Ross River Fever

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Ross River Fever Page 13

by Christopher Cummings

  For a moment Letitia just stood, a slightly amused smile on her face. Then she spoke, her voice soft and sultry. “Hi Andrew. Glad you could make it. How is your leg? Hi Carmen. Come in.”

  Andrew could only stammer a reply and had to use conscious will-power to drag his eyes up from Letitia’s bosom to her face. Carmen nudged him and replied, asperity in her tone: “Hello Letitia. Come on Andrew, stop staring and go through.”

  Andrew followed Letitia into the lounge where about a dozen people were sitting or standing. A glance showed that Jill and Mark had not yet arrived. Two teenage girls and two boys were present. The girls were introduced as Cindy and Majella. Cindy wore jeans and a cotton top which left her mid-riff bare. She appeared to be ‘an item’ with the boy named Jim. Majella wore a white T-shirt under a pants arrangement which had straps over her shoulders and which emphasized her bulging front. It was all a bit much for Andrew and he felt hot, aroused and embarrassed. He limped to a chair in the corner and thankfully subsided.

  His embarrassment was then doubled by the arrival of Mrs Schipholl. She wore a loose silk top which buttoned down the front and which heaved and bobbled as she walked. She greeted them and leaned over in front of Andrew to offer him a fruit punch. As she did the blouse sagged open to reveal all of her bosom.

  Martin followed her with a plate of savouries and did not look happy. He slumped into the chair beside Andrew and held the plate out. “Thanks for coming Andrew,” he said.

  “My pleasure,” Andrew replied distractedly, his eyes following Letitia’s bouncing progress across the room. Martin made a wry face and muttered something which Andrew did not catch, but which indicated he was not happy.

  “What’s the matter Martin?” he asked.

  “Bloody sister,” Martin grumbled. “How’s that leg of yours?”

  “Sister? What.. What’s she done?” Andrew asked. Then he realized he had blundered as Carmen glared at him and Cindy giggled and turned to whisper to Majella. He flushed hotly and tried not to watch as Letitia bent to offer the other boys a drink- and an eyeful.

  The doorbell rang and Letitia immediately straightened up and hurried to the door. Andrew watched her and felt his mouth go dry with lust. ‘Or am I coming down with a fever?’ he wondered. He felt his brow. It was hot and dry to the touch and his heart was pounding abnormally fast but he decided it was just lust.

  Jill and Mark were ushered in, Jill looking askance at Letitia’s top as she advanced. Letitia appeared not to notice and Jill’s disapproval changed to a wooden expression as Mrs Schipholl came through from the kitchen. After greetings were exchanged and everyone introduced Jill seated herself on the other side of Carmen and began talking to her, her eyes darting frequently towards Letitia. Andrew could not hear what they were saying but he could guess. He pretended to sip at the punch but found his eyes following Letitia’s every move.

  Again the doorbell rang and Letitia walked across. With a reading lamp behind her Andrew could see a perfect silhouette of her breasts. It was a delightful but very stimulating sight and he was uncomfortably aware he was becoming aroused.

  The blonde navy cadet named Anne was shown in. With her was a tall, sun-tanned youth with black, curly hair. Carmen brightened at once and stood up to meet them. Andrew puzzled over her reaction, then realized, when they were introduced, that the youth was also a naval cadet and she had seen him with her that afternoon. He was a Leading Seaman named Jacob Edwards. For a moment Andrew speculated on the youth’s swarthy complexion:- a touch of coloured blood? Or Mediterranean? He couldn’t decide, but was intrigued by Carmen’s obvious interest.

  Letitia now stood in the middle of the room and clapped her hands. “OK everybody. We are all here. Let’s have some fun. First we are going to have some games. Then we will have supper and listen to music. After that we are going to play some more.”

  She did not explain what the ‘play’ might be but Andrew had a shrewd idea what she had in mind and his pulse quickened. She called: “First is ‘Hide and Seek’. Anywhere in the house except Mum and Dad’s room. I’m in. Start going. One.. two..”

  Andrew felt a flush of embarrassment at taking part in a little kid’s game but he hoisted himself up and hopped along after Martin to his room. When they arrived Martin made no attempt to hide. He indicated the model of the Cutty Sark.

  “I’ve managed to re-rig most of it,” he said. Andrew bent to study the model, intrigued to see Carmen run into the laundry hot on the heels of Jacob Edwards. ‘She must like him!’ he thought. He was amazed. He had never seen Carmen take any notice of a male before. Jill and Mark came running past. Jill plucked at Andrew’s sleeve.

  “Come on Andrew, hide!” she said.

  “No thanks,” Andrew replied. She made a face and went on, followed by Mark, who looked worried.

  Soon afterwards Letitia came in. “Oh! You are supposed to be hiding,” she chided.

  “We are talking model ships,” Martin replied.

  Letitia pouted. “Don’t be such a sulky puss. It’s only a game. Come on Andrew. Come with me and help me find the others.”

  Andrew wanted to. His memory went back to the other time he had been alone with Letitia and he was sure she was trying to arrange it so they would be together. He blushed at the thoughts racing in his skull and dithered in indecision.

  “Come on!” Letitia persisted. As she spoke she jiggled up and down and this sent tremors through the front of her blouse which were repeated in Andrew’s bloodstream. Martin scowled and replied for him: “We are talking. Go and find someone else.”

  Letitia made a face but gave up and went on. Martin turned back to the model and pointed out how he had managed to repair the broken bulwarks. Andrew studied the handiwork with half his mind, the other half on Letitia.

  It did not take long to find everyone and Letitia insisted they play again. This time she rushed over and grabbed Andrew’s hand. “Come with me. I know just the place,” she insisted. Andrew was willing but worried about what Carmen and Jill might think but saw Carmen and Jacob again heading for the laundry. Jill was nowhere to be seen so he gave in and followed.

  To Letitia’s obvious annoyance the boy named Bert came with them. She led them into the carport, which was in darkness. “Go and find somewhere else Bert. We were here first,” she hissed crossly. Bert disagreed and refused to leave, to Andrew’s simultaneous relief and annoyance. Letitia snapped at him again, but to no avail, and soon afterwards Jim came in, Cindy in tow, and found them.

  Letitia led the way back to the lounge room, still gripping Andrew’s hand. She scowled at Bert and said: “We wouldn’t have been found if he hadn’t followed us.”

  “He likes you I’d say,” Andrew offered. Letitia sniffed but did not reply, suggesting to Andrew that what he had said was true and that she was not really annoyed.

  Another game was proposed, with Anne ‘in’. Letitia at once grabbed Andrew’s hand. “Come with me.”

  Andrew noted a scowl cross Jill’s face but could not bring himself to let go of Letitia’s hand. She led him along the corridor to her bedroom. As they reached it Andrew had hot flashbacks to the last time he had been in there. His instincts warned him of danger but his pulses raced and he allowed himself to be led in.

  As soon as they were in the room Letitia spun round, wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. She gave him a hot kiss on the lips. Andrew had expected something like it but not so fast. He responded automatically, too surprised to resist. After a moment Letitia stopped and said to him: “Mmm! That’s nice. Come on, I won’t bite you!”

  Thus challenged Andrew responded, returning her kisses and caressing her back and sides. He very hot and aroused. It was wonderful and he knew he wanted more.

  A loud shriek and laughter from the next room made them draw apart. “Here they come,” he murmured. Letitia quickly turned and led him across the room. She opened the door to her wardrobe.

  “In here, quick!” she giggled. She pushed Andrew in amongst her h
anging frocks and dresses, then stepped in after him, to draw the doors closed. As she did she pressed against him. Her arms went around him and she resumed kissing. Andrew felt his senses being swamped by the pounding of his heart, by the thundering in his skull, by the scent of her body and clothes; by the touch of her warm skin.

  Suddenly the cupboard door was flung open. Light flooded in. “Here they are!” cried Jill. “What are you two up to in there?” she asked; even as her eyes registered Andrew’s hands firmly gripping Letitia.

  Andrew whipped his hands away and blinked in the light. Behind Jill he could see Bert and Majella. They all cried out and giggled.

  “Oooh! Caught youse at it!” Majella shrieked. Andrew felt a burning flush of shame. Jill glared and looked daggers. Letitia stepped out of the cupboard and laughed loudly. She appeared quite unfazed by the discovery. Not so Andrew. He flamed with embarrassment as he stepped out. Others came along the corridor, including Carmen and Edwards.

  “What happened?” Carmen asked from the doorway.

  Majella answered: “We caught them having a pash in the cupboard.”

  Carmen met Andrew’s eye. “Oh little brother! Look at the colour of you!” She laughed loudly, adding to his discomfiture.

  Andrew knew he was blushing furiously and that made it worse. There were laughter and ribald jibes which made him even more embarrassed. He made his way quickly back to the lounge room, aware of Jill’s intense gaze. To his relief the others went off to find Jim and Cindy; and also found them in a passionate embrace.

  Next they switched to a game of darts in the carport. This allowed Andrew to sit and watch and he was amused to watch the by-play between Carmen and Jacob. Andrew also noted several other sharp undercurrents- between Mark and Jill; Jill and Letitia; and between Martin and Letitia.

  This boiled over after a while when Letitia threw a ‘20’ and jumped up and down, shrieking with delight. As she did her breasts bounced wildly. Martin went very red and scowled. “Fair go Sis. Calm down before you bust something.”

  “Bust being the keyword,” muttered Bert, making Martin even more embarrassed.

  Letitia curled her lip. “Bite your bum little brother,” she snapped back. She whirled around to throw another dart. Martin went even redder and met Andrew’s eye. “I’m sorry,” he muttered to the group.

  “It’s alright,” Andrew answered quietly. “I don’t mind.”

  Martin made a face. “Well I do. You’ve no idea how embarrassing it is sometimes. Sometimes they just wander around naked and I don’t know where to look.”


  “Sis and Mum,” Martin replied. Andrew’s mind boggled at the thought. He could only shake his head in disbelief. He had no idea what to say. Jill did though. She called out: “Letitia, stop making an exhibition of yourself and give someone else a go.”

  There was instantly a brittle silence and Letitia turned to face Jill. “What’s bothering you?”

  “You know perfectly well. Stop flaunting yourself.”

  “Huh! If you’ve got it, flaunt it!” Letitia replied, looking pointedly at Jill’s chest.

  For a moment Andrew thought that Jill was going to spring at Letitia and claw her eyes out. Jacob Edwards saved the situation by stepping between them. “That will do ladies. My turn. Give me the darts please.”

  There was another tense silence before Letitia gave in. She handed the darts to Jacob and moved to stand on the other side of Andrew, causing him to blush. Jill glared and moved to edge in between Martin and Andrew. Martin looked pained but could only suggest they play something else.

  The tension relaxed a bit and the game progressed, to be followed by quoits. This did not last long before the mosquitoes drove them back into the screened house. Back inside they settled to board games, in two groups. Andrew again found himself between Jill and Letitia, with Mark looking unhappily at him across the table.

  During the second game Letitia was called to the kitchen by her mother to help prepare supper. This allowed Jill to concentrate on Andrew. Several times she bumped against him and he could not decide whether this was accidental or not. ‘Is she doing a line for me or is she just trying to make Mark jealous?’ he wondered. If it was the latter she was certainly succeeding because after half an hour of being ignored Mark was glaring daggers at him.

  Supper was brought out by Letitia and her mother. By then Carmen was seated beside Jacob and was deep in conversation. Andrew noted this but was too absorbed by his own dilemma to pay much attention. He also noted that Martin was sitting talking to Anne, who appeared to be giving him rapt attention.

  Music was put on and they sat around to eat and talk. Andrew took the opportunity to go to the toilet. As he came back out he was confronted by Mark.

  Andrew smiled. “Hi Mark. Time to pump the bilges eh?”

  Mark scowled. “Leave Jill alone.”

  Andrew went to step past. He had no desire to clash with Mark. Mark blocked his path. “I said leave Jill alone.”

  “I heard you,” Andrew replied testily.

  “So, make sure you do.”

  Something about the way Mark spoke nettled Andrew. He stood and put his hands on his hips. “You should be telling her to leave me alone I think,” he said.

  Mark’s face flared with jealous anger. “I’m telling you. Leave her alone or I’ll smash you!”

  “Oh yeah? You and what army?” Andrew retorted. His male pride was threatened and he reacted angrily.

  “Me!” Mark snarled. He raised his fists. As an automatic reaction Andrew did the same. “Don’t you threaten me! I haven’t done anything. If she talks to me that’s her business. Now get out of my way!”

  “Not till you promise to leave her alone!”

  Andrew went to push past. “I haven’t done anything to her, now get out of my way!”

  Mark blocked him. Andrew felt his temper boil to white heat. The next thing he knew he was grappling with Mark, who was punching at his head. They fell heavily against the wall and crashed to the floor. For a moment they paused, before grabbing and hitting at each other again. Mark landed several good punches to the side of Andrew’s head, making him see stars- and see red.

  Hands grabbed at them. They were dragged apart by Jacob and Martin. “Hey! Calm down you two. Haven’t you had enough trouble this week? What’s this all about?” Martin shouted.

  The two boys fell apart and eyed each other angrily, neither willing to admit the reason for the exchange. Mrs Schipholl appeared and angrily snapped. “I won’t have fighting. Both of you go to different ends of the house till you cool down.”

  Andrew was pointed to the back and led off by Jacob. Martin took Mark the other way, out past the curious faces of the others. Andrew had a glimpse of Jill’s face looking anxious and of Letitia’s looking... excited?

  Carmen joined them out on the back patio. Andrew had to recount to her what had occurred. She was not amused or sympathetic. “So do as he asks. She came with him. You shouldn’t be getting involved. In a couple of weeks we will be back in Cairns so forget about holiday romances.”

  At that Andrew had to grin. He glanced meaningfully at Jacob and then back at Carmen. She instantly took his meaning and scowled, then laughed. “Don’t be a smart alec!” she said. “Just sit here and cool down. I’ll get you a cold drink.”

  She and Jacob went back into the house, but it was Jill who appeared carrying a glass of softdrink. “Are you alright?” she purred.

  “Yes thanks. Just a little disagreement.”

  “You aren’t hurt?”


  “Good.” Jill seated herself beside Andrew and handed him the glass. As he drank she leaned close and looked into his eyes. This nettled Andrew a little and he wanted to ask her what her game was.

  Before he could do this Letitia appeared, also carrying a cold drink. She stopped as soon as she saw them.

  “Oh pardon me!” she snapped sarcastically. Anger flashed in her eyes, visible even in the muted light.

  Jill turned to face her and replied coolly: “Andrew is being looked after. He already has a drink.”

  “So I see,” Letitia grated. “Then he won’t be needing this one. You can have it!”

  With that she flung the contents of the glass into Jill’s face. There was a moment of shocked silence before Jill sprang to her feet.

  “Why you jealous cow!” she shrieked. She rushed forward to claw at Letitia. Andrew stood up, flapping his arms ineffectually as the two girls faced each other. Jill’s hand flashed out and there was a loud slap.

  “Take that you strumpet!”

  Letitia jumped back, holding her cheek. “Ow! Ooh! Don’t you call me names like that. You take that back or I’ll scratch your eyes out!” she shrieked.

  The raised voices brought others running, including Carmen, Anne and Mrs Schipholl. Even as they crowded through the back door Letitia made a swing at Jill who stepped hastily back. There was a loud yelp of pain and Jill stumbled as Snoopy scrambled clear.

  “Oh! Poor Snoopy!” Letitia cried. “You’ve hurt my dog, you bitch!”

  Jill would have fallen had Andrew not seized her. He gripped her arm and waist and held her up. She looked aghast as Snoopy yowled and limped off. “Oh! I’m sorry. I never saw him. Oh poor little dog!” she cried.

  Martin elbowed his way through, followed by Mark. Martin made his way at once to where Snoopy cowered in the corner whimpering. The injury to the dog effectively defused the fight and all waited anxiously as Martin knelt to check.

  “Poor old Snoopy dog! Are you all right old pooch?” he asked. To everyone’s relief Snoopy stopped whimpering and licked at Martin’s hand, his tail starting to wag. Martin checked him over gently, then looked up. “He seems to be alright. Nothing broken anyway.”


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