The Wizard's Heir

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The Wizard's Heir Page 49

by J. A. V Henderson

  Gabr’s’n (v) opening

  Gaem’v’n (v) running, racing

  Gam’v’n (v) walking

  Gawvas (n) student (unpledged)

  Geos (adj) down

  Gete (adj) underground

  Ghalm’v’n (v) tasting; sensing by taste

  Gheos’s’n (v) going up; arising

  G’s’n (v) going


  Haeis (n) steam

  Haeloraed (n) waterwood, jungle

  Haere (n) mist

  Haeth’r’n (v) surging up (as of water)

  Haev’r’n (v) blowing (as of wind)

  Haeofv’r’n (v) blowing away (as of wind)

  Halm (n) lantern, light-holder

  Ham (n) nature, the natural world, the world

  Handaf (n) towel

  Hawvas (n) pledged student

  Hcend (n) something owed, a debt or required pledge

  Hciant’v’n (v) pledging or promising freely from love

  Hciant (n) something pledged or promised freely from love

  H’d’n (v) watering, filling with water, or raining

  He (n) element; basic constitutional parts

  Heaf (adj) a numerical element of unity, e.g., a fraction (For particular fractions, write ‘heaf-#’, where ‘#’ is the word for the part, e.g. heaf-ash is one fifth. Exceptions: ½ (heav), 1/3 (heas), ¼ (heaz), 1/9 (heakau), 1/10 (heakav), and powers of nine.)

  Heav (adj) one half

  Heas (adj) one third

  Heaz (adj) one quarter

  Heakau (adj) one ninth

  Heakav (adj) one tenth

  Hec (n) a part or element of the will or mind

  Hegofr’s’n (v) taking there, taking away, removing, carrying off

  Hegr’s’n (v) taking

  Hegyfr’s’n (v) taking here, bringing here or seizing here

  Heos (adj) up

  Hes (n) thing

  Hev’s’n (v) giving

  Hend’v’n (v) paying, giving something owed or pledged

  Heynt’v’n (v) giving in return, giving mutually

  Hicevea (n) enlightened one, one who is light within

  Hiev’s’n (v) rewarding, giving good gifts

  Hir’v’n (v) flowing, streaming, rushing

  Hivrem (n) action, turmoil, struggle, motion

  H’l’n (v) lighting, illuminating

  Hoaf (adj) remainder; the part left of the whole

  Hwam (n) nature, that which springs forth from the proper relationship of all things

  Hyd (n) water

  Hyosse (n) ice, sleet, hail, snow


  I (prep) (expressing transitiveness) to, into, on, onto, toward, for

  Iace (n) friend (pl. iacave; pl. emph.: iaceive)

  Iachra (n) loving obedience, humble service

  Iaez’v’n (v) freeing, liberating, releasing

  Iauhc’v’n (v) thanking, being grateful for, giving thanks

  Ido (adv) probably not

  Iec (n) happiness

  Iedo (adv) hardly; barely

  Ies (n) goodness, fullness, wellness

  Iess’v’n (v) being well, being good, being fit, fulfilling one’s being

  Is (n) miracle

  Iseil (adj) miraculous

  Ishewa (n) magic

  Isshte (n) amulet, device of magic; the shards


  Jah (n) a story itself (meant to entertain, not to mimic the world)

  Jaevah (n) a telling, narration, story (meant to entertain, not to mimic the world)

  Jan (n) writing, words

  Jcazflahstaea (n) the mirror of the conception of all things as a unity

  Jham (n) model, ideal

  Jicew (n) dream, desire, an entering into fantasy

  Jicew’v’n (v) dreaming, walking in a dream world

  Jiem (n) the world of fantasy or dreamed reality

  J’r’n (v) writing


  Kaf (adj) the number ten

  Kas (adj) the number twelve

  Kash (adj) the number fourteen

  Kau (adj) the number nine

  Kav (adj) the number eleven

  Kaw (adj) the number seventeen

  Kax (adj) the number sixteen

  Kaz (adj) the number thirteen

  Kazh (adj) the number fifteen

  Killi (n) the sun

  K’v’n (v) coming; approaching

  Ky (pron) abstract form of “who:” used for questions about type of person: compare KYI

  Kyesha (adv) this way (to do something)

  Kyeth (conj) because

  Kyf (adv) abstract form of “where:” used for questions about type of place (e.g., “where are we?” nowhere, lost, home): compare KYIF

  Kyi (pron) specific form of “who:” used for questions about identity: compare KY

  Kyif (adv) specific form of “where:” used for questions about places: compare KYF

  Kyir (pron) specific form of “what:” used for questions about identity of things: compare KYR

  Kyish (adv) specific form of “how:” used for questions about specific methodology or condition: compare KYSH

  Kyit (adv) specific form of “why:” used for questions about causality: compare KYT

  Kyiv (adv) specific form of “when:” used for questions about particular (sequential) times: compare KYV

  Kyr (pron) abstract form of “what:” used for questions about the type or class of a thing (e.g., what is it? nothing, an even number, something amazing): compare KYIR

  Kysh (adv) abstract form of “how:” used for questions about the general methods for doing things or general conditions (e.g. “how are you?” “how hard can it be?” “how’s the weather?” “how should I know?”): compare KYISH

  Kyshe (adv) that way (to do something)

  Kyt (adv) abstract form of “why:” used for questions about general causality (e.g., “why are we here?” “why do bad things happen?”): compare KYIT

  Kyv (adv) abstract form of “when:” used for questions about type of time (e.g., “what time is it?” sooner or later, never, back in the good old days): compare KYIV


  Laeth (n) arrow

  Laeatt (n) spear

  Laeatt’r’n (v) spearing, transfixing

  Lam’b’n (v) sensing (physically)

  Lel (adj) black

  Leos (adj) right (direction)

  Lecevea (n) dark one, dark person (interiorly)

  Li (n) the sky

  Limn’b’n (v) intuiting, sensing (mentally)

  Litt (adj) metal

  Litthil (adj) metallic-colored

  L’l’n (v) darkening, obscuring

  Loraed (n) deciduous tree

  Loraej (n) evergreen tree

  Lossne (n) snow

  Luos (adj) left (direction)

  L’v’n (v) understanding


  Mam (n) home

  Mis (n) name (“my name is...” = ”ce-mis sa”)

  M’r’n (v) having (in actuality); holding, containing, being with

  Mteam (n) house, abode


  Naj’r’n (v) unwriting, erasing

  Neschaf (n) clothing

  Ngabr’s’n (v) closing

  Ngobr’s’n (v) sealing closed

  Ng’s’n (v) leaving, fleeing, abandoning

  Niachra (n) the holding of reciprocal devotion, loving obedience

  N’r’n (v) having (conceptually); entailing, implying, having innately as a quality

  Nur (n) badness, sickness, imperfection

  Nurh’d’n (v) poisoning or intoxicating

  Nurr’v’n (v) being bad, being sick, failing to fulfill one’s being


  O (adj) a little lacking; somewhat less

  Oaf (adj) a little less than one, an imperfect thing

  Ose (conj) but


  Palevo (adj) northeast

  Palo (adj) north

  Palvo (adj) northwest

  Perl (adj) green

; Persyal (adj) forest-green

  Persyl (adj) sea-green

  Pheo (n) synthesis, unity of the physical and spiritual, unity of opposites, that which unites

  Pheor’s’n (v) uniting of opposites

  Phrem (n) peace, stillness, rest, renewal


  Qung’s’n (v) basely abandoning, betraying, giving over treacherously


  Raul (adj) orange

  Raeg’v’n (v) flying

  Rel (adj) red

  Relil (adj) pink

  Rel’r’n (v) reddening (as of the sunset)

  Reul (adj) flushed (color)

  Reul’f’n (v) flushing (turning red in the face)


  Saemm’v’n (v) watching

  Sam’v’n (v) seeing

  Sha (prep) with; together with

  Shaf (n) point

  Shas (n) triangle

  Shasav (n) triangular prism

  Shash (n) pentagon

  Shasz (n) diamond

  Shaud (n) circle

  Shaudav (n) cylinder

  Shaud’r’n (v) circling

  Shav (n) line segment

  Shaw (n) octagon

  Shax (n) heptagon

  Shaz (n) square

  Shazav (n) cube, or square prism

  Shazh (n) hexagon

  Shchas (n) tetrahedron

  Shchaud (n) sphere

  Shchaud’r’n (v) ensphering, surrounding as a sphere

  Shir’v’n (v) flickering

  Shkaf (n) decagon

  Shkau (n) nonagon

  Sigh’v’n (v) cooking, baking

  Sir’v’n (v) burning

  Sisae (adj) hot

  Sise (adj) warm

  Sole (n) fire

  Sterae (n) lava

  Steri (n) magma

  S’v’n (v) being

  Syl (adj) blue

  Symel (adj) indigo

  Symil (adj) sky-blue


  Taelm’x’n (v) feeling; sensing by touch

  Tam’v’n (v) touching (physically)

  Te (pron) you

  Teae (pron) you (plural)

  Teh (pron) you, feminine

  Tere (n) earth, land

  Terevaev (n) earthquake

  Terev’k’n (v) earthquaking, earth splitting

  Terthyd (n) mud

  Tet (pron) you, masculine

  Thel’v’n (v) calling, summoning, seeking

  Tirom (n) tower, citadel, stronghold

  Tir’v’n (v) founding, establishing by one’s own strength, generating, nourishing

  Traz (n) male mate, husband

  Triz (n) female mate, wife

  Tr’v’n (v) traveling

  Tuil (adj) tan-colored

  Tuils’v’n (v) tanning (as skin)

  Tul (adj) brown

  Tullel (adj) dark brown

  T’myuq’us (n) tower or citadel or stronghold of evil/aberration/monstrosity


  U (modifier) included in a vowel of a root of a verb: shortener/diminisher

  U (adv) if

  Ul (adj) flesh-colored


  Vea (pron) it, that person (neutral)

  Veae (pron) they

  Veah (pron) she

  Veat (pron) he

  Veil’v’n (v) shouting

  Veloq’v’n (v) lying, deceiving

  Vijaeh’v’n (v) narrating (e.g. telling a story)

  Vo (adj) west

  Vojaeh’v’n (v) retelling, bringing back to memory, remembering

  Vorce (n) enemy, adversary (pl.: vorcave; pl. emph.: vorceive)

  Vour’v’n (v) whispering

  V’v’n (v) speaking, talking, saying


  Wa (n) principle; basic governing law

  W’l’n (v) willing (action of the mind)


  Xe (n) event; happening

  Xel (adj) purple

  Xr’s’n (v) bearing (as of a child)

  X’v’n (v) living


  Y (prep/adv) in

  Yatha (n) pain; suffering

  Yf (adv) here

  Yf’f’n (v) being here, being in this place

  Yir (adj) like (as to some specific thing, e.g., this is like that)

  Yof (adv) there

  Yof’f’n (v) being there, being away from, being in that place

  Yr (pron) that; that thing

  Yuq’n (n) monster, unnatural beast

  Yuq’urr’q (n) monster, aberration, violation of nature

  Yv (adv) then


  Za (n) male, man

  Zai (n) married couple, mates

  Zaichr’v’n (v) mating, coupling sexually

  Zaish’r’n (v) courting, dating

  Zaith’r’n (v) marrying, coupling, wedding

  Zao (n) boy, young man

  Zhye (n) sea life (animal)

  Zi (n) female, woman

  Zio (n) girl, young woman

  Zir’v’n (v) creeping, crawling, engaging in life processes of animals

  Zora (n) bird, air-going animal (zorari: giant bird)

  Zorab (n) bird of prey

  Zorae (n) birds; air-going animal life

  Zorah (n) water bird (duck, swan, goose, etc)

  Zoraj (n) songbird

  Zore (n) animal life

  Zthe (n) land-going animal life

  Zuo (n) neuter creature (neither male nor female)

  Zyiel (adj) violet

  Zyll (adj) blue-violet

  Table of Contents

  0. i. the wizard

  I.i. hydris


  II.i. aris





  II. v.

  II. vi.

  III.i. floris




  IV.i. magus



  V.i. fratris



  VI.i. patris


  VII.i. couris



  VIII.i. drakis







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