Angel Promises Fulfilled

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Angel Promises Fulfilled Page 21

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “Yes, we can talk again, James, but to come back is something that can’t be poss…” Jenny’s words trailed off. She didn’t want to hurt James. He was trying so hard and this was such a giant step for him to get out of his self-centered world. Jenny didn’t want to discourage him and yet she didn’t want to encourage him to think that she would even consider coming back to the estate.

  “James, please listen to me, I don’t want to build up your hopes in any way—”

  “Don’t say another word, Jenny. Just think about it. You can be back on the estate surrounded by all the things you enjoy. I’ll have your Angel of Thanksgiving statue shipped back right away. What a sight it will be to have them side by side. I’ll even build a glass dome over part of the garden so you can enjoy the wildflowers all year around… and J.J., just think about him. He doesn’t realize it Jenny, but he needs you… we all need you. The staff here will be ecstatic when they hear you are coming back—”

  Just then the florist, that delivered the wildflowers late yesterday afternoon, stood at the doorway.

  “Excuse me James; there is someone at the door…”

  “We have more flowers for you, Ma’am.” The man turned and held the door as two other ladies each brought in a bouquet of white and purple lilacs.

  “Oh, more flowers, the lilacs are so beautiful… are these from yo—”

  “Did the lilacs come, Marj?” James hollered excitedly into the phone so loudly Jenny was still able to hear him as her hand rested with the receiver on her bed.

  “Yes, James, the lilacs just arrived. How did you manage to get some at this time of the year?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “We put out a search party for them, Jenny. Hope they are fresh.”

  “Yes, they are beautiful. I love both colours. I usually see the purple ones but the white are so lovely, too!”

  “Well, there’s more where those came from—”

  “No, this will be fine. There isn’t room for any more.”

  “Did you know that in order for lilacs to bloom they need to have been subjected to a period of cold weather?”

  “I think I may have read about that at one time.”

  “When Thomas told me that earlier this morning it made me think of something… it’s kind of corny, Jenny…”

  There was a moment of silence and then James spoke, “Well, it made me think of myself in a way; how cold I have been and so hard to live with. And yet, if a cold winter is needed to make a flower come to life, perhaps there is some hope for me…”

  Jenny was speechless. That was one of the most beautiful things James had ever said to her, but…but…

  “What you just said, James, touches my heart and I don’t want to hurt you, but I just can’t come—”

  “Jenny, please don’t answer now. Just think on it, Jenny. It will all be great! I’ll call you later.”

  James hung up and the line went silent.

  Deadly quiet.

  Oh, James, can’t you see it’s all too late for this.

  Jenny held the phone receiver for the longest moment and hung up. The only thing that made some sense in that entire conversation was the part that related to her son, J.J. She did want to improve her relationship with him so much. Perhaps going back would do that. J.J. could see that it wasn’t her doing that the marriage failed. James seemed so willing to clear that matter up now. And then there was Nora and her grandchild. It was always Jenny’s desire to have a beautiful family that loved and cared for one another. Right now we’re all so torn apart and distant.

  But I love Henry and Camilla and my life in Regina and my home…

  “Yes, what about my home?” Jenny murmured.

  I no longer have a home!

  Jenny reached up and clutched her pewter angel. Oh dear guardian angel help me to deal with all these matters so everything turns out for the good.

  Chapter Thirty Six

  Henry made a cup of coffee and walked out onto the deck. “What a glorious day the Lord hath prepared,” he muttered as he surveyed the valley before him. Spring had come early and along with it, the runoff. He was always amazed how quickly the snow, covering the hills, melted and fed the meandering stream. He thought he would find some solace from the peaceful valley, but not this morning. The roar and turbulence of the water, rushing down to the valley floor, complimented perfectly the pandemonium in his mind. One thought after another, regarding everything that happened in the past few days, filled him with anxious agitation.

  He took a sip of coffee and concentrated on its soothing warmth, hoping it would help calm him.

  It didn’t.

  There was so much to talk to Jenny about. He couldn’t wait to see her! It still was all so unbelievable. Everything came to such a sudden climax so quickly. There was no time to let all that had happened sink in: purchasing Jenny’s home, discovering her diary and learning that she and Marjorie were one and the same, racing to see her before she died and…then she died only to come back! He had to pinch himself to prove that it was all a reality.

  It was much like the runoff. Some years, it came slowly, giving time for the snow to melt and calmness to prevail in the valley. But with the advent of the early spring, it all came in a sudden rush. There was no way to slow nature down and Henry knew it would take months of thoughts wandering through his mind to even begin to grasp the incredible miracles that had occurred in a matter of a day!

  Henry noticed the road crossing the creek to the Poustinia was already washed out. He would have to get it repaired soon as Father told him two weeks ago he was looking forward to going there for his spring retreat. It was almost a perennial problem, hiring a man with a backhoe to replace the culverts and filling in the crossing with dirt. Perhaps he should think about constructing a bridge and allowing nature to do what it wants; to flow unrestricted as it had done for millions of years before he came along. Maybe there was a lesson for Henry there, as well, but the many thoughts still bouncing around in his head didn’t allow him to see it.

  He took another sip, but the coffee had lost its warmth. He cupped the mug with both hands, trying to absorb the remaining heat. He pulled in both shoulders to further warm himself. He was beginning to feel the cold. If he had slept better last night he would be able to ward off the cool, freshness in the air. But he was tired and there was so much to do.

  He stifled a yawn, as his thoughts drifted to Peter. The anger that arose earlier seemed to be held in check. He had every right to be upset and vengeful and yet here was a man that wanted to straighten things out and make amends. What Peter needed was understanding and compassion… forgiveness.

  He wondered about Jenny and if he should tell her about Peter when he saw her. Was it too soon? And yet, she probably thought about it every day anyway. Perhaps getting it out into the open would lead to new insights about the whole thing…

  Henry still couldn’t get over that the child she had conceived that night turned out to be his daughter-in-law. It was truly amazing how God, in His divine providence, turned all that out for the good and made it all so perfect by restoring all of our lives.

  And here I am, playing God, deciding whether or not to forgive and forget. Too many thoughts… he hoped the runoff would soon be over. He much preferred when the stream was calm and exuded a quiet peace.

  Yes, he would have to repair the road quickly. He was certain Father would want to go to the prayer house. He also knew what Father Engelmann would want them to do about Peter.


  Henry stopped off at the florist along the way to the hospital. He held a bouquet, wrapped in colourful paper, behind his back as he walked into Jenny’s room.

  As soon as she saw him, she hopped out of the bed and ran towards him.

  “Oh, Henry! I could hardly wait for you to come! Camilla was here earlier and now you!”

  She thrust her arms around his neck and raised herself up on her tiptoes bringing her lips just inches away from his. “I love you so much, Henry,” she s
oftly whispered before they tenderly kissed, sending Henry off towards cloud nine. He brought his arms around Jenny to bring her closer and the paper covering the flowers crackled.

  Jenny let go and looked at Henry’s hands holding the bouquet. “You brought flowers!”

  She took the bouquet, hidden by the wrapping, and quickly uncovered the beautiful assortment of mums, daffodils, tiger lilies, and thistles. Before she could see all of them, she excitedly said, “Oh Henry, they’re beautiful. Thank you so much!”

  Jenny turned to see where she could put them, but there was no room anywhere. Every space was occupied by the flowers James had sent her. Jenny felt uneasy and quickly took flowers out of one vase and stuffed them in another nearby. She placed Henry’s flowers in the empty vase and placed it onto the night table next to her bed.

  “There,” she announced. “They will be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last before I go to sleep and the fragrance from them will soothe my heart and make me dream of you all night through!”

  Henry chuckled. He could see the abundance of flowers James had sent was making her uncomfortable, as well.

  Just as Jenny picked up the paper wrapping and placed it in the waste basket, she watched as a card fell out of the wrapping and fluttered onto the bed. She picked it up and her eyes immediately misted as she read what Henry had written:


  If you were a flower, you would be the one I would pick!

  I love you with all my heart,


  Jenny immediately recalled the game they had played that summer. Over the years, she must have relived every word and incidence of those memorable two months they were together.

  She made her way over to Henry and once again put her arms around his neck and said, “If you were a tree, Henry, I would carve my heart into your bark.”

  Henry smiled and gazed lovingly into Jenny’s cerulean blue eyes and responded, “If you were the sun, I’d want to feel your warmth all the time. I would never want darkness to ever come again.”

  “And if you were the ocean, I’d want to be a fish and swim in you all the time.”

  “Oh, Jenny, if you were the stars I’d be the sky that held you for eternity.”

  Jenny looked up at Henry and smiled that same smile she had smiled that wonderful evening and said the exact same words, “Oh, Henry, I think you’ve got me there, I can’t top that one.”

  “Oh, Jenny, you don’t have to say anything…”

  Henry wrapped his arms around his dearly beloved and lifted her off her feet and began twirling her round and round as they laughed and cried.

  “I hope I’m in the right room number,” Dr. Kreake said, as he walked into Jenny’s room. “Just yesterday morning, you were one of the most seriously ill patients in this entire hospital and look at you now.”

  “Dr. Kreake!” Jenny exclaimed, as Henry let her down.

  “This has to be a highlight in my medical profession. We see so much illness and pain and suffering and just to see you fly around here, like that angel around your neck, makes me very happy indeed.”

  “It’s so good to see you, Dr. Kreake! I’d like you to meet my…boyfriend, Henry Pederson.” And as Jenny made the introduction she reached up and clutched the pewter angel hanging on the chain around her neck. Dr. Kreake immediately made the connection.

  “Oh, so you’re the secret man in Jenny’s life. That angel you sent her helped to bring her through some very tough times.”

  Henry finally caught his breath and extended his hand to Dr. Kreake’s waiting hand. “Nice to meet you, Doctor. Jenny said the same thing about you.”

  “Well, I can’t be happier for the both of you. I had a hard time sleeping last night just thinking of the miracle that has happened, Jenny. It’s incredible. And I can see that I don’t have to ask how you are feeling, it’s written all over your face.”

  “Oh, Dr. Kreake, I still can’t believe what has happened, either. I feel like I’m having some dream and I’m afraid to wake up”

  “Well, you’re wide awake, Jenny. What’s happened is completely unexplainable. It’s truly a miracle that has occurred in your life and that, in part, is why I am here. We were hoping that you would agree to stay for a few more days. The staff would like to carry out further tests to note the extent of your healing and to fully document what has happened.”

  “Yes, I can stay for a few more days; in fact, it will give me some time to figure out where I am going to live. My son sold my house last fall and I have no home to go to!”

  “Oh yes, you do!” interjected Henry. “I am the one that bought your house!”

  “No way!” Jenny’s eyes grew wide. It reminded Henry of the first day they started school at Balfour and he told her that Eddy Zeigler was in his home room class. She said the same thing back then. Her expression took him back instantly thirty two years… He loved it then and he even loved it more now…

  “You’re kidding me, Henry? Did you really?”

  ”It’s a long story, Jenny… just another miracle!”

  Then turning to Dr. Kreake and pulling out the pewter angel on the end of the chain around his neck, Henry continued, “Like you said Doctor, it was our guardian angels that helped us through some pretty tough times and brought us back together, for sure!”

  After Dr. Kreake left, Jenny hopped on the bed and sat cross legged while Henry pulled up a chair next to her. For the longest time they just gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes, unable to speak. Every so often, their eyes misted and they squeezed each other’s hand they were tenderly holding. Thankfulness for God’s blessings was clearly reflected in their eyes.

  Finally, Jenny broke the silence.

  “Tell me Henry, how is it that you could have possibly bought my house? I just have to know.”

  “It’s a long and amazing story Jenny…”

  Henry proceeded to tell Jenny how it all came about and the incredible feeling he had when he first walked into the home. How everything appealed to him: the furniture, the books, the paintings, the fragrance in the air, down to recipes in the cookbook that was open on the kitchen counter. But perhaps the biggest reason why he purchased the home was because of the white marble angel in the back yard. He felt then and he felt to this day, that Julean directed him to the angel. It reminded him of Jenny and her love of her guardian angel. Incredibly, since his son didn’t want the house, Henry just knew he had to buy the home himself.

  Jenny listened intently. She was unsettled that her son had simply put the house on the market without removing more of her personal things and yet if J.J. had sold the furniture and removed everything else, Henry might never have purchased her home… or found her.

  It was Jenny’s next question, however, that sent her heart soaring, heaven bound.

  “So, when did you find out it was my home? It must have been just the other day, otherwise you would have come to see me sooner.”

  Henry didn’t know if what he was about to say would upset Jenny but he was finally learning to be open in his relationships.

  “That’s exactly right, Jenny. Just the other day I discovered your diary—”

  Once again, Jenny exclaimed, “No way! You have to be kidding me this time… but you mustn’t have. I don’t think I ever told you about my diary. How did you find it?” Jenny just had to know.

  Henry went on to explain how the day before he came to see her at the hospital, he had this premonition that he was going to discover something in the house. When he had gone in the day before yesterday, he saw Julean’s spirit lead him to the round table. He happened to open the drawer and saw the manufacturer’s name that had made the table. It just so happened that several months earlier, Julean had guided him to a shop where he had purchased a roll top desk made by the same manufacturer. At that time, he was informed that all desks, as well as other furniture made by the Kroehler Brothers, had a secret compartment. He thought that the table might have one similar to his.

  Henry st
opped. Jenny was completely transfixed to his sharing and slowly shaking her head in disbelief. Henry was busy trying to read Jenny’s feelings; how would she feel, knowing that he had read her diary?

  Henry went on. “Jenny, I was totally shocked to reach in, pull on the brass ring and discover your diary in the secret compartment. I hemmed and hawed for the longest time if I should read it. It was a very personal article. But for some reason I felt prompted to open it up. As if my angel was encouraging me to do so. And by that time, after months of visiting your home, I began to fall in love with Marjorie, not knowing that it was really you!”

  “I never knew your first name was Marjorie! I recall the day I took you to Balfour to register and the secretary couldn’t find your form because it was under your first name and not Jenny. I meant to ask you what your first or birth name was, but I forgot to. Had I known I might have made the connection, sooner!”

  Once again, Henry stopped and studied Jenny. She just remained still and silent, her eyes telling him to go on.

  “I started to read the diary and then went to the back section in which you wrote things that were more personal. Again I felt prompted to open it. I had fallen so in love with Marjorie, I just had to know everything about her. I dared to open it and read about Marjorie and the bookstore owner… but the part that really got my attention was when you had written that your husband preferred that you go by your first name, Marjorie, rather than your second, Jenny.”

  When I read that something pierced my heart…

  “Oh, Jenny, I am so sorry for reading your diary and yet if I hadn’t found it and read it, I might never have come to the hospital. It may have been inappropriate for your son to sell the home with all your belongings and yet, he may not have known of your diary, either. And if he hadn’t done what he did, I would never have purchased your home. In fact, the round table could very well be in someone else’s home and the diary never discovered by anyone unless they come across a table that was made by that manufacturer and knew of the secret compartments.


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