Sun Signs

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Sun Signs Page 10

by Shelley Hrdlitschka

  Okay, here goes:

  1. Yes, I did read the daily horoscopes for Leo. And the weekly, monthly and yearly, but I guess you don’t want to know about that.

  2. Yay! I don’t have to answer this one.

  3. I found the experience fun. Reading the horoscope tweaked my imagination (as you know!). If she said that something “good” was going to happen, I felt hopeful all day and kept looking for it to happen. I basically felt up, even if the “thing” didn’t come true. (She didn’t use the word good—she was more specific—but you know what I mean.)

  If the horoscope didn’t sound too optimistic, I usually didn’t think about it much, although sometimes it made me approach my day more cautiously.

  I was disappointed when we no longer had to collect data. That could partly be because I enjoyed our emails back and forth. (And I enjoyed having a boyfriend. Lol) But I think it was mostly because she put a positive spin on most of her predictions.

  4. The horoscopes didn’t say anything to cause me to doubt their reliability because I don’t believe one astrologer can really know what is going to happen to every Leo every day. Sort of like weathermen. Their forecasts aren’t always accurate either, but they usually are. If I didn’t have a “hit,” I assumed it was just an off day. I trust astrologers know what they’re doing. Some are better than others. Some are way too vague. I really like B.A. Stargazer. (Do you think that’s her real name? Lol)

  5. Yeah, I’d say the horoscopes held some truth for me most of the time. Of course, the way she writes them, they’re often just practical advice that would do anyone good to read. For example, today for Leo she says, “Although you may have agreed to do something in the past, that does not mean you have to keep on doing it.” That could be good advice for anyone. Hey wait! Does she mean us Leos don’t need to help you with the rest of this project? Hmmm. :)

  6. Yep, reading my horoscope did cause me to change the way I behaved. I behaved badly. I became a liar. But I can’t blame the horoscopes for that. I think the horoscopes would have caused me to lead a better life (aside from the lying) because her advice was usually so positive and encouraged you to do the right thing.

  7. Overall, I think the horoscopes are accurate most of the time (see #4 above).

  8. I never was skeptical about astrology. I think the stars and planets do have an effect on our lives, but until your science project I never spent much time thinking about it.

  I hope that helps.


  P.S. Are you ever going to tell me about yourself?


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: starlight

  Subject: Re: another request

  Yep. Soon. :)


  Thanks for answering all those questions!


  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request

  Give it up, Kaleigh.


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: another request

  I can’t give it up! I’ve decided to finish this report. I’ve come this far. Just tell me some more lies if you want. I’ll never know.



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request


  Astrology is a joke. Stargazer and every other shyster like her is getting rich because there is a sucker — like you—born every minute. Those planets and stars are trillions of miles away. They are not affecting your daily life. I can’t believe you or anyone else buys into that crap.

  I am not a Leo. I am not a Gemini. I am not a Pisces or Capricorn or any other sign. I am a young offender in a juvenile detention home. I am not here because my parents gave me up to a series of fucking foster homes or because the stars determined I should be here. I’m here because I stole cars, broke into houses and got kicked out of all the high schools in my community. End of story.

  I joined your little game because I needed a distraction from the boredom of this place. You sounded so cute with all your yabber about horoscopes. So sweet and naïve, so different than the girls I know. I’m sorry to hear you’re sick. You didn’t figure I could read between the lines? I’m not here because I’m stupid.

  I guess I can understand why you’ve turned to astrology. Being seriously ill probably makes you do strange stuff, but I still think you should chill out. You were fun for a while.

  Lucas Seymour


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: another request

  Lucas, I bet you’re the same astrological sign as Mr. Selenski.



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request

  Good one, Kaleigh! You’re lightening up. Could this mean you’re getting well?

  And for a teacher, I always thought Selenski was cool. So thanks.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: another request

  I hope I’m getting well. I’m trying. And Mr. S. is pretty cool. I wish I could figure out once and for all what his astrological sign is!

  Speaking of astrology, you’re entitled to your beliefs, Lucas. I just wish I’d known what they were before I started my project. That way I could have done my experiment properly. The results would have been a lot more interesting.

  By the way, you’re right about me turning to astrology after I found out I had cancer. I’m sure that sounds pathetic to you. Maybe it is. I also lost faith in astrology somewhere along the way—about the time I discovered that the chemotherapy hadn’t wiped out the tumor.

  But now I’m beginning to find faith in it again. How would you explain that, Mr. Knowitall?



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request

  Hmm. Could be you’ve found a hot new astrologer?


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: another request

  Very funny.

  So when do you get out of that juvenile detention home?



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request

  The answer to that is written in the stars.

  (Could you please consult your astrologist for me and get the date? Thanks.)



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request

  Hi Kaleigh,

  Happy to comply with your request!! :)

  1. Yes.

  2. N/A

  3. Enlightening.

  4. No. Just the opposite. I doubted their reliability before I began reading them. I became a follower of astrology.

  5. Absolutely.

  6. Yes. I think. Though I still don’t know whether the chicken or the egg came first (see data collected weeks ago).

  7. Most of the time.

  8. Less skeptical.


  -------------- From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: another request

  Thanks, Jamie.

  Have you heard from that girl from your Jedi chatroom? Is she doing ok?



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request

  Yeah, she writes to me every day. I’m like her savior or something. It’s a bit embarrassing the way she carries on. Now she wants to swap pictures. Ha. That should bring a qu
ick end to her obsession with me.

  I turned her into a horoscope junky too. Lol. In a strange way, it gives her something to believe in. I guess we all need that in our lives.

  And hey! I still want to know who your imaginary friends are.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: another request

  Hey! I’m jealous. You’re mine! Tell her to go find her own guy. LOL.

  I was tempted to suggest you send her a picture of some hot rock star or something, but then I came to my senses. There’s way too much dishonesty happening in chatrooms already. And besides, you should give the girl some credit. She’ll probably love your face just the way you are. So don’t send her anything! :)


  Oh, my imaginary friends were:

  1. an immortal twin

  2. an astrologer who doesn’t respond

  Don’t you wish you had friends like these?


  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: another request

  It does wonders for a guy’s ego to be fought over. :)

  There may be a lot of people establishing online relationships, and lots of imaginary friends, but they’re sure limited, aren’t they? I’d love to go to a movie, on a walk, or do something, ANYTHING! with you. Chatting just doesn’t cut it.




  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: another request

  You’re right. I’d like to do something with you, too. Maybe someday, when we’re finished school, we can plan to meet somewhere. Wouldn’t that be fun?

  Hey, listen to me planning for the future! I haven’t done that for a while. Thanks, Jamie!!


  March 18


  I’m practically bald, I may still have cancer, but Jamie wants to go out with me! Would that have happened if we’d sat next to each other in a classroom? He doesn’t even know me. Or does he? I have no idea. I think I know him. For one very stupid moment I even thought I was falling in LOVE!! with him. Just what I told Shari she could never do online. Omigod.

  I think I know Shari and Lucas, but what would it be like to be with them? Would they seem completely different? Would hearing them talk put a whole new slant on what they say? Would seeing them—no matter how open-minded I’d try to be—change the way I’d feel about them? Would their mannerisms, their voices, their … I don’t know … their beings be something I liked? Or do I just like reading what they have to say? Will I ever find the answers to these questions?

  Where is all the wisdom that was supposed to arrive this week?!

  Stargazer said I’d need both twins to sort it all out. True, all those questions, no answers.

  But at least I HAVE questions, which means I care about something. Not caring is the pits. Been there, done that. Hope not to do it again.

  State a Conclusion

  Forecast For the Week of

  March 19 – March 25

  by B.A. Stargazer

  Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

  Take heart, Gemini. Great news

  will arrive by July 1st. You are

  the catalyst among friends.


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: jselenski

  Subject: Research Project: Conclusion

  Attachments: 1. Astrology Report 2. Leo Data

  Dear Mr. Selenski,

  As you can see, I’ve attached a written report on astrology that covers what astrology is, how it works, some historical information, etc. I hope you find it’s okay, even though it’s kind of boring. I have also attached my file of data, which I collected from my Leo subjects. Have fun wading through that mess!

  What is not included in that report are some of my personal observations and conclusions about astrology, which I came to after attempting to do this project. I will discuss those here, in a sort of essay, if that’s okay with you.

  First of all, I want you to know that even though I have had some doubts about astrology over the past year, I’m now a firm believer again. Knowing you, Mr. Selenski, you would want me to PROVE to you that it exists, right? But I would ask you, can anyone prove that God exists? How about Love? Lots of people believe in God and Love, right? But no one can prove they exist. You can’t see them, touch them, smell or taste them, but people would tell you that they FEEL them in their lives. And I’m sure you wouldn’t dare argue with that logic. Well, I FEEL the presence of a cosmic energy in my life. I really do. Hey! Maybe the energy affecting the cosmos IS God! Anyway, we know that it’s the gravitational force of the moon and the sun on the oceans that creates tides. If the sun and moon can move the oceans around, don’t you think they could have an effect on human behavior? I think so. And I think that the other celestial bodies also have an effect.

  What I have “discovered” about astrology (and I know how much you like that word) is that astrologers can’t predict exactly what is going to happen in a person’s life. They can only advise you of the kinds of energy that you can expect from the cosmos. We can choose whether to take that advice to help us create healthy and happy lives. For example, a common planetary force that astrologers warn us of is the Mercury Retrograde. I used to be scared of this scenario. I thought it meant bad things were going to happen to everyone. Now I know it only means that there are potential difficulties with communication. This just means that we should use extra care with what we say and what we interpret when chatting with or writing to friends (or teachers!).

  Another thing I have discovered about astrology is what a powerful positive influence it can have on a person’s life. Two of my Leo subjects were not horoscope readers before I began my project, but thanks to me :) they are now, and the horoscopes helped them make some good decisions. For example, one of the subjects was encouraged by her horoscope to confront a situation that was bothering her. So she did, and with very positive results! The other may even have saved a girl’s life as a result of reading his horoscope. Now, I know you like to argue that horoscopes are vague and will be interpreted differently by everyone who reads them, but I ask you, Mr. Selenski, what’s wrong with that?! Each of us can take the advice found in horoscopes and apply it to our own lives. I have discovered that the power of suggestion is very strong, and, I would argue, very powerful. LOL

  The one thing about horoscopes that worries me a little is that some astrologers may not be as responsible and trustworthy as others. I don’t think a responsible astrologer would ever say that something specifically “bad” was going to happen. They would only say that the cosmic energies didn’t favor you at that time (or something like that) and you should take certain precautions. That seems fair to me. When I was going through a rough time with my radiation therapy, we Geminis were told by B.A. Stargazer that we’d be experiencing a solar low. At first I was appalled and even more depressed by this news, but the advice that followed was for us to take things slowly and to save our energy. I realize, in hindsight, that that was excellent advice, and I am glad that I chose to follow it! I guess there will be irresponsible astrologers, just as there are irresponsible doctors, lawyers, and even teachers. :)

  In conclusion (and I know how you like conclusions, Mr. Selenski), I think I can sum up what I learned in the conducting of this experiment with the following quote from B.A. Stargazer.

  “We are all influenced by the astrological climate — but it is just that — a climate. We each have the power to create our own lives. The stars help us to see realities and possibilities, but in the end, our destiny is what we make of it.”

  And here endeth my essay.


  Kaleigh Wyse

  P.S. My horoscope for this week says I will receive great news by July 1. Now how can I NOT believe that?!

/>   P.P.S. Are you an Aries? Energetic, quick-tempered, extroverted and sometimes aggressive?


  From: jselenski

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Research Project: Conclusion

  Dear Kaleigh,

  I received your science project and your essay. Do you realize that you actually turned it in a week early? I think this is marvelous considering all you have been through this term. You earned extra marks for your promptness.

  Now, your report on astrology is interesting. It answered many of the questions I had. I didn’t find it boring at all. I also think you argued your points in your essay very well. In an earlier conversation, you and I discussed the value of trying to think positively. You have convinced me that the power of suggestion is very strong, and if astrologers can influence people to make positive choices in their lives, more power to them!

  Just one question: where can I find these horoscopes by B.A. Stargazer? (LOL — to steal an expression from you!)

  I am not an Aries, as I am very patient, which I think we determined some time ago. We must be almost through all the sun signs, aren’t we?

  Mr. J. Selenski

  P.S. Did I mention I’m awarding you an 89% for your project? Congratulations.


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: jselenski

  Subject: Re: Research Project: Conclusion

  Thank you very much!!! (for the 89%) I hope the fact that I have (had????) cancer didn’t have any bearing on your decision.


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