Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 32

by Robert Iannone

  The girl had to laugh and that amazed her. Some guy she never met made her feel special – and it was an enjoyable sensation. “I’ll think about it, sailor. Gracie out.”


  On the Way to School

  “When was the last time I took you flying?”

  “I presume you’re excluding our trip to Xara’s ship?”

  “That was hardly flying.”

  “Well, in that case, let me think? You know what, I can’t even remember.”

  “Me neither. We should do this more often.”

  “You’re certainly in a good mood considering the whole Benny thing isn’t resolved.”

  “Now that I know Waldo can probably fix him, I’m feeling really optimistic.”

  “Remember he couldn’t be sure of what he could do without checking the damage first.”

  “I know. But old habits die hard – I didn’t get any goose bumps.”

  “Well that’s good news. Now all we need is to convince Dazzle and Benny to let Waldo do his thing.”

  “Dazzle probably already regrets her outburst. It’s still Benny that worries me.”

  “You know – you don’t actually have to get his permission.”

  “Why not?”

  “We did it to Xara if you recall.”

  “This is different.”


  “With Xara, we weren’t changing her. We just borrowed her memories to give her back someone she loved. And, it was done because the Myst Tree had suggested it.”

  “So why is it different with Benny other than the Tree isn’t involved?”

  “I would be violating his mind without his permission. I could never forgive myself. And I don’t think he would ever forgive me, despite the benefits it would produce.”

  “Well that is certainly the moral high ground.”

  “You don’t agree?”

  “I had already reached that conclusion.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I needed to have you reach it on your own. I didn’t want to impose my morality on you. That would be unfair.”

  “Sylvia Hampton, you are simply the best. Will you be my maid of honor?”

  “I might not be able to.”

  “What? Why?”

  “By the time you two wed, I might be Mrs. Ax’gard. Then I’ll have to be matron of honor.”

  “Really. Well Mrs. Ax’gard, what’s your husband’s first name?”

  “Umm . . .”



  The great doors to the throne room opened at the hands of two Imperial Sentinels. The one on the right pounded his ceremonial staff on the floor and announced, “Tee’ka of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  As was the custom whenever one of the Sisters made an appearance, everyone present stood and clapped with great fondness. They just loved their girls.

  Tee’ka wasn’t the best at protocol. She smiled at everyone and waved. Both were returned with equal enthusiasm. As she approached the Throne, Meggy excused herself from the emissaries she was talking with. She stood and met her sister – giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Tee’ka, what a nice surprise. Are you alone?”

  “Except for myself, I didn’t come with anyone.”

  “Come. Let us find a little privacy.” To those she was abandoning, she said, “Forgive me. I will send for you when I have finished with my dear sister.”

  They made their way to a private office and Meggy asked her friend to sit. “Can I get you some refreshments?”

  “No thank you. I’m good.”

  “Are the others on Zynn-Zaz’zia?”

  “Bl’azzz went to see K’ssss then she’s going to use the space portal to visit Soo. And Serenity brought the ship here so she could make modifications with her boyfriend.”

  “I am sorry?”

  “About what?”

  “No. I mean I did not understand what you just said about Serenity. She has a boyfriend?”

  “That’s what everyone thinks.”

  “I see. And you, did you come just to spend some time with me?”

  “I came to ask you a favor.”

  “Anything I can do, I will. Tell me what you need?”

  “I want Waldo to move to Aerianna.”

  “Is that what he wants?”

  “I hope so.”

  “He does not know you are here asking this favor, does he?”


  “Do you believe he would leave his people to live on Aerianna?”

  “Oh no. They would come too.”

  Meggy’s mouth dropped open but nothing came out. She cleared her throat then tried again. “Did you discuss this with Egg?”

  “I told her why I wanted to see you.”

  “And she had no opinion on the matter?”


  Meggy smiled to herself. Egg was letting her handle this impossible situation. Her sister was oh so clever – and not a little devious. “Tell me Tee’ka, what kind of world did the Klat live on before they were imprisoned on the Ark?”

  “Waldo said it was mostly mountains and it was hard to grow things. But there were lots of game to hunt for food. He said it was very hard to survive.”

  “Do you think he and his people are looking for a world such as Aerianna where those types of hardships do not exist?”

  “Oh no. They really liked their planet. He said it made them stronger.”

  “Then why do you want them here on Aerianna?”

  “So I can see him.”

  “But other than seeing you, he would not be very happy on this world, would he?”

  Tee hung her head. “I guess not.”

  “Well, maybe I have an alternative that you and he would find acceptable.”

  “Oh good. I’ll tell him.”

  “Tee, I have not told you what it is.”

  “That’s okay. I trust you.”


  Wind’ dancer Village

  Knowing full well that the villagers wouldn’t give the newcomers a moment of privacy, Bree had Serenity transport the three of them directly into the treetop home of her parents.

  For the next several hours over a lavish home cooked meal, Zephyr and Azure listened as their daughter and her two sisters regaled them with stories of the sisterhood’s adventures as well as tales from I’za’s and Jax’x’s prior lives.

  It was Bree’s dad who was truly bursting with pride. “It is so difficult for me to picture the things I have just heard. I have never been off world except to visit Aerianna, but it is much like this one. Yet my little girl has visited exotic worlds and fought such villains that my imagination is inadequate to fully appreciate. And to think, I was afraid you would never ride an Ascension Storm. How trivial that all seems now.”

  “Ascension Storm?” asked I’za.

  And for the next half hour the two girls learned of the Wind ’dancer customs and the right of passage. They also learned of the invention of one overweight sea serpent that saved the clans from extinction.

  “I so look forward to meeting K’ssss. Then again, I look forward to meeting any sea serpent. They are so exotic,” said Jax’x.

  “Well, she lives not far from here. We’ll schedule a visit before we leave”.

  “Thanks, Bree. And that trip to the ocean . . . could we do that soon?”

  “I’m of like mind,” added I’za. “Water for as far as the eye can see . . . it’s incomprehensible. But, I don’t want to take you away from your parents, BreeZee. After all, you don’t get to visit that often.”

  “I have a great idea,” interjected Azure. “The villagers would pluck our feathers if we didn’t give them a chance to meet you two. And I know that without a doubt more than a dozen young men would love the chance to take you sailing. While you’re gone, we will get a chance to catch up with our daughter.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” said I’za. “Just one question. Do we have to choose which of the twelve young men get
to escort us or can we have all of them? I would hate to disappoint anyone . . .” and she smiled. Like a cat.

  Chapter 3 – Pilgrims Progress

  On Board the Gracie

  “Thanks for coming, Lieutenant,” said Serenity.

  “If you don’t call me Skotti, I’ll be mortally offended.”

  “Skotti. Okay.”

  “So what can I assist you with? Something about systems upgrades?”

  The girl was crestfallen. She had thought he would have understood that the help request was obviously a thinly veiled invitation to meet her again. So either he wasn’t as bright as she had thought he was or, worse, he really didn’t feel the same attraction for her that she felt for him.

  Her expectations weren’t particularly realistic. Seldom, if ever, will a couple fall head over heels with one another after their first encounter. Heck, just look at the relationship between Egg and Benny in the beginning. She thought the blue-footed booby was a stuffed shirt. And Serenity, for all of her intelligence, didn’t have a clue about men and love.

  “I, um . . . actually now that I think about it, I can handle the modifications myself. In fact, I prefer to. Since I’m responsible, I should be the one to do it. Sorry to have troubled you.” She turned her head and fiddled with some controls so he couldn’t see the moisture in her eyes.

  “Well, if there’s nothing that I can do, would you mind if I asked you question?’

  The girl’s heart beat a little faster. She turned to face him. “Sure.”

  “Can I show you some sketches I did of an exoskeleton? I modified the design of the suit from the Ephemeral to adapt it to your situation.” And he pulled out an electronic pad.

  Serenity’s blood shot up past its boiling point. Apparently, she was just a science project for this jerk. Her normal defense mechanism kicked into high gear. “You can take that sketch and . . . and leave. Sorry I bothered you.” Again, she turned away.


  “Hey what?”

  “Serenity, turn around and look at me.”

  “Go away. I made a mistake. I’m just a fool.”


  That got her attention and she spun around. “How do you know my stupid nickname?” she growled.

  “I talked to one of your sisters. Her name is Jax’x. She told me.”

  “You did what?” The young man didn’t know how close he was to being beaten to within an inch of his life.

  “Take a deep breath and calm down for a second.”

  “How dare you tell me to do anything, you miserable . . .”

  “Stop. Don’t say it.”

  Her eyes were wide, her nostrils flaring. “I’m going to beam you out of here. Maybe to the dock but more likely just outside in space. My bad.”

  “Serenity.” He said her name softly.


  “I’m not real good with women. Truth be told – and I will deny I ever said this – my experience is pretty much next to nothing. I’ve lived my whole life in pursuit of the one thing that matters most to me – machines. I love to tinker, to build, to solve problems that no one else can.”

  She visibly relaxed. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because like everyone else on Aerianna, I follow the exploits of the Sisterhood. When you joined, I was beside myself. An intelligent woman that seemed to have the same interests as me. It didn’t hurt that she was also attractive. Sorry, I know that makes me sound shallow.”

  “Makes you sound like a liar. I’m not attractive.” Sometimes a person can’t see their own beauty – either because of some handicap or because the scale they use to measure themselves against is unrealistic.

  “To me you are.”

  It was just an honest reply and she found herself wanting to believe it. That didn’t stop her from saying, “You admitted that you have little experience with women.”

  “You can’t tell me other men haven’t tried to make a pass at you?”

  “Please. No one wants a chair bound grump like me. Even you are trying to get me to walk with that suit of yours. Can’t have feelings for a cripple. Am I right?”

  His response took her by surprise. First, he held up his pad with the sketches. He pressed button and the images were erased. He flipped the blank device over his shoulder and it clattered noisily to the floor. Then he walked over to the girl, bent down and kissed her. On her lips. “Any more questions?”

  “No. But I always thought my first kiss would send shockwaves through my body. Guess I was wrong.” The look on her face was serious – but there was an unmistakable sparkle in her eyes.

  He smiled a rather wolfish grin. Then he bent down and kissed her again. Apparently he wasn’t as inexperienced as he had led on.


  The Wind ‘dancer Village

  Jax’x and I’za had been paraded in front of the villagers. As predicted, more than a dozen young men (and one or two older ones) volunteered to take the newcomers for a scenic tour of the surrounding countryside and a flight over the ocean.

  Someone even proposed a little fun and games at the Tea Kettle. It was an obvious challenge to see if these legendary heroines were up to the dare.

  “We accept,” said I’za speaking for both of them. “Under one condition.”

  “Which is . . .?” smirked the obvious ring leader of this group of juvenile delinquents.

  “That we choose whom we will fly . . . sorry, whom we will sail with.”

  The same young man puffed out his chest. “Very wise. I volunteer to escort you, Lady I’za.”

  “And I will take the other,” cried someone from the back of the pack. He was quickly booed down.

  “If you’ll give me a second to confer with my Sister,” and she turned her back on the young men. After an exchange of words, she turned back. “We have decided.” The first young man began to step forward. “We choose him and the one to his right.” It was the two older men.

  Cries of anguish and peals of laughter broke out. The boys bemoaning their loss and the older men, and the all of the villagers, laughing with delight at the choices.

  One matronly woman yelled, “And that’s why they are Hameggattic Sisters,” and this time everyone laughed.


  Back in their treetop apartment, Bree and her parents relaxed. Zephyr broached the subject that he and his wife were desperate to ask their daughter. “Are you ready to come home?”


  “You’ve been traveling amongst the stars for years. You and your sisters have helped millions of people. Isn’t it time to come back home and find yourself a husband?”

  “Dad, there’s still so much left to do. I could never leave the Sisterhood as long as they need me. Besides, I’m still young enough to find a husband and have children – assuming I choose to do so.”

  “What does that mean?” asked her mother.

  “Not everyone needs to marry. Not everyone wants to raise children. More importantly, not everyone can find the perfect mate. I’m not looking for anyone right now. If and when I feel the need, well . . . we’ll see what happens.”

  Her father was as blunt as always. “We want grandchildren.”

  “And I want my daughter back home. It scares the feathers out of me that you fly all over the galaxy and get into fights with the nastiest people. You’re just a girl.”

  “I am a girl. Maybe even a woman. However, that is not a sign of weakness but of strength. Mom, I understand that your generation believes that the females of the species should stay at home to cook and raise offspring. My generation believes that we women have every right – and even an obligation – to make a difference in this universe. I’m lucky enough to be a member of the Hameggattic Sisterhood. Not everyone gets that chance. I will stay with my sisters, and fight the good fight, for as long as I can. When it does come to an end . . . well, as I said, we will see what happens then. You just never know where you’ll find love.”

  Her mother stared bac
k at her daughter with a mixture of pride and confusion.

  Her father on the other hand wasn’t buying it. “I want grandchildren.”


  Reven’s Former Time Castle

  “What the heck?”

  “I forgot to tell you . . .”

  “That Reven is back. Kind of slipped your mind?”

  “No, you foolish female. Big Bird decided that the university should acknowledge the former occupant. And, she wanted everyone who comes here to remember the exploits of the Sisterhood when we defeated Mobius yet again.”

  “So, that’s what? A holographic projection?”

  “No, it’s a Macy’s Day Parade float. YES, it’s a projection.”

  “Be nice or I’ll drop you.”

  “My husband won’t like that.”

  “You mean Bob?”

  “His first name is not Bob.”

  “How would you know?”

  “I could never marry a Bob.”

  “There you go.”

  “Come on. Let’s land. Aeri’elle should be back by now.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re already getting bored with my company?”

  Sylvia gave a very exaggerated yawn. “Sorry, did you say something.”



  “Ambassador Syr’ius, thank you for coming on such short notice.”

  “How can I be of service, my Queen?”

  “I believe I have a solution to a mutual problem I wish you to consider.”

  “Kallous has many problems as you well know, and our debt to the people of Aerianna can never be repaid. If you require our assistance, you need only ask.”

  “As I have said many times, we do not hold you responsible for the deeds of Mobius. He was an outlaw on your world and his escape to Aerianna was beyond your ability to stop. However, he does play a part in what I am about to suggest.”

  “Indeed. He has not returned from his time loop, has he? If so, I would claim the right to extradite him to Kallous to stand trial for crimes against humanity.”

  “He has not returned. However, an avatar created in his image has. Let me explain.” For the better part of an hour, Meggy and the ambassador discussed what had transpired. “Since your population has yet to recover from the deeds of Mobius, I would like you to consider having the Klat settle on Kallous.”


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