The Road to Monticello

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by Hayes, Kevin J. ;

  Southey, Robert, 404, 569

  Life of Nelson, 569

  Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 268

  Spectator, 26, 122

  Spurrier, John, Practical Farmer, 421, 422

  Staël de Holstein, Anne Louise Necker Germaine, Baronne de, 297, 298

  Corinne, ou l’Italie, 298

  De la Littérature Considérée dans ses Rapports avec les Institutions Sociales, 609

  Lettres sur les Ouvrages et le Caractere de J.-J. Rousseau, 298

  Staël de Holstein, Eric Magnus, Baron de, 297

  Stanley, Thomas, History of Philosophy, 140

  Staphorst, Jacob Van, 438

  Statius, 135

  Stendhal, Histoire de la Peinture en Italie, 575–576

  Sterett, Samuel, 410

  Sterne, Laurence, 5, 526

  Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, 5–6, 94, 123, 239, 254, 360–361, 365, 366, 407

  Political Romance, 6

  Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, 6, 324–325, 343–344, 366, 407

  Sermons of Mr. Yorick, 5, 126

  Works, 6, 9, 609

  Sternhold, Thomas, 28

  Stewart, Matthew, Tracts, Physical and Mathematical, 71

  Stiles, Ezra, 271, 283, 331, 395

  Stith, William, 238

  History of Virginia, 72, 79

  Stockdale, John, 318

  Stoer, Jacques, 569

  Stuart, Archibald, 425

  Stuart, Gilbert, 292, 601

  Stuart, James, Tiomnadh nuadh, 142

  Sully, Thomas, 600–603

  Sweeney, George Wythe, 491

  Swift, Jonathan, 30, 60, 431

  Gulliver’s Travels, 430–431, 463

  “To Mr. Sheridan, Upon His Verses Written in Circles, ” 306

  Switzer, Stephen, Ichnographia Rustica, 12–13

  Tacitus, 89, 127, 472, 536, 599

  Annals, 232

  Tarleton, Banastre, 231, 328

  Tarquin, 76

  Tasso, Torquato

  Aminta, 282, 608

  Jerusalem Delivered, 201, 433

  Tate, Nahum, New Version of the Psalms of David, 28–29

  Tatler, 26

  Tazewell, Littleton Waller, 530, 614–615

  Tencin, Claudine-Alexandrine Guérin, Marquise de, 296

  Tessé, Adrienne Catherine de Noailles, Comtesse de, 345–346, 354, 362, 559–560

  Teutsche Merkur, 171

  Themistocles, 380

  Théodore, Gaspar, Le Gras, 286

  Thierry, Augustin, Histoire de la Conquête de l’Angleterre par les Normands, 632

  Thomas, Isaiah, 88

  Thompson, Mr., 637

  Thompson, Mrs., 279

  Thompson, Samuel, 278–279

  Thomson, Charles

  advice regarding Notes on the State of Virginia, 240, 246, 292, 324, 433

  friendship with Jefferson, 96, 167, 599

  Jefferson’s advice regarding his translation of the Bible, 503–504

  illness of, 584

  longevity of, 541

  serves as councilor for American Philosophical Society, 432–433

  Synopsis of the Four Evangelists, 583

  Thomson, James, 319, 363

  Seasons, 183–184

  Spring, 386

  Tancred and Sigismunda, 184

  Works of James Thomson, 183–184

  Thornton, William, 453, 555–556

  Thucydides, 139, 536

  Thwaites, Edward, Heptateuchus, 580

  Tibullus, 130

  Ticknor, George, 557–560, 564–566, 621, 629

  Tillotson, John, 20, 38

  Works, 38

  Time Piece, 500

  Tindal, Nicolas, 26

  Tissot, S. A. D.

  Advice to the People, 269

  De la Santé des Gens de Lettres, 268–269

  “To My Armchair, ” 506

  Toland, John, Militia Reformed, 104

  Torquemada, Juan de, La Monarchia Indiana, 330

  Tott, Sophie Ernestine, 345–347

  Townshend, Charles, 110–111

  Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude Destutt, Comte de,

  Commentary and Review of Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws, 528–529, 558–559

  Treatise on Political Economy, 529

  Tracy, Nathaniel, 271, 276

  Trist, Eliza, 278, 279

  Trist, Hore Browse, 572

  Trist, Nicholas P., 562–563, 575, 576, 630, 631, 640–641

  Trist, Virginia J. Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter), 420, 470, 524, 562, 563, 606, 610, 630, 632

  Trumbull, John (1750–1731)

  Elegy for the Times, 185

  McFingal, 288

  Trumbull, John (1756–1843)

  correspondence with Jefferson, 367, 370

  Death of General Montgomery in the Attack on Quebec, 324, 331

  Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill, 324, 331

  European travels, 358–360

  friendship with Jefferson, 323–324, 326, 387

  introduces Jefferson to Maria Cosway, 333

  life in Paris, 330–331

  Tucker, George, 637

  Essays, 624

  Valley of Shenandoah, 624

  Tucker, Josiah, True Interest of Britain, Set Forth in Regard to the Colonies, 192

  Tull, Jethro, Horse-Hoeing Husbandry, 70, 424

  Tullius, Jacob, 492

  Tullius, Servis, 181

  Turner, Dawson, 130

  Turner, Sharon, History of the Anglo Saxons, 632

  Tutwiler, Henry, 633

  Tyler, Henry, 106

  Tyler, John, 531

  Tyler, Royall, “Versification of Ossian’s Description, ” 145

  Unger, Johann Ludwig de, 221–222

  Universal Gazette, 446

  Universal History, 140

  Ursula (TJ’s slave), 122

  Valentin and Orson, 15

  Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian, 585–587

  Vattel, Emmerich de

  Le Droit des Gens, 83–84

  Questions de Droit Natural, 268

  Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de, 293, 310, 316

  Verling, William, 102–103, 106

  Vikramacarita, 579

  Villegas, Esteban Manuel de, La Eroticas, 330

  Villoison, Jean Baptiste d’Angge, 565

  Virgil, 22, 23, 135, 139, 507, 510, 565

  Aeneid, 40, 130, 168

  Opera, 34

  Virginia Almanack, 53, 88, 99, 128, 166, 167, 186

  Virginia Gazette, 1, 8, 32, 68, 70–71, 72, 73, 86, 87, 88, 101, 133, 199, 202, 501

  Virginia Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge (a.k.a. Philosophical Society for the Advancement of Useful Knowledge) 53, 129, 140

  Voiture, Vincent, Oeuvres, 199

  Volney, Constantin François Chaseboeuf, Comte de, 433–434

  Voltaire, 201, 553, 600, 603, 608

  Candide, 222

  History of Charles XII, 140

  Ignorant Philosopher, 105

  Oeuvres, 553

  Voyage d’un François Exile pour la Religion, 370

  Walker, Adam, 364

  Walker, Mary, 32

  Walker, Thomas, 25, 30, 32, 236

  Walthoe, Nathaniel, 107, 111

  Walton, Bryan, Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, 630

  Ward, Samuel, 167, 174

  Warner, Ferdinando, History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland, 112

  Warren, Mercy Otis, Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, 395

  Washington, George, 174, 287

  agricultural ideas of, 421

  appoints Jefferson secretary of state, 388–389

  Battle of Princeton and, 208

  befriends Priestley, 463

  British forces drive from New York, 198

  correspondence with Humphreys, 288, 311, 21

  correspondence with Jefferson, 84, 272, 322, 401, 428, 449, 472, 549

  Declaration of Causes and, 169–170

  drives Britis
h forces across New Jersey, 208

  elected to Continental Congress, 163

  Freneau and, 412

  Genet and, 413, 415

  marches forces from Boston to New York, 197

  “Mazzei letter” and, 438

  orders maps prepared, 390

  portrayal in The Anas, 404–405, 409, 415–417

  presidential administration of, 392–395, 416–417

  reads Gulliver’s Travels, 430

  serves in House of Burgesses, 605

  serves in Virginia Convention, 162–163

  visits Rhode Island with Jefferson, 396

  Waterland, Daniel, 204

  Watson, Elkanah, History of the Rise, Progress, and Existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of New York, 573

  Watt, James, 54, 62

  Watterston, George, 562–563

  Wanderer in Jamaica, 561

  Watts, Isaac, 20

  Logick, 35

  Wayles, Elizabeth, 119–120

  Wayles, John, 119–120, 138, 140, 425, 605

  library of, 120, 138–139, 140, 141

  Wayne, Anthony, 486

  Webster, Daniel, 76–77, 296, 301, 303, 569–570

  Webster, Noah, 438

  Wedgwood, Josiah, 54, 62

  Weekly Museum, 457

  Weightman, General, 640

  Weightman, Roger C., 578

  Weisse, Christian Felix, “Ohn Lieb und ohne Wein, ” 168

  Werff, Adrian van der, 361–363

  Children Playing before a Statue of Hercules, 361–362

  Sarah Presenting Hagar to Abraham, 362

  West, Benjamin, 292, 323–324

  Wharton, Joseph, 458

  Whately, Thomas, Observations on Modern Gardening, 318

  Wheatcroft family, 383

  Whitcomb, Samuel, 495–496, 593

  White, Thomas, Little Book for Little Children, 19

  White Hairs, 489–491

  Whitman, Walt, “Passage to India, ” 486

  Wieland, Christoph M., 171

  Wilkes, John, 313

  Willard, Joseph, 371–371

  Willard, Samuel, 476–477

  William V, Prince of Orange, 357

  Willie, William, 202, 501

  Wilson, Robert, History of the British Expedition to Egypt, 569

  Wilson, Thomas, Short and Plain Instruction for the Better Understanding of the Lord’s Supper, 7–8

  Wirt, William

  appreciation of Proceedings of the Government, 530–531

  correspondence with Jefferson, 76–77, 79

  dines with Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, 638–639

  as Jefferson’s attorney, 530

  Letters of the British Spy, 527, 530

  Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry, 76, 161, 569–570, 597

  Wise Men of Gotham, 15

  Wistar, Caspar, System of Anatomy, 571

  Wolff, Christian, Institutions du Droit de la Nature et des Gens, 83–84

  Wollaston, William, Religion of Nature Delineated, 20–21

  Wood, James, 227

  Wood, Robert, Ruins of Balbec, 521

  Wood, William, New Englands Prospect, 539

  Worrall, John, Bibliotheca Legum, 425

  Wren, Christopher, 10

  Wright, Captain, 383–384

  Wright, Frances, Few Days in Athens, 145

  Wythe, George

  classical learning, 58, 64

  correspondence with Jefferson, 349, 428, 445, 586

  Decisions of Cases in Virginia, by the High Court of Chancery, 427–428

  encourages Jefferson’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 445, 448

  founder of Virginia Philosophical Society for the Advancement of Useful Knowledge, 129

  friendship with Fauquier, 60

  friendship with Small, 71

  as Jefferson’s teacher, 57–58, 73, 75, 596

  legal abilities, 57–58

  library of, 235, 491, 492

  murder, 491–492

  receives Jefferson’s Report on Establishing a Uniformity, 395

  revises Virginia laws, 207–208, 220–221

  sends Jefferson Foulis catalogues, 117, 127

  as William Short’s teacher, 298

  Xanthus, 17–18

  Xenophon, of Ephesus, 379, 524

  De Amoribus Anthiae et Abrocomae, 374

  Young, Edward, 9, 176, 306

  Night Thoughts, 135

  Works, 135

  Zane, Isaac, 261–262




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