Sun Signs

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Sun Signs Page 5

by Shelley Hrdlitschka



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: Reporting In

  It works for me. blondie found his spirituality in a Jedi chatroom.

  I’ll have to check in with 2good.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: 2good4u

  Subject: Spirituality 2good, did anything spiritual happen to you today?



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Spirituality

  Kaleigh, Funny you should ask. While in my dressing room, resting, I heard some weird noises coming from the closet. For lack of any other explanation, I decided it must be a ghost. Some people have skeletons in their closets. I have ghosts. Is that spiritual enough for you?



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: B.A. Stargazer

  Subject: Greater Understanding

  Dear B.A. Stargazer,

  In this week’s forecast for Gemini, you suggested we “communicate, and greater understanding will occur.” I guess that’s one of the reasons I keep writing to you, even though you don’t write back. I’m hoping for “greater understanding,” so I’ve decided to tell you even more about some of the stuff going on in my life. Knowing that it’s unlikely that we’ll ever meet in person, I feel safe sharing this with you.

  I do school through correspondence because I have a form of cancer called Ewing’s Tumor (the tumor is on the bone in my right leg) and I’ve been undergoing treatment for it for the past year. I’m in the hospital as much as I’m at home, so it’s easier for me to do school this way. I haven’t told my distantstudybuddies (other correspondence students) about this because I like the diversion of talking about other stuff with them, but the truth is, I’m really thinking about the disease 24/7. I live it and breathe it. So do the people around me. That could be why my old friends have stopped coming to see me. They just can’t handle it anymore.

  I’ve read that I have a 60% chance of surviving this. That is supposed to make me optimistic. I try not to think about that other 40%, but it’s hard not to. One of the other patients at the cancer clinic pointed out that if a planeload of passengers were told they had a 60% chance of arriving safely at their destination, everyone would immediately bail. I wish I could bail from this disease.

  So, I’ve had surgery, I’ve had chemotherapy, but some of the tumor remains. I’ve now started radiation therapy. As you suggested, I’m trying not to let fear rule my life, but really, how can I not? I’m too young to die!!

  By the way, you also said in the last weekly forecast for Gemini that we should be agents of creativity. I definitely think I’ve been one for my Leo subjects. Each of them is really giving some serious (and not so serious) creative thought to horoscopes. The results have been interesting.

  Anyway, I’m sure you wish I hadn’t dumped all this on you, but now that I’ve communicated, I’m waiting for “greater understanding to come.”

  Your Gemini friend,



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Confrontation

  Yikes! Today’s horoscope said that the time was ripe for a confrontation! I sure hope it isn’t with Chris. I’m being very very careful about what I say to him today. Maybe I’ll go pick a fight with my dad, get the confrontation thing out of the way so I know it won’t happen with Chris.



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: data collection

  Cosmicgirl, after having a major feud with my mom, I read my horoscope for today and was not too surprised that it said the time was ripe for a confrontation. Mind you, the time is always ripe for a confrontation with her. That’s the trouble with this distant learning thing. We’re both at home all the time. She works at home. I work at home. That’s way too much time together. Anyway, you can note another “hit” with the horoscope. And how are you tabulating all this data anyway?



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: data collection

  blondie, I wish you hadn’t asked (about tabulating). It’s become a nightmare! I have all this wonderful data from you guys (and girl) (girls and guy? you still haven’t told me!), but I don’t know what to do with it. Each of you has been reporting when there is a “hit,” as you put it. That’s great, because that is what I set out to prove. But no one tells me when there is no hit. And I think I blew it when I suggested you do daily, weekly, monthly and yearly checks. That just makes it even more complicated! I guess I thought that I’d get better results that way. To be honest, right now I’m tired and I just feel like scrapping this whole project. Tell Mr. Selenski that I quit! Actually, that’s not quite true. I’m having fun hearing about each of your lives. I’m getting to know you better than I ever would have otherwise. (I was in need of some new friends.) I’d like you to keep the data coming in. I just don’t know what to do with it all.

  By the way, why are you a distant learner? If you don’t get along with your mom, wouldn’t you be better off at school?



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: jselenski

  Subject: Progress Report #3

  Dear Mr. Selenski,

  About my science project. I have good news and bad news. First the good news. My Leo subjects are sending me lots of data, which records all their “hits.” (“Hit” is the word we’re using to indicate when a horoscope has come true in some way.) We’ve had some good conversations about the nature of horoscopes. I have learned a lot about these three studybuddies, and everyone seems to be having fun.

  Now the bad news. Do you remember in your last letter you asked me if astrology was testable? At the time I thought it was. I still do. What I can’t figure out is how to tabulate all the data I am collecting. Also, I wish I’d narrowed down the scope (how’s that for a good scientific word, Mr. Selenski?). You see, my Leo subjects are reading daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. I should have just stuck to weekly, or even daily. Then I’d be able to say something like, 2 out of 3 subjects had hits on Feb. 21st, or whatever. As it is, I am drowning in paper and stories around the hits.

  And about your sign. You can’t be Cancer (sensitive and moody), and I’m sure you’re not a Gemini because you don’t seem to be anything like me. That really narrows down the field. You must be a Virgo: practical, logical, dedicated and critical. Right?

  Going star-crazy,

  Kaleigh Wyse


  From: jselenski

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Progress Report #3


  I am very pleased with the progress you are making on this project. I’m glad you discovered on your own that the scope (yes, very good word) was too unwieldy. Remember, the Scientific Method is Seven Steps to Discovery. The point of these projects is not simply to come up with a fabulous final report. It is in the process of conducting an experiment that so much can be learned. You thought you were narrowing down the variables by only using one astrologer’s forecasts, but now you realize that there were still too many variables. The best way to learn things is by trial and error. Well done!

  Now, more good news. It is not too late to start again. Not with a new topic (scared you for a moment there, didn’t I, Kaleigh), but with a fresh start to your data collecting. Don’t throw out what you’ve already collected, but ask your subjects to respond only to their daily horoscopes and you will more easily be able to tabulate the “hits” and “misses.”

  Now, about my sun sign. I’m glad you don’t think I’m sensitive or moody. And I’m delighted that you think I
am practical, logical and dedicated. It’s true. I am. But why do you think I’m critical? And maybe I’m more like you than you realize. After all, how well do you know me? How well do you know anyone you meet online? Are we not just a summation of the character traits we choose to show? I once marked a science project on body language. Although it was not the best project I’ve ever seen (oops, there I go being critical again!), the student did demonstrate that we learn a lot about a person by meeting them face to face and picking up visual clues.

  Just something very unscientific to think about.

  Yours truly,

  Mr. J. Selenski


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: 2good4u

  Cc: starlight; blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Data collection

  Dear Leo Subjects,

  You have been giving me awesome data for my science project. THANK YOU! Trouble is, you’re doing such a good job that I just can’t keep track of it all. I’ve been in touch with Mr. S. and he suggested that we narrow “the scope.” From now on, I’m only going to tabulate hits on daily horoscopes. (Forget the weekly, monthly, yearly — way too confusing!) To help me even more, please put the word Hit in the Subject of your email, and then tell me what happened. If there was no hit for you, please write No Hit in the subject. That way I’ll know you haven’t just forgotten about my silly little project that day. I will set up a graph with days of the week and the number of hits that happened that day. I think that is the proper way to collect scientific data.

  Makes sense?

  Your star-crazy friend,


  Feb. 11

  Dear Twin,

  I believe I did just what I was told in this week’s horoscope, but I’m no further ahead. I communicated—a lot—with everyone —but what greater understanding do I have? None. SWEET F. ALL! (Sorry, twin, but I’m getting a little aggravated by my lack of understanding, as well as by this tiredness that I just can’t do anything about.)

  Fear? Oh yeah, I’ll just tell myself not to be afraid.

  “Kaleigh, don’t be afraid.”

  “Okay. I won’t be.”


  I’m beginning to wonder if Ms. Stargazer is as wise as I once thought. She’s clearly never had a life-threatening disease, or she wouldn’t say such stupid things.

  But I think I have been a good “agent of creativity.” My Leo team has really jumped on board when it comes to my project. Thank God for them. In fact, if it weren’t for them … I better not go there.

  Mr. S. is like so wrong about us needing physical clues to get to know a person. I think it’s just the opposite. By meeting online, we don’t let physical stuff get in the way of getting to know each other. It doesn’t matter whether my clothes are cool, or whether I’m tall, short, fat, thin, hairy or hairless. I could have a big nose, buckteeth, zits. It doesn’t matter. When you meet online, you get right to the heart of matters, right to what’s important. Mr. S. is just old and old-fashioned. His generation has not caught up. He probably thinks he needs to form one of those encounter groups — or whatever they were called — to really chill with his pals. I can just see them, sitting in a circle, the candles are lit, they are meditating … Oh! Now they are astro-traveling! Watch out, Mr. S. Come back! We need you to lead us to greater scientific knowledge! Forget about your feelings — you’re a scientist!

  All this ranting is tiring. I need another snooze …

  Your twin

  More Experimenting

  Forecast For the Week of

  Feb. 12 – Feb. 18

  by B.A. Stargazer

  Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

  Many things depend on how

  brave you are willing to be. Life

  is changing. This is the time for

  spiritual and personal growth.

  Remain positive.


  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  Today’s horoscope for Leos was a good one. Stargazer said, “Relationships pick up momentum, especially love relationships.” Did I tell you about my co-star? :)



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  Yes! I won’t give you the details, but consider today’s horoscope to be a big hit with this Leo!

  Shari, who just might be in love.


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: Hit

  Shari, are you talking about Chris? How can you be in love with someone you don’t even know?! Come to your senses, girl.



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Hit

  Kaleigh, what do you mean by “I don’t know him”? We write to each other every day, and he’s even phoned me from “port” a couple of times. We share our most intimate thoughts and feelings. How can you say that?!



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: Hit

  Okay, I agree, I’m sure you KNOW him really well. But fall in love? That’s entirely different. Don’t you think you’d have to go on real dates, stare into each other’s eyes, whisper sweet nothings? Seriously, I know people are meeting online, but that just gets things started. I always thought it was when they actually got together — in person — that love could enter the picture. You’ve only met him once! And he can say anything he wants in his email. None of it is necessarily true. For all you know he has 15 girlfriends, and he tells each of you the same BS. I don’t think you should get so carried away, that’s all.



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Hit

  I resent that. I am the only girl Matt writes to. I know that for sure. Maybe you’re just jealous.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: Hit

  Shari, who do you write to, Chris or Matt? You were hot on Chris. Now you’re hot on Matt? Or is it both of them?!



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Hit

  I meant Chris, of course. I don’t know why I typed in Matt’s name. Just not paying attention I guess. And we ARE falling in love.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: Hit

  Okay, whatever. It just seems kind of quick, that’s all.



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Hit

  Kaleigh, maybe it would be best if you just collected data and didn’t comment on your subjects’ lives. Otherwise I might have to withdraw from this little experiment of yours.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: Hit

  I’m sorry, Shari. Really. I won’t comment again. Please don’t quit the experiment. (But it’s not really “little.” It’s a term project, just in case you didn’t know.)



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Hit

  Kaleigh, you just don’t understand because this has never happened to you.

  I will stay in the “big” experiment, for now.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: Hit

  You’re right, Shari. I know nothing about love. Unfortunately. And th
at’s not likely to change any time soon, either.

  Thanks for hanging in. I think.



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: No hit


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Blondie, your last message didn’t have a message. Was that on purpose?



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Yeah, I figured if nothing happened, I didn’t need to elaborate. Too bad, because it would have been nice to have something to say about my love life. Unfortunately, you have to have one in order for it to pick up momentum.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Yeah, I know what you mean about the love life.

  Speaking of relationships, I’ve had a bit of a fight (misunderstanding?) with one of the other Leo subjects. She’s acting super-sensitive. She even threatened to drop out of my experiment, and I thought we were becoming good friends. All I did was say that I thought it was impossible to fall in love with someone you mostly only know online. Wouldn’t you agree?


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