Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “Oh no, not the same officer…” Henry shook his head and managed a private chuckle.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  When everyone was settled and found a seat, Henry began to tell his family about his past. He hoped that his children would be understanding and realize that he loved their mother dearly.

  “Two days after I turned fifteen and just started my summer holidays, a new family moved in three doors down…”

  Henry started out and proceeded to tell the story of how he met Jenny and how they fell in love. He told of how they spent the summer together and about that fateful day Jenny moved to Ottawa. He shared about how all of the letters they both had written to one another were destroyed, except for two letters with pewter angels inside. He explained how amazing it was for them to each send an identical pewter angel to each other. Henry showed his children the one he had received from Jenny. Camilla made an affectionate sound as she remembered seeing them earlier that morning in the hospital and now it made more sense.

  Henry went on to explain that somehow the two letters were kept for years by Jenny’s father and so neither he nor Jenny knew that they had written to each other. As time passed, both he and Jenny assumed that the other had lost interest and found someone else. And that is in fact what did happen. Julean came into his life when he was in grade twelve and the rest is history, most of which the children knew.

  “How did you know Jenny’s dad had the two letters?” Lauren wanted to know.

  “This is where this all gets very interesting. Jenny’s father’s secretary found them in his wall safe after he died. She told me that following the orders of Jenny’s dad, she was the one who destroyed all the letters I had written and always felt guilty about doing that. So when she found the last two letters, she mailed them by special delivery directly to our homes. She wanted to make certain that we got the letters, one to me and the other to Jenny. These were the last two letters with the pewter angels inside!”

  “Wow…” muttered Lauren. “So when did you get yours, Dad?”

  “The secretary mailed the letters in the summer of 1962, just two weeks before your mother and I got married. When it was delivered, I was at work and so my mom received the letter. Mom decided not to give me the letter as it would be so upsetting for me and interfere with the wedding that was going to take place within two weeks. She thought that after all those years from 1956 when Jenny left to 1962, that surely the feelings that Jenny and I had for one another were over and so she hid the letter from me. I really don’t know what happened to the letter I sent Jenny, but I have a feeling that something similar must have happened to her as well.”

  “But…you’re wearing the pewter angel, Dad. You must have gotten the letter…” Lauren was totally fascinated by the story and wanted every detail explained.

  “That’s a good question, Lauren. Just before Mom died, she invited me over for lunch and said she had something she wanted to give me—”

  “It was the letter!” blurted Lauren.

  Henry smiled, “Yes, it was the letter… at least that is what I later found out. If you remember, I found Grandma, dead on the floor, when I went there for lunch. After the funeral, when I went to clear her things out of the house, I found the letter in her apron.”

  “Wow…” exclaimed Lauren and then asked, “so you found the pewter angel inside the letter… is that when you put it on the chain around your neck?”

  Henry gazed at Lauren, feeling somewhat embarrassed to admit it, since he didn’t want his children to feel he loved Jenny more than their mom. He simply nodded and said, “Yes, it is a beautiful angel and I’ve always loved mine and so…” Henry’s words trailed off as if he did not want to really get into it and reveal just how much he still loved his teenage sweetheart.

  “I guess Jenny’s mom must have given the letter that I sent to her, as well, as Jenny was wearing the identical pewter angel around her neck when I saw her this morning —”

  “You saw Jenny, Dad?”Justin piped in, beating Lauren who was about to ask the same question.

  “Yes, I will get to that.” Turning to Jeremy, Henry continued. “Here’s the part you won’t believe, Jeremy. The house I bought on Hill Ave was Jenny’s. I think that, in part, was the reason I was so fascinated with the home. I must have sensed it somehow… I didn’t realize it though because the lady’s name on the title was Marjorie. I didn’t know that Jenny went by her second name when we met back in 1956. She only used her first name, Marjorie, when she signed the documents—”

  “Oh, Dad,” related Camilla, “that first and second name of Jenny sure created confusion in my mind, too! Since you only knew of Jenny as Jenny, I only learned later that it was her second name and that her first name was really Marjorie.”

  “I don’t understand what you guys are talking about! I’m getting mixed up!” Lauren exclaimed, wearing a very frustrated look on her face.

  Henry went over it all again and tried to explain it more clearly. Henry went on to describe that he had a special feeling for the owner of the house on Hill Avenue, just like Camilla always had a feeling that she was adopted. Anyway, Henry told them how he found Jenny’s diary in a secret compartment, which was exactly like the one that Justin stores his money in, in the roll top desk.

  Justin wanted to know how he found that out. Henry explained that he believes Julean showed him where it was, but insisted that was another story; how angels and Julean got involved in all this.

  “After I had read in the diary early this morning, that Marjorie really was Jenny and that I had bought her house, I raced to Regina this morning to see her as I knew she was critically ill.”

  Henry paused while thoughts of Jenny dying flooded him. And yet, he didn’t feel sad or mournful. He gazed at Camilla. She had tears in her eyes and her gaze was locked completely into Henry’s. She was probably wondering why he, too, wasn’t more emotional and despondent as he had been this morning.

  “So did you get to see Jenny?” asked Lauren again, clearly fascinated with this unfolding love story.

  “Yes, I did. She was in the Grey Nuns’ Hospital in a special room where they tend to people who are about to die. I got there just in time to see her. She came out of her coma and then she… passed away.”

  Henry didn’t tell them how he kissed Jenny, as he wasn’t sure how his children were feeling about their dad loving another woman beside their mother. Again he was surprised at his state of mind. Not at all despondent like he had been that morning.

  After a long silence, Camilla spoke. “What Dad didn’t tell you is how I come into all of this.” Camilla went on to share with her extended family how she had always felt that she was adopted. How she had discovered some documents this past year, which proved that she was in fact adopted. Yesterday she had spoken with the adoption agency in Ottawa, who confirmed that she was adopted and that her mother Marjorie or rather Jenny, Henry’s teenage girlfriend was critically ill at the care home in Regina. Jenny however, was moved to the hospital that Dad mentioned.

  “Unbelievably, both Dad and I were in the same room with Jenny this morning before she died…” Camilla began crying as she recalled that precious moment. Jeremy moved over to his wife and put his arm around her.

  Lauren was crying in sympathy and spoke in between sobs, “That… is all so beautiful. Did you get a chance to speak with her, Camilla?”

  Camilla nodded… “both Dad and I just had a brief word with her before she passed away.”

  Lauren hesitated for a moment and then asked a question burning in her mind, “Camilla, who was your father…?” A concerned suspicion had grown in Lauren’s eyes. She looked at Henry and then back to Camilla.

  Henry looked hard at his daughter-in-law, ready to explain that he wasn’t her father. But then he recalled Nurse Johnson telling him that Jenny’s niece and Matilda had explained the circumstances surrounding her birth to Camilla. He waited for his daughter-in-law’s reply to Lauren. Slowly, tearfully, and comforted by Jeremy
’s arm around her shoulder, Camilla told the circumstances encompassing her conception.

  Remarkably, Camilla knew everything just as it had happened. Jenny must have shared her rape with her niece and friend, Matilda. Incredibly Camilla also knew that her biological father was Peter. Henry had no idea how Camilla— or Jenny, for that matter— had learned that it was Peter Fraser who had forced himself on…

  Tears surfaced in Henry’s eyes just thinking about it. He was relieved that Camilla knew the circumstances under which she was conceived. Although she was not conceived in love, she had been showered in the love and forgiveness from Jenny’s heart for her whole life. And that no matter how she came into being, she knew that she was nonetheless still a child of God, as precious as every human life, no matter what.

  Lauren’s concerned expression on her face relaxed once she realized her dad wasn’t Camilla’s dad, too. She shook her head side to side, obviously relieved that her father wasn’t the man that fathered Camilla! “Oh, I can hardly wait to call Allison and tell her all about this!”

  Henry looked at his daughter sheepishly; now all of his children knew about the secret girl in his past life…

  Jeremy gave Camilla a warm tender hug and looking over her shoulder to Henry, said, “That’s a remarkable story, how could this all have happened and be so interconnected? It’s almost unbelievable.”

  Henry nodded, “Yes, and to think that Father Engelmann had been visiting Jenny for the past several months and didn’t realize that she was my Jenny…” then looking Camilla in the eye, added, “our Jenny… Unbelievable!”

  “You must be exhausted, Dad.” said Camilla.

  “In a way I am, but I’m surprised that I am not despondent. Perhaps just seeing Jenny and…” He was about to say, ‘and kissing her one last time’ but thought against it… “gives some closure to all this…” Henry knew in his heart however, there was something else that he couldn’t explain. Trying to draw attention away from himself and his strong feelings for Jenny, he turned back to Camilla, “You must be emotionally drained as well Camilla, finding your real mother and then having her slip away like that.”

  “Yes, I am. But I’m also thankful that I was able to see her and hear her voice and hold her… I could see how much I look like her.”

  “The resemblance is astonishing! You can see now why I always stared at you the way I did. Every time I looked at you, I saw Jenny.”

  “The last few days have explained so much. I feel so relieved just knowing who my real parents are. I am still not one hundred percent sure it’s Peter, but it has to be. It’s too strange that we have both had dreams about each other… And just the way Chloe and Matilda spoke, it must be him. I feel like I should meet him. It will be awkward, but I’m sure I can handle it.”

  Henry didn’t reply. He suddenly remembered that Peter was critically ill and on the verge of death, himself. Oh, no… that will be such a blow on Camilla when she learns the news. She had been through so much today that Henry decided not to say anything. Rather he said, “He’s a good man as far as I could tell, Camilla. We all do things in our past that we regret and I know Peter is very sorry for the circumstances in which you were conceived. And yet, look at you and how you turned out; I couldn’t be more proud having you as my daughter.”

  “Daughter-in-law!” Camilla reminded him, as she laughed through her tears. A second later, Henry laughed as well, as the full meaning of her remark settled in.

  “Well, it’s just past one. I think I will go to the house on Hill Avenue and take a shower. I have a change of clothes there. There is a lot to do this afternoon. I am concerned about the funeral arrangements for Jenny. I think her ex-husband wants her body shipped back to Ottawa.”

  Henry saw the disappointed look on Camilla’s face and shrugged his shoulder to express his, as well.

  Jeremy added, “If you have time, you may want to drive to the police compound to see your car. It sure looked like it was a complete wreck. It’s a miracle you survived that accident, Dad. Wait until you see your SUV. One side is completely caved in where the van hit you. I still can’t figure out how you escaped greater injury. The seat belt must have held you in place and after it rolled it crushed the passenger side… your guardian angel must have been very busy watching over you!”

  “Miracles have been known to happen,” Henry said, as he shook his head. “One never knows what the day has in store. Make sure you treasure every moment the good Lord grants us.”

  Henry thought about Jenny almost being hit by that Chev so many years ago and how he almost hit the lady crossing the street just that morning… Angels were involved both times, he was certain of it!

  Jeremy broke into his thoughts, “Having a major accident, dying and coming back to life. It’s like you’ve been given a second chance at life, Dad.”

  Henry nodded. Although it made no sense since Jenny was already gone, he was certain it had to do with giving him and Jenny a second chance.

  Turning to Lauren, he said, “Can I borrow your car for the afternoon? You’re working in the boutique shop until five and so you won’t need it, will you? I should be back by then and we will go home together.”

  “Sure Dad, just drive carefully, will you?” Lauren winked.

  Justin came over to his dad, “I’m sure glad you’re okay, Dad. The thought of both you and Mom gone sure scared me.” Justin choked up, unable to go on. “Justin’s right Dad,” said Lauren and gave Henry a big hug.

  This was followed by Jeremy and Camilla. Josh, who had been busy colouring in the colouring book they had at the gallery just for such occasions like this, looked up, and saw that group hug. He jumped up and ran over to his grandpa and said. “When I say my bedtime prayers tonight, I’m going to say a big thank you to my guardian angel for making you better.”

  Henry picked up his little grandchild and gave him a hug and kiss. “You do that for Grandpa and tell your angel a big thank you for me, too!”

  Chapter Twenty Five

  As soon as Henry got up to the office, he called the police station and requested to be transferred to the compound.

  “Police Compound, this is Constable Thorpe.”

  “Yes, good afternoon officer, this is Henry Pederson. I was in a car accident on the corner of Hill Avenue and Elphinstone Street a few hours ago. The ambulance attendants informed me that my car would be towed to the compound.”

  “A red SUV Escalade was pulled in here about fifteen minutes ago. It’s a shame a nice SUV like that was totally demolished.”

  “Yes, that’s the one, that’s my car.”

  “So who was driving your vehicle, sir?”

  “I was.”

  There was a long silence … “Is your name Henry Pederson?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “But the report here says, you were pronounced dead at the accident scene …?”

  Henry paused for a moment, not really knowing how to answer.

  “Yes, apparently I was dead, but came back life.” As soon as Henry said that, he knew it sounded crazy and unbelievable. He waited for an answer from the police officer, but there was none.

  “I know this is difficult to understand or believe. I’m having trouble sorting it all out too, but believe me, I am Henry Pederson and I am the owner… and I was driving. What should I do now?”

  After a long pause, the officer finally spoke. “Yeah… well, call your insurance broker as soon as possible, explain what happened. He’ll report it to the Saskatchewan Government Insurance. They will send over an adjuster to view the vehicle. I think you will be getting a new Escalade… there is no way they can even begin to repair this one.” And after a reflective moment he said, “And if you say it was you who was driving that SUV, you are one lucky man to be alive … I’d say it is a miracle.”

  Henry just shook his head. That was the fourth or fifth time he had heard that.

  “Officer, I left a diary in the car. It was lying on the front seat. Is there any way I could
get you to check to see if it’s there. It’s a very important diary.”

  “I’d be glad to help you out if I could, Mr. Pederson, but that’s impossible. Your truck is so squashed I don’t think I could even slide my hand in there. When you come to have a look at your SUV you will understand what I’m saying. You’ll know why you are one lucky guy… and you say that you are still walking, have no broken legs, arms or fractures?”

  “No, I’m perfectly fine. The ambulance attendant said I had a bruise on the forehead where my head hit the concrete, but it’s gone. Somehow, when I woke up from it all, my body was in perfect shape. In fact, I have never felt better.”

  There was a long pause… “You’re a walking miracle, sir. That’s all I can say. I’d get down on my knees and thank the Big Guy upstairs, if I were you.”

  “Yes, I’ve been doing that ever since I woke up from all this.”

  Henry listened to the dial tone as he held the phone in his unsteady hand. Something very inexplicable is going on here… Henry felt dizzy, so perplexed, and almost disorientated as to where he was.

  “Was I really dead… and now I am alive?” he questioned himself. “But I don’t remember being dead, I have no recollection of anything after I went through that stop sign… has a miracle really occurred?”

  Henry began to wonder if Father knew or heard about the accident. Perhaps he and his prayer warriors had been praying for him. But this all happened within the past two hours, it would have been impossible for Father to have heard about it so soon. Yet… someone had interfered or something very uncanny had happened…

  “My dear Lord, what on earth is going on here? I wonder if Father knows of Jenny’s passing too? I hope Father’s at the care home; surely he will be able to help me sort this all out. I’ll call him later when I get to Marjorie’s… Jenny’s house.”


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