Angel Promises Fulfilled

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Angel Promises Fulfilled Page 26

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “Well, Jenny … visiting may not be that easy. J.J. has moved out of the house and, and he is trying to get Jimmy Junior away from me—”

  “Oh, Nora, how could this be happening?” Jenny’s voice carried a lamenting tone. She immediately thought of what had happened to her with James and that the same scenario was playing out.

  Jenny could hear Nora begin to cry and longed to be with her so that she could console her in person. “I’m so sorry to hear this Nora, is there anything I can do?”

  “J.J. is so critical of me and everything I do, I…finally told him to leave. I’m afraid now that I may lose Jimmy. J.J. is seeking custody through the courts and my finances are so limited. I had to sign a prenuptial agreement when we married and everything we have is owned by his company.” Nora burst out crying again.

  Jenny couldn’t believe that what had happened to her, was replaying in the life of her daughter-in-law. “Nora, I will help you. It would be disastrous if J.J. were to take control of Jimmy. We will deal with this matter together. Perhaps I could begin by calling J.J. Do you have his number?”

  “Yes, I have both his office number and home number, but he never answers the phone and only calls when it is convenient for him and he wants to talk to Jimmy. Oh Jenny, I am so worried about what might happen.”

  “I understand exactly what you are going through Nora. I went through a similar experience with James. In fact, James is probably behind all this.”

  “Well I don’t know Jenny. James’ cancer has returned and he is going through some legal concerns with the lady that was living with him.”

  “Is that Susan?” Jenny asked.

  “Yes, I’ve met her several times. She seems like a nice person but for some reason or other James seems to want out of that relationship.”

  “I see. Well, perhaps I will call J.J. first and see what I can do there. In any case, Nora, I want to assure you that I will assist you in every way I can.”

  Nora gave the two numbers to Jenny.

  Jenny dialed J.J.’s home number and let it ring until the answering machine turned on. The machine caught J.J.’s character, “Leave a message.”

  Jenny paused for a moment and then said, “Hi J.J., this is your mother. I have some good news to tell you. A miracle has happened and I am totally cured of cancer. Please call me as soon as you can. I would love to talk to you and share the great news.” Jenny left her return number and hung up. If he didn’t phone by noon tomorrow, she would try his office number. She would ask Father and his warriors to pray for J.J. and Nora and … James and Susan as well.

  I wonder if James would help…he seems so different…

  Chapter Forty Two

  Oh Mable, how do I look? I feel like a teenager going out on a first date!”

  “You look as beautiful and ravishing as ever, Jenny. And this isn’t exactly your first date. Henry has made a steady path to your hospital room every day for the past week.”

  “Yes, I know. It’s just that I get so excited each time he comes and this time we are really going out on a date. Does the dress look okay? I have lost so much weight my body doesn’t fill it in just yet.”

  “Jenny, I would die to have your problem. As I said, you look gorgeous. Henry will be swept away the instant he sees you.”

  Just then went the doorbell rang.

  “That’s Henry!” Jenny’s face flushed a soft shade of pink.

  Mable got up and went to the door.

  “Hi Mable, I’m here to pick up my girl.”

  Mable stepped aside, bowed and swept her arm towards Jenny. “Here is your princess.”

  Henry’s heart melted at the sight of her.

  “Jenny you look beautiful…” His words trailed off as he stood there speechless.

  “Oh Henry, you look so handsome. I see navy blue is still your favourite color.”

  “It compliments the shade of your blue eyes.” Then turning to Mable, “Don’t you think so too, Mable?”

  “Absolutely! You both make such a lovely couple.”

  “I made reservations for dinner at seven at the Hotel Saskatchewan, so perhaps we better be off.”

  “And so must I, Jen. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Mabel winked at Jenny and rolled her eyes at Henry as she passed him in the foyer.

  “See you, Mable, and thanks for looking after the house and plants on those days I couldn’t make it here.”

  “It was my pleasure, Henry.”

  After Mable left, Henry approached Jenny and took her in his arms. He gazed into her eyes for a long moment holding his breath.

  “Oh Jenny, I love you so much. How I have longed to hold you and swim in your blue eyes.”

  “I love you so much, too… it finally seems like the ache I felt so long for you is subsiding.”

  Henry brought his lips close to Jenny’s and tenderly and softly kissed her warm lips. He then drew Jenny more closely into his arms with a warm embrace. The feel of her body against his filled him with passion and desire. An inner happiness swept through his being, as he struggled to hold back tears of joy. It was hard to believe that his beloved, Jenny, was in his arms.

  After what seemed like an eternity, they reluctantly withdrew from each other and made their way to the front door. Henry took the coat that Jenny chose from the closet and held it for her. As she went to slip her arm into the coat sleeve, he twirled her towards him once. She fell into his waiting arms and he pulled her in. “Oh, Jenny, I love you more than words can say.”

  “I love you, darling.” Was all Jenny could utter before their lips met sending them both into a state of sheer ecstasy.

  “Here’s to you Jenny, to us,” said Henry as he raised his wine glass towards Jenny and gazed lovingly into her sparkling eyes.

  “I can’t believe this is real, Henry. It seems as if I am just a step away from this side of heaven. I have to pinch myself each time we are together and I look into your eyes.”

  Henry shook his head from side to side, “It’s a long dream come true Jenny. Since that first day we met in Mr. Engelmann’s store, you were forever in my heart. It was as if my heart was pierced with a wound so deep that nothing over the years could heal it.”

  “It was the same for me Henry. Like a torch that went on fire and never burned out. Over the years I felt so guilty being married to James and having you in my mind and heart.”

  “And isn’t it something Jenny that since that incredible day we passed away and came back to life, I have these strange dreams that I met my guardian angel and he, in part, was responsible for my returning to earth.”

  Jenny’s mouth fell open as she listened to Henry… “My God, Henry, since that day, I dream of my guardian angel, too. It’s so hazy and sketchy … and exhilarating. Last night I dreamt that you, Father Engelmann and I held our guardian angels’ hands and spun around and around in the star studded sky, just outside of the doorway to heaven.”

  “I dreamt that too Jenny…do you think that we were really all together?”

  For a moment neither of them paid any attention to their officious waiter standing stiffly at the table with their meals.

  “Here is your filet mignon sir, and your salmon, madam.”

  “Oh, this looks wonderful!” said Jenny as the server set the plate before her.

  “May I top your wine madam?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “I’ll have some more, too…thank you.”

  The waiter returned the bottle to the ice filled bucket and left.

  “This is delicious, Henry. So succulent!”

  Henry concurred, nodding as his mouth was filled, as well.

  Just as Henry was going to talk more of the dreams he had, Jenny spoke. “I’m sure happy that it was you who purchased my house—”

  “Amazing, isn’t it? I’ll never forget the day the realtor took Jeremy and me to view it. It was supposed to be a revenue property for him and yet it was I who ended up purchasing it. Truly it was all planned by our angels.”

; “Yes, yes, I’m certain they did! The other night as I lay in bed going back over time and all the events that occurred, it is easy to see their angelic involvement.”

  “I wonder what Father Engelmann thinks of all this? I spoke with him briefly yesterday and he remains fairly quiet on the matter. His only comment is that he praises the Lord for restoring our lives and giving us a second chance.”

  “He is such a wonderful man. His eyes are so kind and full of understanding and compassion. I’ve never met anyone like him before. I was so fortunate to have him at my side as I underwent all the treatments.”

  “Yes, he truly is a saint, Jenny. I think you said when I visited you at the hospital that you didn’t recognize him at all as Mr. Engelmann from the corner grocery store?”

  Jenny swallowed and then took a sip of wine. “Now that I know, I do see a resemblance in my memory. It was such a long time ago and when I came into the grocery store, I was mainly looking for you. And when he visited me the first time in the hospital he introduced himself as David. I didn’t even know his last name…but I must say, he certainly has retained his youth.”

  “He’s ageless, Jenny. Did you know that he celebrated his hundredth birthday a few weeks ago? He seems as if he were in his seventies or even younger.”

  “Yes, it is truly remarkable. I just love him, Henry.”

  “He’s my hero and lifelong mentor, Jenny. Without him I would be long gone. He asked if he could use the Poustinia later this week and just have some peace and quiet. The excitement of all the miraculous happenings, his daily discussions with the archbishop and so many people coming to him asking for healings in their lives is having a huge toll on him.”

  “Ah, yes, it must be tiring him out. He is always so willing to help everyone.”

  “He rarely says no unless it goes against the wishes of his Lord’s teachings. He also wants to have a serious talk with the Lord as to his purpose for the remaining years of his life. He seems to know what part of his work is going to be, but always waits on the Lord for instructions. You’ll soon see that no matter what happens to Father, he tries to see it in relation to God’s purpose and plan for him.”

  “Yes, he is a holy man. His aura of peace when he came to visit me always helped to sustain me and relieve the pain I was undergoing.” After a brief pause Jenny asked, “What is a Poustinia, Henry?”

  “A Poustinia is a small simple prayer house. The idea originated in Russia and was introduced to western society by a Russian lady named Catherine Doherty. She came penniless to Canada in the 1920’s and within a short time became wealthy again. She was haunted by the words of Christ to sell all that she had, give to the poor and to follow Him.”

  Jenny stopped eating and listened intently.

  “In 1931 after her husband died, she sold all she had and went to live with the poor in the slums of Toronto. There she founded the first Friendship House and gained many followers. From there, she went to work in Harlem, New York and later in the 1940’s, she and her new husband purchased some land in Combermere, Ontario and founded Madonna House, a spiritual centre.”

  “What an interesting story. Is she still alive and what do they do there?”

  “She passed away a few years ago, but the community she formed is very much alive and active. The community is based on prayer, silence, and the honest love of all who come to them for help.”

  “Henry, that’s wonderful. I would love to go there … so, this is what prompted you to build the Poustinia?”

  “Yes, after Catherine founded the community on the property that she and her husband purchased, she came across an abandoned shack which reminded her of the Poustinias in her home land. Since then she has built several more one room Poustinias and she and other members of the community go into the huts for a day or two, or maybe even longer with just a Bible, water and bread and pray to the Lord …so this is what prompted me to build a Poustinia down in the valley beside a pond.”

  Henry hadn’t noticed but Jenny had stopped eating over five minutes ago totally entranced by Henry’s story. Tears were in Jenny’s eyes, she was so moved. Henry put his knife and fork down and reached across the table and took Jenny’s hands.

  “Oh Jenny, your heart has only grown softer and more beautiful over the years.”

  ‘I’ve always wanted to do something like that Henry, to help the poor or people in the third world. We have so much and they have so little … the hunger, disease and poverty, that so many people suffer with, is almost unimaginable.”

  “Yes, it has moved me so many times as well, Jenny. In fact, the real reason that the Lord had me build the Poustinia was for me to examine my life and the direction I am going. I so love to build and make things beautiful—”

  “Oh yes, Henry, that is what I have always remembered about you over the years … your desire to make the world a better place.”

  “Well, what I was getting at, Jenny, is that I seem to be stuck in the wealth that I enjoy and have accumulated. Along with that, I enjoy the admiration of others for what I have accomplished. I try to be generous and kind and serving but I know the Lord wants more from me. Father tells me frequently that one cannot serve two masters.”

  Unbidden tears now welled up in Henry’s eyes. “I’m afraid to go into the Poustinia for fear of what the Lord will request of me …”

  Jenny squeezed Henry’s hands, “Oh Henry, what are you afraid of?”

  “Excuse me sir, madam, are you finished with your meal?”

  Henry and Jenny began to laugh. Their hunger had left them, replaced by another kind of hunger.

  “I hate to waste food, but I’m really no longer hungry, Henry.”

  “Neither am I. Perhaps you could package this; I have two dogs and several barn cats that would love the remains of this fine meal”

  “Very good sir. May I interest you in our fine desserts?”

  A sparkle glinted in Jenny’s eyes that Henry recognized instantly from patrons of his own fine café who desired something sweet.

  “Well, yes, surprise us. Bring us what you would have, if you brought a feminine friend to this fine establishment.”

  The server smiled broadly and his shoulders relaxed. His pretentious manner dissolved and he exclaimed with a wink in his eye. “Leave it in my good hands sir, you shall not be disappointed.”

  It’s still early, would you like to come in for awhile?” Jenny asked as they pulled up to the house.

  “Yes, I would like to very much.”

  Henry quickly got out of his new SUV and skirted around to the passenger side and opened the door.

  “I see chivalry hasn’t left you.”

  “Not in the least Madam.”

  Henry opened wide the door and gave Jenny his hand as she stepped down from the extra high running board.

  “You certainly won’t get stuck in the snow or mud with this vehicle.”

  “That’s exactly why I buy an SUV. Winter snow and storms can create quite the drifts on farm roads. I’ve never been stranded or stuck so far.”

  They were silent as they made their way up the winding walk. The light snowfall earlier that day had melted but left a cool chill in the air. Jenny leaned into Henry as they walked and he quickly responded by wrapping his arm around her.

  Once in the foyer, Henry helped Jenny with her coat and then took his own off. He followed Jenny into the living room feeling a little awkward. For months he had come in freely and now that he returned the house to Jenny, he felt out of place.

  “Would you like some wine or tea, Henry?”

  “I’ve come to enjoy your chamomile tea over the past several months … that would be fine.”

  “Why don’t you start a fire in the fireplace while I get the tea ready?”

  “I know how to do that, as well. I’ve even done so in mid afternoon during some of the more blustery days.”

  “I guess you know everything about this home and perhaps, some secrets about me as well?”

  “I must admit Jen
ny, this has been an extraordinary experience, to come into someone’s home and literally take it over.”

  “Normally, Henry, I would be a little upset with my son for being so careless as to put up my house for sale without taking any consideration to my privacy, but the more I think on this … it was meant to be. The angels knew that it would be you that would purchase the home and eventually bring us back together again. So how can I fault my son? In his inconsideration, he brought me the greatest blessing life can bring to anyone.”

  Henry lit the kindling and walked into the kitchen. “My God, Jenny, for months I was upset with your son for that very reason and suddenly it all turns into this great gift!”

  Jenny drew near to her loved one and gently slipped into his open arms. Henry tenderly kissed Jenny and embraced her warmly. The familiar whistle, that Henry had become accustomed to, could be heard, blowing in the kitchen.

  “Have a seat in the living room and I’ll bring your tea in momentarily.”

  Henry sat on the sofa facing the fire which was burning as brightly as his heart. The light from the fireplace revealed the joy and happiness in his eyes.

  Jenny sat his tea on the coffee table in front of him and hers beside and then sat next to him. Henry put his arm over her shoulder and drew her in as they gazed at the fire.

  “It must have been quite an experience for you to take over someone’s home.”

  “It was Jenny, it’s amazing what you can learn about a person from the little notes they leave around, the furniture they buy and especially the books they read…it tells a lot about the person.”

  “Did you ever sense that it was my home?” Jenny was curious to know.

  “For the first month or so I felt more of a spiritual presence that angels were in the house. Gradually the home, the books, the music, the plants and flowers grew on me and I began to fall in love with Marjorie, the owner of this amazing home. One thing that reminded me of you was the lilac fragrance over and above all the scent of the other plants. I especially noticed it in your bedroom.”


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