different since the last time I was here,” he mocks while veering around the room, absorbing the home my apartment looks like now, instead of the heap of boxes that was here before.

  “If you recall, Kane… I warned you to what you were walking into that night,” I reply while remembering every vivid detail of that evening. When I make eye contact with him again, I can tell he’s doing the same thing.

  Clearing his throat, he continues. “Well, are you ready to go then?”

  “Yup. Let me just grab my coat.” Reaching for the jacket, Kane steps up behind me and grabs the material from my hands.

  “Let me,” he leans down and voices in my ear, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my skin, even though I’m warm all over from the heat in the apartment and his proximity.

  He holds out my coat behind me as I locate the sleeves and slide my arms through, clutching the coat around my body as I hear him inhale behind me.

  “You smell amazing…”

  Turning around to face him, his face is itching with his need to control himself. With all the anticipation surrounding tonight, I want to see our date through. Although with the way he’s looking at me right now, the thought of staying in and riding his face again seems fun too.

  “You smell pretty good yourself there, Garrison,” I joke while grabbing onto the collar of his coat, pulling him closer to me so our mouths are merely inches away from each other. “Now take me on a date before we never leave this apartment.”

  Kane throws his head back in a laugh, then leans down to kiss my forehead—the gesture so sweet and innocent, but it makes my heart come alive in my chest. The man has been inside me for Christ’s sake, but something about that move is so much more intimate.

  “Yes ma’am,” he salutes before walking to my door and leading me out to his truck. He opens the door for me and helps me inside, like the gentleman he’s proving he is. Once we’re secured in our seats, Kane takes off for the highway and starts to drive out of Emerson Falls.

  “Where are we going?” I ask once we’re cruising along.

  “Well, you’re favorite food is sushi, right?”


  “Well, the closest sushi place is about forty-five minutes away.”

  “Kane, you didn’t have to drive all this way just to get me sushi,” I scold him. Hell, I would have been fine with just a steak dinner at Outback.

  “I know I didn’t, but I wanted to. And since I’ve never had it, I thought, what the heck?” He shoots me a crooked smile and a wink before focusing back on the road.

  “Thank you, then. I’ve actually been craving it.”


  While Kane drives we talk about music and he drills me with more questions—basic things about my likes and dislikes.

  Favorite season? Spring.

  Favorite sport? Football.

  Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.

  The drive passes so quickly that before we know it, we arrive at the restaurant. Kane guides me inside and offers his name for the reservation he made. The hostess leads us through the restaurant that is actually a teppan-style dining establishment complete with a sushi bar. The walls are painted a deep red with bamboo accents throughout. Enormous hoods hang from the ceiling above the tables that accommodate ten people at a time. Chatter fills the room as families gather to celebrate birthdays and the cries of little children filter in and out of the noise created by food sizzling on the heated steel of the table tops.

  “This is much fancier than just sushi, Kane,” I state while following him, hand in hand, to our teppan table. Once the hostess hands us our menus and explains the ordering process, she leaves as we await our server for drinks.

  “It is our first date, so that calls for something special. I’ve heard great things about this place, but never had a reason to come here… until now.” His eyes sparkle from the overhead lights and the flicker of flames coming off of the tables nearby where ch
efs are busy preparing meals. His answer makes my pulse quicken, each glimpse of honesty from him making me fall just a little more.

  “Thank you for bringing me here then,” I smile at him, reaching for his hand. He grabs mine and brings it to his mouth, pressing the softest caress of his lips against my skin, making my nipples harden from his touch. I feel my entire body warm and anticipate even more hints of his lips on my body later.

  “Let’s figure out what to eat.” I shake off the moment, opening the menu in perusal of our options. Kane decides on the steak and shrimp dinner and I opt for chicken and calamari, deciding we’ll share our plates so we can sample everything. He urges me to choose a few sushi rolls to share before dinner is served, and we place our order once the server arrives. The rest of our table fills up in a matter of minutes. Two more couples join us and a family of four celebrating the oldest son’s birthday.

  Even though it’s not an intimate setting, I’m situated so close to Kane to accommodate all the people at the table, I don’t feel a lack of affection from him.

  Taking a sip of my wine, I turn to Kane while we wait for our food. “So, have any more questions for me tonight?”

  Kane tips up the corner of his mouth while he drinks his beer. “You should know by now I come fully stocked with a list of questions.”

  “Bring it on then,” I tease while placing my wine glass back down so I can give him my full attention.

  Kane reaches for his phone from his coat pocket on the back of his chair, lighting up the screen and searching out his list from before. “Okay,” he clears his throat, which makes me chuckle. “If you could live anywhere, where would that be?”

  “Hmmm. That’s a good one. I think I’d have to say somewhere tropical. I’m not a fan of the cold weather, and there is nothing more peaceful to me than turquoise blue water. Belize. Tahiti. Hawaii. I’m not picky, just somewhere where I can see straight down to the bottom of the ocean and live in a bikini all year round.”

  Kane’s eyes are filled with lust when he hears my answer. “I think if you’re wearing a bikini every day, I’d want to live there too.” I swat him playfully in the chest before he grabs my hand and caresses my fingers with his.


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