Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Camilla couldn’t go on… “Oh Jeremy, I hope it’s okay with you…”

  “Honey, there is nothing that would ever stop me loving you…”

  Hesitantly, and gently he asked, “Was your mother assaulted by Peter?”

  Camilla couldn’t answer, she just nodded.

  Jeremy pulled her in. “Oh, Camilla, I love you so much. I am so happy you were conceived… It was clearly not the most desirable way for it to have happened, but it did and I am the luckiest guy in the world to have you.”

  “Oh, Jeremy, I love you so much too.”

  Jeremy drew back and held Camilla by the shoulders as he gazed lovingly into her cerulean blue eyes. He raised his hand and brushed a tear rolling down her cheek. He moved his head from side to side to stress how very much he loved her. “Camilla, I love you with all my heart,” he said once more, as he gently drew her close again and tenderly kissed his dear sweet wife’s forehead. They held each other tightly for the longest time. Camilla rested her head on Jeremy’s shoulder, as he broke the tender moment and said, “I’m so glad those two ladies were there to explain it all to you. Dad would call that God’s divine providence, for sure.”

  “Yes, it is amazing how this all turned out…if only Mom wouldn’t have died, it would have been so wonderful. The ladies were so supportive and understanding. God couldn’t have placed me in more consoling hands. They were like two angels. And the way Matilda spoke of Peter was so kindly and uplifting. She said he was such a nice man when she talked to him at Father’s anniversary. She said that he seemed to know who I was and that he dreamt of me, wishing he could find me and know me… She said he was filled with so much feeling and love. She could tell that it came from his heart.

  “Chloe, Jenny’s niece, said too that the boys had been drinking and not in control of their senses. Even though that certainly doesn’t excuse what they did. Chloe added that Jenny, my Mom, had completely forgiven Peter. Mom wanted only beautiful memories surrounding my birth. And Jeremy, I feel the same. I feel no ill will towards him… perhaps I should.”

  “No honey, your feelings are being true to you. I don’t understand how a man could do that…even if he was young and drunk, it makes me mad just thinking about it. You know I love you, Camilla, it doesn’t take that away. It was wrong what Peter did and it’s not every woman who could forgive someone who did that to her. It must have been very hard for your mother to forgive, but it seems that by forgiving, she was freed from the past and any resentment in her heart. I am so glad that you can feel that freedom in your heart as well.”

  “I am worried about Dad. He seemed so filled with despair when Jenny died. His entire world seemed to collapse. I must have talked at least an hour with Matilda and Chloe and he still was in the room with her. I wonder if he’s worried about me that maybe I think he is my father. Oh, Jeremy, I have to call him and see if everything is okay and explain it all to him.”

  “I love you so much Camilla, I am so happy you were able to see your mom, even if it was for only a few minutes. Lifetimes can be lived in precious moments like that.”

  Camilla nodded and forced a smile. She dried her eyes and went to the phone. There was no answer at the farm, so she called the gallery. Justin said they hadn’t seen their father all day. He was gone even before they got up. Justin gave Camilla the phone number to the house on Hill Avenue where he seemed to spend so much time. Camilla called there and let it ring until the call disconnected. As a last resort she called the hospital and finally was able to get through to palliative care. Fortunately Nurse Johnson was still on duty.

  “Hello, Ms. Johnson, this is Camilla, Jenny Hamilton’s daughter…”

  “Yes, how are you doing, Camilla?”

  “I am doing better. I’m at home and my husband is with me.”

  “Oh, that’s good. We need the love and support of our family and loved ones at times like this.”

  “Is Dad, I mean Henry still there…? do you recall who—?”

  “Oh, yes, I know Henry. No, he left well over an hour ago.”

  “How was he when he left, did you see him?”

  “Yes, we had a chat both in the room where Ms. Hamilton was and later when he left. He fell asleep for over an hour. I woke him up from a dream he was having. I think the rest did him good. It seemed to revive him, somewhat.”

  “That’s good to hear. He seemed filled with such anguish and despair when Jenny died. I am worried about him.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation he seemed to be in better spirits when he left. He seemed to know where he was going and what he wanted to do and yet… he did act sort of strange when he walked away from me towards the elevator… People sometimes do strange things in circumstances like this. Try to find him and perhaps spend the evening with him.”

  “Yes, I understand what you mean. We will keep checking around for him. Thank you so much for your time and for also being with us during my Mom’s last moments.”

  “Camilla, I was so fortunate to be with you and the others. It all so touched my heart.”

  Camilla hung up and turned to Jeremy. “Your dad seemed so despondent when I was there, like he would do anything to be with Jenny. He should have been at one of those places I called. You don’t suppose he would do something… to himself?”

  “God, no, Camilla. Dad would never harm himself…”

  Just then the phone rang, startling the wits out of both of them. Jeremy looked at Camilla with fearful eyes and then rushed to the phone.

  It was Justin.

  “Slow down, Justin. I can’t understand you.” Jeremy looked at Camilla. Her face and entire body language screamed desperately towards her husband.

  “What did Justin say?”

  “He’s crying so hard I can’t understand him, Camilla…the police just called… I think it’s something to do with Dad…”

  Chapter Seventeen

  In the flap of a hummingbird’s wings, Jenny and Henry stood in front of an accident scene just down the block on the corner of Hill Avenue and Elphinstone Street. A huge crowd was already gathered and growing.

  Two of three police cars blocked the traffic heading east and west on Hill Avenue. An ambulance was parked in the centre of the intersection alongside a fire truck. The paramedics were examining the driver of a large moving van who appeared unhurt except for being shaken up a bit. Another paramedic was working beside two firemen trying to install the Jaws of Life inside the doors of a SUV lying on its side.

  Two police officers were trying to keep the growing crowd back, many of whom were wearing looks of horror, others shook their heads and still others speculated as to what had happened.

  A third officer was interviewing an eye witness and making careful notes in his notebook.

  “I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was sitting in my car at the stop sign waiting for this moving van coming down the Avenue to pass by. He seemed in a hurry and appeared to be going above the speed limit. At the same time across the street, I saw this red Escalade heading towards the intersection. Although it was not going very fast, it made no effort whatsoever to slow down or come to a stop.

  “Just a few seconds before the van entered the intersection, the Escalade went through the stop sign and fully exposed itself to the speeding van. My God, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was a loud bang. The Escalade lifted off the road, landing on two wheels and rolled over at least twice before coming to a stop not more than ten yards in front of me.”

  By this time, a crowd had gathered around the officer and the witness. His hands twitched and waved as he described the accident, his face wore his shock vividly.

  “Just look at it,” he added, as he pointed to the crushed SUV lying on its driver’s side against the concrete.

  Henry could barely make out the driver behind the wheel and a bloody arm and hand partially exposed through the open sun roof.

  “There was no way that guy was going to walk away from this one. There was no way the moving van co
uld have missed or swerved or stopped in time. Like I said, both the moving van and the red SUV entered the intersection just a second or two apart. Unfortunately, the guy in the Escalade made it first.”

  A strange feeling crawled up Henry’s spine as he listened to the witness describe the accident to the police officer. The red SUV looked familiar. Then it dawned on him.

  “Hey, that looks like my Escalade, or whatever’s left of it.”

  “It is your SUV, Henry,” replied Jenny very softly, squeezing his hand at the same time.

  “Oh my God, that’s me they are dragging from the SUV! What’s going on here?”

  Jenny remained silent, knowing he would soon understand.

  “Now I remember. When I left the hospital, I was in a complete daze. Everything was a blur. I really wasn’t in any condition to drive and I remember trying to decide if I should walk or take a cab. I felt so drained though, I just wanted to get home, have a cup of tea, relax and try and figure out all that happened to me this morning.”

  “Do you remember holding my hand?”

  “Yeah, it felt so comforting. I hated to let go when I got to my SUV.”

  “I was consoling you Henry, preparing you.”

  Henry looked at Jenny appreciatively and went on. “I got into the Escalade, turned on the key, opened the roof vent and backed out of the hospital parking lot. Someone yelled at me from behind. I turned just in time to see a man standing there, shaking his head. ‘Watch where you are going, you almost hit me,’ he said. It was a good thing I was going slowly.

  “I apologized to the man and then cautiously proceeded out of the lot. And yeah, I reached out for your hand, again. It felt so soothing and comforting. When Dewdney Avenue ran into Elphinstone Street, I turned right and headed south.”

  Jenny stood silently beside Henry, tightening her grip on his hand, giving him the support he needed to go on.

  “I was only about a half mile from home and felt confident that I could make it. The man in the parking lot kind of jarred me to my senses. As I drove, my mind went back to the scene in the hospital room. It was incredible to see you lying there Jenny. To learn that you were Marjorie Hamilton, the owner of the house I had purchased; that you and she were one and the same, my teenage sweetheart, my first love. It was unbelievable how destiny brought us back together after all these years.

  “Without realizing it, I had picked up speed and as I entered the intersection… out of the corner of my eye, I saw the stop sign that I always stop at, but… preoccupied with so many thoughts, I passed it. My foot instinctively hit the brake, but by this time I turned to see this huge truck headed straight for me.”

  Jenny’s hand tightened around his as it finally hit him.

  “The last thing I remember thinking was, Oh my God.”

  Jenny turned and looked tenderly into his eyes. Very softly, she confirmed what Henry now realized. “Those were the last thoughts, the last three words you said in your earthly life.”

  Henry shook his head, his eyes widened, “I still don’t understand. Why am I still here and how is it you are here too? Are we not both dead? Shouldn’t we both be in heaven or…some place…?”

  Henry hoped against all hope that they weren’t in the other place.

  “We are dead in an earthly sense, but our spirits are still very much alive.” Jenny said assuredly. “I was quite confused about it all, too, but I think perhaps I am beginning to understand what is going on. My guardian angel, Hannah, thinks something special may be about to happen in our case, too.”

  “Happen in our case?’ What do you mean, Jenny? And, where is your guardian angel?”

  The moment the last syllable fell from his lips, he became aware of an aura of light behind Jenny. Henry had seen it around Jenny when he saw her in the gazebo, but now, with the awareness of his own death, the light grew brighter.

  “Unbelievable,” Henry muttered.

  Jenny stepped aside, allowing her beloved to see her guardian angel in full. “Henry, this is my guardian angel, Hannah.”

  Henry squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness, as they were introduced. Hannah’s beautiful white wings moved ever so gently and her spirit shimmered, expressing excitement at making his acquaintance.

  Hannah appeared much younger than Jenny, her face completely smooth, her cheeks rosy and full. One look at her eyes and Henry immediately knew where Jenny got her cerulean blue eyes from. Hannah’s were the same, as clear blue as the most clear blue sky one would ever see on a sun-filled day. Her long, flowing hair was golden, much like Jenny’s, but even more so. Her robe was pale blue and fit Hannah loosely. A white cord was tied at her waist and Henry’s eyes followed the ends that hung down. Golden tassels terminated the hanging cords, but it led his eyes down to her petite feet peeking out from the bottom of her robe.

  A mixture of amazement and awkwardness at this meeting swept through Henry. As soon as he extended his hand, Hannah raised her arms and moved towards him. She slid past his extended arm and instead gave Henry a tender hug. Electrifying warmth spread through his spirit, which began to glow much like hers. And then, for the very first time, he heard an angel speak.

  “There is no formality here, Henry, only expressions of love.”

  Hannah backed off and gave him the most beautiful smile his eyes had ever seen, besides Jenny’s, of course. Henry smiled back, the only response he knew to all of this.

  “What is still confusing you, Henry, is that you and I are at different stages in our eternal journey. When I passed on at the hospital, my spirit passed out of my body and floated up to the ceiling of the room. I saw you and Camilla and Nurse Johnson tending to me. It was so good to see Matti and Chloe there as well. I called out your name, I wanted so much to let you know that I was okay and that I would love you, forever, but you didn’t hear me. I went from one corner of the room to the other in the hope you would see me. Several times you looked up right at me. I waved and called out to you, but all to no avail.”

  “I knew you were there, Jenny, I could feel your presence, but I couldn’t see you.”

  “I kept waving until I saw a light coming towards me, drawing me to come to it. It started to pull at me and I followed it. The love and peace coming from the light was so wonderful I had to go. You were calling out to me, searching, I didn’t want to leave you and Camilla, but the attraction was so strong and compelling. The light slowly spiraled into a tunnel ever so bright. It surrounded me, overwhelmed me, and drew me in. My sense of space and time vanished. There was nothing relative that would provide any kind of orientation. The only sense of movement I had was that the light got brighter as I progressed further into it.”

  Jenny’s eyes brightened and glowed. A love Henry had never sensed before radiated towards him as she described her progress into the tunnel.

  “The light became so intense my vision was impaired; I closed my eyes lest I be blinded. And just as I could no longer withstand the brightness, I felt myself withdrawing. Some loving force was pulling me back. My acceleration into the light was decelerating. The feeling of love and longing was so strong, that even heaven had to relent and yield and honour such a mighty calling. I heard singing and praying and crying, pleas to God to heal me and to unite us together. I saw Father Engelmann and several other elderly people that I didn’t know at all, praying so earnestly and with such fervour on my behalf that my heart overflowed with gratitude and love for them. I felt the love of Chloe, her father and so many others praying, as well. And then there was Matilda, her love and faith was so strong and determined and Father Engelmann’s plea to take his life for mine… it all reversed my progress into eternity.”

  Jenny paused and gazed tenderly into Henry’s eyes and said, “But in the end, it was your prayer, your unrelenting commitment and the earnestness of your love for me that pulled me completely out of the tunnel.”

  Hannah, who was standing directly behind Jenny, flapped her wings excitedly and nodded.

  Like a
flash of lightning, the thought occurred to Henry that if Jenny had a guardian angel and he could see her, then he must have one. He slowly turned his head and looked behind.

  After 47 years, Henry finally saw his guardian angel in spirit.

  “Hello, Henry, my name is Gabriel,” A broad smile covered his face.

  Henry loved him instantly. He could sense Gabriel wanted to greet him as Hannah did but hesitated, giving Henry time to adjust to seeing him.

  Henry stood speechless. There before him, stood his spiritual guide. This was the angel who had been assigned to look after him, protect him, guide him through thick and thin, his soldier, his hero— his guardian from the moment he was conceived. Henry knew in his heart it was he and Hannah, who in the end brought Jenny and him together. How… could he show his gratitude…?

  Gabriel knew Henry’s thoughts. His robe shimmered like Hannah’s as he approached Henry. Henry knew better than to extend his hand, rather he raised and opened his arms, stepped forward and fell into the arms of his strong protector.

  Jenny murmured approvingly behind him and Hannah’s wings fluttered in excitement and joy.

  Gabriel patted Henry’s back as he released his mighty, yet tender hold of him. “It was a joy to look after you Henry. Your heart was good, even though at times you took too many risks. It was always a challenge finding ways to bring you back on track.”

  Henry’s mind immediately tried to think of those times when he misbehaved, had impure thoughts, gambled in the stock market and bordered on sinning…

  Gabriel looked at him compassionately and forgivingly, “I understand all those times. It’s all part and parcel of your humanity. God gave you a free will. He knew some of the choices you would make and they would not be wise or for the best. The Holy Spirit unceasingly prayed for your salvation and instructed us, His messengers, how to lead and guide you to come back to God the Father. And you unfailingly did, right to the end.”


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