Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 35

by Robert Iannone

  The men didn’t know what to expect in their encounter with the sisterhood . . . but the ‘all-business’ approach was a shock – it could have come from any Admiral. “If I may,” asked Skotti, “I would like to introduce myself and my companions.”

  “Not until you give me a gift?”

  “A gift?” The poor guy turned white while his two companions began to fidget nervously.

  Egg couldn’t keep up the charade any longer. “I’m sorry. I was just teasing you guys. Welcome aboard the Gracie. I’m Egg and these pretty ladies are . . .” and she proceeded to introduce each one. “Okay, your turn.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “No, no, no. I’m not ma’am; I’m not Eloise or Lady Eloise; I’m just Egg.”

  “If you like. I’m Lt. Tess’lar . . .”

  Jax’x was waiting in ambush and interrupted him. “Serenity, you’re right . . . he’s very, very handsome just like you said.”

  Sparky’s mouth flopped open and she blushed scarlet. “I never . . .” she sputtered but couldn’t finish.

  Skotti and the other two guys smiled broadly. “That’s more like it. Your reputation as easy going defenders of all that’s good is true.”

  “We’re not that easy,” observed Egg wryly.

  “Some of us are.” That was Jax’x of course who pointed to her friend with a nod of the head.

  Everyone laughed politely. Skotti just smiled at his lady friend – his expression making it clear he understood it was said in jest. Serenity stared back and rewarded the young man with a quick flash of her teeth.

  “If I may, this is Aero our propulsion expert.” The dragon nodded. “And this poor specimen of manhood is Grexin Toff our expert on computers and systems. He responds quite well to Grex.” The man gave a shy wave.

  “We’re happy to have the three of you join this little adventure. Let me give you an update. I just received word on the Ark’s position. It’s a good seven days away even at our top speed.”

  “The Ark isn’t at rest, is it?” asked Aero. “Even if its engines were destroyed in the explosion, it still would have some residual velocity.”

  As was Egg’s style, she wanted all of the sisters to participate in any discussion. Even though she knew the answer, she asked, “I’za, would you explain what’s going on?”

  “Of course. The Ark’s computer system was preprogrammed to bring the ship to a stop if it was ever damaged. If for some reason it couldn’t do that, it would alter course for the nearest star and enter orbit.”

  “Very clever,” replied Grex. “So, Egg, has it done either of those?”

  “Long range scans shows it has entered orbit around a star. That might be very good news.”

  Again it was Grex. “Do we know for certain that there are inhabitable planets in that system?”

  Jax’x was impressed . . . she felt an immediate connection to the young man. A quick mind wrapped in a fairly attractive head had a definite appeal. It was also shocking how quickly her feelings for Jay’gar were fading. “There is a flaw in your question,” she challenged. When some of the other girls were about to answer, she waved them off.

  Grex looked at her intently. “A flaw?” He replayed his question in his mind. “Ah, sorry. Since I don’t know the occupants of the various habitats on the Ark, I have no way of knowing of their environmental needs which may very well differ from ours. Judging the suitability of those planets by our standards is fruitless. I withdraw the question.”

  “There you go. You passed your first quiz.” Grex looked at Jax’x and winked. She, in turn, stuck out her tongue.


  “Yes, Aero?”

  “Would you mind if I took a look at your propulsion system. Perhaps I can increase the efficiency and speed up our transit time?”


  “Let him try. It’ll keep him busy.”

  “You heard her – knock yourself silly?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Earth phrase. Just means go ahead and try.”

  “Ah. Perhaps Bl’azzz could show me the way?”

  All eyes turned to Hot Lips. “What?”

  “Mind showing Aero the way?”

  “Why would I mind? Come on big guy, times a wasting,” and everyone laughed.

  Jax’x called out, “Remember, we’re not that easy.”

  “Speak for yourself. That doesn’t apply to dragons.” She was probably kidding.

  Chapter 6 – Good Golly Miss Molly


  There was a knock on the door and Molly walked over and opened it. She curtsied and said “Your Highness.”

  “May I come in?” he asked but didn’t wait for her reply. Inside the room, he turned and studied the young lady like someone appraising his prize horse. “You look satisfactory.” High praise indeed.

  “You’re too kind, good Sir.”

  “Well, let us not dawdle. It is a fine evening,” and he held out his hand.

  Though she was obviously from Earth, when she left for Aerianna she had been too young to ever use the ‘I have a headache’ excuse. However, Sylvia had . . . after all with seven husbands, it was bound to happen. So Molly thought she was prepared for the evening after her friend imparted her wisdom.

  They walked hand in hand out to a balcony and stepped outside . . .

  “This sight never fails to take my breath away,” she said to her companion. It wasn’t meant as small talk . . . it was the truth. She and her mother first appeared on Aerianna not far from this very spot.

  “It is quite stunning.” He turned towards his companion and pulled her very close. “So, my dear, I am still awaiting your decision? One should never keep the Crown Prince in such suspense.”

  “I’m sorry, Your Highness . . . to what are you referring?”

  “Hah. Playing the coy innocent, are we. Very well, do you accept my proposal of marriage? I need not point out that a union with one such as myself is a great honor. Why do you hesitate? Surely you find me attractive as so many others do.”

  Her first thought was shock followed by a great desire to push the pompous pig over the balcony. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that the poor wretch was suffering from a brain injury and all of this wasn’t his fault. The damage was obviously severe since he apparently had forgotten their first engagement and subsequent break up.

  Worse, the headache excuse was only to be used if he began making unwanted romantic advances at her. So she found herself in uncharted waters . . . and the metaphorical sea was raging.

  Then she asked herself, “What would Egg do if the situation was reversed?”

  And the answer seemed obvious, though fraught with uncertainty.

  She looked up into the Prince’s eyes and smiled. “Of course I will marry you . . .” then she kissed him.


  On Board the Gracie

  As they made their way to the engine room, Bl’azzz asked her companion, “Why did you ask me to take you down here?”

  “A couple of reasons. I have always daydreamed of meeting the first dragon to join the Hameggattic Sisterhood. Actually, daydream isn’t the right word . . . more like fantasized.”

  Bl’azzz had no reservation about having someone fawn all over her. “Keep talking.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Most of the females on Aerianna . . . all of the females on Aerianna seem so boring compared to what you’ve accomplished; what you’ve experienced.”

  “What about Aeri’elle?”

  “She’s your friend and a fellow sister; I can’t talk about her.”

  “Let me guess then. She’s way too much like a professor – staid and reserved.”


  “And you will never, ever repeat what I just said to anyone, ever. She is my sister and we’ve been through a lot.”

  “I understand and you have my word.”

  “Thank you. So, keep going.”

he other reason is that I’m not all that comfortable around humans – especially the females. They confuse me with their speech, their emotions and . . . and everything else. What about you? Did you have a hard time joining a sisterhood with humans and serpents?”

  “Nope. My life was going nowhere at the time. It seemed like a great opportunity to make a difference and have a little fun doing it.”

  “No regrets?”

  “Just one. When Egg does hang up her spurs, I . . .”

  “Sorry. Hang up her spurs?”

  “Stupid earth saying. She’s got a million of them. It means to give up what you’re doing. When she does, I doubt if I’ll stay as an active member.”


  “Egg, and to almost the same extent Sylvia, are so unique, so wonderful. Syl retired so only Egg is left. She is simply the most amazing individual I have ever known. I would do anything she asked of me, and without question.”

  “You trust a human with your life?”

  “I trust Egg with my life unconditionally. Without her around, I feel so empty. How weird is that?”

  “I obviously don’t know her except through what I’ve read. I assumed most of it was fluff for the masses. No one could be that extraordinary – that selfless and modest.”

  “She is, and that’s why I love her.”


  I’za was talking with Grex, Tee’ka and Jax’x about what she knew of the Ark’s computer and other systems. She finished with, “And that’s about it. Sorry.”

  “That’s a start said Grex. “Oh, one thing. Can you recall . . .” but stopped when I’za gasped.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” asked Jax’x.

  “Recall. I had forgotten since it was never used.”

  “To what are you referring?” asked the young man.

  The two girls were a bit astonished when Tee’ka answered correctly. “A recall function is a supervisory level, mandatory instruction to return to the core. The Laff’Alott A.I. had one.”

  Jax’x glanced at I’za who smiled. “That is correct, Tee’ka. Very good.”

  “What does that have to do with this discussion?” asked Jax’x.

  Since turn-around was fair play, it was Grex who responded. “Don’t tell her, I’za. See if she can figure it out for herself.” He gave Jax’x a self-satisfied grin.

  “Like you know,” she teased.

  “I’ll write it down,” and he scribble something on his data pad. “Okay, your turn.”

  “Alright, I’m game. Let’s see; we were talking about the Ark’s computer system and now we know it has a recall sub-routine. Once initiated, whoever it was directed to must return to the A.I. So why would that excite this goofy Gek’a?”

  “Tick tock; tick tock,” chanted Grex.

  “Cute,” Jax’x teased. Then her face lit up. “The habitats that were ejected from the Ark. Initiate the recall program and they will automatically head home as it were.”

  “Took you long enough,” and Grex made a goofy face.

  Ignoring the comment, Jax’x said, “Let me see what you wrote down.”

  “I’m horrified that you would doubt me.”

  “Hand it over.”

  “Don’t you trust me?”

  “Now,” and instead of waiting she reached out and took it from his hands. She looked down and read what he had written. Then re-read it.

  “Well, did he get it right?” asked Tee’ka.

  “He did. I’m sorry I doubted you. She erased the screen and returned the pad.

  “My phrasing wasn’t offensive, was it?” Yup, that was a weird thing to ask.

  “Considering that you didn’t have time to express yourself as I’m sure you would have liked, it was acceptable.”

  “Okay. Stop. What are you two talking about?” demanded I’za.

  Jax’x looked at Grex who smiled and shrugged. “If you must know, he wrote down, and I quote, ‘You are the most attractive woman I have ever met and will you marry me’.”


  “You’re getting married too?” exclaimed Tee. “Should I get the champagne?”

  “Um, not so fast Miss Tee’ka. Your sister’s sense of humor is getting the better of her.”

  “Then tell them what you wrote,” challenged the girl.

  The young man began to perspire. “Considering the mission we’re on, it was totally inappropriate. In fact it was juvenile. Please forgive me.”

  “Why did you write that?” asked a confused Tee.


  “Tee, he asked if I would have dinner with him.”

  “Why was that wrong? Is it because you don’t like him?”

  “It was wrong because we were discussing something very important. This wasn’t the time to ask something personal.”

  Grex, who was now thoroughly embarrassed, added, “It was also terribly wrong to assume that she would have any interest in me. I should have spent time with her first, give her a chance to see who I really am, and then I could have broached the subject if I sensed a mutual attraction. It was also unprofessional not to mention chauvinistic. My only excuse – and it’s a poor one – is that I’m so excited to be here with all of you that I’m not thinking straight. Please forgive me.”

  An uncomfortable silence went on for a few seconds until I’za said, “If she won’t, I’ll marry you.”

  Grex looked dumbfounded until all three girls laughed. Jax’x said, “All is forgiven. Besides, the last guy that I loved jilted me. It’s nice to know that someone finds me interesting.”

  “Then you’ll have dinner with me?”

  “Not a chance.”


  “Egg, can I borrow Serenity for a few minutes?”

  Sparky looked at the young man. “Now’s not the time.”

  “What? No, not for that.” He didn’t specify what ‘that’ was but it caused Serenity to glow (first loves can do this to a person) and Egg and Bree to burst out laughing. “Go ahead and laugh. It’s my fault . . . I broke a standing navy rule never to be left alone with more than one woman at a time.”

  “Not man enough for three?” asked Bree with a smile.

  “Maybe, just maybe, if it were three women not in the Sisterhood. But you ladies are way out of my league.”

  Sparky came to her man’s rescue. “Not out of my league. Lead the way,” and the two left the bridge. Before the door closed, Egg yelled, “Be home before dark or I’ll send your father looking for you.”

  A muffled ‘bite me’ drifted over the other girl’s shoulder.

  When they were alone, Bree said, “I like him.”

  “He seems great. I really, really hope this turns out well for our sister. She deserves it.”

  “It must be incredibly hard to think of yourself as appealing if you suffer her kind of disability.”

  “We all have our own self-image . . . what we think others see when they look at us. She is beautiful, ridiculously intelligent, loyal, fearless and a terrific sister. Yet, she sees herself as a girl in a wheelchair. That’s just so wrong.”

  “What terrifies me is that Skotti is her first love. They never last, do they?”

  “That’s probably true when the two people are younger . . . before they have a chance to experience life and find out who they are. These two are past that point. I’m giving them a good chance of succeeding.”

  “In a way, that’s frightening.”

  “How so?”

  “A Sparky without the Grumpiness isn’t really a Sparky.”

  “True dat. But, I’m willing to adjust.”

  “So how are you doing?” She didn’t need to explain.

  “Let see. Benny has brain damage and doesn’t remember his feelings for me. He now thinks he’s in love with someone else. And, he wants nothing to do with a potential cure. All things considered, I’m good.”

  Bree smiled warmly. “In that case, do you think you and he will have children?”

  “You might be jumping ahead a
bit, girlie. So what about you? Did you meet any good looking guys when you went back home?”

  “You sound like my parents. And like I told them, men on Zynn-Zaz’zia seem so boring to me.”

  “Where else you going to find a guy with wings?”

  “Do you know there are legends from our mythology that talk about that?”

  “Really? How so?”

  “Supposedly our ancestors were once visited by a race called the Sky’lords that was genetically very similar to us. As the story goes, they only came to investigate the rumor of our existence. They invited our people to relocate to their world. Zynnia wouldn’t allow us to do that, as you would expect. So they left, but not before giving us a map to their home world if we ever changed our minds.”

  “Where is there?”

  “No one knows nor does the legend say what happened to these people.”

  “Maybe you should take a little vacation time when we’re done with the Ark and go looking for them.” She was just teasing.

  “Only if you come with me.”


  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Your suggestion . . . it gave me goose bumps.”




  “I am ecstatic. I knew you could not refuse my proposal,” gloated the young man.

  “It would be a sign of insanity on my part had I done so,” agreed Molly.

  “And when shall we set the date? I am eager to start our lives together,” and he gave her a licentious wink.

  With an extraordinary force of will, she refrained from slapping this obnoxious man. “The sooner the better. However . . .”

  “However what?” His eyes narrowed.

  “I wish to have a traditional Earth ceremony.”

  “But of course. I fully understand. I will have my personal secretary sit with you tomorrow and you can explain to her everything that you require. Is that satisfactory?”

  “Eminently, Sire.”

  “Ben’Edikk,” he corrected.

  “Ben’Edikk. However . . .”

  “Yes? What now?” he said irritably.

  “There is the matter of the Groom’s gift to the Bride.”

  “The what?”

  “It is a sacred Earth’s custom for the groom to grant any wish his bride-to-be desires. Once asked, it must be honored or the wedding cannot proceed.”


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