The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (Penguin Classics)

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The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (Penguin Classics) Page 81

by Laurence Sterne

  Il n’avoit que dix-neuf ans lors qu’il composa Gonopsychanthropologia de Origine Animæ humanæ.

  (Les Enfans celebres, revüs & corriges par M. De la Monnoye de l’Academie Francçoise.)

  * Vide Menagiana, vol. I.

  *Vid. Swinburn on Testaments, Part 7. § 8.

  *Vid. Brook Abridg. Tit. Administr. N. 47.

  *Mater non numeratur inter consanguineos. Bald. in ult. C. de Verb. signific.12

  †Vide Brook Abridg. tit. Administr. N. 47.

  *This book my father would never consent to publish; ’tis in manuscript, with some other tracts of his, in the family, all, or most of which will be printed in due time.

  *Mr.Shandy is supposed to mean * * * * * * * * * * *, Esq; member for * * * * * *,———and not the Chinese Legislator.

  *Χαλεπñς νóσ8, χαì δυσιάτ8 άπαλλαγη` ηˆν άνθςαχα χαλου˜σιν. PHILO.

  †Tά τεμνόμενα τ˜ων Éθν˜ων ωολυγονωτατα, Χαì ωολυανθρωπóτατα ειναι.

  ‡Kαθαςιότητος εινεχεν. BOCHART.

  §‘O Iλος, τά άιδοια ω˜εριτέμνεται. ταυτò ω˜ι˜ίησι χαί τ8ς άμ’ αντω˜ συμμάΧ8ς χαταναlχάσας SANCHUNIATHO.

  * Nous aurions quelque interêt, says Baillet, de montrer qu’il n’a rien de ridicule s’il étoit véritable, au moins dans le sens énigmatique que Nicius Erytbræus a tâché de lui donner. Cet auteur dit que pour comprendre comme Lipse, a pû composer un ouvrage le premier jour de sa vie, il faut s’imaginer, que ce premier jour n’est pas celui de sa naissance charnelle, mais celui au quel il a commencé d’user de la raison; il veut que ç’ait été a l’age de neuf ans; et il nous veut persuader que ce fut en cet âge, que Lipse fit un poem.——Le tour est ingenieux, &c. &c.

  * Vid. Pellegrina.

  * Vid. Book of French post-roads,2 page 36. edition of 1762.

  * Chief Magistrate in Toulouse, &c. &c. &c.

  * Non Orbis gentem, non urbem gens habet ullam

  —————————ulla parem.

  * The same Don Pringello, the celebrated Spanish architect, of whom my cousin Antony has made such honourable mention in a scholium to the Tale inscribed to his name.

  * Vid. Vol. VI. p. 152. (Page 426 in present edition.)

  * Vid. Pope’s Portrait.

  * Rodope Thracia tam inevitabili fascino instructa, tam exacte oculis intuens attraxit, ut si in illam quis incidisset, fieri non posset, quin caperetur.——I know not who.

  * This will be printed with my father’s life of Socrates, &c. &c.3

  * Mr. Shandy must mean the poor in spirit;6 inasmuch as they divided the money amongst themselves.

  * He lost his hand at the battle of Lepanto.

  * This must be a mistake in Mr. Shandy; for Graaf wrote upon the pancreatick juice, and the parts of generation.




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