Angel Promises Fulfilled

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Angel Promises Fulfilled Page 45

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “I was born on the farm and there were plenty of horses, mainly work horses, but there was a small quarter horse that all of the kids were allowed to ride. When you’re at my place next time I will show some pictures of me sitting on Sandy, wearing a six shooter, cowboy hat and a black mask.”

  “I bet you were the Lone Ranger?”

  “That’s right, except my horse was a sandy colour and not white.”

  “I’m sure you were the hero and saved the day, regardless of the horse’s colour.” Jenny squeezed Henry’s hand and leaned into him as he came to a stop. “I will miss you dearly, Henry.”

  Henry leaned forward, trying to read the overhead signs as he entered the airport. “I guess we will take this road…it leads to the passenger and luggage drop off.”

  Henry made another turn and pulled up in front of the entrance to the airport.

  Before getting out, Henry turned to Jenny, put his arm around his sweetheart and drew her in as close as he could. They kissed and would have gone on longer if the guy in front didn’t honk his horn for Henry to back up a bit. He was sandwiched between two cars; Henry’s and the one ahead of him.

  Henry quickly backed up, stopped and got Jenny’s two suitcases from the trunk. Jenny was out of the car and waiting for him. Henry handed the small case to Jen and pulled out the handle of the larger one and led Jenny into the airport. The Air Canada check-in was just off to the right.

  “I think my car will be okay in the drop off area for five minutes or so. Come, I’ll help you get checked in.”

  There were four people ahead of them in line. Good thing they had come early, as many more people were coming in the few minutes they were standing there.

  “Next, please,” shouted the lady at the desk.

  Henry carried the suitcase over to the counter and placed the case on the weigh scale. Jenny decided to take the small one on board with her. She had several magazines inside which she wanted to read during her flight.

  Just as Jenny and Henry turned to make their way upstairs to the departure area, Jenny noticed a very striking, attractive lady staring at her and then at Henry. The lady’s gaze was bold and penetrating. Jenny found it hard to divert her gaze from her.

  “Henry, there is a lady over there that seems to be staring at us. I don’t think I know her, but perhaps you might…she is beautiful.”

  Henry turned and blushed, “That’s Ivania!”

  “You know her, Henry…?”

  Henry’s face flushed revealing a tinge of red especially on his neck. He could feel the heat…and now even more so as Ivania began to make her way over to them…

  “Oh, God…” muttered Henry

  When she got within speaking distance, Ivania blurted out, “Hendry, I didn’t see you at first; I was so taken by the beautiful blonde lady standing beside you. I couldn’t believe that was you next to her!”

  Ivania stood directly in front of Jenny with a bold stature and looked her over. It was obvious Jenny was unsettled and her cheeks grew a tinge of pink as well. For a moment neither could speak…it was an awkward moment for Henry to have a former girlfriend face the girl who had captivated his heart over Ivania’s.

  Finally, Ivania spoke while looking directly into Jenny’s sparkling blue eyes, “Now I don’t feel so bad, Hendry. I was upset for days, no…months that you left me for some teenage sweetheart who you hadn’t seen for years. I thought you to be crazy for living in such a dream world when you had such beautiful, real girl at your disposal…but now, I can see why and I apologize for questioning your judgment at the time. There is no need for you to introduce me to this lovely creature, I know this must be the Jennifer of your dreams…your first and it seems your only love.”

  Ivania stuck out her hand and Jenny immediately responded and the two ladies shook hands.

  “Very nice to meet you. Ivania, I must admit, Henry hasn’t told me about you.”

  “There was no need for him to, there was never another in his life. Oh, I tried to seduce him. I used all my feminine wiles, but when a man has a love in his heart for someone as deep and strong as Henry does for you, not even Cleopatra would be able to lure such a man away for the woman in his heart and dreams.”

  Henry chuckled nervously. He turned to Ivania and rather than shake hands, he approached her and gave her a warm hug.”

  “I bet you were in Toronto on another insurance seminar?”

  “No, this time it was to finalize a promotion. I will be overseeing all of Western Canada and not just Saskatchewan as I used to. The sales have improved so much over the last two years they want to see if we can accomplish the same in the other provinces.”

  “They have the right person at the helm, that’s for sure. I wish you all the best of success, Ivania.”

  “So are both of you off somewhere, a honeymoon perhaps?”

  “I wish we were,” said Henry and added, “Jenny is off to Ottawa. Her ex-husband is quite ill and Jenny wants to give him her support. She also has a son and grandson she wishes to visit with.”

  “That is so kind of you, Jenny. Are you staying long?”

  “I’m not sure, it all depends on the circumstances that develop.”

  Ivania turned to Henry and said, “I don’t mean to alarm you Hendry but a similar situation happened with a friend of mine. It was the ex-wife that had cancer and the husband who was considering marriage to another woman went to visit his ex-wife who was ill. Low and behold if they didn’t fall in love again and he never came back. I am still consoling my friend…”

  Ivania noticed the alarmed look on Henry’s face, “But such a thing could never happen between you two. If I can’t lure you away, I’m sure Jennifer won’t be lured away that easily either…but if she is…” Ivania winked, “I am still here for you, Hendry.”

  They all laughed nervously except for Ivania…she was dead serious.

  “Well we better check in upstairs, Jenny, I hope I don’t get a parking ticket. It was great seeing you again, Ivania. I’m not in the shop or café as much anymore, but I will keep an eye out for you and maybe we can have coffee.”

  “Yes, I would love that, perhaps while Jenny is in Ottawa I can prepare a nice home cooked meal for you…I’m not all business you know.”

  “Oh, I don’t know if that is such a good idea, Henry.” Jenny chimed in with a nervous tone in her voice.

  “Believe me, Jenny, you have no need to worry. Somehow you have wrapped an iron shield around his heart which no woman is able to penetrate.”

  “I hope that’s the case.” Jenny said, with a smile.

  Henry was blushing more and more by the minute. He took Jenny’s hand and led her off to the check in area upstairs. “See you, Ivania.”

  “Yes, bye, and it was so nice meeting you, Jenny.”

  They had spent so much time chatting downstairs that there was only a few minutes left before boarding time was over.

  “You better hurry, Ma’am, if you’re on the Ottawa flight. The doors close in two minutes.”

  “Oh, Henry, I love you so much.”Jenny dropped her suitcase and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Henry pulled her in hard against his body and a surge of love passed through them both. Henry wanted all of her. He ached to hold her, to kiss her forever, to make love to her and never stop. His mind, heart and soul screamed out for his Jenny and now, she was going away once more…

  “Jenny I don’t know if I can take this. I don’t want to live without you anymore. Please make this a temporary visit and come back soon.”

  “Ma’am, the plane is closing its doors. You‘ll miss your flight if you don’t go now.”

  Jenny picked up her case… “I love you, Henry I will call you tonight…”

  “I love you, too, Jenny… I love you, too.”

  Henry wasn’t sure if Jenny heard his last words as she was running down the hall towards the plane.

  Henry went to the window and watched as the plane began to back out. With each foot it travelled away,
his heart sank deeper and deeper …”Oh Jenny, please come back to me…”

  The plane turned and made its way to the take off runway. Henry’s heart beat faster and faster. He didn’t want to watch and yet he couldn’t move. He recalled the day Jenny left Mr. Engelmann’s grocery store and made her way to the corner to cross Victoria Ave. He had sent out a prayer to surround his sweetheart with his love and keep her safe as she crossed the busy Avenue. And it did. She was almost killed by a racing car but her guardian angel saved her.

  Henry prayed again as the plane picked up speed as it raced down the tarmac. “Oh guardian angel, keep my Jenny safe while she goes on this mission. Guide and protect her and shield her from all harm. And …please bring her back to me.”

  The front of the aircraft lifted and then the back tires. Higher and higher it ascended. The clouds were low and the plane quickly disappeared into the sky. And Henry’s heart sank.

  Father Engelmann’s words immediately surfaced as they always did to give him comfort…

  Life on earth is bright and sunny even though some days may be cloudy and stormy. Right behind the heavy dark clouds, the sun still shines. It’s there waiting for us, bursting with life and renewed hope.

  Chapter Sixty Seven

  Jenny still felt more at home in Ottawa than Regina. Sure it was a much larger city, but she had lived here for a good part of her life and probably had driven down almost every street in the city at one time or another. She loved Ottawa at this time of the year. The maple leaves were turning into their fall colours and everything looked so colourful and beautiful. She especially liked it when the sun struck the trees directly from one side increasing the brightness of the hue. It was almost as if the sun was caught, trapped in the leaves themselves.

  She hoped to have lunch with Nora and walk alongside the Rideau Canal. Jenny recalled many fond memories of walks with her mother when shopping and those rare times when they went skating on the canal in the winter.

  If only Daddy had taken more time off.

  A tinge of nervousness swept through Jenny as the chauffeur turned into the gated estate. The driver pushed a button and the gates opened to Greystone Manor. She recalled the first day James brought her here. It was the day after they got married. All the while dating James, he had never taken her here or mentioned it…it was one of the few pleasant surprises that James gave her in all the years they had been married.

  The grounds looked beautiful as the black limousine wound in between the trees on the curved road, leading to the front of the mansion. Yes, thought Jenny, just one more turn and the mansion would come into view. She held her breath almost the same as she did that first day she came. The sight of the mansion was so huge and overwhelming. To this day, she didn’t think she had explored every nook and cranny of the immense structure.

  Thomas was working out front and Jenny could see Matti peeking out the window. As soon as the car came to a stop under the canopy, Matti opened the door and ran out…

  “Oh, Jenny, Jenny, you’re here! I have to visit the bathroom so often I thought I may not be here to greet you when you drive up. Good thing I held it for one more minute!”

  Jenny didn’t wait for the driver to open the door. She had already rushed out of the back seat and into the arms of her dear friend.

  “It’s so good to see you, Matti!”

  “I be going around in circles all morning, I be so excited. I be givin’ the boys a fork with their cereal and spoon to cut their bacon, Oh, Jenny, I just couldn’t keep my mind off you. We all be so happy to see you!”

  Matti embraced Jenny once again.

  Jenny turned and there was her dear friend, Thomas, wearing his usual warm smile. His hair had grayed at little at the sides, but made him look even wiser and kinder if that were possible. He had his hand extended to shake her hand as he approached Jenny, but she bypassed it and gave Thomas a warm embrace.

  “Oh Thomas, it’s so good to see you. I can’t begin to tell you how much I missed our chats in the garden.”

  “I did too, Miss Jenny, right up to today. Perhaps I’ll have a reprieve from my daily distress over your absence.”

  “Oh, Thomas, your words were always able to touch my heart. I hope we can have many chats while I’m here.”

  The driver had taken Jenny’s suitcases out of the trunk and was waiting for instructions. Matti noticed it the same time Jenny did.

  “Please take the suitcase to the head of the stairs. I will have Charles take them to Jenny’s room.”

  “I’m in the same bedroom and not the guest room?”

  “Yes, James thought you would feel most comfortable in the room that you are used to. We all agreed with him. Well, let’s not just stand here, come on in, Jenny. The house is in a little disarray. James tried to get a few antique furniture pieces for the living room to make you more comfortable and feel at home. But we don’t know where to put his gleaming furniture as the guest houses are now all occupied. Don’t matter none, things don’t need to be so organized as they used to be. Jim be more accepting of things from day to day.”

  Jenny walked into the living room and looked around. Matti was right. Not nearly as neat and precise as the first day she came here over twenty three years ago. There was a pleasant mix of modern and old furniture. Some didn’t seem to go together, but Jenny didn’t mind at all. She appreciated the effort and gesture more than the furniture anyway.

  “I can’t wait to see the garden, Matti—”

  “Jen, it be more beautiful than ever. We all cannot believe how James is becoming a gardener. I never thought I’d see the day he be getting on his knees and planting marigolds and petunias! And they ain’t in no straight lines anymore. They go where he feels like putting it…much like an artist. Sometimes I think the old way looked better, but no-one cares anymore…if it be giving joy to Mr. Hamilton that be more important to us than anyting, that for sure.”

  Jenny shook her head in amazement over what she was hearing. There seemed to be such a camaraderie growing on the estate. She immediately felt a much more relaxed atmosphere confirming what she was seeing.

  “Where is James, Matti…?” Jenny was hesitant to ask but was surprised he still hadn’t greeted her.

  “He be waiting for you out in the garden, Jen. This morning at breakfast he say how beautiful the garden is with all the flowers, the angel, and shrubs but the thing that will give it all its real beauty will be when Marjorie comes walking through the garden.”

  “Those words are so wonderful, Matti…”

  “You be seeing a big difference in the master, Jenny. He sure has changed some. We all be living just this side of heaven most days.”

  “How is he doing Matti?” Jenny wanted to know.

  Matti shook her head. “He be a lot worse than he looks. Doctors say he should be in the hospital over two weeks ago, but he refuses to go. Says he won’t leave until he sees you in the garden one more time. He be in his wheelchair much of the time, but many days he forces himself to get up and walk around. He be in a lot of pain, but he’s takin’ it somehow. I ‘spect he wants to keep strong for your return.”

  “I’d like to go out and see him, Matti.”

  “He be waitin’ for you. Jen. He either strolling around in his wheelchair or sitting on the swing in the gazebo like you used to do. In fact, he be doin’ what you used to do almost every day when you be here; stroll along and take in God’s creation, rest awhile on the swing and gaze at all the different wildflowers coming up and every now and then get up and place a wildflower in the angel’s basket in thanksgiving for someting that comes to mind. Yes, Jen, you be surprised just how much that man be changin’…he be putting flowers in the Angel of Thanksgiving’s basket more than once a day in thanks for your return…and look, you here! Almost as if he knowed you be comin’.”

  Jenny didn’t know what to say. This all overwhelmed her and touched her heart deeply. She walked over to the patio doors and peered out, but could not see James. As soon as she op
ened the patio doors, several monarch butterflies greeted her. She raised her hand, trying to entice one to land, but they just kept flitting about and then proceeded down the stone path as if to ask her to follow.

  Jenny stepped outside and closed the door behind her. The grounds never looked more beautiful. It was a gorgeous September day, just a gentle breeze in the air. She immediately smelled the Thyme and faintly, some of the other herbs.

  Although the grounds filled her with peace, a tinge of nervousness inched its way through her body. She felt a little anxious to see James. Their parting several years ago was so cold and abrupt over the phone and the last time she saw him was in the court room. The circumstances were now so different. She had talked to him the last couple of weeks and noticed such a difference. Jenny couldn’t help thinking of God’s divine providence at work. He was always trying to work things out for our good. ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding’ was a Scripture Henry had quoted that morning. Jenny found it soothing now as she slowly strolled down the path towards her beloved haven.

  As soon as she turned the corner just past the fountain, she saw James sitting on the swing in the gazebo. It appeared as if he was reading a book. Jenny only took two more soft footsteps for James to detect a presence. He looked up, his eyes brightened and smiled…

  Jenny smiled back. He looked so frail and had aged. His hair had thinned and grayed near the temples. He still looked handsome, but seemed to have lost some flair.

  Jenny liked the new look.

  “I knew you would come, Marjorie.” James made some effort to get up but he winced hard and sat back down.

  Jenny hastened to his side, “It’s okay, James, don’t get up.”

  Jenny sat next to James on the swing and took both of his hands in hers, “It’s nice to see you James. How are you doing?”

  James shrugged his shoulders, “Some days are better than others. When Matilda told me you were coming, it made me feel good, Marj. Awfully good. I could hardly sleep last night, just thinking on it. Maybe that’s why I feel more tired today than usual. Tomorrow will be better.”


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