Angel Promises Fulfilled

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Angel Promises Fulfilled Page 23

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  The archbishop’s eyes grew wide as he nodded his head.

  “Yes, David, the more I learn of this story, the more astonished I am over what has transpired over the years and what finally has happened to bring these two together. Yes, it is truly all miraculous, indeed.“

  The archbishop paused for but a moment and then continued. “There is something else which hasn’t been substantiated yet which supports and gives further credence to what you have shared with me, David. When I spoke with Henry the other day, he said he had received a call from a man by the name of Peter. Henry said that he was the man who had fathered Jenny’s child, Camilla. Apparently he was quite ill and died that same morning as Jenny did. He informed Henry that he had seen him and Jenny as well as you, David, when he passed over to the other side. He saw everything which you described about meeting Henry and Jenny and their angels. He too, saw the archangel bring a message to the angels and the resulting healing power of God sweep over all three of you. He too saw Henry and Jenny disappear and return to earth and that you stayed behind for some time speaking with your guardian. He said you had been given a vision in which for a split second, you were surrounded with a light that blinded him. When it diminished and went away, you had tears in your eyes and agreed to return to earth. Perhaps, it has to do with your second mission…”

  And just as His Eminence sat back to relax and get more comfortable, he quickly resumed his former alert position, but now expressing even greater interest to what Father would say to his next query.

  “David, please share with me what the second task is that the Lord requires of you?”

  “You have a keen perception, John; I was allowed to see all that went before, not only in the lives of Henry and Jenny but of all humanity. It was to prepare me for the task of writing their story. It was at that point, however, that I still desired to come home to the Lord and see my Anna and parents and friends. Zachariah understood and anticipated that I might not wish to carry out that task and leave it up to God’s divine providence to accomplish that mission. However, I was then allowed to see into the future and why it was that the Lord saw it best that I carry out that task. I recall seeing what it was and immediately said yes, that I would do it. Upon my return to earth, it vanished from my memory. I recall Zachariah saying that neither man nor angels see what the future has in store. While memory of it was taken away from me, I have the feeling that I will know what it is that the Lord wishes of me as soon as that time comes into my present existence.”

  John sat back but wasn’t relaxed. He was clearly disappointed in not knowing what the Lord further required of the holy man before him. He had no idea of what it possibly could be. He hoped to be alive to see that day. It must truly be something that only a man dear to the Lord is capable of carrying out.

  “There is no mistake, John, I have been brought back for two reasons. I didn’t mention this before as I thought it was not related to Jenny’s miraculous recovery. And I suppose, the offering of my life wasn’t necessary as the prayers of the nursing home and those of Henry and Jenny and the solicitations of their angels were sufficient to be heard by the Lord and bring about these miracles.”

  The Archbishop nodded, his countenance still carrying the look of disappointment over not learning of what Father’s second mission might be.

  “There is one other issue, David. Henry mentioned something that has puzzled him and now me. When he went to Jenny’s home later that day of his accident, he still didn’t know of her miraculous recovery until you called and told him. But before you called, he said he walked in the back yard and noticed Jenny’s diary laying on the swing in her gazebo. Henry swears that the diary was in his SUV at the time of the accident. He recalls seeing it when he left the hospital. He was curious about two matters. First, how did it get there? And second, he noticed that Jenny had made an entry earlier that day about family matters and asking to be forgiven by her son. He has no memory of how either of those things could have happened. Just by chance, David would you know anything of this?”

  “Yes, John, when I was given the vision of everything that went before in order for me to write about all that happened to Henry and Jenny, I saw after Henry left the hospital, both his and Jenny’s spirits were in the SUV with the diary between them. Immediately after the accident, Jenny went to her home and took the diary with her. When Henry arrived there he saw Jenny writing in her diary. After she made her entry, she took Henry back to the accident scene to see what had happened to him. After that, they came to see me and Zachariah as I told you earlier. Why Henry and Jenny were not allowed to recall their stint on the other side eludes me as well, John.”

  “Well, that does explain that mystery and further substantiates your stint on the other side and what you have seen. Do you now see why it’s so necessary to go over and over this matter, David?”

  The two men sat in silence for several moments until they heard the secretary in the corner of the room turn several pages of her notes.

  “Well, I shall write up the report as you have told it to me and submit it. I believe all you have told me David; however, there are skeptics who do not know you as I do and will play the Devil’s Advocate. As we know David, the Lord is in perfect control of the universe at all times. The workings of His divine providence are a most incredible miracle. How He works with the laws of nature to perform miracles (many of which are never acknowledged) in the lives of people all the time. His purpose; to restore their faith and to bring healing, is both astonishing and totally incomprehensible. So many of the challenges and trials that come into our lives are dealt with in this way and yet, there are times when He chooses to work without secondary means and intervenes directly against the natural order of life He created. Clearly, David, this is one of those times. Perhaps we will never know the complete repercussions of the Lord’s work in this matter…”

  “Or perhaps, John, the full repercussions are yet to be revealed…”

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  When James got off the phone with Jenny, his mind was buzzing. Over the years he had always been able to outwit any competitor and secure contract after contract. He was now going after the biggest acquisition of his life; he wanted Jenny back. Surely he could outwit a farm boy. He recalled talking to Henry once. The conversation had been brief but James recalled every word… “Look, bud, I’m James Hamilton and Jennifer is mine. She’s my girl and we intend to get married, so get lost creep and don’t call her again.” He remembered slamming down the phone and that his innards ached for hours and days afterwards. He could barely watch the movie that he and Jenny went to. Well, that approach worked then but a different approach was needed now. Perhaps James would call Henry, feel him out and see if he could be persuaded once again to butt out.

  James’ mind was getting into gear… his next move was already taking shape. A plan was forming, however to get others to cooperate in the plan was a different matter. He picked up the phone and called Regina once again.

  “Hello, this be Matilda.”

  “Glad I caught you in; did you see Marj— I mean Jenny— yet today?”

  Matti checked the clock on the night table. “It’s only seven thirty, Mr. Hamilton, I be seeing Jenn—I mean Ms. Hamilton later today. I told you everything last night, how she be and how the hospital is in such an uproar over all this healing business. I ‘spect she don’t be changing much from last evening until now.”

  “Yes, yes, of course… and you don’t have to keep saying Ms. Hamilton. I know you have been calling her Jenny… is that clear?”

  Matilda just didn’t know how to take Mr. Hamilton anymore, he was changing by the minute. “Yes, sir, that’s clear. I will try to—”

  “It’s okay, Matilda, I’m really calling about another matter… we talked about this before, but I would like you to consider staying longer and try to influence Jenny to come back. I can pay you extr—”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Hamilton; I leave it all up to Miss Jenny to decide how she w
ant to spend the rest of her days. That be her business and not mine. Chloe and me are going to visit with her one more time today and then we both be flying home first thing in the morning…”

  There was a brief silence and then Matti continued, “I wish to come home now, if you’ll have me. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart that you allowed me to come here and be with my mistress and friend. I’ll never forget this special time and the miracle that be happening. You be a good man for allowing me to come.”

  Matti never thought that those words would ever come out of her mouth… but the Lord can do strange powerful things. Thomas be right after all. Maybe, just maybe, a little of Miss Jenny be creeping into Mr. Hamilton’s soul. Soon I ‘spect I be accepting Mr. Hamilton just like Jen.

  “Are you certain, Matilda? Just think how the estate would be with her back.”

  “Yes, it would be heaven, that’s for sure. But I came to give whatever support I could to my friend and will continue for the rest of my life. Now, I know what you want me to do, but I can’t. There be no way I can interfere with Miss Jenny’s life, or anybody else. I need to come now. My work here is done.”

  The words, ‘you be a good man,’ stuck in James’ mind. He couldn’t remember anyone ever saying that to him and he felt the sincerity of it. He had no choice but to agree with his employee.

  “Matilda, I understand what you’re saying, it is Jenny’s life and you’re welcome for what I did. It was for my benefit to get her back. I realize now the wonderful lady I had in Mrs. Hamilton and for the rest of my life, I will regret the way I treated her and drove her away… but I’m no fool Matilda, I would like to have her back in my life and I will do anything to do so.

  “Yes. Come home, Matilda.”

  Next, James called the office to speak to his son but he wasn’t in. He left a message for him to call or drop by the estate. J.J. would be a key player in getting Marjorie to consider coming back. The kid had a serious attitude problem… he reminded him much of himself.

  Maybe he’s at home, James thought as he dialed the number

  “Hello,” said Nora softly. There was a hesitancy in her voice, as if she was almost afraid to know who was calling or… hoping someone would call.

  “Morning, Nora, it’s James. Is J.J. in?”

  “Oh…hi, James. No, J.J. isn’t at home.”

  “I tried the office but he wasn’t there. Is he on his way to work?” James wanted to know.

  A silence hung over the line…

  “Nora, where is J.J.?” There was urgency in James’ voice and it was rising. It frightened Nora; she had seen James lose it many times.

  “We, we had a fight two nights ago and he may have gone to some hotel. I don’t know where he is, James.”

  This time it was James who didn’t answer promptly, but for only a moment.

  “What the hell is going on, Nora? J.J. isn’t fooling around is he?”

  Nora didn’t answer. James faintly heard her crying. The sound was muffled.

  “Nora, I’ll see if I can find him. If he calls or comes home tell him I want to see him. It’s urgent! … Are you okay…?”

  Nora was surprised to hear James express concern. She wanted to tell him that things hadn’t been going well for months. J.J. was working way too long almost every day and many times he didn’t make it home. Nora suspected that he was seeing someone but wasn’t certain. She was afraid that if she mentioned it to James, J.J. may resent it and get even more distant.

  “No, I’m fine… if you do get a hold of him please, tell him to call home.”

  “Yes, yes, I will. Goodbye.”

  “What the hell has gotten into that kid?” muttered James, as he made his way out the back onto the patio. The sprinklers were on and the morning sun caught the moisture on the blades of grass. He had often heard Jenny say how the lawn glistened like millions of diamonds. At the time, he thought she was getting carried away by some fantasy world, but she was right… the entire scene before him sparkled with a calming freshness. It soothed him.

  James sat down at the patio table and picked up his pen. He wondered if Jenny liked the card he sent with the lilacs. He forgot to ask and she didn’t say. Maybe she didn’t notice. It took him forever to write that short note. If it had to do with a business letter, James would have been done in minutes but to write a note on a small card was like writing a five hundred page manuscript. He tore up note after note. He had thought of hiring a writer but he knew Jenny would detect its artificiality. No, he had to do it on his own and he was glad he did. It gave him an unusual sense of accomplishment and…something more. He didn’t know what that “something more,” was, however. He thought he would try to write another note, perhaps longer. He had just written her name down, “Jenny” when he heard talking in the kitchen through the screen door. It was J.J. He was announced by Charles.

  “Your son is here to see you, Mr. Hamilton.”

  “That is completely unnecessary Charles,” said J.J. as he walked out directly behind the butler.

  “Hi, James. The office said you wanted to see me.”

  “Did you see Nora?” James looked hard into his son’s eyes.

  “What does she have to do with it? She doesn’t have to tell me to see you.”

  “I’m not referring to that, J.J., she said you haven’t been home for a couple of nights—”

  “What the hell did she tell you that for? It’s no-one’s concern what I do.”

  James shook his head. He could see himself in his son: arrogant, proud and cocky. J.J. was on the road that James had prepared for his son, but now he needed a sharp detour. His son clearly had an attitude problem, but James was aware enough and honest enough to know that it was part of his doing. He was reaping what he helped to sow.

  Anger was growing within him and normally it would have found an outlet by now. He would be tearing a strip up and down his son’s hide, but he put a hold on it and instead said, “Look J.J., I mean, look, Son, Nora is a good girl and you have a son that needs a father. I thought I knew best when your mother and I lived together but I was wrong and I am now paying a heavy price for my mistake. I turned on your mother and I got you to turn on her, too.”

  James looked hard into his son’s eyes and said something that surprised even himself…

  “J.J., I was wrong. The reason your mother and I split up was all my doing. I did a good job in convincing you differently, but now I want you to know the truth. If you want to turn against me, go ahead, but I want you to forgive your mother. In fact, there is nothing to forgive. I am finally realizing what a wonderful woman she was and I will give anything to have her back. And J.J., Nora is the same; don’t make the same mistake that I made. You will regret it for the rest of your life.”

  James stopped trying to read J.J.’s reaction. But his son held a cold glare. At one point in his life, James would have considered what he just said as words to manipulate and win over. He hoped J.J. wouldn’t interpret his past actions and words in that light. For the first time, James meant every word he just said. James continued in an attempt to add more truth to his words.

  “Look at Susan. I took her over your mother and look what is happening. She is blackmailing me for millions. How I could have taken her over your mother was an unbelievable mistake on my part. If you are seeing someone else other than your wife, please stop immediately. You have a wonderful family, J.J., don’t blow it.”

  J.J. was having a very hard time standing there listening to his father. He couldn’t believe his ears! He knew his dad had softened since he got sick, but this was ridiculous. James sensed J.J. wasn’t swallowing his words.

  “J.J., listen to me. Something wonderful has happened to your mother and she couldn’t be more deserving. She had died yesterday morning and suddenly she came back to life as the attendants from the morgue were coming to get her. She is completely cured and apparently as good as new if not better according to Matilda. The doctors can’t explain it. They claim it was a miracle.”<
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  James stopped to make sure J.J. was giving him his full attention… to see if his words had any impact at all on his impervious son.

  “J.J., I want your mother back and I need your help. I want you to make amends with her—we both want to straighten things—”

  “Forget it, James. Since when has it ever been we. That’s a joke and with Marjorie it’s over between us. For as long as I can remember it’s been over. I don’t know her. I have little feelings for her. In fact, I could care less if she lived or died. You always took me away and discouraged me from having anything to do with her. And now you ask me to forgive her and like her. It’s like a stranger coming up to me on the street and saying, ‘call me Dad, I love you.’ I can’t respond to that, James. I spent most of my upbringing apart from Marjorie and when I saw her kissing that store owner, I knew she betrayed you. It all but destroyed the little that was in your marriage, as far as I’m concerned —”

  “No! It wasn’t Jenny that kissed the man, it was him that kissed her. And it was wrong of me to take you away from her for all those years. It was my mistake and I want to make it all better. Surely I didn’t turn you away from her to that extent. Surely you realize that she is your mother, your own flesh and blood and not just some stranger you met on the street. She has always showed care and concern for you. It’s just that you have never reciprocated. I never allowed you to or discouraged you from doing so. It’s my fault, J.J., not hers. I am admitting and taking full responsibility.”


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