The Quest_Last Gods Book 1

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The Quest_Last Gods Book 1 Page 12

by Linton Bowers

  Wood Axe

  Damage 1-2

  Durability 12/12

  Ability: This item does an additional 40% damage to wood and user gains 20% more resources when harvesting wood.

  Butcher Knife

  Damage 2-4

  Durability 10/10

  Minor Mana Potion

  Regenerates 40 points of mana over ten seconds.

  Durability 5/5

  Cooldown 2 minutes

  Minor Stamina Potion

  Regenerates 50 points of stamina over ten seconds.

  Durability 5/5

  Cooldown 2 minutes

  Reputation: Your reputation with the Slaves has risen by 1,000 points. 2,000 more points until you are Trusted.


  Acrid smoke filled Larion’s lungs.

  He woke with a start. Coughs racked his body as he tried to expel the horrid smoke. Each inhalation only brought in more. With the pain in his lungs came the burning on his back. Larion tried to rise, but a weigh kept him from getting up.

  Larion planted his palms on the dirt and pushed up with all his might. The weight moved up and he shifted his body to the right allowing the weight to fall off. He dropped back down free of the weight and the flames that licked his skin. He looked at the weight which was in fact a board with shingles nailed to it.

  “Oh gods!”

  Larion jumped to his feet. He looked up the hill to his house or where his house should be. The sight of a pile of smoldering rubble stopped Larion. Not his heart, or his thoughts, but all of him.

  “Ma? Pa?” He whispered. “Ma, Pa.” No response came. “Ma!” Larion stepped forward. “Pa!” Larion ran screaming for his parents the entire time.

  Any thought of survivors was dashed when he reached the top. His family’s home was reduced to waist high charred clumps of wood. The barn was a rectangular foundation with wood debris scattered around it. The only sign of there having been sheep was a half burned carcase.

  A thump in his chest brought him out of the moment. It was followed by another that reverberated through his limbs. Along with it came the pull he felt in his nightmare. Larion turned in the direction the pull wanted him to go. He put one foot in front of the other.

  Six hundred and twenty eight steps brought Larion to the edge of the plateau that was his family's estate. One thousand steps into his descent he caught the smell of burned meat. He followed the downward slope for another two thousand and fifteen steps.

  Sixteen more steps once the ground leveled out and a crunch came from underfoot followed by something squishing. Larion stopped and looked down. His foot was on a blacked arm that ended in a hand missing two fingers and the thumb. He removed his foot and took a step over it squeezing his eyes shut as he did.

  He opened his eyes to see that beyond the arm lay a sea of fire kissed corpses. Larion fell to his knees. Pain swelled in his chest and water filled his eyes. He found it hard to breath as his body shook from soundless sobs. He thought of searching for his family in the blackened masses. It caused him to retch and sick up until his empty stomach ached.

  The thumping in his chest began again, pulling, urging.

  Larion rose to his feet. He took a step on shaky legs. He breathed shallow breaths to try to keep from inhaling the smoke the corpses of his loved ones and neighbors. He stepped carefully so as not to disturb the dead. Getting through the open air mass grave took a torturous amount of time. It didn’t help that Larion had to stop and retch several times. At the midpoint he sunk to his knees in an area clear of dead and wept.


  Larion pulled himself back up. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand.


  Larion took a step.


  He course corrected and walked in the direction of the pull. He realized then that moving in the right direction stopped the thumping. Moving in the direction he was bid didn’t stop him from feeling pain, but there was something he knew would help him forget for a time.

  One step, two steps, three steps …


  A glimmer of light caught Actaeon’s attention as he left the chamber.

  The item, a black and silver hoop that was open on one end lay against the wall next to the chamber exit. He retrieved the item.

  Damaged Slave Collar

  The Wearer of this collar is under control of his master, the owner of the collar. If she/he were to disobey orders the collar can inflict pain or death.

  Durability 0/10

  Actaeon felt at his own neck. The collar he wore was gone. He understood then what had happened. The dwarf with the double axes hit the collar causing a chain reaction that resulted in an explosion. He was lucky to be alive.

  Quest Complete!

  Quest: Free Yourself

  The collar is broken as is the hold over you. You are now free.

  Received 1,000 XP


  You are now Level 6

  You have 1 Skill Point

  You receive 1 Stat Point

  The orange bar came to mind then. He had played various games with similar systems that gave a character significant boost for short stints, but never Last Gods. No system like that existed in the old version. He wondered if there were a way to call upon it at will.

  The Golem let out a jet of steam and a long groan. In a matter of seconds the steam from the machine warmed the cavern and made it uncomfortably humid.

  Actaeon wiped his brow. “I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

  Tanveer, Kenishera, and the mysterious woman were close to the mouth of the cave when he exited. The three other captives stood a good distance, the humans holding each other. Tanveer paced back and forth while Kenishera sat with the woman on a large rock as she wept.

  “What took so long?” Tanveer snapped. She stopped pacing and squared up to Actaeon. “I said to leave immediately, not to go around and steal from the dead!”

  “You might want to keep your voice down,” Actaeon replied. “Besides, no harm came of it. I got us some weapons to see us through our journey to freedom.” Actaeon beamed at Tanveer. In response, she snarled.

  “What freedom? We are collared slaves. There is no freedom for us. Just because you managed to bungle your way into freedom does not mean the same for Kenishera, Kenshiro, and I. We still wear the collars. If we do not return to our master’s home, or his Ferralin, assuming they live, then we will cease to live. Do you understand?” Tanveer said.

  QUEST UPDATE: Survive and Escape 2

  You have gained your freedom, yet your friends remains slaves. Help your friends gain their freedom.

  Quest Reward: 1,000 XP for each friend freed

  Do you Accept?

  Yes / No

  Actaeon accepted without giving it a second thought. There was no way he was going to miss out on helping his friends get free. He would have done it without the XP gain. But it was there so no use looking a gift horse in the mouth.

  “I… Fuck! This is no good. We have to get the collars off. We can try what happened to me. I don’t have an ax, but I have a sword. I’ll just…”

  “No, my dear, Actaeon,” Kenishera said. “We can not try that. You were lucky that you did not die. You almost did as a matter of fact. If not for my healing powers you would be dead now. Tanveer is correct. There is no option for us. Return or die. That is what we must do.”

  “There has to be a way,” Actaeon replied. He felt a lump forming in his throat. He couldn’t go back and volunteer for a collar. But he couldn’t just leave Kenishera and Tanveer to that fate. “What about her?” Actaeon pointed to the woman in Kenishera’s arms. “If she goes with you, she will be made a slave. And I don’t think she wants anything to do with me, not that I blame her.”

  “She must go with you until you can find someone capable and willing to care for her,” Kenishera said. “There is no other way.”

  Actaeon let out a sigh. He wanted to argue, but they were right. Any argument w
ould be a waste of time. Considering the Golem was still charging up, time was short.

  “Okay,” Actaeon said. “You guys are right. We have to move forward, and we need to move now. That Golem is still getting ready to wake up and deal with us.”

  As if to punctuate his point a loud groan and hiss echoed from the cave. Actaeon picked up his pack, not remembering having dropped it. And led the way.

  “Kenshiro is waiting by what is left of the wagon we were in,” Actaeon said.

  “So he is alive?” Kenishera’s voice took on an excited tone. “Why didn’t he come with you?”

  “He couldn’t. His leg was broken when our wagon was attacked and destroyed.” Kenishera’s eyes went wide and filled with tears. “It’s okay,” Actaeon went on quickly. “He is fine other than that. He couldn’t walk and didn’t want to slow me down.”

  One tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m relieved to hear that. Thank you for coming for us.”

  “I would always come for you,” Actaeon blurted out. He mentally kicked himself for being too forward. Kenishera’s reaction was to just give him a funny look then a smile so he let it go.

  Tanveer harrumphed. She had decided to take the rear of their little march. Actaeon felt his face flush at having said what he did in front of her. Thankfully she didn’t comment.

  “Kenshy! Oh my gods! Are you alright?” Kenishera shouted. She ran to her brother who had not moved since Actaeon saw him last.

  “What must I do to rid myself of your infernal nicknames?” Kenshiro asked his sister. “I’m okay, but I’ll be better if you mend my leg.”

  Kenishera nodded then placed her hands on his broken legs. Actaeon watched carefully as the golden light fell from her fingers. He stopped a few feet away and continued watching. The swollen lump of Kenshiro's thigh shifted as the bone was set by the magic his sister employed. Then everyone was still as the light continued to cascade off his leg. A minute later and Kenishera fell back onto her rump and let out a whoosh of air.

  “There. Give me a moment to replenish my mana and I will finish up your healing with healing hands,” She said.

  Actaeon pulled a mana potion from his bag and handed it to her. He crouched next to Kenshiro.

  “What is this?” Kenishera asked holding up the vial of blue liquid.

  “Mana potion,” Actaeon replied.

  “I know that, but why?”

  “Oh, to get you back up quicker while I heal your brother.”

  “You can heal?” She looked to her brother who nodded in confirmation. “Excellent. I will allow you the jump in experience points then.” She said.

  Actaeon activated healing hands. The glow of the spell rose up from between his fingers. Kenshiro groaned. A moment later his friend’s health was maxed. He shut off the mana flow and the spell died.

  “Thank you, friend,” Kenshiro said.

  “You are welcome,” Actaeon replied. “Kenishera,” Actaeon turned to her as he took a seat next to Kenshiro. “Can you teach me the spell you used to heal his leg?”

  “I would be honored, but your life magic must be level five and your Healing Hands must also be at five. Do you meet the requirements?” She asked.

  Actaeon pulled up his character sheet. And spent his points. He increased his Intellect as he was now using magic and thought that was a prudent choice. He decided to put off using his skill point for the time being. There was still his goal of becoming a Hunter to look forward too.






























  Novice Unarmed Combat LVL 3


  Begining Spearman LVL 1


  Spear Thrust LVL 1



  Life School LVL 1 5/100


  Healing Hands LVL 1 2/10


  Arena Guards

  Untrustworthy 100/1000 to Neutral

  Arena Slaves

  Friendly 500/3000 to Trusted

  Unspent Stat Points


  Unspent Skill Points


  “I guess I won’t be learning that anytime soon,” Actaeon said. “I am nowhere near the requirements in either one.”

  “That is okay,” Kenishera patted his cheek. “You do not need to be the healer with me around.”

  “But you will not be around for much longer,” Tanveer snapped. “We must all get moving now. Either the foolish Ferralin continued on without us or they stopped in Valeshire. Either way, we must get moving.”

  “Do you think they may have gone back?” Kenshiro asked.

  “No, not without knowing if the danger here has passed. Those cowards will continue on with their tails tucked between their legs and their urine staining the fur on their legs yellow,” Tanveer said. “Come.” She helped Kenshiro to his feet. “We must go.” With that, she turned and started walking into the woods along the path made by the wagon having been dragged.

  Actaeon and Kenishera helped each other up. She went to the girl and pulled her to her feet. While the girl didn’t offer any resistance she didn’t stop weeping. “You must quiet down or they may find us,” Kenishera said.

  The girl’s eyes went wide. The tears flowing down her face increased but she made no noise. A stream of pee ran down her leg.

  Actaeon stepped closer. “It’s okay. We’re safe. He went to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder but she pulled away. “I will not let them hurt you again. I promise. But you need to help us by staying quiet. Can you do that?”

  Her eyes narrow slightly. Her distrust was evident in the crease of her brow, but she nodded her agreement. She pushed herself against Kenishera and the pair moved to follow Tanveer.

  “What happened to her?” Kenshiro whispered. He joined Actaeon in watching the pair of females walk into the woods.

  “She was brutalized by her captors,” Actaeon replied.


  “Oh right. I forgot you still don’t know. Come on, I will fill you in as we walk. Actaeon told Kenshiro about the cave and finding Tanveer and Kenishera in cages in the cave. He told him about the battle and the state he found the girl.

  “That is… That is most unfortunate,” Kenshiro said. Kenshiro’s scowl and the way his fists balled up made his feelings clear for all to see. “It is good you found them. I only wish you would have found them sooner to spare her those atrocities.”

  “Me too, bud. But I think we were days too late for that. I just hope she will recover. There aren’t any shrinks here to help her, not that I know of,” Actaeon said.

  “Shrinks? I don’t understand?”

  “Yeah right, sorry. I meant psychiatrists. People that assist others in dealing with their emotions and mental ailments.”

  “Ah yes. We have people that specialize in a similar profession back where I come from. I believe you are correct in that there are no specialties like that here. Though many may be in desperate need of such services.”

  “No doubt, Kenshiro. Or should I call you Kenshy?” Actaeon said.

  “Do not dare!” Kenshiro hissed. Both men laughed at his response.

  Not long after the forest gave way to the main road and It was plain to see where the wagons had been hit. There was also a large round footprint in the dirt. judging by the size Actaeon was sure it came from whatever hit them. The Golem was his guess.

>   “We must continue this way,” Tanveer said. She turned and marched down the road. No one was given a chance to argue or put in their two cents.

  “I would almost think she wants to go back to the slave pits,” Actaeon said.

  “I doubt that very much,”Kenshiro replied. “She acts to keep us alive. If we are gone too long then one of the Ferralin will detonate our collars.”

  “You are probably right,” Actaeon replied. The morbid thought sent shivers down his spine.

  “Stop chatting like a couple of old hens and get a move on,” Tanveer shouted. “There will be plenty of time to talk when we figure out how we will deal with Valeshire.”

  “What does she mean?”Actaeon asked.

  “The residents of Valeshire do not like gladiators very much. If we are seen without escorts there's a chance they will attack. Without Ferralin or our master there to allow us to fight we will be helpless to defend ourselves.”

  “And the hits just keep on coming,” Actaeon snapped.


  “I see it. Valeshire,” Tanveer said.

  “What do we do?” Actaeon asked. She was stopped on the road with her hand up to shield her eyes from the sun. Actaeon stopped next to her. He didn’t see it, but he suspected her vision was superior.

  “We get off the road and move with stealth, or as much as you and the other non-slaves can muster,” Tanveer said. There was no mockery in her tone. She was stating a fact as she saw it. Nothing more.

  Actaeon looked over his shoulder to where Kenishera and the girl stood. Both were looking back at him. Kenishera smiled, but the girl’s face was unexpected. She wore a countenance of resolve. The tears had stopped, only the clear tracks in the grime on her face showing any sign of their passage.

  The group followed Tanveer off the road. “we must come up with a plan,” Tanveer said. She ducked down behind a bush large enough to conceal them all.

  “I have one,” Kenishera said. She pulled the girl down next to her as she knelt. “We will tell them Actaeon is our master. He will tell them about the danger of the dwarves and how we barely managed to escape.”

  Everyone waited with bated breath for her next words. They didn’t come and Kenishera just stared back expectantly.

  “And then?” Actaeon asked.


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