Just Breathe

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Just Breathe Page 22

by Vincent Morrone

  She felt his weight on her, his broad chest moving against hers. She ran her fingers through his hair, then down his back.

  When he felt her body tense, he quickened, bringing her over the edge. Then he slowed down to let her recover and start the slow climb again.

  Just as she was approaching her second climax, he changed his rhythm. She looked into his eyes and watched as he built to his own release.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear, just as she felt the rush of pleasure engulf her.

  When he exploded, she felt him tremble as he filled her. “I love you, too.”

  Hey lay next to her, holding her close. They knew they had to move soon to get back in time for dinner but they needed a moment, just to feel each other’s heartbeat and listen to each other breathe.

  * * * *

  Like the others, he had been watching her for some time. People had no idea how many he watched. He only chose the best, the tastiest morsels to bite. And only when looking at them from afar was no longer enough.

  For a while, he had wondered if this one was different. He was attracted to girls who were sweet and pure. She seemed perfect. Maybe someone who would be suitable to date

  But now he knew she was a slut just like the rest. She came out of her house, the man she had just let violate her carrying what looked like a bag of chicken.

  He decided she would be next.

  They got into the car and he realized his time for having fun was growing short. This might be his last. He knew the police were getting closer to finding him. Stewart, that pathetic excuse of a man may have already given them his name. It wouldn’t be long before he was thrown in a cage, but there was still time for at least one more. So much more fitting that she would be connected to the man he had admired for so long.

  Maybe he could call Nathaniel and talk to him beforehand. It would be great. Almost like a father to a son.

  Chapter 18

  It took three days before the news cameras moved on. People still wanted to know more about Nathaniel’s victims, but when the only statement that came from them was, “Thank you for the well wishes, but please respect our privacy,” it became clear none of them were interested in talking to the press.

  The news cameras did a pass outside the college. Most people who knew Noah said they’d just known him as a quiet but polite young man who had recently buried his mother.

  A few people brought up the fight with Trent. When Trent Wilkins and his parents realized the Noah Hunt everyone was talking about was the same one Trent had gotten into a fight with, they called their attorney, thinking maybe that could be used to discredit Noah and get their son off.

  Their attorney advised them to take the deal on the table. Instead, the Wilkins used a third party to float the story of the altercation. That had people talking again. However, someone sent all of the footage gathered by Detective Shaw to the news stations, all linked together in such a way that nobody could doubt that Noah and Brady had acted in self-defense. Some news stations even brought in experts, all of whom came to the same conclusion.

  “When you watch this footage,” one expert had said, “what’s very clear is that Noah Hunt doesn’t lose his temper or strike out needlessly. There are plenty of opportunities for what you might call a sucker punch. Think about it, you’ve been attacked. They insulted you and your friends. I don’t know if I would have blamed him for getting in a gratuitous jab, but Mr. Hunt did what he had to do to defend himself. Nothing more.”

  Public opinion was clearly in Noah’s corner. The footage of Trent grabbing Cassie Shaw’s arm while he towered over her made the judge reject the offered plea bargain. In the end, they got ten years’ probation and two hundred hours of community service.

  Detective Shaw swore up and down he hadn’t sent that footage to the news station. Since it was all available on YouTube, he wasn’t in trouble. Still, somebody had managed to put it together in a very neat package for the media.

  Noah couldn’t help but notice how pleased Tyler seemed to be with himself.

  Walter wanted to cement Noah’s new friendships by getting them together for something that wasn’t a funeral or a press conference. Plus, he enjoyed watching his grandson interact and learn to open up. He called Detective Shaw on Friday night and asked if he would be available for a get-together.

  “Probably the last weekend we can barbecue,” Walter had said. “I think it would be good for Noah. And I think I can talk Amber into coming over. She and Paige both adore your son and daughter.”

  Shaw laughed. “Sounds like a good idea. I can come over and help out.”

  “I’d appreciate it,” Walter said.

  Cassie had called her friends and invited them all. She was most pleased when she got a hold of Ben, only to find out that Noah had already invited him.

  “I plan on it,” Ben had said. “But I have to see what happens tonight. Brady’s parents are coming over. He wants to talk to them and introduce me.”

  “Nervous?” Cassie asked.

  “Yes, I am,” Ben admitted. “More than I thought I’d be. To be honest, I’m more nervous about this then I was when I told my mom.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Cassie said. “But you do what you have to for Brady.”

  “I will,” Ben said. “Noah already extended the invitation to Brady’s family. So maybe we’ll all see you tomorrow.”

  “What are you going to do if Brady backs out at the last second?”

  “I love him,” Ben responded. “So I won’t flip out. If he doesn’t tell them now, then next time. But I don’t think he’ll back out. He’s getting ready now, they’re gonna be here any minute. Brady was just saying that all the bravery he’s seen recently—from you, Noah, Amber, and the others—it’s inspired him. He’s still terrified, but he’s going to go through with it.”

  Cassie wished them good luck and told Ben she had to go. She had another call. Switching over, she heard her dad’s voice on the line.

  “Hey sweetie,” he said. “I’m going to be a little late. I’ve got to finish something up. You okay there?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine,” Cassie said. “Tyler is getting his homework done so he’s got the weekend free. I’m going downstairs to make one of Mom’s apple pies for tomorrow.”

  “Is Noah coming over?”

  “Not supposed to be,” she said. “He’s helping Walter clean up for tomorrow.”

  “Well, if you need to have him come over, he can.”

  “Thanks,” Cassie said. “Maybe I will, but I think I’m fine.”

  She hung up and called Noah.

  “So my dad says it’s okay for you to come over.”

  Noah laughed. “He might not be if he knew what you were thinking.”

  “You’re no fun,” she said. “Besides, Tyler’s home. So that’s out. But if you get done with your grandfather and want to come over, I wouldn’t mind seeing you. I’ll be baking a pie.”

  “I love you,” Noah said. “And your pie. I’ll see you later. We’re almost done here. And I think Grandpa will probably go to bed soon.”

  They hung up and Cassie headed downstairs to start her pie.

  * * * *

  Brady was pacing in his living room, muttering to himself that if Amber could face those cameras, then he could come out to his parents. Ben watched him go back and forth and hoped he wouldn’t trip. He had tried to be supportive, but Brady had worked himself into too much of a state. When someone knocked on the door, Brady tripped on his way to answer it.

  He opened the door to find Megan. She was dressed up in tight jeans and a halter top that showed off ample cleavage.

  “What are you doing here?” Brady asked.

  Megan walked in. “Lovely to see you. I came to lend moral support.”

  “Moral support?” Brady asked. “Or to mooch dinner?”

  “Are they mutually exclusive?” Megan said and sat down next to Ben. “It’s not a problem, is it?”

  “No,” Ben said. “I
got food from the Italian place across the street. I got enough for you. Just on a hunch.”

  Megan smiled.

  “I thought you had a date?” Brady said.

  “Yeah well,” Megan said. “He couldn’t make it. He double-booked.”

  Ben laughed.

  “Shut up,” Megan said. “I used to be the one who double-booked.”

  “Maybe it’s time you settled down and found someone special,” Ben said. “Like I did.”

  Megan rolled her eyes. “I’m trying. But it’s not easy.”

  “What was wrong with Kyle?” Ben asked.

  “He was nice,” Megan said. “But he’s a drama major. He likes the drama of the moment. Besides, he snores.”

  “And Patrick?” Brady asked.

  “He talks and chews at the same time.”


  “Did you see the size of his feet?” Megan held her hands out to indicate something very large.

  “Yeah,” Ben and Brady said together.

  “I was very disappointed.”

  Ben and Brady looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

  “What about that guy Connor,” Ben said. “You hooked up with him at the same party where I met Brady. Maybe it’s a sign.”

  Megan shook her head. “Yeah, it’s a sign that lightning doesn’t strike twice. I almost hooked up with Connor.”

  “Almost?” Ben said. “What happened?”

  “Nothing,” Megan said. “I got him alone in one of the bedrooms. I got him naked and he got me naked. And unlike Dean, Connor wasn’t little in any sense. You’ve seen him. He’s a big guy. I expected him to pick me up, throw me on the bed and ravish me.”

  “And he didn’t?” Brady asked.

  Megan rolled her eyes. “Let’s just say he couldn’t rise to the occasion. He left after we tried for a half hour. I felt bad, but come on. If he couldn’t get it up for this,” Megan placed her hands on her breasts, “then what the hell does it for him?”

  * * * *

  Cassie listened to music as she danced around the room. She still had a few minutes until the pies were ready to come out. She had made three of them. Two for tomorrow, since there would be so many people, and one for tonight because she couldn’t hold off Tyler until then. Tyler had wanted to invite his new girlfriend, but Cassie was a little concerned about how Amber would feel about that.

  “I talked to her about Jaycee,” Tyler said. “I told her I’d love to introduce them to her. She seemed okay.”

  Cassie thought about it. “Let me check.”

  Tyler ran upstairs after making Cassie promise to call him when he could test her pies.

  Cassie picked up her cell and called Diana.

  “Hi,” Cassie said. “I hope I’m not calling at a bad time, but I have a kind of sensitive question.” She explained about Tyler and his girlfriend.

  “I think it will be okay,” Diana said. “I was just talking to Amber. Believe it or not, going out in front of those cameras was good for her. And she adores your brother. Both her and Paige. She was wondering if Tyler might bring Jaycee. Just tell Tyler to warn her.”

  “I will,” Cassie said. “Oh, there’s the door. I think it’s Noah. I better go.”

  * * * *

  “Hi,” Brady said when he answered the door. “Come on in. How was your drive?”

  Brady’s parents came in and said hello. “Long and boring. But we’re happy to be here,” his mother said as she came into the living room. Her eyes locked onto Megan and Ben. “Is this young man your roommate?”

  “No,” Brady said. “He’s away this weekend. This is Megan and Ben.”

  Everyone said hello. Ben couldn’t help but notice the worried look that passed between Brady’s parents.

  “Mom,” Brady said. “Dad. I know you’re tired and hungry, but there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  “Oh,” his mom said. She looked even more nervous. Her eyes were wide and her brows drew together.

  “Yes,” Brady said. “Please. It’s not easy for me to say, so let me just get it out. Okay?”

  Brady’s father rubbed his hand over his face. Ben heard him mumble “Oh boy,” as he sat down.

  Brady just plowed ahead. “So you remember in high school, I wasn’t much of a dater. I kept saying I hadn’t met the right person. But remember when Troy went off to college? He met Sarah and you both love her.”

  “Well,” Brady’s mom said. “Sarah’s a really nice girl.”

  “I know she is,” Brady said. “And I met someone really nice. Someone really important to me.”

  Brady moved between Megan and Ben. Ben wondered if Brady might be thinking about kissing Megan for his parents benefit, and to be honest, based on the looks on his parents’ faces, Ben wouldn’t blame him. He watched as both of his parents’ eyes darted back and forth between him and Megan on either side of Brady. His father scowled and his mom’s mouth was downturned like she was going to cry.

  “Mom,” Brady said, “Dad, this is my boyfriend, Ben.”

  Brady took Ben’s hand. Ben smiled and waited.

  “Oh my God,” Brady’s mother said as she smiled from ear to ear. “You two make such a cute couple.” She ran over and hugged them both. She seemed really enthusiastic as she fussed over them. She turned to her husband and waved him to come over.

  Slowly, Brady’s father got up and came over to his son.

  “Man,” Brady’s dad said, “I was afraid that you were never going to come out.”

  Brady did a double-take. “You were what?”

  His father just shook his head. “When I walked in here and saw her, I thought you got some girl to pretend to be your girlfriend.”

  “You knew I was gay?” Brady said. “For how long?”

  “Since you covered your walls in pictures of that werewolf kid who can’t keep his shirt on through a movie,” Brady’s dad said. Then he turned to Ben. “Do you watch football?”

  Ben smiled. “Yeah. Go Giants.”

  Brady’s father held out his hand. “We’ll get along just fine.”

  Ben sat down with Brady’s father to talk football, while Brady just goggled.

  Megan threw her hands in the air. “I like the Giants, too.”

  * * * *

  “Connor,” Cassie said in surprise when she answered the door. “What are you doing here?”

  Connor stepped in, although Cassie didn’t really invite him in. He kept his right hand behind his back.

  “I’ve wanted to talk to you,” Connor said. “But I’ve been putting it off.”

  Something about the way Connor was acting didn’t sit right with her. “Now’s not a great time. My dad’s a cop and he’s been working all day. He should be home any minute now.”

  “No,” Connor said. “He’s going to be busy for a while now. He just got something dropped in his lap.”

  Connor stepped closer.

  “I didn’t really care about that girl,” Connor said. “You should even thank me, after all the trouble that bitch caused for you.”

  “Who?” Cassie took a step back. “You mean Lisa?”

  “She won’t bother you again,” Connor said. “Not that it’ll matter to you.”

  He pulled a lead pipe dripping with fresh blood from behind his back.

  * * * *

  “I’m looking forward to tomorrow,” Walter said. “It’ll be nice to show your girl off.”

  “It will be,” Noah said. He looked at his watch.

  “I know,” Walter said. “You’re here on a Friday night when you could be out there with her.”

  “She’s at home making a pie for tomorrow,” Noah said. “She can’t go out anyway, because her brother is home. I was thinking of stopping by, but if you want to hang out…”

  Walter smiled. “You should go be with her, just don’t do anything that will make her father shoot you.”

  Noah laughed as the phone next to Walter rang.

  “Hello,” Walter said.

Noah watched as his grandfather’s face went from smiling to furious in seconds. “Why are you calling here, you bastard!”


  “He doesn’t want to speak with you,” Walter yelled. “You sick son of a bitch.”

  “Give me the phone,” Noah said. “Let me deal with him.”

  Walter moved away from Noah, wanting to protect his grandson.

  “Grandpa, please.” Noah took the phone from his grandfather. “He can’t hurt me.”

  Noah took a moment to center himself. “Hello Nathaniel.”

  “Noah,” Nathaniel said on the other end. “I don’t normally bother calling you, but I figured I should make an exception in this case.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Straight to the point, huh?” Nathaniel said with a laugh. “I guess that’s best. Listen, because this is important. You remember how I said I have fans that could find your little whore?”

  Noah felt his blood boil. “You promised to leave her alone.”

  “Yes,” Nathaniel said. “And I did so for one good reason. I want to see her next year. I want to hear about her pain. About her mother’s rape. I think she means to do that, just because she loves you.”

  “She’ll be there.”

  “No she won’t,” Nathaniel said. “Not unless you get to her. One of my fans just sent me an email. Well, he sent it earlier, but I just got it ten minutes ago. Then I had to get to a phone. Some guy is planning on doing to her what he’s been doing to other girls in your area. Tonight. Just thought you’d want to know.”

  Noah slammed the phone down. “He says the rapist sent him an email saying he’s going after Cassie. I’m going there now—call her father!”

  Noah raced out the door, leaving Walter alone.

  * * * *

  Cassie screamed as Connor swung the pipe. She ran for the kitchen and looked for the butcher’s knife she had used earlier. Connor was on her in an instant. She cried out as he punched her ribs, then fell forward, landing on top of the counter.


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