Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Nancy nodded, “There is an aura of warmth and calm around people who are at peace with themselves. They know how to love so easily; it just flows out of them. But I have to say, James, she cracked into your armor and it all fell off. It took quite a spell, but not even you were a match for Marjorie’s special qualities. In my wildest dreams I would never have envisioned us discussing life like this. Why I just love talking with you, Son…I just have to say, how proud I am of you and… how dearly I love you.”

  Tears surfaced immediately in James eyes, “Ooh, that was nice…I love you too…Mom.”

  Chapter Seventy Nine

  Hi, Dad, it’s me, Camilla.”

  “Just one word is all it takes to recognize your voice, Camilla. There is only one voice sweeter and that is your mother’s.”

  “Mom would like that, that’s for sure.”

  “So what is on your beautiful mind, Camilla?”

  “Well, I gave you a clue when I added, “that’s for sure.” Do you remember who likes that phrase more than anyone I know?”

  “It does sound familiar…”

  “Do you remember Eddy’s wife’s sister, Matilda?”

  “Yeah, that’s right. Seems to me she did say that a lot. I do sometimes, too. It’s good when wanting to emphasize something.

  “So, what does this have to do with Matilda?”

  “Well, first let me tell you about the call I received from Mom last night. She really misses us, especially you, I might add. But you already know that. She wants to come home for Christmas so bad but is afraid to leave James. He is in such poor health and feels that he needs her there. Now, she asked me to do something for her. She didn’t say I shouldn’t tell you, so I feel free to let you know…”

  Henry didn’t like the sound of that for some reason. “What is it, Camilla?”

  “She wants me to go to her house and pick up her wedding ring. The one she got from James…”

  Oh, no, what next…?

  “Dad, are you okay?”

  “Yes …why does she want the ring? What for?” Henry was eager to know.

  “She didn’t say and I didn’t think it was any of my concern to ask her. I just thought I would let you know. I will need a key to get into her house. I know you have one and so does Mable next door—”.

  “I can pick it up this afternoon and send it home with Jeremy… where did she say it was?”

  “In her jewelry box in the bedroom. She said that I would recognize the ring right away.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it must be quite something…”

  “Are you sure you want to do this? I can easily slip by there after school.”

  “No, that’s fine… it will help me to accept whatever is going on… and there was something else you wanted to tell me about that had to do with Matilda calling. What was that all about?”

  “Well, here is where this all gets very interesting. Apparently James wants to fly all of us to his estate for Christmas as a surprise for Jenny. He knows how much Jenny misses you, and will all the more at Christmas, and so he wants our family and his to spend that special time of the year together.”

  “My good Lord…”

  “Now, you just said another phrase that Matilda says a lot, too. I suppose it’s when something awesome is about to happen or has happened,” Camilla said, trying to make light of it all.

  Henry smiled, “That’s about the size of it, Camilla. That is really something. I don’t know what to say… and first thing that comes to mind is that we will never get a flight. Christmas is less than three weeks away.”

  “That’s no problem, Dad. Matilda said James would send his private jet to pick us up and a limousine would be waiting at the airport to take us to the Manor… and I know what you are going to say… ‘my good Lord!’ Right?”

  Henry chuckled, what else could he do or say? It almost was hilarious. James inviting the man who was waiting for him to die so that he could take his wife. Henry shook his head and softly muttered in the phone, “That’s quite a change for that man… to even think of doing something like that.”

  “Well, what do you think? I ran it by Jeremy and he’s all for it. He’s looking forward to some royal treatment. When he said that, I told him it will be a let down from the royal treatment I give to him all the time!”

  Henry chuckled again. “Well, let me run it by the kids… what about Father Engelmann? He always spends Christmas with us.”

  “She especially said to be sure and bring the holy priest along. Matilda loves Father Engelmann. Why she went on and on how the Holy Spirit works in that man and attributed Mom’s coming back to his prayers and that powerful kiss you and Mom shared that morning.”

  “Well, if everyone else is game, I’m all for it, too. I would love to see Jenny, even if it’s under such extraordinary circumstances!”

  Henry unlocked the door and entered Jenny’s home. It was kind of eerie coming in after giving back the home to Jenny. He no longer felt that freedom, but rather hesitant and cautious what he looked at and touched. He was here to get Jenny’s wedding ring and leave and yet, like before, everything spoke to him in such a powerful way.

  He smelled the lilac fragrance right off along with her presence. It was so strong now. Perhaps it was because he knew for certain that it was Jenny who resided here and not some unknown Marjorie who kept him guessing for months. His quick survey of the room told him the home was exactly as he found it when he first purchased it. Nothing had changed and why should it? It was perfect in every way. It had the touch of someone who cares for every plant and piece of furniture as if it had the owner’s personality indelibly stamped on it.

  He recalled that last day he had come in and was guided by Julean to the round table that housed Jenny’s diary. Henry wondered if it was hidden there and if she had written any personal thoughts in the back section. Perhaps it would reveal where her heart was at…

  He walked by it, dismissing the temptation, and made his way into the kitchen. He gazed outside at the yard all covered with snow. The Angel of Thanksgiving’s basket held flowers but only soft contours of their shape was revealed by the snow that lay on top. He wondered if the flowers underneath were fresh and alive? He would never forget that miracle… nor all the ones that followed.

  If only Jenny were here. He desired to hold her. The smell of her presence made him ache inside. He had better get the ring and leave. Too many memories, too many scents, everywhere he looked he saw Jenny.

  The door to her bedroom was partially open. He switched on the light and there it was; the jewelry box immediately to his right on the dresser. He turned on the lamp on the dresser nearest the white, leather covered box. A key was sticking out of the lock. He turned it and the latch sprang open. He lifted the top and it swung back and locked into place. None of the many sections in the top layer resembled anything like a ring; mainly earrings, necklaces, pins and one or two coins that represented some commemoration.

  He pulled out the second drawer and it was filled with mainly necklaces and two silver bracelets. He fished through the necklaces to make certain he didn’t miss the ring. There was one bottom drawer; he hoped it would be there. If not, perhaps there was another box in the closet near where her mother’s chest was on the top shelf.

  The third and bottom drawer didn’t open right away. It was stuck shut, perhaps from lack of use. He gave it a sharp tug and it pulled free. As soon as more of the interior was revealed, the light caught the huge diamond. It sparkled like something he had never seen before. He felt nervous to touch it. It had a sacredness about it. It represented the love a man had for a woman. A woman that he loved deeply, too. It carried a vow to love that man though, not him and that thought stung his heart.

  He picked up the ring and brought it close to the light of the lamp. He squinted to see if there was an inscription inside the gold band. There was. He crouched closer and brought it still nearer the source of light: May, 8, 1965.

  He and Julean married September 9, 1962
. Almost three years before Jenny and James. The thought of Julean brought him back to the reality of the moment. He looked at the wedding band Julean had given to him. They had uttered the same vows or similar ones that James and Jenny did. That’s some commitment two people make to one another. To love, honour and cherish in good times and in bad until death do they part.

  Unbidden tears surfaced in Henry’s eyes. “Dear Jesus, please don’t allow my mind to harbour thoughts of James’ death. Heal him as you did Jenny. Restore his body whole and give him life.”

  Henry pulled one dresser drawer open and then another and found what he was looking for; two small square boxes. One had a brooch in it and the other was empty. He kissed Jenny’s ring and placed it into the box, covered it with a cotton pad, closed it and put it into his jacket pocket. He raised his left hand, looked at his wedding band and kissed it as well for a long moment. He knew what his dear sweet Julean would do if she were in the same position as Jenny.

  “Yes,” he softly whispered, “yes, Julean, this is the right thing to do.” Henry now knew in his heart what Jenny would do should James live. She was preparing the way… not only for James, but for him as well.

  Chapter Eighty

  It was December 23, the day the Pederson clan was to arrive. The flight came in just before noon and they would be at Greystone Manor by three that afternoon, depending on traffic. James was hoping to have Marjorie with him at the hospital during that time and be in for the surprise when she usually left around four o’clock. James wished he could be there to see her face when she arrived home to see Henry and his family at the estate.

  When Jenny came to visit James just before eleven, James’ two doctors were just leaving his room. Dr. Reiner, who knew Jenny, nodded, but didn’t stop to talk. The first thing Jenny noticed when she entered James’ room was the absence of the IV tube going to his arm.

  “Hi Marjorie,” said James, his face brightening. “I swear, Marjorie, just seeing your presence does more good for me than all the medication and treatments.”

  Jenny smiled tenderly and sat down next to James’ bed. She reached out and took hold of his hand. “I see the IV tube is gone, are they getting another for you? Don’t you need the medication and nutrients?”

  “I told them that I can live on love…” James smiled. “So how was the driving? The day nurse said it had snowed quite a bit.”

  “It was slower than usual but still okay. The city crews were out with their equipment. I’m sure it will be better when I go home… So how are you doing?”

  “Oh, about the same. I’m hoping to be home for Christmas Day. I have asked that the chemo and radiation treatments stop until after Christmas. Hopefully it will give me more energy.”

  Jenny studied James carefully. She had the feeling that things weren’t just right with him.

  “J.J. was here first thing this morning. He sure has made a turn around. It is nice of him to call me Dad. I never knew how a word can make one feel so good.”

  “Words carry love, express kindness, affection, respect, belonging, the list is endless, James.”

  James nodded, “For some of us it takes an entire lifetime to recognize that. Every day I see it all, plainer and more clearly, that the real essence about life is love. I don’t understand it and yet I know it. We want peace, to let others know that we care for them and love them. The closer we approach death, that becomes our main focus… all else is non-existent and meaningless.”

  James paused and gazed tenderly into Jenny’s eyes, “You have lived a life filled with love, Marjorie, it was well lived. Your forgiving heart has kept you free to live a life of love… unbelievable, that I should begin to see and understand that now. Keep no record of wrongs… that was you, Marj; kind, patient, never dwelling on hurts… forgiveness always on the edge of your heart… you held the key to inner peace.”

  Jenny squeezed James’ hand; tears surfaced in her eyes. She didn’t know what to say. It sounded like he had read St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians on love…

  “You know, Marjorie, I see such a difference in the way you and I love. I love you for the sake of being loved in return. You love just for the sake of loving. That has been your life focus.”

  Jenny gently changed the subject, “Did J.J. tell you that he went back home?”

  James nodded, “Yes, he’s becoming a man, Marj.”

  “Nora called this morning and said they would be over for Christmas Eve. It’s all so wonderful how things are coming together. It’s something I have prayed and wished for, for so long. I so hope you will be able to come home for Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day.”

  “I do, too, Marj.”

  Jenny noticed Thomas’s soiled Bible lying next to James. It seemed so out of character for James to be reading the Bible. It amazed her that he was handling such a soiled book after being so concerned with cleanliness all of his life. It’s all so miraculous…everything was turning out for the good.

  “I see you have been reading the Bible.”

  “I read the part where Jesus was crucified and I could relate to one of the criminals that was hanging beside Him that day. The one who acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God was saved while the other didn’t…”

  Jenny looked at James with compassion. “At the end of the day, James, that is the decision we have to make. You may doubt that there is a God as one of the thieves did or you can choose to believe, as the other did.” Jenny paused for but a moment and went on, “Even if there is no God, James, which of the two thieves was the wisest and made the best choice?”

  A smile crossed James’ lips. “And I always considered myself smarter than you…” James shook his head and whispered, “For you to come back to me and stay with me and love me, Marjorie, that is what makes me believe there is a God. Only someone from heaven could have created someone as wonderful as you. You could never have come from this earth.”

  Once more James’ words touched her heart, “James, we are all children of God. I have always seen Him in you.”

  James closed his eyes. Jenny knew he was in pain; she could feel it through his hand. She squeezed his hand ever so slightly and it seemed to draw James’ attention.

  He raised his head and looked down at Jenny’s hand that was wrapped around his. He raised his hand bringing hers along with it and gasped. He threw his head back in disbelief, “Marjorie, you’re wearing your wedding ring!” James shook his head and lifted his shoulders, “How did you get it?”

  Jenny smiled. “I had Camilla send it to me.”

  James gazed into Jenny’s eyes, “Does that mean you are coming back to me?”

  Jenny shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t think I ever left… looks like I’m stuck with you for better or for worse…” Her words trailed off and tears came to her eyes once more.

  James couldn’t speak as tears surfaced in his eyes, as well. He brought Jenny’s hand in his to his lips and kissed her fingers. “I love you, Marjorie.”

  “I love you, too, James.”

  Chapter Eighty One

  Jenny was concerned about James as she drove back to the estate. During the entire time that she was with him, not once did a nurse come into the room to check on him. She did, however, see his doctors leaving when she came earlier. Perhaps he is getting better, but she could sense his pain. He tried hard to hide it but she knew that pain only too well.

  James told her not to come up tomorrow and to spend Christmas Eve with J.J. and his family and the rest of the staff. He would make every effort to be there, as well. He had already made arrangements with an ambulance service if he felt well enough to come home. He did, however, say that this would be a Christmas that she would remember for a long time, maybe even forever.

  I wonder what he meant…

  Thomas was out clearing the road leading into the Manor when Jenny turned into the estate. She had to slow down and follow behind the snow blower that crept along slowly. Thomas was unaware of her presence due to the wind swirling the snow
emitting from the blower.

  Jenny didn’t mind as the image before her had a mesmerizing effect which calmed her.

  Thomas turned the machine onto the circle drive leading to the front of the mansion. Jenny chose to drive around the other way and picked up enough speed to beat him to the garage.

  When Jenny entered the foyer she hollered out, “I’m home, Matti!”

  Jenny heard footsteps and turned… she nearly fainted. There in front of her stood her daughter, wearing a radiant smile.

  “Camilla, what on earth are you doing here!?”

  “I just had to come, I missed you so much!”

  The two ladies rushed towards each other and warmly embraced.

  “I can’t believe that you are here!” Jenny stepped back still with a look of disbelief… “How did you get here and are you alone?”

  “It’s a long story, Mom, well, not really. Matti called me a week or so ago and asked if I could come and spend Christmas with you. Apparently it was James’ idea. He knew you would be lonely. I was to bring Joshua and Jeremy, as well, if I wanted but we decided under the circumstances I should come alone.”

  A puzzled look grew on Jenny’s face. “What do you mean…?”

  “Well, Matti said that James informed her that it was one of your deepest wishes for me and my half brother, J.J. to meet and get to know one another. James wanted to surprise you and at the same time send you someone from home so you wouldn’t be lonely.”

  Jenny was speechless. She just shook her head. “So maybe that is what James’ meant when I left today that I was in for a surprise. That James, my, my.”


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