Project Alpha

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Project Alpha Page 34

by R. A. Mejia

  “What? You expect me to accept that poor excuse for magic? Heal me back to full health, you stupid bitch!”

  Courtney glances to her right at her boyfriend Jeremy, but he has his hands full avoiding Lillian’s blade. Addressing Auden, she explains, “I can’t heal you more. I’m out of mana. I used it all up in the other fights.”

  Auden rolls to his feet, a sneer on his disfigured face. He looks down on Courtney and whispers cruelly, “Then you're even more useless than you normally are.” Then a small curl appears at the edge of his lips. “But I have one more use for you.” Auden points at me and yells, “Steal Bite!” and I feel the ability I’d absorbed from the zombie pulled from me and streak to Auden. He smiles wide and turns to Courtney. She realizes what’s coming and tries to run, but his massive armored hands grab her by the waist. She screams as she’s pulled towards Auden’s mouth. He casually calls out “Bite, ” and his smile transforms into a frenzied rictus grin. Thankfully, Auden turns away from me as he devours his teammate but I can hear the wet sounds, and I’m suddenly glad that I can’t use the ability ever again.

  There’s a wet plop as what’s left of Courtney drops from Auden’s hands. A look above his head shows me that his health has fully recovered. As he turns face, I can see that he has healed of most of the wounds I caused. He stares at his blood-soaked gauntlets and laughs. “Ha! That was amazing. I think this is my new favorite ability.” He nods once towards me. “Thank you so much for giving it to me.”

  I hear a sound that makes my blood run cold. A laugh that I hoped I’d never hear again. The high-pitched sound of a man laughing like a hyena, comes from Auden’s direction, and for a moment I wonder if he could be the man in the mask. But Auden isn’t laughing. Instead, Jeremy steps from behind the bulk of Auden. I lean to the right to look beyond the two and see Lillian sprawled out on the ground, a canister still spraying a familiar gas around her in a cloud. It all clicks together in my mind. Jeremy is the man in the mask. I don’t know why he tried to kill me permanently, but I suspect it was on the order of his master.

  “Auden, I’ve disabled that uppity bitch Lillian for you. It will take a minute for the gas to clear away, but after it does, you can kill her at your leisure.” He turns to me, and an undisguised look of hate comes over him. “I warned you to quit, Anthony. Now my friend and I are going to take our time picking you and your friends apart.”

  Auden looks at the disabled Lillian and sniffs acknowledgment. “Well, you’re not as useless as I thought you were.”

  Jeremy beams like a dog being praised by his owner.

  Anger boils up inside me, and I scream at Auden, “Is this how you planned to win? Are you such a coward that you’d send your lackey to murder my family and me so that you wouldn’t have to face us in a fair fight?”

  The confused look on Auden’s face tells me everything I need to know. Turning my gaze to Jeremy, I see that his expression has changed from one of adoration for his friend, to one of absolute hate for me. “He doesn’t know, does he? You did this on your own.”

  “Shut your dirty mouth worm! You have the gall to accuse someone of the Arschloch family?”

  “No. It’s obvious Auden isn’t intelligent enough to come up with the kind of plan you did.”

  Auden turns to Jeremy at the insult to his intelligence, “What is that idiot talking about, Jeremy? What have you done now?”

  Jeremy give me another hateful look, then turns to Auden with a bow and a smile. “Nothing, Auden. Don’t listen to him. He’s just trying to distract you from our victory. Kill him and the rest of his team!”

  With a motion swifter than I can follow, Auden backhands, Jeremy, knocking him onto his ass. “Don’t you ever tell me what to do.”

  Jeremy rolls onto his knees and genuflects before Auden. “I’m sorry, Auden. I didn’t mean to tell you what to do. I just didn’t want you to lose so I—”

  “What did you do?” Auden kicks the man when he doesn’t finish his sentence.

  “He kidnapped me and forced me to bind to a dungeon crystal, then he killed me repeatedly, intending to murder me permanently once I dropped to level 0.” Auden stares at Jeremy with anger, and I continue, “Then when I escaped, he came to my home to murder my family who isn't System Users.”

  Jeremy’s expression vacillates between hate for me and adoration for Auden as he looks between us. “I only did it for you, Auden. After you almost lost to Anthony at the Halloween party, I knew he and his boss had a chance to beat you if they worked together. So I tried to stop them from entering the System Games. I tried to warn him first, but he wouldn’t listen. So what else was I supposed to do to protect you?” As he speaks, Jeremy crawls towards Auden’s feet and reaches up to Auden, his hands begging for forgiveness and understanding.

  A siren blares in the room, causing everyone to cover their ears. The announcer's voice seems to speak from everywhere. “I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen. We have been instructed by the Oversight Committee to stop the fight while they investigate these serious accusations.”

  Flashes of light occur all around the edges of the large room, and men in black suites appear. Agent Smith is among them, he points in our direction, and the men start to close in.

  Auden kicks Jeremy again, sending him flying away from him. “Do you see what you’ve done, you idiot? Now we have to deal with the Oversight Committee. I won’t take the blame for your incompetence.” He smiles, “You’re a liability.”

  Jeremy nods once as if understanding something that’s not being said. He stands up and begins to run away. I don’t know where he plans to go, but I don’t want to take any chances. I raise my hand and focus on my ability Ice Needle. A thin icicle shoots from my outstretched hand and hits Jeremy in his back, causing him to stumble. I fire another one, this one hitting him near his hips. The ice needles do little real damage, but the combination of attacks causes a layer of ice to form over the lower half of Jeremy’s body to be covered in ice until his legs are frozen to the floor.

  I’m out of mana, but I run up to Jeremy. “You’re not going anywhere. The Oversight Committee will get the truth out of you. They will find out where you got that experimental dungeon seed and who gave you the tech to hide your identity. They’ll find out who else is involved in this.”

  Jeremy, whose back had been turned away from me begins laughing. “Well we can’t have that now, can we? I’ll just have to take a page out of your book, Anthony.” As he turns towards me, I see that he’s reached into his inventory and equipped a vest with series of grenades attached. He pulls the pin, and I scream as loud as I can, “Stay back, he has a grena—” I don’t get to finish my sentence. There’s a bright flash of light, a deafening sound, and a sensation of searing heat. Then nothing.

  Chapter 49

  When the world returns to me, I find that I’m staring at a set of too familiar notifications.

  You’ve been killed by Jeremy Dolton.

  Respawn in 3...2...1.

  You’ve respawned at your bind location, System Stadium locker room B.

  You lose 7680 XP. XP needed to level 10: 19,300

  I swipe away the notifications and try to rush out of the locker room, but the door is locked. I’m loading my grenade launcher and preparing to blow the door off its hinges when a flash of light catches my attention. I turn, aiming my weapon in the direction of the light. My finger relaxes off the trigger when I see that it’s Agent Smith from the Oversight Committee. His hands raised in the air. “Woah there. You mind pointing that thing somewhere else?”

  After only a moment's hesitation, I point the barrel of my weapon towards the ground. “What happened? Why can’t I leave? Where’s Jeremy? He’s the man in the mask!”

  Agent Smith nods and makes calming motions to me. “Yes, yes. We realized that during your fight. Good job on letting us know by the way. I’m glad all the fights are broadcast to the audience in the main stadium. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been able to interfere with the games.”

  “Did you get him? Did you catch Jeremy?”

  Agent Smith sits down wearily with a shake of his head, “No. I’m sorry we didn’t. When he killed himself with that suicide vest, we went to his team's locker room to see if he respawned there, but Courtney, his teammate, told us that he didn’t bind there with the rest of the team. Our agents are checking his known home base and any other bases of the Arschloch Corporation. But if he bound at one of the experimental dungeons he had access too, he could have respawned anywhere.”

  I let off a string of curses. When I calm down, I ask, “If Jeremy has escaped, then why am I locked in this room?”

  “Oh, well that’s the System Game policy. If you’re killed during the games, you’re locked here until the game is over. It prevents interference. The last fight in the tournament has started up again. I can bring up the feed if you want.”

  “Well, at least I can see how my team is doing.”

  I sit at one of the benches in the locker room, bone tired from the stress of the revelations and the fight. Agent Smith taps the air a few times, and a screen appears on one of the walls.

  Auden in his heavy power armor faces off against Lillian and John. He skillfully takes on both of my teammates, but without his healer, his health is slowly whittled down to nothing until he dies.

  Once his body disappears, the announcer declares, “Monster Squashers Inc. The winners of this year’s System Games.”

  There’s a bright flash of light, and I’m teleported to an awards ceremony. The crowds cheer as the three top teams are presented with their prizes. Third place goes to Ludas Inc. They get a bronze medal, 10,000 credits, and a rare book that confers an ability. Second place goes to the Arschloch Corporation, who get a silver medal, 50,000 credits, and a rare magical item. Monster Squashers Inc., receives the top prizes. We get gold medals, 100,000 credits, and a dungeon seed.

  There’s late night party for all the competitors, but I decide to skip it and head home with my mom and Marie.


  The next couple of weeks are interesting. Without being able to interrogate Jeremy, no links can be made back to the Arschloch Corporation, and the investigation ends inconclusively. We’re assured by the Oversight Committee that they will continue to search for Jeremy, but that it’s best that we take appropriate measures to protect ourselves. Which sounds lovely, but it basically means getting stronger. Something I’d planned to do anyway.

  From what Lillian tells me, even though Auden got second place in the System Games, the Arschloch Corporation was furious with him. They’d been counting on getting the dungeon seed and were so angry with Auden for losing it, they demoted him to the mail room.

  Auden himself also lost out big time financially. It turns out that he’d make a series of big wagers that his team would come in first place. He’s still trying to come up with the money he owes.

  Between all the money I earned leveling and my share of the prize money from the System Games, I’m able to put a down payment on a new house for my family. It’s a little closer to my sister’s school and in a pretty good neighborhood. I transfer over my home base and even expand it to encompass the entire house. Yes, I also remember to add the basic protections against fire, weather, electricity, and other elements. No more worries about the house being vulnerable to attackers or pyromaniacs.

  I leave the employ of Mr. Smith at the Quickie Stop Mart. Between school and dungeon diving, I just don’t have time for the work. Mr. Smith is sad to see me go, but understands. He says he’d expected me to leave once I started college and is proud of me for taking care of my family and getting an education. He promises that there will always be a place for me behind the counter if I need it. I may have teared up a little while he gave his speech. Hey, don’t judge me. It was very dusty that day.

  Things with Lillian are going well. Once the System Games were over, the two of us finally went out on our first date. It’s interesting to date someone that is technically your boss, but I guess we’ll just have to figure out our relationship one day at a time. Though I have to say the kissing part of our relationship is pretty incredible, and I think we have that part down.

  School starts in a few days, and I’m starting to think about where I want to focus my education. Money isn’t an issue so long as I keep working for Monster Squashers Inc., but I want a bigger purpose in my life. Maybe I’ll be a doctor or engineer or something. Or maybe I’ll be a teacher. That’s the nice thing about right now. The future seems pretty open and optimistic.


  **********Oversight Committee file 012382322 - F ******

  Copy of note left on the door of Anthony Tinoco, two days after the end of the System Games******


  You think that this is over? Things are only beginning. I may be on the run right now, but I’ll be back one day, and I’ll have my revenge against you and all the other people that have ruined my life.


  *****End of note*****

  From the Author

  Thanks for reading Project Alpha. I hope that you enjoyed it. I also have another LitRPG series, Adventures on Terra, which you may also enjoy.

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  Some of the great Patreon Supporters even got put into the novel. You might recognize some of these names in some form. Thanks guys for your support on Patreon.

  Daniel Faulkner


  Jason Hamilton

  Ryan Jones

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  Special thanks to everyone that helped Beta read and point out errors in the story. You all made this a less frustrating read.

  Richard Boggs

  Jay Taylor

  Don Miller

  Kegan Hall

  Brett Davis

  Travis Pullen

  Charles Dean




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