Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “And I love you all the more.”

  Chapter Ninety One

  The month of April went by in a flash and the second week of May was almost over. The excitement that Henry and Jenny were feeling was palpable. Everything about their entire being exuded a radiance that was indescribable. When they walked hand in hand it was as if they were being lifted by each other’s angels. Their eyes sparkled and shone like diamonds, their faces radiated the sun and an aura surrounded them that captured the essence of what God gifted mankind with when that loving attraction pierces their hearts.

  Henry had gone through this before when he had courted Julean. He couldn’t wait until the wedding night. His passion level was almost uncontrollable at that time and was now once again the same. He desired Jenny more than anything and he counted the minutes until he could finally hold her and express his love completely. Jenny felt the same and they were glad they made this choice.

  There was a special excitement that would be hard to describe waiting for the wedding night. The discipline that was required just made it all the more rewarding. With each advancing day there was an anticipation of fulfilling their desire for one another. The attraction was so strong and building up to a crescendo like a fine piece of music; the actual fulfilling of their hearts’ desire.

  Henry thought age and maturity would give him more control but passion springs eternal in the heart of man. Every day, Henry wished their special day was today!

  Everything was working out as they had planned. J.J., his family and the staff at the Hamilton household were all flying to Regina on the company jet the day before the wedding. J.J. and his family would stay at Jenny’s home, as well as Chloe and her father. All the rest would be hosted by Henry at his farm. Camilla was going to keep Matti at their home, but when Matti heard about the Poustinia and where Father Engelmann prayed, she just had to see it.

  Henry parked his car outside of the Nunnery care home and made his way up the walk. One of the residents opened the door. Father was at the care home to say Mass but also to submit an article for the monthly newsletter that was still thriving and growing in the community.

  “Hello, Henry, it’s so nice to see you.”

  It was Edith. Henry always found it hard to believe that this ninety four year old woman was so agile and healthy. Henry had to agree with Father’s tender description of her. She looks like a raisin good enough to eat. Her wrinkles had character and her kindness was indeed edible.

  “Hi, Edith, it’s very nice to see you up and around. Is Father in the Chapel?”

  “He was, but he is expecting you in the sun room. I hear you are getting married to that lady we prayed for. Oh, how your story touched our hearts. It brought back so many memories…” Edith’s words trailed off.

  Henry could see by the look in Edith’s eyes that his assumption that love springs eternal was dead on.

  “Yes, thanks to your prayers, Edith, she has been restored by the Lord and in perfect health. I can’t wait to marry her.”

  “It sends shivers of excitement up and down my spine, Henry. It reminds me of the day Sid and I got married. Oh my, what a special day… I can only imagine how you are feeling. I am so happy things have worked out for you and that we were a part of this miraculous miracle.”

  “Ah, here is my adopted son. Come, Henry, sit in the sun and look at God’s creation. I have never seen the courtyard look more beautiful. The perennials are up and the annuals are all blooming. It’s wonderful to see the residents so lively and healthy and able to walk in the court yard. It’s all a blessing.”

  Henry came to Father’s side and patted his shoulder as he was still sitting. He looked outside and had to agree with Father’s observation. The courtyard looked dazzling with brilliant colour and at that moment the sun came around the corner and struck radiance into each plant.

  “So the wedding plans are all coming along, Henry?”

  “Yes everything is coming together. It will be a small wedding; just immediate family and few friends. We are very happy that you have agreed to have the Mass and ceremony in Jenny’s back yard garden.”

  “It is always preferable to have the Mass and ceremony together because of the connection of the sacrament of matrimony with the Eucharist. After you and Jenny exchange vows not only do the two of you become one flesh but receiving communion, the body and blood of Christ, both you and Jenny form ‘one body’ in Christ. You and Jenny go forth as living examples, beacons if you will, of this spiritual relationship with each other and your Creator.”

  “That’s beautiful Father, what more perfect way to seal our consent to one another and to make Jesus the centre and heart of our marriage.”

  Father nodded.

  Henry continued, “We will set up a small altar beside the gazebo and we have already placed a cross above the entrance to Jenny’s sanctuary.” Henry paused, his eyes brightening. “Yes, Father, everything couldn’t be more perfect.”

  “See, the Lord turns everything into good, Henry, but I have to say His plan, from the day Jenny was on the verge of dying until now and all the happenings that have occurred have me awestruck. What a good God we have!”

  “So, only eight more days until the wedding, Father. You know me better than I know myself. I don’t need to tell you how much I am looking forward to June 3, 1989! We thought about marrying on July 6th, the day we met in your store… but we both decided it’s just too long of a wait!”

  Father looked compassionately into Henry eyes and knew only too well his protégé’s struggle. He simply nodded. “Yes, I think the third of June would be a fine day for a wedding.”

  “It’s funny how I was so worried about taking off the ring that Julean had given me should Jenny and I marry and it all worked out so beautifully. We both decided to keep our wedding rings and simply give each other a narrow gold band to slide beside the ones that our previous spouses gave to us.”

  “See, Henry, once again God has worked so beautifully in your lives. That is a wonderful idea and allows each of you to cherish the love and memory of the one you spent your life with. In Jenny’s case it may only be in the last few months of her marriage, but Jenny is a rare lady. She knows how to forget and let go of thoughts that are not loving… love is the only thing that counts in the last analysis.”

  Henry nodded. “Yes, Father, love is the only thing that counts and has any lasting value… or I should say eternal value. You have taught me well.”

  Father nodded. “Tell me, Henry, how are the children adjusting to Jenny?”

  “The girls love her but Justin is still having trouble. He and Julean were so close, Father. But he’ll come around…I know my son. That’s one of the subjects Jenny wants to raise in the women’s group that she is organizing. She thought perhaps one of the other ladies may have gone through a similar situation or know of others who might have. But like I said, I’m sure Justin will come around and I know, there is no-one that can’t help but fall in love with Jenny.

  “Lauren has been around Jenny more than Allison, but I’m surprised how quickly Allison and Jenny hit it off. Allison’s heart is similar to Julean’s, and to Jenny’s, for that matter. They look more at the present and making things work out for the good…much like our good Lord…right!?”

  “Have you decided where you are going to live once married?”

  “Yeah, we’re going to live at the farm, however, Jenny would like to keep her home to conduct the ladies women’s group. So she might continue to come in once or twice a week. There is the possibility that Carlos, one of the landscapers in Ottawa who used to look after her parents’ estate, and his wife might be interested in moving to Regina and live in her home and look after the yard and upkeep.”

  Father nodded, the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes smiling along with his benevolent smile. “Yes, Henry, God is good and great. He truly does turn all things into the good for those that trust Him.”

  A peaceful silence fell over the sun room. Henry had always loved the
se moments chatting with his mentor from the time he worked at the store, either inside across the counter or sitting out back on the old grey crates. What a deep friendship they had built over the years. Unbidden tears surfaced in Henry’s eyes just thinking on it. He was so happy that God restored Father’s life.

  Henry gazed outside and marvelled at the different colours of the flowers in the courtyard; he didn’t want to think of that day his beloved teacher would go to the Lord.

  Chapter Ninety Two

  Henry’s SUV was filled to capacity for first time since he bought it two years ago. Matti sat beside him while the rest of the guests sat in the three back rows. Lauren, Justin and Allison drove in their car and were just up ahead. It was shortly after one p.m. and they were all heading to Jenny’s home for the wedding celebration.

  Everyone was in such a joyous, festive mood. Jokes about marriage and what goes on in the bedroom on that special day were flying back and forth in the vehicle. Although Henry chuckled along with everyone, he didn’t really have a clue as to what he was laughing about. His mind was fully occupied with his impending marriage to his teenage sweetheart. Thirty three years ago they had met and with the help of their angels they were now finally coming together in Holy Matrimony.

  The number thirty-three caught Henry’s attention. That was the age when Jesus’ mission on earth was fulfilled. He had accomplished His mission to do the Father’s will in hope that all believers may be one as He and the Father are one. Similarly, Henry was about to wed his first love to become one and their angels had fulfilled their promises to begin Henry and Jenny’s life together 33 years after they had met.

  “Thank you Gabriel and Hannah,” Henry whispered…

  “You be saying someting, Henry?”

  “Oh, just talking to myself, Matti. I was thinking how our guardian angels brought Jenny and me together thirty three years ago, and how after all these years, true to their promise, they’ve brought us to our wedding day.”

  “You can always count on your guardian angel, Henry. They be there for you day and night…they be your best friend. And… oh your prayer house in the valley be so beautiful. I felt angels flying all around, that’s for sure.”

  Henry just nodded. He began to think about the guardian angel prayer that he and Jenny shared…

  Oh Angel of God

  My guardian dear

  To whom God’s love

  Commits me here.

  Ever this day

  Be at ‘our’ sides—

  Matti broke in to Henry’s thoughts. “I just can’t wait for you two to be married; you both love each other so much. That’s why the good Lord took you both to heaven and back. He wants to let you know that this be a marriage He ordained in heaven and now blessing on earth. Why He even brought back and prepared one holy man to carry out the wedding vows!”

  “Yeah, I’m so happy that Father is here to perform the ceremony.”

  “You two be an example of how young folks be loving one another. I see when you come at Christmas time how you just let Miss Jenny be free to love the man she be married to. You respect the man’s home. I just know how much you love Jen and yet, I could see you be prepared to let her go if she decides to stay. That be a deep love, Henry, that you and Jenny be sharing. Oh, I’m gettin’ so excited, I hope there be a washroom nearby and nobody using it, I can just feel I may be in trouble…”

  “You just may be, Matti,” Thomas said from the back seat, “and there may not be a rose bush outside to hide behind!”

  They all laughed.

  Chapter Ninety Three

  Quickly, hold my hand. They are waiting for us.”

  Henry turned to Jenny and took her hand as they stood at the edge of the deck at the back of their house on Hill Avenue. Their eyes were filled with burning fires of love, overflowing with happiness. In the huge back yard before them was a small gathering of family and friends who had come to witness their marriage vows.

  Standing in the archway of the gazebo was Father Engelmann dressed in a white robe and his usual saintly smile. His arms were folded and he held a red book in his hand pressing against his chest. This was one ceremony above all others that he considered very special. Who would have thought that he would be here, officiating at this marriage, which itself was nothing short of miraculous? He thanked the Lord for restoring his life to allow him to serve Him longer and be present for this happy occasion.

  Just a few months ago, Father had visited Jenny in the Santa Maria Home. He had given her the last rites and was certain that he would never see Jenny alive again and there she stood with her husband-to-be in all her stunning glory. But as he saw many times in his lifetime, the Lord works in mysterious and powerful ways.

  Rumour in the hospital had it that an instant healing had occurred when Henry entered Jenny’s room and kissed her moments before she died.

  “It was like a fairy tale; as if Prince Charming, so filled with love, entered her room and gave the kiss of life to the Sleeping Beauty,” maintained Nurse Johnson. “I’ve never seen such a tender kiss and will never again during the rest of all my days. There she was, on the edge of death, moments away, in and out of a coma, and yet so filled with a desire to kiss her first love one last time… She managed to kiss Henry as if it were their very first kiss! Where she got the strength and passion from only heaven knows. I no longer saw a sickly woman or a grieving man, but rather two lovers deeply in love. It was the most incredible scene I have ever witnessed!”

  Each time Nurse Johnson told the story, she embellished it all the more. Soon it was the talk of the town: Prince Henry and Princess Jenny and how they conquered death.

  The doctors were dumbfounded, as well. Just one of those unexplainable, instantaneous remissions. When Dr. Kreake had examined Jenny the morning of her transfer to palliative care at the Grey Nun’s Hospital, her X-rays had shown tumours throughout her body. It was a miracle in itself that she lived as long as she had. She was already entering into a coma, the final stage just before death. Many of her organs had already shut down. It was truly an amazing, unbelievable, miraculous, occurrence.

  In any case, Dr. Kreake couldn’t have been happier to be there, as he sat in the second row of chairs in the beautiful garden. He had seen enough sickness and sadness in his occupation that he welcomed this happy event with open arms. He was thrilled they had invited him to the special occasion.

  Next to Dr. Kreake sat Eddy and his wife, Coreena. And next to them were Peter and his wife, Angie, John McBryne and Henry’s closest friend Gary. Who would have thought that Eddy, Peter and John, Henry’s most hated enemies would become his friends and invited to his wedding. Father Engelmann’s words that anything is possible through Christ rang true… “Forgiveness is the path to reconciliation, peace, freedom, and even friendship. All of these elements of healing are ever present if only we choose to be open enough to let such Christ-like thoughts into our hearts and minds.”

  Just in front of Dr. Kreake in the front row were Jeremy and his family. Camilla was thrilled to see her mother and Henry get married. He would now be her father-in-law as well as her step-father. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she waited for them to be pronounced husband and wife.

  Henry was so pleased to see Julean’s parents and Aunt and Uncle seated beside his family and their expression of happiness for him and his bride to be. Jenny, too, was elated to see J.J. and his family present, as well. Everything couldn’t be more perfect.

  Jenny and Henry glowed as they stood on the deck. They were blessed to retain some of the youthful transformation they had gone through as they were about to enter the tunnel of light. This blessing and the fact that they were together again enhanced even more the youthful, joyful look on their faces. The outpouring of love they had for one another was palpable and the people gathered to witness this occasion couldn’t be happier for them.

  Like Henry and Jenny, Father also looked younger. However, with Father, it wasn’t nearly as noticeable. He had been
living such a saintly life for so long, he literally stopped aging years ago. At one hundred and one, he still looked to be in his seventies. He just never seemed to age externally or internally, only numerically.

  Father beamed with a radiant smile. The sun streaming through the tall fir trees brightened his face still further. All the weariness was gone. He literally had died and gone to heaven and back again. Word had it that he was destined to live to the ripe old age of two hundred! And if one were able to see the unseen, standing directly behind Father was Zachariah nodding his head acknowledging that possibility; his wings concurring with a slight flutter.

  Jenny looked so elegant and beautiful in her white dress as she stood by her man. She wore a small white hat with a veil that came just above her slightly turned up nose. She held a small bouquet of wild flowers in her left hand, while her right was firmly wrapped around Henry’s. After her miraculous healing, her hair grew back in its original golden wheat colour and glistened as the mid-afternoon sun shone through the outer strands. Her cerulean blue eyes sparkled as she turned to Henry.

  “I love you,” Jenny whispered, with her sweetheart lips as she gazed into her future husband’s eyes, just minutes away.

  Tears of happiness welled in Henry’s eyes. An expression of great rapture had spread across his face. There were no words that could describe or capture the joy Henry held in his heart. He looked so handsome and distinguished in his dark navy suit. Blue was definitely his colour, it complimented perfectly with his white-grey beard and ruddy complexion.

  Hidden below their attire, hanging at the ends of silver chains from around their necks, were the pewter angels resting warmly against their hearts. They were blessed that day Henry proposed to Jenny high in the heavens to see a bit more of what happened when they were on the other side. They still had no clear memory of their brief time at the edge of eternity, when the unseen became visible, however, they acknowledged that it was their guardian angels who brought them back together.


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