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The Quest_Last Gods Book 1

Page 14

by Linton Bowers

  His eyes opened and he was once again in the small room in the Valeshire inn. But he wasn’t alone. While the room was dark and he couldn’t see past his own face he felt another presence.

  The small room lacked a window or candles, the means by which Valeshire residents illuminated the night. His body tensed. Whatever this person had in mind he was going to be ready.

  “I’m sorry,” Kenishera’s voice fell onto his ears. “I should not have been so harsh with you, Actaeon.”

  Actaeon relaxed. “It’s okay, I understand. I’m sorry for making you feel like I was trying to save you. I mean, I am, but not because you’re helpless. Well, you kind of are in this situation, but not normally. I don’t think anyway. You seem like a more than capable fighter and all…” He stopped when he realized he was rambling.

  A weighted settled on the bed shifting the mattress. The blanket was pulled back and a warm body pressed against his. The bed was too small for another person to fit any other way. Actaeon put his arm around her and froze. His hand had settled on her waist, but there was no clothing between her and him. he slid it up thinking her shirt must have ridden up. He made it to her arm and still no clothing.

  Kenishera pressed her mouth against his. her tongue parted his lips and slid in. He let himself be carried away in the kiss. He pulled back when he felt her warm hand wrap around his manhood.

  “We can’t,” he whispered.

  “Yes we can,” Kenishera retorted. “This may be the only time I get to make a decision that is all mine. This is what I want, so yes we can.”


  “But what?” She interrupted.

  “Um…. well…” He didn’t have an argument. What he had was a woman he was crazy about laying next to him in a private room. She was naked, ready, and willing. “I don’t have an answer to that.”

  “That is what I thought.” Kenishera’s mouth found his once more.


  Actaeon woke up alone.

  He felt refreshed and new. The time he spent with Kenishera left him feeling full of life and it enforced his decision to free her.

  He rose from his bed and dressed. He thought about bathing to wash off the sweat from the night's activities, but he wanted to say goodbye to his friends first, and maybe spend a few more precious moments with them. He did use the wash basin along with the toothbrush his host provided.

  Tanveer, Kenshiro, and Kenishera were in the common room along with Tabby, her parents, and her uncle Gregor. Kenishera smiled and waved as Actaeon came down the stairs.

  “Good morning,” He said in a loud voice.

  “Good morning, Actaeon. You are just in time as my sister is about to serve breakfast,” Gregor said

  Kenishera waved him over to the empty seat between herself and Tanveer.

  “Morning, Tanveer.” He took the offered seat. Tanveer grunted.

  “Good morning, Actaeon,” Kenishera whispered in his ear.

  “Good morning to you too.” Seeing her and knowing their time was finite made him feel a bit sad. He kept that feeling to himself and smiled. “I hope you got some rest last night.”

  “I did.”

  “Good. I want you to know that I am truly sorry for upsetting you.”

  “I know and I forgave you last night. No more talk of that.” She wrapped her arms around his bicept and set her head on his shoulder. “Let us just enjoy this time.”

  “You got it.”

  Tanveer leaned in close. “Kenishera has told me of your vow. It was foolish. I would say forget it and move on, but I understand all too well that words have power here. Do not rush to save her. Take your time and grow strong first. Find a trainer and become skilled. Only then should you come for her.”

  Reputation gained with the Slaves. +100 rep with the Slaves.

  “For all of you,” Actaeon corrected. “I mean to free you as well, Tanveer. He placed his hand on hers. You are my friend, and I couldn’t go back and free Kenishera just to leave you behind. Not going to happen.”

  Reputation gained with the Slaves. +100 rep with the Slaves.

  “Then you really are as stupid as she said you are.” Tanveer smacked his hand with her free one.

  “Ouch.” Actaeon shook his sore hand. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” He snapped. While she didn’t seem pleased Actaeon was sure the boost in rep spoke to how she really felt.

  “Get strong and free your mate. Worry about nothing else.”

  Actaeon looked around to see if anyone else heard what she said. He leaned in close to her. In a sharp tone, he said, “How did you know about that?”


  “Keep your voice down!”

  She sighed then whispered. “I shared a room with her, remember? That puts me in a position to be familiar with her comings and goings. Pun not intended.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry.”

  “Do not forget what I have taught you. Practice every day. The ranger is strongest with the bow and arrow as well as the spear. The thrust is the base maneuver. Find a trainer to build on that and to teach Begining Bowmanship. Only then should you come for her. I will do all I can to keep her alive while she waits.” Tanveer moved away.

  “But I…”

  “I have nothing else to say,” Tanveer said. With that, she looked straight ahead. It was a dismissal and so Actaeon let the topic die.

  “Do you think you will stay here while you train? In this town I mean.” Kenishera asked.

  “I don’t know. I have to see what they have available for training. My time with Tanveer was too short. I didn’t get a chance to learn much. I may have to move on if there is no trainer here. But I like the idea of being in a place where I‘m a contributing member of the community. It is going to suck if I have to find a new place and start over as a stranger.”

  “I hope you find this place accommodating and do not have to start over,” Kenishera said.

  A thick arm covered in white fabric stretched between Actaeon and Kenishera setting a plate of food down in front of her. The smell of the cooked meal as it passed by his face captivated his attention. Another plate was set down for him. A rumble from his stomach sounded loud enough to cause Kenishera to laugh and Tanveer to snort.

  “Someone is hungry,” The Bartender's wife Helgen said.

  “Oh yes, ma’am. Famished in fact.”

  She laughed. “In that case, I will get you some more food so you may have seconds. A young man needs to eat after all.” She winked at Actaeon before returning to her breakfast delivery duties.

  “My wife is the best cook in the region,” Barnabus, Helgen’s husband said before taking a bite of his own food. “She gets people from near and far coming to try her vittles,” he said around a mouth full of food.

  “Barnabus! You chew and swallow before you speak. No one wants to see that.” She smacked the side of his head with a wooden spoon she produced from her apron. That elicited a snort and laugh from Tanveer.

  “Damn it woman!”

  Helgen raised an eyebrow. Barnabus stared her down refusing to apologize. She slowly raised the spoon as if to strike again.

  “Sorry dear!” Barnabus held up his hands to ward off the blow. Helgen smiled, nodded, and left.

  The swinging doors opened and a man walked in at a brisk pace. He went straight for the mayor removing his straw hat as he walked. “Wagons are a coming, Gregor. They will be here in a moment.”

  “Thank you, Bill. I will go greet them.” He looked at Actaeon. “You need to return to your room so they don’t see you. While I am the man in charge here I hold little sway over the rich and powerful such as Lurge.”

  Actaeon looked at his untouched meal and sighed. He then went about saying his goodbyes, to which Tanveer almost leveled him when he hugged her. Kenshiro returned his hug with a strong one of his own.

  Before he grabbed Kenishera Tanveer grabbed his arm. “I suggest you remove yourself from a group the next time you decide to engage in coitus,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” Actaeon blurted out.

  “I was unlucky enough to watch your stamina bar go up and down for half the night while you two were engaged in the act. I must say that I am impressed you were able to last that long.” She winked at him.

  Actaeon's face burned with embarrassment and disbelief. Everyone laughed including Kenishera. What boggled his mind the most was Tanveer winking. Since when did she behave like a normal person?

  Kenishera pulled Actaeon into a hug once the laughing died down.

  “I am going to miss you,”Actaeon whispered to Kenishera as he held her tight.

  “And I you. Please get strong and save me sooner rather than later.”

  “You have a deal. I will see you soon, Kenishera.” Actaeon kissed her.

  “Go now,” Helgen said. Her tone and words made him cut his kiss shorter than he wanted. But he knew he had to.

  Actaeon ran up the stairs and to his room. He closed the door and locked it just to be sure. Then he waited.

  There was a collection of muffled words that failed to be understandable by the time they reached him. More than once Actaeon fought off the urge to crack the door open and get his eavesdrop on. The time sitting doing nothing didn't help to curb that urge.

  After what felt like forever a knock came at the door followed by Barnabus’ voice. “They are gone. It is clear for you to come out.

  Actaeon unlocked and opened the door. “Any trouble?”

  “None. Your friends left with no fuss and those damn Ferralin were pleased by it. Come, Helgen has made you a new plate. She even piled up a double helping so you will not need a second serving.”

  Actaeon didn't feel like eating anymore. Every step to the empty common room diminished his hunger tenfold. His friends were gone for just a moment and he already missed them.

  Helgen returned with a plate piled high with eggs, meat and fried potatoes. “I bet you miss her already, don't you, dear?” She set the plate in front of him along with a fork. “This will help you get strong enough to go get your girl.”

  “Thank you,” Actaeon’s voice cracked. He grabbed the fork to dig in so he wouldn't have to talk anymore.

  The double doors burst open and slammed against the wall. Actaeon dropped his fork. A man rushed in.

  “Helgen, where is your brother?” He demanded.

  “He is in the Kitchen with Barnabus. What is it, Lenny?”

  “Those damn Black Iron Dwarfs got it working again, and it is on its way here,” Lenny snapped. He rushed into the kitchen with Helgen hot on his heels.

  Actaeon was sure he knew what the man meant by 'it’. He was also sure that breakfast was over.

  Gregor rushed out of the kitchen with Helgen, Barnabus, and Lenny in tow. “Actaeon, would you please accompany us?” he was out the door before Actaeon could respond. He grabbed a slab of ham and ran to follow.

  The troop stood in the middle of the street looking in the direction of the Dwarf cave. “ was probably ten feet tall. They got its arms and legs fixed. It is not fast so I think we have a half hour before it gets here,” Lenny said.

  “I thought you killed those dwarfs,” Gregor shouted.

  “I did,” Actaeon replied. “One of them was messing around with it before I did. He must have done something… Turned it on, maybe.”

  “This is bad. Now we have to deal with that thing,” Gregor said.

  “Do you know anything about it? Weaknesses, strength, weapons that kind of stuff?” Actaeon asked.

  “No,” Gregor replied. “We managed to find out about it when Carl our local miner was exploring the cave to find new sources of metals. He barely made it out with his life.”

  “How long have the dwarfs been here?” Actaeon asked.

  “They moved in about a year ago,” Barnabus said. “We did not know exactly where until Carl found them. We Just knew the direction they were in relation to Valeshire.”

  “We have requested soldiers to clear them out, but the empire is stretched thin. They promised to send them when they could. Since the dwarfs only raided the town a couple times and failed they were deemed a low priority. If we had known about the Golem when the request was made maybe we would have received help sooner. Now I fear it is too late,” Gregor said. He turned to Lenny “Sound the alarm and prepare to move the town’s folk. We need to be gone when it gets here.”

  “We can fight,” Actaeon said. All eyes turned to him.

  “I am sorry lad, but we do not have what it takes to beat a Golem,” Barnabus said. He placed his hand on Actaeon’s shoulder. “I wish we did.”

  “Who says we don't?” A new comer said from a good distance down the road.

  The group turned to see who it was. Gregor groaned. Barnabus said, “Oh shit.”

  “I will defeat it!” The newcomer shouted. He started a slow deliberate walk toward them. With the sun behind him, it was hard to make out his appearance but his silhouette screamed Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Each step made a metal clinking sound which added to the effect.

  Then he got close enough to get a good look.

  His hat was actually a nice wide brim hat and that is where nice ended. He wore a section of a scarlet and beige rug like a short poncho. Two large metal spoons were attached to his leather boots with twine. But the worst part was his pants. Cut-off leather pants short enough to be daisy dukes.

  “What the fuck?” Actaeon said.

  “Do not pay him any mind,” Helgen said. “He is wrong in the head. It turns out to be something a healer can not fix.”

  “That explains a lot. So why does he think we can win?”

  “I was an adventurer before settling down here,” the crazy cowboy said.

  “You were no such thing,” Lenny spat. “This nut job has probably never even been in a real fight, other than in his mind.”

  “Be nice, Lenny,” Helgen said. “John Walker, I think it would be best if you collected your belongings and prepared to leave with everyone else,” she said as if speaking to a child.

  “But we can do this!” Tears started to form in Walker’s eyes. “I know we can, with his help.” He pointed at Actaeon.

  “Pay attention, dip-shit. Actaeon is only level six. That thing is level ten and an elite at that. It would take three Actaeon's to beat it.” Jason snapped.

  “Yeah, but I am level twelve. The two of us can do this.” John Walker was pleading.

  Hearing him say he was level twelve was surprising. If he wasn't an adventurer like Lenny said how could he reach level twelve. Actaeon focused on John Walker and used Analyze.

  John Walker appeared over his head then Actaeon’s entire field of vision became static. The sound of a television on the fritz filled his ears. Muffled voices surrounded him but he couldn't make them out. He shut down Analyze. The world returned to normal.

  “Something is wrong with me!” John Walker started balling.

  “It's okay,” Actaeon said to him. “I’ll help you figure it out.”

  “You will?”

  “Yes.” The question of John’s level and what happened to him was too intriguing to not find out. And there was the static when Analyzing him that deepened the mystery.


  With no belongings to speak of Actaeon stood in the town’s center waiting for everyone else.

  Barnabus exited the inn carrying his last load. Space on the wagons was limited but Barnabus and Helgen were allowed more room for supplies. They were tasked with meal prep while the village moved away from town to the surrounding hills and forest.

  “That is the last of it,” Barnaby said. “Are you sure you will not reconsider? We could use a strong pair of hands to help get everything set up.”

  “I wish I could, but I have to go and find a trainer. I need to be stronger So I can save my friends.” And my… girlfriend? He thought

  “I under…” Barnaby looked over Actaeon shoulder. His mouth went slack and his eyes wide. The pots he held fell from his gri
p and clattered on the ground. “Oh gods no,” Barnabus whispered.

  Actaeon turned to see what Barnabus was staring at. The Golem strolled down the road. It was a hundred yards from town and getting closer by the second. It’s orange eyes blazed and it let loose a sound that was half steam whistle and half metal grinding against stone.

  An alarm sounded. Actaeon turned to see Barnabus running away and Gregor running to him.

  “Actaeon! Actaeon, we have to hold it back! We are still evacuating!” He skidded to a stop next to Actaeon. He pulled a spear from his inventory and stuck into the ground point down. “The lady Tanveer said you were trained in the use of these. Can you help me slow it down? Please?” Gregor asked.

  “No,” Actaeon replied. “Your people need you. Go help them. I will delay it for as long as I can.” He pulled his spear from where it was stuck in the dirt. A twirl of the weapon sent the dirt clinging to the blade flying.

  “I cannot ask you…”

  “You didn’t ask, and I’m not backing down. Get out of here Gregor. Save those people. I can handle this.”

  Gregor’s face was twisted with emotion. It was clear the man didn’t want to go. But he nodded and left.

  QUEST: Hold the Line!

  Gregor, the Mayor of Valeshire, has charged you with buying the townsfolk time to get clear.

  Rewards: 500 XP, and 5,000 reputation with the town of Valeshire.

  Do you accept?

  Yes / No

  “I guess that is that,” Actaeon mumbled while triggering his acceptance

  The Golem was in the town proper now. Its pace, while slow, was constant. The townsfolk would outrun it, but if it never stopped eventually it would wander into their camp one night and kill them all.

  Actaeon was their only hope. He didn't have a chance in hell of winning, but he could slow it. That might be all they need to get somewhere safe with a but-ton of guards.

  He took his stance. He knew only one attack, but thanks to Tanveer he knew it well.

  The Golem was in range. Actaeon struck. He lunged forward. The tip of his spear slammed into the chest of the mechanical monster. The shaft snapped. The tip flew off spinning end over end.


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