Angel Promises Fulfilled

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Angel Promises Fulfilled Page 48

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “That’s beautifully put, Jen. But I think the real truth of the matter is that you are primarily responsible for James’ incredible recovery and he realizes it, too. Your prayers for him, your unconditional acceptance and the fact that you never lost hope. You always saw in him the child of God who the Lord had created. “

  “That was beautifully put, too. Thank you, Henry.”

  Henry paused, dug deep into his compassionate nature and continued, “I am so happy for James and your growing appreciation of him…just don’t forget me, sweetheart…”

  “Oh, Henry, never! I will love you to my dying breath…oh here I have been talking about myself, how are you doing?”

  “Keeping busy at the gallery. The fall weather is beautiful. I was thinking about driving around the country and doing some sketches of the harvest. I love the smell of straw in the air…almost as much as you like the fragrance of thyme.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to go out with you and watch you draw. Do you ever paint outdoors?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “Actually, I trained under a plein air painter. I loved painting outdoors and the challenge of capturing the landscape in front of me. Unfortunately those are rare occasions on the prairies as it is usually too windy. On days when the wind is calm and it’s pleasantly warm, with or without the sun being out, there’s nothing like outdoor painting. Ask any artist and they will say, nature is the best teacher.”

  “I would love to watch you paint!”

  “That reminds me, Jen, of one early spring morning, my art instructor and I went to Wascana Park to paint when the sun came up. It was the first Saturday in May and we were at the park and all set up at the crack of dawn. Snow still covered the ground and the runoff and melting ice created a mirror-like surface on the lake. Both of us had our easels set up and paint out ready to capture the light in the landscape in front of us.

  “It was an amazing experience, Jen. How quickly one has to paint to capture the changing light and how the hues change by the second. I can only imagine God as a Master Painter creating the world this way. Just imagine all over the world, thousands of His paintings are seen in the eyes of those who stop to look. God’s creation is the largest gallery all over the world.”

  “Oh, Henry, you truly are an artist at heart. It’s so true. When I look at nature or the garden, I am just overwhelmed…it constantly brings tears to my eyes.”

  “You will like this, Jen. A month later after this outing, my art instructor, and I went out again to the park. It was a humid morning and a foggy haze rose off the lake partially obscuring the landscape before us. I will never forget what happened next.”

  “What? Tell me quickly!” Jenny asked like an excited child wanting to hear a secret.

  “As the fog burned off by the heat of the rising sun, I noted a path leading to the water’s edge. It brought back a memory deep inside—”

  “I bet I know, Henry! Was it the path that we cycled down that day we went to the park?”

  Henry was taken aback by Jenny’s intuition. “Yes, Jenny, it was the same.”

  “I remember that scene so clearly. I played it over and over in my mind. The legislative buildings on the other side of the lake, the sail boat…I imagined we had made love and that was when I had conceived Camilla. It was my way of coping at first…”

  “Oh, Jenny, I can’t begin to count the number of times I played that scene over in my mind as well.”

  “Did you see the tree Henry?” Jenny just had to know.

  “Yeah, I was just getting to that. The tree was still there and so was the carving of the heart. The edges had crusted over and the pale yellow bark had weathered and browned, but the inscription was still intact- H loves J.”

  “And could you still make out the tiny angels under each curve of the heart?”

  “Yes I could, Jen. It brought back so many wonderful memories.”

  “Someday when I’m back, I want you and I to visit that place again. I have a secret to tell you, Henry…”

  “What? Tell me now.”

  “You will have to wait; it will be something very special.”

  “I sure wish you were here, Jenny. I can’t wait to hold you and kiss your tender lips.”

  “I can’t wait either, Sweetheart.”

  “It’s such a warm beautiful evening, I am actually out on the deck talking to you on the extension phone.”

  “Is Father at the Poustinia?”

  “Yes, he is. He says he might stay into the winter and see what it’s like. The house is heated and he is beginning to accept a little food. And even if I can’t get down there with the truck, I can with the skidoo.”

  “It’s amazing how he spends his days and nights in prayer like that.”

  “Yes, he is very close to the Lord…oh, I just noticed he lit a candle.”

  “There is electricity, isn’t there?”

  “Yes, but he prefers just the basics, and besides praying all the time, he is also writing a book. Did I tell you about that?”

  “No. What kind of a book?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “Father shared with me earlier this spring when I first took him down to the prayer house that he was going to be writing a story his guardian angel asked him to write when he was on the other side.”

  “You mean Zachariah asked Father to write a book? What kind of a book?” Jenny asked again.

  “You’re not going to believe this, Jenny. He said it’s a story about life. In fact, it’s a love story involving miracles and angels and all the things that happen in God’s Kingdom.”

  “That’s incredible, Henry.”

  “Yeah, Father said, it’s going to be a story that may have an effect upon a lot of God’s children.”

  Jenny was in awe over what she just heard. “That’s truly amazing…and Father said it’s a love story?”

  “Yes, and an epic one at that!”

  “Oh my gosh, a love story involving miracles and guardian angels… in a way it’s similar to our story…” Jenny’s words trailed off.

  “I visited with him for awhile on Sunday evening. When he was in the bathroom, I went into the bedroom where his writing desk is to see how he was coming along. I was amazed to see how much he had written already. One manuscript lay off to the side. It was in the form of a large binder and had, Book 1, printed on the outside cover. When I opened it up I was thoroughly shocked to learn what the title was. You will never guess what the title of book one is, Jenny…?”

  “I can’t imagine, Henry. This is so intriguing; tell me, what is the title?”

  “Pewter Angels.”

  Chapter Seventy Two

  Henry remained on the deck after he finished talking to Jenny. He reached up and took hold of the pewter angel hanging on the chain around his neck. “Isn’t that something that Father would call his book, Pewter Angels?” In a way, he thought what Jenny had said about what Father was writing about was similar to their story. Henry wondered if there was any connection.

  Henry gazed to the east and there was their star shining ever so brightly. Since Jenny’s return, he didn’t bother to look at the star as he used to for solace. She was here in real life and much preferred to feel her arms around him and the warmth of her lips on his. But as he gazed at the star he wanted to feel Jenny’s love. He wanted the assurance that all was okay…

  He still felt Jenny’s love in the stars’ rays but the strength had diminished. Could it be that Jenny’s love was slipping away or were his feelings just covered over with too many concerns about their future? So many obstacles and such a huge one glaring at him; in the eyes of the Church, Jenny was still married to James.

  How could he possibly fight for Jenny’s heart in such an arena?

  The thought of trying to steal away another’s wife was too unsettling. He didn’t want to dwell on this any longer, anxiety was at the doorstep and he fought hard to keep it from entering his mind and heart.

  But…but, what would he do if Jenny were to stay with James? The tho
ught felt like a knife stabbing through his heart. The pain surged through his being like a bolt of lightning.

  Fear was inching its way into his body. He had felt that emotion many times before and he struggled to keep it at bay. He thought of the letter he received from Gary on Friday. His friend was thinking of becoming a priest. He wanted to offer people who were dying the bread of life. He wanted to give them communion and the promise of what awaited them. Henry knew the Lord was calling him in that direction as well.

  Here he was, still struggling with worldly values and attachments and worldly glory. Oh, when would he ever be free of it? Father understood his struggles. These were such shallow goals and had no meaning and purpose. Henry knew better. He should be down there in the Poustinia with Father searching for God’s will. How many times had his mentor encouraged him to make a retreat with him?

  Henry looked into the starry night, ablaze now with millions of stars. As the darkness of the evening grew, he could almost see more and more stars blossoming in the infinite meadows of the sky. It made him think of their stint on the other side when Jenny, Father and he had died. He wished he could recall more like Father had. Perhaps his faith would be stronger.

  The thought of heaven gave him a temporary reprieve from his troubled mind. A calming quietness began to sweep through his body; the tension of moments ago was leaving. The sounds of the valley were drifting back into his awareness. The babbling water trickling through the beaver dam was becoming audible.

  His thoughts drifted to Julean and he felt her presence. Even while he was with Jenny, Henry knew she was ever near. He reached into his pocket and pulled out her rosary and kissed it. He wished she were here. There were many nights that they stood out on the deck just like he was now with his arm around her shoulder next to his chest. He wished she were here now. She was always there ready to talk and comfort, just like Father.

  As Henry began to pray the rosary, the eerie sound of a coyote shrilled through the air. The dogs were immediately out of their house to the edge of hill, barking in response. It brought him back to the reality of the moment.

  What was in store for him in the future? It looked so bright, yet so bleak. What did the Lord want of him? Yes, he could give up his wealth and worldly ways. Yes, he could free himself from attachments but could he give up Jenny?

  Henry stared into the heavens, ablaze with twinkling diamonds and pleaded to his Lord…I just cannot do that if this is where this is all leading to…please don’t ask me to give up Jenny…please, don’t ask that of me.

  Chapter Seventy Three

  September had long gone and October was nearing an end. James’ condition, although stable, was worsening. He loved to be with Jenny on the estate so much that he flatly refused to be admitted into the hospital. He still went in for radiation treatments three times a week. However, he asked that they stop the chemo treatments so as to have more energy while at home and would start again as soon as he had no choice but to be admitted.

  Jenny’s stay on the estate had become much longer than she initially planned. She asked Camilla to get more clothes and things from her home and send them off to her. They spoke regularly and missed each other terribly. The family back in Regina, was getting concerned where this all might lead to and how it would end, most of all Henry.

  Jenny kept thinking she would stay for just another week, but then it passed and another week still found her on the estate. She decided to trust God and had the sense that she was exactly where she should be even though she wanted to be desperately back in Regina with Henry.

  She was taking life day by day.

  Ottawa was blessed with an extended autumn that year. Although the monarchs had left on their trek back to Mexico, many of the flowers still bloomed. They shouldn’t be. Thomas attributed it all to the love that was floating so freely on the estate. Many times he said it felt like he was just on this side of heaven. He had never experienced such peace and bliss in all the years he had worked on the Hamilton estate. Perhaps the flowers felt it, too, and it was the reason for their longevity and why they continued to bloom.

  It was mid morning and both James and Jenny wore sweaters and long pants, as they strolled through the garden. They were on their way to the Angel of Thanksgiving to do their daily ritual: pick flowers that were still blooming and place them in the angel’s basket in thanks for all their blessings. Although he didn’t verbalize it out loud, Jenny knew that James’ daily prayer was for her to come back to him.

  James held Jenny’s hand more as an excuse to do so rather than support for his condition. He felt surprisingly strong. Perhaps it was the discontinuation of the chemo treatments that gave him that extra boost of energy. But then again, it could be coming from the one whose hand he was holding.

  Just as James was about to speak, Carlos was making his way up the walk.

  “Oh, Carlos, I finally get to see you!” said Jenny excitedly.

  “Si, Miss Jenny, it is so good to see you, too. It’s been many years.”

  Carlos lay down his shovel and extended his hand but Jenny bypassed it and gave Carlos a warm hug.”

  “I recall so many wonderful discussions we had at my parent’s estate.”

  “Si, my wife and I just returned from a vacation in Mexico and we spoke of you and how much the Monarch butterflies loved you. I see they have all returned to my native land. Perhaps we passed some in the sky as we flew back here.”

  “Do you remember me sharing with you about my little girl I had?”

  Carlos looked at James and then back at Jenny, “Yes, I do recall and Maria and I prayed a novena for you and your baby that someday you would meet each other.”

  “And we did, Carlos. She is such a lovely lady, I so hope you will meet her one day.”

  “Tonight Maria and me will give thanks that our prayers were answered. That is wonderful news.”

  Turning to James, Carlos said, “How are you feeling today, Senor James? It is so good to see you strolling with Miss Jenny in the garden.”

  “It’s one of my better days, Carlos.”

  “Thomas and Ramon are waiting for me so best be on my way. It is a pleasure to see you, Miss Jenny. The Monarchs would be so sad if they knew they left too early…”

  Jenny smiled and nodded as Carlos tipped his hat, nodded and went on his way.

  “He is such a kind hearted, perceptive man, James.”

  “I must admit I enjoy talking to him, too. In fact I enjoy talking to all of them…”

  As they strolled along, James asked, “So, tell me, Marjorie, how did you and Henry Pederson meet and…what is so special about this guy?”

  Jenny stopped and turned to James. “Are you sure you want to know?”

  “Yes, tell me all the ugly details. I deserve all of it. Don’t spare me anything.”

  “Oh, James, everyday you surprise me all the more. It may be more painful than your illness when I tell you how head over heels I fell for this guy.”

  “Ooh, that hurt already. Okay, smooth it over a little so that it’s more palatable.”

  “Well, let me see, perhaps I’ll start right from the beginning. It was the summer of 1956, when I, my guardian angel and parents moved to Regina from Vancouver into a house three doors down from Henry’s home. While we were finishing the unpacking, Mom sent me to the corner grocery for some baking supplies. On the way…”

  And so Jenny began to tell James how she and Henry had met; that it was love at first sight, but something very special also happened (that James found hard to believe). Their guardian angels were involved when they met and imparted their heavenly energy into the gaze they shared when they first looked into each other’s eyes. Jenny went on to tell James of the wonderful summer that followed; how they grew deeper in love, how she was raped and conceived a child, their parting, the letters, the birth and adoption of her daughter and the incredible way they came back to each other again in Regina.

  James was enthralled and totally fascinated by the story. Th
ey didn’t even stop for lunch. Matti brought his medicine at the regular times and cookies and afternoon tea which they were now enjoying as they sat on the swing in the gazebo.

  “That is some story, Marjorie. The part where you, Henry, and that priest die and meet up with your angels is a bit hard to swallow, but it does sort of explain how you are still hooked on this guy after being apart for all those years.”

  “It really all happened, James. I may not have any memory of it like Father David does, but it explains and clarifies so many things that have happened.”

  “Tell me, Marj, would a non-religious guy like me have a guardian angel, too?” James was now curious to know.

  “Yes, James. I believe we all receive a guardian angel when we are conceived who stays with us from that moment until the day we die.”


  “Yes, they are a gift to us from God. Our angel’s assignment is to protect and guide us and help us get to heaven. The more we acknowledge them, the more aware we become of them in our lives. I consider mine my best friend!”

  James was silent for a moment trying to take it all in. Jenny then added something which swayed James more than anything she had said. Perhaps there is some truth to this angel thing.

  “James, why are you putting flowers in the angel’s basket?”

  James was startled by the question. To a degree, he already believed in the existence of angels, otherwise, he wouldn’t be putting flowers into the basket in thanks for the blessings he had received from God!


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