Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “Oh, James, my dear James…”

  Suddenly, J.J. came bursting through the door, startling Jenny and Nurse Rushmer. J.J.’s eyes were red and filled with tears. He stared at his father lying there and made his way slowly to him. He never took his gaze off James; it was as if no-one was in the room. Jenny and the Nurse stepped back and allowed J.J. to get nearer. He looked down and began to openly weep. “Oh, Dad, what will I do without you…?”

  He threw himself across James’ chest and continued to cry.

  Jenny drew near her son and placed her arm over J.J.’s shoulder.

  Nurse Rushmer, with tears in her eyes, quietly withdrew from the room and closed the door.

  Chapter Eighty Six

  Jenny drove slowly home. At times she had to pull over, stop and let a fountain of tears fall. She never realized just how much she had cared for and loved James. It almost took an extra hour for her to make it home. Thomas was sitting in the kitchen, expecting her.

  He got up when she entered the kitchen. He could see the sorrow and sadness in her eyes. She approached Thomas and fell onto his chest. He was hesitant but then wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tenderly, as if she was one of his own. He began to cry in sympathy with his dear Miss Jenny.

  “Oh, Thomas, James was such a good man. I am so happy we all saw the real James.”

  Thomas didn’t speak.

  Slowly, Jenny gained some composure. “Where are Henry and his family?”

  “Neela took them to church. They should be home in the next half hour. Matti went along, too.”

  Thomas paused and then continued, “There is something James wanted me to show and give you, Miss Jenny.”

  Jenny looked tenderly into Thomas’s eyes; her gaze was questioning enough without words.

  “Come, it’s outside.”

  Thomas put on his jacket. Jenny still hadn’t taken hers off.

  The first thing Jenny noticed was that Thomas had cleared the snow off the walkway right down to the paving stone. They stepped out of the kitchen doors onto the patio and began to stroll down the path that Thomas had cleared. It was free of snow all the way to the gazebo, including the interior of the gazebo itself. It appeared as it would have on a summer day.

  Thomas led Jenny to the gazebo and entered. He asked Jenny to sit down and once again after a brief hesitation, he decided to sit next to Mrs. Hamilton.

  Softly, Thomas began, “James knew how much you loved this haven and the garden and the Angel of Thanksgiving and so it is only fitting that he would want to give you his final farewell here.”

  Thomas paused to collect himself and went on. “I have to say, Miss Jenny, that James planned to die today. He wanted to give you a Christmas present that was meaningful in the only way he knew how. He wanted to give you his life in exchange for all you did for him. I have to say, I am deeply moved.”

  Jenny didn’t look up at Thomas, she leaned into his side and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “He asked me to buy you a bouquet and put them into the angel’s basket so that fresh flowers would be here for you. I placed them in the basket when I came home last evening after visiting with James. As you can see the flowers are still fresh, I knew somehow they would survive the night. But, Miss Jenny, after clearing the walk this morning I noticed that I didn’t need to buy any flowers.”

  Thomas got up and walked a few feet to the wildflower patch that surrounded the Angel of Thanksgiving. He brushed away the snow over the wildflower patch and miraculously the flowers beneath were as fresh as if they had just bloomed!

  “Isn’t that something, Miss Jenny? I have seen more miracles in this garden which just overwhelms me, time and time again. But this one, well…”

  Thomas paused to compose himself and said, “I am going to leave you. When you are ready, you will see a letter I placed in between the bouquet of flowers. James had me write it as he dictated it to me yesterday when we visited for the last time. He signed it as best he could. When you are ready, you go ahead and read it… all I can say, Miss Jenny, is that in all the years of my life, I have never read a letter that was more from the heart.”

  When thomas came back into the house, Henry and his family had returned from church. The kids for the most part were interested in the gifts they had received and were presently occupied, which was a good thing as it left Henry free. Matti was bustling around in the kitchen getting ready to prepare breakfast.

  “Hi Thomas,” said Henry, when he saw Thomas enter from the kitchen. “Is Jenny up or did she go to the hospital?”

  “I have some sad news for you, Henry, James passed on early this morning. Miss Jenny was already up to see him and she is now out in the garden sitting on the swing in the gazebo. If you don’t mind to put your jacket back on and go out there, I think Miss Jenny could use your support at this time.”

  Henry walked slowly along the path, not sure if it was the right direction. He decided that the cleared walk of snow must be an indication of where to go.

  He wasn’t sure how to feel about James’ death. He would have liked to have met James. He had thought about going up to the hospital but didn’t want to put undue stress on James to see him and Jenny there together. And yet, James had invited him to come…It was an odd situation Henry found himself in and also one that could have altered his life for the rest of his days.

  Henry sensed that Jenny had grown fonder of her husband since returning to the estate…the Church is right…if both parties in a marriage really try, it’s surprising the obstacles that can be overcome.

  Jenny had seen something in James that drew her love. Henry trusted that love. If Jenny had decided to go back to James, Henry would have understood. It may have broken his heart but he knew down deep he would have had to let her go. Their relationship had to be based upon freedom…

  Henry would soon see that James felt the same way, too…

  As soon as he turned the bend around a lilac bush covered heavily with snow, Henry saw Jenny sitting on the swing in the gazebo.

  As he neared, he saw she was holding a letter and was crying. He walked into the gazebo and sat next to his dearly beloved. He raised his arm and Jenny fell into his chest and once again burst into a waterfall of tears. Her hand holding the letter rested on his lap.

  He tenderly squeezed Jenny. Without looking at Henry, Jenny offered the letter she had been reading to him. Henry took the letter from her hand and began to read:

  Dear Marjorie

  Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I said a prayer to Jesus. Oh, I talked to Him before, but this time it came from the heart. I want you to know that I decided to choose to be like the thief that believed in Him.

  I feel the end is near and so, I will soon know if I made the right choice. Deep in my heart, I know I did. How could I not? You often said that we are children of God and…it was in you that I saw the Father.

  Marjorie, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for coming back to me in my last days. Thank you for wearing the wedding ring and being my wife. I know my days on earth were extended because of your love.

  Truly, there are angels. There is no doubt in my mind that they are gifts from God. If only I could be sitting there with you now on the swing giving thanks. The angel’s basket could never be big enough to give thanks for all the blessings you have brought into my life. If there ever was an earthly angel, it has to be you.

  Please accept my leaving as my last gift to you. Marjorie, you are now free to follow your heart. I always knew right from the start when we started to date there was somebody in your heart that kept you from loving me completely. If you recall, there were many times I asked you and once you shared your heart…it was Henry. He’s a lucky man. And I wish you both all the happiness in the world.

  This may sound out of character for me, but this past summer when I strolled through the garden and sat on the swing in the gazebo, I often heard music from the radio that Thomas and Ramon carried around with them as they did their landsca
pe work. One day, there was a song that a lady by the name of Dolly Parton sang. I think the name of the song was ‘I Will Always Love You.’

  It caught my attention right away. I think the first verse was something like this:

  If I should stay

  I would only be in your way

  So I’ll go but I know

  I’ll think of you every step of the way.

  That about sums it up, Marjorie, I will always love you as best I can and know how…let this be my last gift to you…

  Fly, Marjorie, fly like an angel and a butterfly…you were born to be free.

  With love,


  Chapter Eighty Seven

  Henry and his family stayed an extra day and went to the funeral home to pay James their last respects. It was good for all of them to put a face to James, the man Jenny had been married to.

  Camilla stayed an extra week. She supported Jenny through the funeral and spent more time with J.J. and his family as well.

  In the days that followed, Jenny helped J.J. settle the estate matters. J.J. and his family moved into the Manor and continued living exactly the way James did when he was on the estate the past two years. J.J. didn’t want to change anything. This was the first time he felt the love of family. He knew exactly what his father had discovered and wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Henry and Jenny talked everyday on the phone. They expressed their deep love for one another, but never once talked of marriage. They just took one day at a time.

  At the end of January, Jenny decided to return home to Regina. She had established a close relationship with J.J. and Nora and loved to play with Jimmy. She felt so good about how everything turned out. She now fully realized why Jesus had wanted her to come back to James. It was such a beautiful homecoming and healing for the entire family. It only confirmed God’s love for His children and how He always works to turn everything into the good in an imperfect world.

  The flight home was smooth and peaceful. She could hardly wait to see Henry. They had been separated for over four months with just those few brief days at Christmas when he and his family surprised her with their visit. That was so wonderful of James to bring the families together like that. She would be forever grateful to Henry, too, for being so understanding and supportive and not once pressuring her into making any kind of choice or decision. She had sensed that he was even prepared to step away if she had decided to go back to James if he were healed.

  Oh, it will be so good to see him.

  Jenny felt a bit of nervous excitement as the wheels of the plane hit the tarmac and came to an abrupt stop. She could see mounds of snow everywhere; much more than in Ottawa. She wondered how difficult it would be to drive home.

  As she entered the terminal, it was easy to see Henry. His face was beaming, as if struck by the sun. Tears came to Jenny’s eyes and quickly blurred her vision as she ran to Henry who was already hurrying to her, as well. Jenny threw her arms around her sweetheart and was immediately swept off her feet as Henry twirled her around and around.

  “Oh, Jenny… it’s so good to see you; to hold you…too…” and their lips met and both lifted into a world of ecstasy.

  When they pulled up to Jenny’s home, the walkway leading to the front door was neatly shovelled.

  Jenny turned to Henry, “Did you do that?”

  “Yeah, I came early enough before the plane arrived. You’ll have to get used to our winters… you will get a lot more exercise here than in Ottawa.”

  Jenny jumped out of the SUV. She didn’t wait for Henry to open the door.

  “Oh, it’s so good to be home!” she exclaimed, as she ran up the winding walk to the front door. She unlocked the door and entered her domain… it was on a much smaller scale than the mansion she just came from, but it was her home.

  Jenny walked further into the living room just as Henry was coming in the front door with her luggage. There, on the dining room table, was a crystal vase filled to overflowing with wildflowers. The room glowed with colour and… love.

  Jenny went over and took a deep breath, filling her senses with the mixed aroma of the different scents of each flower. It seemed as if she was elevated. She removed the card attached to one of the flowers and read:

  My dear, sweet, Jenny, whom I love more than words can possibly say. My heart bursts at your return. I recall each moment of you running through the meadow of wildflowers near the Poustinia. So free, as if lifted by the summer breeze; your hair glistening gold in the bright sun… you’re an angel, Jenny.

  Welcome home,

  With all my love,


  Jenny felt Henry’s hands gently on either side of her waist. She spun around and gazed into his eyes, “I’m so happy to be home, Henry. I love you so much.”

  “I love you more, Jenny.”

  Chapter Eighty Eight

  This meal is delicious, Henry,” said Father Engelmann as he took another mouthful of the Chicken Parmesan.

  Father sat in between Jenny and Henry who sat at each end of the table in Henry’s sun room on the farm.

  “I have to admit, Honey, this is delicious. And I love the texture of the rice. It’s so nice and fluffy rather than sticky like mine usually turns out to be.”

  “It’s all in the technique,” Henry winked.

  “I was surprised to learn that you were still at the prayer house, Father. There is so much snow in the valley.”

  “If it wasn’t for Henry’s skidoo, I wouldn’t be able to get out, like today, for example. But I enjoy it just as much in winter as the other seasons. Winter has such a pristine quality; so clean and fresh and the moonlight sparkling off the snow at night is heavenly.”

  “I have to agree. When I lived on the estate, walking in the garden covered with snow was so wonderful. I tried to guess which flowers were hidden just below the white, glistening cover,” said Jenny.

  “How are you coming along with your writing, Father?” Henry wanted to know.

  Jenny’s eyes instantly brightened and sparkled. “Yes, yes, Henry told me you were writing a love story, Father! That’s amazing. Who is it about?”

  Father’s lips curled at each end and grew into a smile. “Oh, it’s a love story that involves both of you and also about life and how we choose to live it.”

  “About us, you mean? Henry and me?”

  Father nodded and kept eating.

  “And it’s a love story…?”

  “Yes, Jenny. I know that may surprise you. It did me as well when Zachariah asked that task of me. I am surprised how much I enjoy writing and how easily the words and thoughts come to me. Sometimes, thoughts of my Anna generate pages and pages of writing. Sometimes thoughts of you and Henry fill the book with such love my heart rejoices. And sometimes, my guardian angel and the Holy Spirit inspire me with the wisdom and truths of Jesus’ teachings to such depths my eyes are filled with tears of gratitude; I can no longer see the pages. At times, as the day comes to an end, I am astounded even more than you as to what came to life on the pages.”

  Father looked at Jenny and added, “It’s another miracle, Jenny. That is all I can say.”

  Henry and Jenny gazed at Father in awe over what he just said. A silent hush fell over the room.

  “I noticed you titled the book, Pewter Angels. Is there another book or just the one?” asked Henry, as he held a mouthful of food on the end of his fork.

  “Yes, it will be a series of books. I am nearing the completion of the second book and there is still much to say.”

  “Have you decided on the name of the second book, yet?” Jenny was at the edge of her seat.

  “Another Angel of Love,” replied Father.

  “That’s a beautiful name… how did you come up with it?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “The title is supposed to capture what the story is mainly about. The name came to me in a dream. When I awoke in the morning that was the first thought I had. I just nodded and said, “Yes, Zachariah, that i
s good.”

  Henry was intrigued with the name. It stirred a memory of the time when they sat in the back storage room of the grocery store… Father, or rather, Mr. Engelmann, at the time, explained what God’s divine providence was. He had said a prayer at the conclusion of their talk, which Henry recalled to this very day… “Together we ask that You will provide a sign to Henry that will put his heart at peace in his relationship with Julean; that she is another angel of love…” Yes, that’s what he had said. Henry wondered if there was any connection to the title of Father’s second book.

  Father swallowed the last of his food and sat back. “That was a wonderful meal, Henry. After one fasts for several days, food has more flavour and every mouthful such a blessing.”

  A silence fell as the last light of day slipped behind the hills and darkness moved swiftly across the valley. The candle in the middle of the table seemed to know and grew more brightly in response. A feeling of warmth and peace permeated the air in the room.

  “It is good to have you back home, Jenny. Henry tells me your trip to Ottawa was very worthwhile and rewarding?”

  “It was very good, Father, I am so happy that I followed Jesus’ will in the matter. I would never have known just how powerfully God works in our lives to bring us home. The transformation in James was truly miraculous.”

  “Your presence, Jenny, was needed to lead your husband home. You were a light reflecting Jesus.”

  Jenny recalled James last words, I see God more in you than anything I have read in the Bible. Jenny was going to comment on this when Henry shared much of what she was going to say.

  “Yes, I remember so many times Father,” concurred Henry, “you saying how important we are to one another in our words, deeds and actions, which can either lead others to Christ or away from Him.”

  Father nodded. “If we only realized our tremendous responsibility and purpose to be beacons of light. As Jenny so beautifully stated in her sharing on suffering that day, Jesus asks us to help Him in continuing the redemption of mankind. We can never underestimate how one act of kindness and compassion affects another who in turn passes it on. The repercussions can be mind boggling and even result in saving another’s soul.”


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