Save Me

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Save Me Page 5

by Shara Azod

  Peeking up at him through her lashes, Alicia was entranced by the look on his face. It was like he was in pain, the tension in his body making him appear to be made of stone. His eyes burned down on her, their perfect blue fire threatening to set her entire being ablaze. Her hands were surer, steadier, as she unbuckled his belt then made short work of opening his pants.

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered as his dick sprang out, granite hard, unbelievably thick and long.

  Wrapping her hand around his cock’s wide girth, she licked her tongue around the angry-looking mushroom head. The way he moaned in response, his body going completely still, made her sheath thrum with anticipation.

  “Meine Liebe, meine Qual,” Claus hissed. “You try my control.”

  Good. It was the ultimate compliment to try his control. The man was far too controlled as it was. Keeping eye contact, she sank her mouth down as far as she could, which didn’t even amount to halfway down his dick. Still, the emotions that played across his face were priceless. So she did it again, and again, each time managing to move herself a little bit lower. She was unrelenting until his hands moved from the armrest of the chair, his fingers burrowing into her hair. With a grip that wasn’t quite what one might consider tight he forced her mouth away.

  “This night is for you.” His words came out as a cross between a growl and a groan. She loved that, loved the erotic agony that punctuated his words. “No more of that. I’m just a mortal man.”

  Preening, she couldn’t hold back a smile. It wasn’t so much what he said that made her believe, but the way in which he said it. Lust made his accent thicker, sexier. Never had such a solidly built man looked so utterly helpless as he had when he pulled her mouth away. With a siren’s smile, she slid up his body to straddle his lap. Slowly she dipped her head until their lips were almost touching.

  There was something to this having control thing; she could get used to this. “If it’s all about me, maybe I should demand your mouth,” she teased, rubbing her crotch in slow circles down on his erection. “But—” Oh, so briefly, she allowed their lips to touch. “Not these lips.”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth she found herself being lifted out of the chair and carried effortlessly to the bed. He didn’t drop her, not her Claus. He laid her down softly, as if she were made of porcelain. When their lips finally met, it wasn’t with the passionate violence she’d seen the movies. It certainly wasn’t the bruising mark of possession she was used to. Claus kissed her like a question spoken with solely the movement of lips, gently prodding. Opening up to him was easy; he made her surrender so easy. His lips, his tongue, melted her to the point she felt as if she were nothing more than a pool of liquid need. Caught up in the kiss, she didn’t feel him take off her panties, but only knew because there was no impediment to his sudden touch. A single finger, so beautifully thick, traced the seam of her pussy lips. He pressed down against her clit just enough to send spasms shooting through her pussy. Her hips bucked trying to get his finger to press harder, but there was no give. Claus held them both steady.

  “Not so fast, meine engel,” he whispered against her lips. “You shall have everything you desire, but we don’t want to rush. Your wish is my command—your desire is my duty. I want to taste you, to feel you explode into my mouth. This is what you desire, ja?”

  “Yes! Oh, God, yes!” That was exactly what she wanted. Spoken in the German-accented-laced words, it sounded twice as wicked and twice as scrumptious.

  As soon as she breathed out her consent, he was right there, his mouth licking, sucking, sending her into another state of being. Her legs opened wide to accommodate his substantial, solid frame, her hips lifting on instinct. She never knew a man could tongue-kiss her pussy as if he were making love with his mouth. Every greedy push inside her was like a lick of fire. And Lord, was the man thorough. Licks and suckles were accentuated with the tweaking of her clit—not too hard, not too soft, between his thumb and forefinger, or those fingers lazily pressing inside her channel. With uncanny accuracy, he curved his fingers upward inside her while pressing down on her lower abdomen with a flat palm. All the while his mouth never left her clit.

  All her former moans quickly morphed into full-bodied screams as her back arched off the mattress. Her body didn’t seem to know if it wanted to freeze or melt, so it did a strange combination of the two, jerking as her mind flew apart in mindless ecstasy. There was no way she could take anymore; she couldn’t even think. Her body was not much more than a rag doll as he rolled them both over, placing her square on top of the Claus mountain.

  For minutes Claus didn’t move. He just silently watched her as she slowly came down from the highest peak she’d ever experienced. His clothing was gone, his cock rock hard, but all he did was softly rub her back, watching. Always watching. He really wasn’t going to make a move, she realized. Even if she were to get up, put on her clothes and walk away, he would do nothing to stop her. But the need she saw in his eyes—she knew that need because she felt it with every fiber of her being.

  It was that look that fueled her. With energy she hadn’t thought she could muster just seconds before, she grasped his massive, bobbing cock with her hand, positioning him at her opening. Would he fit? Would there be pain? Oddly, the prospect didn’t faze her at all. The need to be physically connected to this man was overwhelming.

  So she sank down—or at least tried to. It was a tight fit, so very tight. The wide head stretched her, not quite painfully, but skirting that edge. It just felt too good to stop. Even though she only managed a few inches, she found when she rocked her hips slowly, little by little she could fit a bit more. Only, the more she rocked the more she wanted. She needed more; she needed it all. Her hips began to move faster as a drive she couldn’t understand urged her on.

  “Liebling, don’t force what you cannot— Scheisse!”

  There! She’d done it! But oh, holy fuck, she was full. Pausing for a moment, she took stock of the incalculable sensations coursing through her. Yes, there was a twinge of pain, but the kind so sweet it made you want more. Her vaginal walls seemed to pulsate in time with the thick cock inside her. As much as she would’ve loved to stay still and examine the feeling fully, that just wasn’t an option. One ache might’ve been eased by impaling herself on him, but it woke a whole host of others. Answering the call as old as time, Alicia started to move, helpless to do anything else.

  * * *

  The woman was trying to kill him. It had taken every last iota of strength not to move when he’d been sitting in that damn chair and she decided to wrap her mouth around his cock. All he’d wanted to do was grab her, throw her on the bed and take her like a madman. Fuck, the way she had looked up at him while her tongue did wicked little circles around the head was enough to make a saint a sinner. There was no way he could allow her to continue. This was supposed to be about her, not him. Alicia might not realize it, but she needed to be control. Every instinct within him screamed for him to keep a tight lid on his lust. But damn, the way she had worked to get as much of his cock as possible into his mouth—how could a man just take that?

  And her taste! He could’ve happily dined between her legs for hours, but his dick had other ideas. Throbbing so hard he could feel it in the head on his shoulders, he was at least able to drive her to three orgasms before rolling them over. Claus knew he was no small man; he wanted to make damn sure she was well and truly lubricated. Waiting for her to mount him was pure hell. There was no way he was going to ask her to do it. So he had just lain there, waiting. When she finally straddled him he’d wanted to cry out in extreme relief.

  But damn if that relief didn’t turn into torture. She was well and truly killing him now. Too fucking tight! The walls of her pussy held him in a fist-like grip, stroking his flesh to the point he was sure he would lose it. The way she slowly worked him inside, rolling her hips so perfectly, had him moaning like a virgin. Every little spasm in her cunt sent shockwaves all through him, making his toes
curl into the mattress. Sweat beaded on his brow, on his chest, all down his legs as he held his body tense—wanting, needing, receiving.

  By the time Alicia had embedded herself completely, Claus was holding on by a very thin thread. Hergott, her pussy was choking the shit out of him! There was no way he could move; if he did, she’d end up on her back, legs on his shoulders as he fucked her hard and deep. Damn it, just thinking about that made him move, his hips jerking.

  If she didn’t start moving, he was going to lose his shit. “Liebling, you’re going to have to—”

  The rest of the sentence was abruptly cut off as his mind completely blanked. White-hot heat flooded his veins, setting the rest of him ablaze. His hands gripped her hips as his own pelvis surged upward, meeting her downward drive with force he truly tried to hold back. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Her pussy dragged up his shaft, torturously slow before quickly dropping back down to the hilt. God, she was so damn beautiful! The way her body moved on top of him was hypnotizing; she flowed like rippling waters down a lazy river. She had him completely spellbound. The moans that came out of those plump, bow-shaped lips were more melodic than music.

  Tightening his grip he did everything he could to hold back. Her pussy was undiluted pleasure and pure erotic agony. If he moved even an inch, he’d lose control.

  “Claus! Oh, God, I’m going to—I’m going to—Claus!”

  Sweet holy hell, there was no way to hold back this time. Her walls clamped down on him so hard it was difficult to catch his breath. He bucked, and damned if her knees didn’t lock onto his sides as she went along for the ride. Even fully seated on him, she managed to swivel those hips, massaging every inch of his cock. There was no way to stop the orgasm that rolled up from his balls, splashing her womb with his seed.

  And he’d thought to make this night for her! Alicia had marked him, claimed him, capturing him more completely, if that were possible. She fell into his arms as he tried to think, tried to reason out what had just happened. But his mind was too fuzzy, his body far too relaxed. Nothing could’ve prepared him for what had just happened.

  This hadn’t been sex—this had been love.

  Chapter Seven

  Paris was a lot like Alicia had always imagined it would be, almost exactly like the movies. At least the area where Claus had taken her thus far was. They had a gorgeous suite just a block from the Louvre, where the room service was every bit as delicious as the restaurants they’d visited. Best of all, they shared the room and the bed with the ease of a couple who’d been together for years. But then, they’d had two years to get to know one another in all the intimate ways one could know another person except for one. It was amazingly easy to fall into the comfortable companionship of lovers and friends. It made her want to kick herself for not doing this sooner.

  Not only was he an extremely attentive lover, Claus seemed to love spoiling her. She found herself at every kind of exclusive boutique imaginable. Every salesperson looked like a runway model with perfect hair, clothes and makeup. There was a snobbish air written on their faces, though they were all smiles and graciousness when the big German escorted her through their doors. Claus might believe himself to be no better than a thug, but he certainly knew how to get shopgirls to jump at the lift of his brow. After the first couple of shops, where Alicia was all nerves and feeling sorely out of place, the expedition got fun. The more condescending or dismissive Claus was, the more attendants tried to please her.

  “Always remember, liebling, they work for you,” he mused as they went along.

  By lunchtime, Alicia was the proud owner of more clothes, shoes and accessories than she’d ever need in a lifetime. It felt weird to have all this at the tip of her fingers. Grgur’d had money, but not like this. And never was he this generous. Claus even had someone pick up the packages as soon as they were done to take them back to the hotel.

  “I think I have had my share of shopping for a while,” Alicia mused as they sat enjoying the view of the Seine. The city really was beautiful; there was a romanticism about the place that couldn’t be faked. Like the lore had become the reality.

  “Just think. This is only the second of the world’s great capitals,” Claus teased right back. “There’s a great many cities to go to.”

  “You know I didn’t really mean to ask you to take me shopping all over the world. That is a waste of money.” Still, it was thrilling to know he really did have every intention of doing just that. Protesting against it would do no good. He saw it made her happy, so he would do it. She loved the security in knowing that about him, knowing how he reacted, how he thought when it came to her.

  Looking back, it seemed silly for her to have ever wondered what he thought about her. She should’ve known. Now that they had nothing at all between them left unsaid—or undone—Alicia felt as if she knew Claus better than she knew any other person on the face of the earth. Maybe even herself.

  “If that’s what you’ve dreamed of having, it is what you’ll have.” And that was that.

  All she could do was smile. Even though she’d dreamed of one day having a man who really loved her, who was completely devoted to her, there had never really been any hope of it. With Claus, it was so much more. This, what they had together, was more than she could’ve ever imagined. Being with him made her freer than she had ever been. He allowed her to just be—never making demands, always there no matter what; he was just a quiet, steady presence that made her feel safe and complete.

  Finally, after years of merely existing, she felt honestly, truly alive. It was so hard to define it, but it was like before Claus, her only goal was to survive long enough to get her daughter free. Though Alicia had never admitted it even to herself, she never expected to live long after Deja was able to be on her own, far away from the life Alicia had lived. Eventually, she would’ve done something to push Grgur too far, or he would’ve merely gotten tired of her and traded her in for a newer model. Then all of a sudden, this massive German walked into her life and taught her how to just breathe.

  In a way, he’d been partially correct in thinking her devotion to him stemmed from his saving her. But what he didn’t realize was no other man could’ve done what he had. No one else could’ve saved her, healed her, then completed her. No one would’ve seen all she needed was space, time and quiet. Not once did he try to get her to talk it out, openly discuss her feelings or what had led her to ending up with Grgur in the first place. She was all too aware of where she’d been. There was no desire to go back. Most believed therapy or psychoanalysis to be therapeutic. To some perhaps it was. To people like them—her and Claus—the past just was.

  The past two years had given her time to think, to process, but most of all to let go. So what that the majority of her life had been shitty? She’d seen far, far worse. There had been some joy, some good in all the dark. Deja had been her greatest blessing, always would be. To be able to watch her grow free from the same monster who’d ruled Alicia’s own childhood had been a miracle. Yes, she had been a prisoner more or less, but it was up to her whether or not she would remain chained. Claus had guided her to that revelation without forcing it down her throat. For that she was grateful, but that wasn’t why she loved him. She loved Claus because he too had seen the absolute worse the world had to offer, and he chose not to become the darkness he lived in. Formidable, yes. A ruthless killer when it was necessary—absolutely, but there was nothing evil about him. He was what he was. And he loved her unconditionally. He had never said it, not even now, but Alicia suspected he didn’t know how to find the words. It didn’t matter; she could feel it. And she wasn’t going to let that go.

  She was quickly learning to love this new Alicia. The woman she had become was comfortable lounging in a bistro in Paris, sitting unafraid across from the dangerous man who barely fit into the delicate wrought iron chair. A woman secure enough in herself to conquer the last of the demons of her past.

  “After our business here, I’d like to visit home to say goodbye
,” she announced out of nowhere. It was harder to get the words out than she thought they would be, but once they were said she couldn’t take them back. And Claus wouldn’t forget, either. Thinking about stepping foot in the tiny rural South Carolina town she’d grown up in caused a rough lump to form at the base of her throat. When she’d run away she’d sworn to never come back.

  “I’m guessing you don’t mean New York?” Claus asked quietly.

  Alicia merely nodded. He knew her story. The sad tale had been discussed not long after they arrived in Denmark during a particularly bad night. She didn’t like to dwell; it was what it was and nothing could change it. But then, she had never really dealt with it either.

  Claus nodded grasping her hand and giving it a squeeze.

  “That’s wise,” he spoke softly. “We will go as soon as I meet with Nadir Amir Afshar de Choiseul.”

  The man who’d paid Grgur for Deja. What kind of man would pay to have a wife raised from a child to meet his specifications? Who had that kind of hubris? There were a great many things Alicia would like to say to this man. But something in Claus’ face gave her pause.

  “You’re worried?” she had to ask. While the names Dieter von Blucher and Claus Littman scared bottom feeders like the Petric family shitless, she understood there were men in this world far more dangerous. The kind who bought their wives, for instance. Grgur had been frantic when Deja had ended up with Dieter; worry had poured from every pore as he scrambled for a way to get Deja back, knowing it was a hopeless cause.


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