“Shut up.”
“Lips are sealed. So, you have a lot of work to do. I expect the best bachelorette party that Aerianna has ever seen.”
“Since it will be the first one they ever saw, that won’t be too hard. I’ll invite all the sisters of course . . . and that includes Ashley. What about your mom, Grammy, Molly and Dazzle?”
“Definitely Molly. But I think we’ll keep this to us twenty somethings.”
“You’re nineteen.”
“I’ll be twenty on the honeymoon.”
“Where will that be exactly?”
“First, we have to visit every major city on Aerianna and that will take a couple of weeks at least. Then we’re going to a planet called Bel’lanca. The southern hemisphere is almost tropical with beautiful beaches and an ocean filled with exotic aquatic life.”
“No golf courses?”
“You are such a goof.”
“One last thing, I’m getting you the perfect wedding gift for that very special first night.”
“Pink pajamas covered with lots and lots of cute yellow duckies.”
Egg laughed. “That will be the perfect gift.”
“Why?” asked Sylvia suspiciously.
“One look at those jammies and he’ll rip them off me.”
“Eloise Graystone, you are such a hussy.”
Chapter 11 – Let’s Party
For as smart as she was, Sylvia was a bit stumped on how to plan a bachelorette party for non-humans including, but not limited to, dragons and sea serpents. So she enlisted the help of Ashley who met her at the Sisterhood’s castle.
“Any ideas?”
“Well, we can do the ‘Never have I’ game.”
“Which is?”
“One person says, ‘Never have I . . .’ then finishes it with a true statement. Anyone else that DID do whatever she said has to take a drink.”
“I better make sure there’s lots of Champagne. What about playing twister?”
“You’re joking, right?”
“I like twister.”
“And pj’s with ducks. So, that’s a big no to both.”
“You and your sister are so mean.”
“Get used to it. So, how about we get a holographic recording of Fandango Sally singing their greatest hits? By the way, technically there were none.”
“Now you just being hurtful. However, I love the idea. Keep going.”
“You really don’t need much else. Once they start drinking, they’ll never shut up. Women and alcohol – a catastrophic cacophony of continuous cackling.”
“Nice alliteration. However, I think we need a little distraction just in case things slow down.”
“Male strippers, I hope.”
Syl laughed at the idea. “That would cause an inter-galactic incident. No male strippers. I was thinking more in the line of cute and cuddly.”
“Ah, single men in desperate need of female companionship. Excellent idea.”
“NO, you single, sassy simpleton. No men. None. With Spirit’s approval, I was referring to Pynx and Stynx.”
“Say what?”
“Little baby Shamies . . . and their mother of course.
Se’rene, a few weeks later
They sat around a very large circular table. Extra room was required to accommodate the two serpents and dragons.
To Egg’s right was her best friend and maid-of-honor. To her left was Ashley.
Everyone else chose seats to their liking. For instance Molly sat next to her new best friend Ashley while Meggy sat between Sylvia and Tee’ka. Soo and Bl’azzz were side by side. K’ssss sat by Sassi – the two having become very close during the Quest. Jax’x sat near Serenity – close enough to flick her ear if it became necessary. Aeri’elle, never one for letting down her feathers and having fun, sat next to I’za so they could discuss life on the Ark. BreeZee chose to sit next to Spirit because she was curious about Jynx and her two twins. Coincidently, they were also the only two Sisters (not counting Meggy) that had no men in their lives.
Syl stood up and clanked her champagne flute for silence . . . no easy objective to achieve when you have so many young women gathered in one place. So, she resorted to the tried and true “SHUT UP” method. And that worked.
“Thank you. So let me explain what’s going to happen. On Earth, this gathering is called a bachelorette party. We’re here to celebrate one of the last days of Egg being single.”
“Why?” asked Tee’ka.
“No, no. For all of you – no questions on why we do anything that we do tonight. It’s just a silly earth custom and usually there is absolutely no logic to any of it. Just enjoy this as a lesson in alien cultures. So, for those of you who don’t know what that bubbly stuff you’re drinking is – it’s called champagne. It doesn’t have a huge amount alcohol in it, but there’s more than enough to make you embarrassingly silly. Drink responsibly . . . and if you do drink, don’t drive.” Not surprisingly, no one laughed so she apologized. “Sorry about that. Anyway, the only other thing that’s important is to tease Egg without mercy about getting married and ‘ahem’ everything that goes with being a wife.”
Soo leaned over to Bl’azzz. “Any idea what she’s talking about?”
“No clue. Just keep smiling.”
“I can do that.”
Syl finished her little speech. “Since this isn’t earth, I’ve decided to introduce a new custom. Egg has agreed – though reluctantly – to model her wedding gown for us. That’s it. Eat, drink and be goofy.”
For the next few hours, they played the drinking game and individually had at least one conversation with Egg to offer their congratulations and marital advice for which most had no experience.
At one point, Molly turned to Ashley. “I got goose bumps.”
“Never say that if front of my sister.”
“Excuse me?”
“Not important. So why the bumps?”
“I’m in the legendary Se’rene with every one of the even more legendary Hameggattic Sisters. I can’t even fathom what they’ve been through and what they’ve accomplished.”
Ashley smiled proudly. “Yeah. Little sis and her playmates have done well.”
“Who you calling a playmate?” snarled Bl’azzz.
“How much champagne have you had?” responded Ashley. She had to suppress a giggle at the realization she was partying with a dragon.
Bl’azzz’s answer said it all. “It tickles my nose.”
“Never have I seen . . . a tipsy dragon.”
“I have,” and Hot Lips took another drink then burped. Luckily without the burn. “I like this game,” and she staggered off to the sound of chuckles.
Across the room, Egg, Syl and Meggy were sharing some small talk. “Aren’t you warm in that thing?” asked the girl of the hour. She was pointing to the cape that Meggy had wrapped tightly around her.
“I was waiting for the appropriate time to discard it.”
“That’ll be in about three more glasses of the bubbly.”
“It does give one a pleasant yet disconcerting feeling.”
“On earth it’s called a buzz.”
“Ah. That is the sound I’m hearing in my head.”
Sylvia chuckled but for a different reason. “For shame, your Majesty, but you just used a contraction.”
“I most certainly didn’t,” the royal responded. “Oops.”
All three girls laughed . . . a little more enthusiastically than was warranted. But it was a party so who cares.
“Perhaps now is the right time to disrobe.” Bree, Jax’x and Sassi all turned around.
“Should I restrain her?” asked Bree.
“One must not touch the royal person without permission. Isn’t that true dear Sister sister-in-law?”
“Absolutely. Benny actually requires a note from my mother.”
“My brother is as wise as he is handsome
. So, ladies, behold . . .” and she opened the cloak with a great flourish and let it fall to the ground.
And the remaining gaggle of young women screamed, squealed, eeked and h’ssssed in delight. (Syl only smiled because this was her idea to take some of the focus off Egg who just hated being the center of attention. There would be another diversion – other than the Shamies - before the night ended).
When they finally quieted down, Egg said “M-egg’Alynnia, you look like . . . like a real person. I absolutely love it.”
“Ashley helped me pick it out. We used something called the google and there it was. I will decree that we get one installed on Aerianna as soon as possible.”
“I don’t think the google makes deliveries out here.”
“Then I will go to Earth.” Everyone smiled until Meggy added, “I am not joking. As soon as my term as Queen has ended, I will visit Earth for an extended visit. Molly and Ashley have promised to escort me.”
“Why Earth?” asked Aeri’elle.
“It will be the first stop on a personal mission to experience firsthand the cultures of as many worlds as possible. I wish to see the best, and the worst, of what the known galaxy has to offer.”
“Sister, I would very much like to discuss this in greater detail,” said the Dean of the University. “I have a member of my staff that would find such a fact finding excursion of immense interest. In fact, he has submitted a proposal for just such a study.”
“That sounds intriguing. Perhaps you can arrange a meeting for me to meet him.”
“At your convenience.”
“Hey, big bird, who is this guy?”
The dragon made a face at Egg. “This guy,” she said sarcastically, “is Professor Kal’el from Arakis Minor.”
“Are you referring to Prince Kal’el?” asked Meggy.
“That’s the one. Since he’s about tenth in line of succession to the throne, he decided to make a life for himself in academia. He is quite brilliant.”
Tee’ka asked what the others were thinking. “Is he pretty or married?”
“Not married. As far as his looks, who can tell with humans?”
“H’ssss”. That would be K’ssss, of course.
“Shut up, you slithering sack of silly.” And that would be Soo.
Meggy decided to throw out a bit of juicy gossip. “I have met him and I can vouch for his manly good looks. Rumor has it that many women have fallen prey to his irresistible charms.” Oohs and Ahhhs.
“Planning on taking a chaperone?” asked Serenity mockingly.
Her response surprised the others for its honesty. “Being Queen is not as much fun as it should be. Everything must be prim and proper and performed within the bounds of tradition. When I finally get to remove the crown, I intend to take full advantage of my remaining years of independence. And, when that time comes, decorum, propriety, and protocol be damned.”
The next few seconds of shocked silence eventually turned into a tumultuous chant of “Meggy, Meggy, Meggy . . .” and she curtsied in acknowledgement.
“Sorry to interrupt . . .”
“Is it Jynxie?” asked Egg.
“Yes, she has finished nursing her children. May I introduce them?”
“You better. It’s the only reason we invited you,” teased the bride-to-be.
Spirit smiled evilly. “If anyone is interested, I did a Thought Weave on Egg’s honeymoon. The possibilities of what might transpire are quite interesting. Though be warned - I found myself furiously blushing.”
“You didn’t?” Egg was horrified that her sister might not be kidding.
The girl shrugged non-committedly. “If you would all step to the balcony, I will present Jynx and her two offspring? The girl is Pynx and the boy is Stynx.”
“Who came up with those names?” asked Ashley.
To everyone’s amusement and confusion, Spirit blushed – presumably not from her Thought Weave. “A friend.”
Egg wasn’t going to let her off that easy. “NO, NO. Spill it Spirit otherwise I’ll get Waldo to do a brain drain on you.”
“If you must know, a Shamie will bond with a human. It is the way they have been bred over the centuries. A female will bond with a female as Jynx did with me. A male with a male as Skar did with Zu.”
“Which one’s the Shamie?” called Sparky.
“Skar of course.”
Don’t interrupt her,” commanded Egg. “So Jynx and Skar paired off. And, does that mean you and Zu . . .” and she left the thought unfinished.
Spirit lifted her chin trying to find a little dignity in the situation. “Remind me never to tease you again,” she said referring to the Thought Weave. “However, to answer your question, it is not mandatory – but it is quite common – that the humans will also pair off.”
Naturally, the single-minded Tee’ka asked what the others were thinking. “Is he pretty and are you married?” The silence was so intense you could hear the proverbial pin drop.
“I found him to be quite satisfactory.” When she didn’t add anything else, the others booed noisily. “Oh, stop, you annoying children – he is beautiful. There, I said it.” And the boos became cheers.
“So are you married?” asked Egg seriously.
“We do not have the same ritual as you. We simply acknowledged out attraction for each other and that is all that is required on Paradox.”
I’za was pleasantly surprised. ”Spirit, that is exactly how the Gek’a do it. It’s so nice to find another civilized culture in this back-water galaxy.”
“It is so much more efficient, isn’t it?”
“BARF,” yelled Serenity. “Where’s the romance?”
“That comes after,” and Spirit turned her back to hide her red face.
For those that had never seen a Shamie, or a baby Shamie, don’t even think you can resist their cuddly adorable cuteness. I’za, Molly, Jax’x and Ashley fell into that group. But even for the others, the two babies forced a motherly instinct that was impossible to ignore.
“Oh my gosh. They are just so sweet,” cried Egg.
“Can they morph like Jynx?” asked Syl.
“Oh no. That skill will take years to develop,” explained Spirit.
Molly and Ashley were beside themselves. “Can we pet them?”
“That’s up to Jynx. Come, let’s go down,” and they followed Spirit to the grassy area.
As they approached, Egg called out. “Jynxie, your family is beautiful.”
“How about a hug?”
Egg trotted over and gave the Shamie a big squeeze.
In return, Jynx morphed into the image of Ben’Edikk and returned the hug. The Sisters all howled and clapped with pleasure . . . the noise frightening the young ones.
“Grrrrrrr Burp.”
“Sorry, Jynxie. Hey you guys, not so loud – you’re scaring the little ones.” Everyone mumbled an apology. “May we hold them?” she asked.
And for the next hour, the rest of the universe was forgotten – lost in the pleasure of frolicking with the twins.
As they walked back inside, Egg pulled Syl aside. “Thanks.”
“For the party?”
“No. I mean yes, but not that. Thanks for diverting everyone’s attention from me.”
“Figured you’d appreciate it. So I have one more diversion then you get to model your dress and we’ll call it a day.”
“Do you think I should make a little speech?”
“I think they’ll be disappointed if you don’t.”
They reconvened around the table and Sylvia stood, clinked her glass and asked for silence. “Before Egg leaves to put on her wedding dress, I would like to say a few words.”
Everyone turned to look at Serenity. “It’s the custom for the maid of honor to make a speech. And
. . . I am Egg’s best friend. It’s my responsibility and my pleasure,” explained Syl.
“That’s exactly the reason you shouldn’t,” complained the girl in the chair. “In fact, I think you talk way too much.” An uneasy silence settled over the girls. This had turned awkward.
Jax’x grabbed her friend’s arm and squeezed. “What are you doing?”
“Hey, it’s okay,” called Egg trying to diffuse the situation. “In fact, I prefer no speeches. I’ll just go change.”
“Wait,” said Syl stopping her friend. She turned to Serenity and said, “If you want to speak, be my guest. But, by that same custom, you have to stand up to do it.” The degree of insensitivity in that statement, especially coming from Sylvia, elicited a collective shocked gasp from the attendees.
Serenity tried not to smile. “Whatever” . . . and she touched a button on her exoskeleton, stood up and pushed her wheelchair away . . .
Skotti had worked day and night to refine the suit. Serenity wanted something a little more feminine – probably the first time in her life she had ever made such a request. Though she had been wearing the suit all along, everyone assumed it was just another example of the girl’s poor taste in fashion.
She took a deep breath to steady her nerves (after all, this was her first public showing of her new ability) and slowly walked to the head of the table. Her steps were tentative and a bit mechanical; but all in all, she was doing marvelously.
Everyone held their breaths while staring in silence - afraid to make any sound that might distract the girl and cause her to lose her balance and fall. Sparky slowly made her way to Egg and gave her a hug and a kiss . . . then started to cry.
And everyone joined in.
After ten minutes or so for one and all to congratulate the girl, Syl once again called for silence. “Sorry about that. We wanted something dramatic and might have gone a bit too far.”
“Hampton,” said Egg, “that was beyond brilliant and incredibly mean. Thank you.”
“Do you know what was even more impressive?” added Sparky. “When she saw Skotti in that original Ephemeral exoskeleton, she knew that I had to have one. She called him to suggest he make one for me. My man had already begun making the first one but didn’t tell her that. He just complimented her on the suggestion and said he would.”
Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 40