Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 29

by Robert Iannone

  “Understandable and you’re welcome. Here are the coordinates,” and she transmitted them over.

  “Received. May I ask – are you Sylvia, Lady Eloise’s Feminion?”

  “Better call her Egg, and yes.”

  “It is an honor. Forgive the timing, and I hope this is not too inappropriate, but perhaps when we are both back on Aerianna, we could meet. I have some theories on parallel universes I think you might find interesting.”

  “Strange hobby for a soldier.”

  “Before I joined I earned advanced degrees in astrophysics and high-order mathematics.”

  “Impressive. By why discuss your theories with me?”

  “First, legend says that you are the most intelligent of all the sisters.”

  Catcalls in the background. “I hardly think so. Serenity, K’ssss and Jax’x have towering intellects.”

  “But are they as attractive as you?”

  More catcalls. Sylvia blushed scarlet but managed, “I will call on you, Captain. I promise.”

  “I look forward to it. And Lady Eloise . . .”


  “Sorry, but I can’t call you Egg. Even the Prince doesn’t do that.” He smiled then faded away.

  Everyone turned to Sylvia whose red glow was only beginning to fade. “In the middle of a war and that man still found time to flirt with you,” said her friend.

  “I believe he made it quite clear that it’s my brain he’s interested in.”

  “Ha. He’s heard about your seven husbands. That’s the only legend he’s interested in.”

  “Well, if that’s true, eat your hearts out girlfriends.”

  Egg got the last word. “Just don’t tell him about your love of ducks.”


  Down in the hold, Serenity found the poor guy they had rescued huddled in the corner. “Hi there,” she called. The guy jumped about a foot . . . and stared.

  “Easy, friend. I’m here to help you. My name is Serenity.”

  He seemed to be analyzing that statement. “Oh . . . one of the Hameggattic Sisters. The smart one, right?”

  One point for the new guy. “As I live and breathe.”

  “What happened?” and the girl brought him up to speed.

  “If you can walk, we need to go to the bridge. We’ll beam you over to one of your ships.”

  “I’m fine. Um . . . any idea why I’m wearing this suit?”

  “It’s an exoskeleton. It increases your strength. The bad guys were having you construct something.”

  He looked at himself. “You’re right but it’s a very advanced design.” Then he looked at Serenity and his eyes became unfocused.

  “You okay?”

  “What? Oh, yeah. By the way, I’m Lieutenant Tess’lar.” He walked over and offered his gloved hand to her.


  “I am . . . or was . . . the fleet’s chief engineer. So forgive me for prying but that’s some kind of chair you’re in. What’s it for?”

  “I lost part of my spine in an explosion. This chair gives me great mobility.” Normally she would have bitten the guy’s head off for asking such a personal question. This time – all she got were butterflies in her stomach.

  “That’s rough. I’m kind of the outdoors type . . . it would kill me to lose my ability to walk.” Again, he was so honest and genuine that Serenity couldn’t get mad.

  “You learn to adapt.”

  “I don’t have your courage. I couldn’t do it.”

  “And I don’t believe you. Come on, we need to go.”

  “Hey Serenity.”


  “Can I ask a favor?”

  “Ask and we’ll see how I respond.”

  “I need your body measurements.”


  “Sorry – that sounded awful. But . . .” and he was obviously excited about something.

  Serenity interrupted whatever he was about to say. “But what? – and you have ten seconds to make it right or I’ll eject you out the space lock,” she barked. For his sake, it had better not be as personal as Serenity thought it was.

  He smiled . . . an awfully big smile, all things considered. “Feisty, I like that.”

  Her eyes got wide and she was ready to skin this guy alive . . . then she laughed instead. “Like other members of the sisterhood, you are certifiably insane.”

  “Quirky. Just quirky. Anyway, would you mind if I worked on an exoskeleton for you? Your situation is different but I think I can figure out a solution.”

  “A solution to what?”

  “To help you walk again, of course.”

  Chapter 11 – Snooze, You Lose

  “Your Lordship.”

  “Eloise, I just received word from Captain Ax’gard. He and the other ships are on their way and will rendezvous with me in less than a day. The crews of all three ships are alive and healthy. I am sure I sound terribly tiresome, but thank you and your sisters. Another incredible feat.”

  She ignored her father-to-be. “How is Benny?”

  “Your sisters are with him as we speak. He has just regained consciousness.”


  “I will be joining them as soon as this communication ends. One of us will contact you as soon as possible.”

  “But the doctors – did they say there was any permanent damage?”

  “There is none. However, that does not preclude memory loss.”

  “Right. Got it.”

  “What are your plans now? Shall I join you for the prisoner exchange?”

  “Your Lordship, that’s not going to happen.”

  “I am sorry?”

  “There was never a chance that I would put you in harm’s way. I’ll figure out some other solution.”

  “Eloise, I will not have those men and women remain as hostages. I would see them returned to their families.” There was no denying the authority in his voice.

  But Egg was in no mood. “Their well-being is my concern also. And we will risk our lives to get them back. However, if you are recalling the Sisterhood, shall we leave now?”

  The poor man’s mouth dropped open – for a split second. “My dearest wife once shared an earth expression. You are calling my bluff – are you not?”

  “Am I?”

  “The Queen shared a second earth saying. ‘Women – you cannot live with them, nor can you live without them.”

  “It’s a paradox.”

  “Certainly a riddle for which I may never find the answer. I will have BreeZee contact you with an update on my son. Be safe, daughter-in-law,” and his woebegone image disappeared.

  “He was not a happy camper,” said Sylvia stating the obvious.

  “He’ll get over it.


  Aboard the Hospital Ship

  The doctor finished his fussing and turned to go. To the girls, he said, “Please, keep the visit short.”

  “We will, Doctor. Thank you,” responded BreeZee. They walked up to Benny’s bed. “How are you feeling, Your Highness?” Bree had suggested to Tee’ka that they should be formal with the young man until they determined the extent of his memory loss – if any. “And under no circumstance ask to see his blue butt.”

  “All things considered, very well. Thank you for asking. I am sorry. I know we have met but I cannot seem to recall your names.”

  “I’m BreeZee and this is Tee’ka.” Well that’s not a good sign. “Egg has been worried sick. She’ll be happy to know that you’re recovering.”

  “And Egg is the Heroine of Aerianna, and the leader of the sisterhood, correct?”

  “Yes”. And that was even more depressing.

  “I was told that the Hameggattic Sisters are responsible for my rescue. Please extend my heartfelt thanks to all members of your illustrious organization.”

  “We will. Do you have any special message for Egg that I might pass along?”

  He seemed a bit taken back by the question. After all, he had already said
thank you. But he was a trained diplomat. “Certainly. Please tell her I am most grateful for her efforts. When the opportunity arises, I should like to express my thanks in person.”

  “Okay. Anything else?” Bree was uncertain if the Prince had been putting on a show of forgetfulness for her benefit. Egg insisted he had a great sense of humor. She felt she had to push a bit to make a determination.

  “I do not believe so.”

  “Egg asked me to give you her love.”

  “Her love?”

  “Yes. You do remember that you asked her to marry you?”

  “To marry me?” He was beginning to sound like a parrot.

  “Yes. Just before your ship exploded.”

  “My dear BreeZee, why would I have done such a thing? I hardly know the young lady on a personal level. I realize my family is quite fond of her but . . .” and he left the thought unfinished. The young man looked genuinely perplexed.

  “You asked her to marry you because you and she are in love.”

  Tee’ka felt compelled to add her own goofy thought. “And because you’re the blue footed booby.” Bree’s head dropped in embarrassment at her sister’s words.

  “I am what?”

  “Blue footed booby,” Tee repeated though her voice dropped to a whisper.

  “Young lady, though you are a Hameggattic Sister, taking such liberties with a crowned Prince is totally inappropriate. To be sure I have no idea what that refers to but it certainly presumes a level of intimacy that does not exist. However, for what the sisterhood has done for me, for my family and for our planet, I shall pretend you never spoke those words. Now, I am a bit tired. Thank you for the visit but I really must rest.”

  Bree couldn’t leave it at that. “Your Highness, you did ask her to marry you. Your injuries have impaired your memories but . . .”

  “I will hear no more of this absurdity. Leave or I will call the guards.”


  BreeZee contacted the Gracie placing the call directly to Sylvia.

  “You alone?”

  “Give me a minute,” and the girl casually walked over to another station away from her friend. “Go ahead.”

  “He has no memory of asking Egg to marry him and certainly no recollection that they were in love. He couldn’t even remember my name or Tee’s. Worse, he seems to have lost his sense of humor. I didn’t want to tell her before you went into battle. She’s going to be devastated.”

  “Thanks Bree. You did the right thing by talking to me first.”

  “Tee and I will go back and visit Benny later. Maybe after he has a little rest, we’ll be able to jog his memory.”

  “I’m not sure it works that way but it’s worth a try. Good luck.”

  “And to you. Stay safe. Oh, Tee says to tell Waldo she loves him . . . and he better not forget it.”


  “Okay, time to talk to the Hegemon. Sparky, see if she’ll answer our call.”

  Less than a minute later, the outline of the high most Ephemeral filled the screen.

  “I am Lady Gan’gli, Hegemon of the Ephemeral. Identify yourself.”

  “My name is Egg and I am the leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood. We are here as representatives of the planet Aerianna, a member of the Federation of Planets.

  “You have destroyed our vessel. Explain this hostile act.”

  “You captured three of our ships and destroyed the fourth. You have taken that crew hostage. Explain those hostile acts.”

  “Is that creature outside our habitat one of yours?”

  “Indeed. Her kinds are known as dragons.”

  “Withdraw your dragon and we will extend a welcome to you to visit with us. We can negotiate all grievances in a civilized manner.”

  The invitation was expected, of course. Once inside the habitat, they would be subject to the reality distortions. “How very kind. Unfortunately, in this galaxy civilized people do not hold others hostage as a prelude to negotiations. Free my people and we will meet.”

  “Once they are freed, what assurances do we have that you will visit and negotiate in good faith.”

  “I will first send someone of great importance. Someone you will be eager to meet.”

  “Identify this individual.”

  “The First Citizen of the Klat.”


  When Waldo had first suggested that he be exchanged for the prisoners, Egg was vehemently opposed. “They hate the Klat. You said so yourself. They may very well kill you or if you’re really lucky, they will only keep you prisoner for as long as you live. I can’t allow it.”

  “It is logical. Your objections are unacceptable.”

  “Waldo, I will not stand by and see you hurt.”

  “Illogical. Will they not exchange the hostages for me?”

  “Well, sure they will.”

  “Does Tee’ka not put herself in mortal danger on these missions?”

  “Sometimes. A lot of times.”

  “Did you not seek to protect my people when I offered an assault?”


  “The Klat meant nothing to you yet you chose to avoid their destruction.”

  “We don’t condone violence. We have to believe that there is always a better way.”

  “Is it not true that the sacrifice of one to save the many is logical?”

  “Um . . .”

  “Will Tee’ka not be proud of my sacrifice?”

  “She would be devastated to lose you.”

  “And I her. But our love does not justify the loss of your hostages.”

  “Waldo, please.”

  “Am I not growing as a living entity? Am I not more now than the AI that you transferred into this artificial body? Would you not sacrifice yourself to save your sisters? Did . . .”

  “Stop. Please.”

  But he had one more thought to add. “Did the mystical tree not say ‘choosing the ultimate sacrifice can be the ultimate path to lasting contentment’? I have chosen; and I am content with the knowledge that I give myself for a higher purpose.”

  That reference to the Tree jolted Egg. He did predict this sacrifice and that forced her to relent. “Okay. If I can’t talk you out of it, let’s see if the Lady Gan’gli will make the trade.”


  The arrangements took the better part of an hour to negotiate. First, Waldo was beamed down and stood in front of the entrance to the habitat while Bl’azzz turned her back – keeping her flaming mouth pointed safely away from the Ephemeral.

  Next, one of the bad guys went to the entrance and tried to use his (or her) mind bending trick on the First Citizen. Since only the Klat were immune, this would be a good test. Waldo passed.

  Waldo was then put into some kind of restraints. His wrists were bound in a tendril of glowing fiber. To test that they worked as expected, the Ephemeral sent a thought into the fetters. The glow flared much brighter and the big man groaned and collapsed to his knees.

  Egg didn’t protest since this was part of the deal she had to make. However, at the sight of Waldo on the ground, her hand went involuntarily to her mouth. Syl and Jax’x looked away while Serenity snarled her disapproval.

  The final stage was the release of the prisoners. They would be taken one at a time to the entrance. They had to walk fifty paces then Egg was allowed to teleport them to the ship. The whole process would take almost an hour.

  “Jax’x, go to the hold and greet the first arrival. Explain what’s happening. Make sure he has his wits back and understands. His job is to acclimate the rest, as they’re teleported up. Then come back here.”

  “On my way.”

  “Sparky, get me I’za.”

  “Go ahead.”

  The alien girl had already been apprised of the plan. “I’za, its Egg. I want you to go find the Hegemon so you can tell us what she intends on doing to Waldo. Whatever it is, no matter how awful, don’t show yourself. Understand?”


  Forty minutes later and onl
y twenty of the prisoners had been teleported up. The whole process was going painfully slow and the girls were beginning to tire.

  And then it happened.

  Serenity yawned. And just like we all do, when you see someone do it, more times than not, you’ll yawn too.

  And Egg did, as did Jax’x.

  Syl followed suit. Then her eyes went wide as she had an epiphany. “Egg.”


  “When Sparky yawned, so did the rest of us.”


  She repeated what she said.

  “Why are you telling . . .” and then her eyes, in turn, went wide. “Syl, you are a genius.”

  “What about me?” complained Serenity.

  “And me?” added Jax’x.

  “Not this time. Score one point for my Feminion. Get me I’za.”


  The last of the hostages were now safely aboard.

  Egg had Bl’azzz and Ziz beamed up.

  And Waldo was led into the habitat.

  He was taken to the Hegemon. Gan’gli sent a pulse into the man’s restraints and he yelped and fell.

  “Your appearance is unlike Klat. Explain.”

  The poor man was still writhing on the floor from the pain emanating from the restraints. The Hegemon, with a thought, turned off the device.

  “I was the Klat A.I. I had my program transferred into this constructed body.”

  If the Lady Gan’gli was surprised, she didn’t show it. “To what end?”

  “I chose to be more than I was.”

  “Your logic is faulty. Further, without their A.I., the Klat are nothing. They are defenseless; their brute force will not save them from the Ephemeral.”

  “A false conclusion.”

  She ignored his comment as irrelevant. “You have no value alive. You will be terminated. The Klat will be assimilated as slaves.”

  “Specious thinking. I reject it.” Knowing his end was near; he puffed out his chest in a sign of defiance. “And I will share what my people have known from our very first encounter – the Ephemeral are painfully ugly.”

  The Hegemon felt neither anger nor amusement. In fact, she felt nothing at all. She looked at two aides who came forward and grabbed Waldo on either arm. To be sure, with their lack of physicality, it was like being held by your ninety-five year old grandparents. Gan’gli nodded imperceptibly and the two sent their thoughts into Waldo’s restraints.


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