Adventurers Wanted 2) The Horn of Moran

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Adventurers Wanted 2) The Horn of Moran Page 25

by M. L. Forman

  “Boil some water,” Alex ordered. “Now.”

  While Alex waited for the water, he removed a black steel helmet from the young woman’s head. He looked at her closely and thought she didn’t quite look like a human, but not really like an elf either. Putting these thoughts aside for the time being, he retrieved the dragon’s bane plant and some other ingredients from his bag.

  Alex was amazed to see that the plant had grown quite large since he had found it during his last adventure. He knew that the dragon’s bane plant could cure most poisons as well as have a healing effects on wounds. He hoped that the poison had not traveled too far in the young woman’s bloodstream.

  As soon as the boiling water was brought to him, Alex poured a small amount into a cup, setting it aside. Then he pulled two leaves from the plant and crushed them in his hands. He added the powder to the water still in the pot. A clean, fresh smell filled the air instantly, lifting Alex’s spirits and giving him hope.

  “Wash her wound with this.” Alex handed the potion to one of the adventurers who was watching him.

  Alex took the remainder of the water and started brewing a second potion. He added two more leaves to the cup, along with several other things. When the potion was ready, he asked the young woman to drink it. She tried, but was unable to hold the cup by herself, so Alex held it for her as she drank.

  “What is it?” questioned one of the adventurers.

  “A simple potion with healing powers,” said Alex. “The dragon’s bane plant can cure most poisons.”

  “What do we do now?” asked another adventurer.

  “Now we wait,” Alex answered. He set down the empty cup and then returned the dragon’s bane plant to his magic bag.

  “I believe introductions are in order,” said the thin adventurer. “My name is Nellus. And the young woman is Tara.”

  Alex’s didn’t catch the names of the other adventurers or even pay much attention when Bregnest introduced himself and his company. He knew there were certain ceremonies between adventurers that had to be observed, but his thoughts were on Tara. He hoped that his potion would work quickly, but she didn’t seem to be responding to it at all. Alex had to remind himself that potions often took some time to do their work.

  “Well, Master Bregnest,” said Nellus, “we are in your company’s debt, though I fear we will see no profits from our adventure.”

  “And why is that?” Bregnest asked, interested.

  “Young Prince Varson asked our company to seek the Horn of Moran and return it to him.”

  “You have abandoned this quest already?”

  “Not abandoned. We have learned from Mr. Clutter that another company has undertaken the same quest,” said Nellus, his eyebrows rising slightly. “However, this other company has undertaken the quest for the king of Athanor, and we thought we should end our quest and tell the prince that the king had already sent for the Horn.”

  “If the prince wishes the Horn, it is not to prove himself king,” Bregnest commented in a grim tone.

  “Then my guess is correct: you are the king’s company. Do not take me wrong, Bregnest. We mean no disrespect to you, your company, or the king.”

  “I understand you, Nellus,” said Bregnest. “I see that you are an honorable man and would not undertake the quest in competition with the king’s requested company.”

  “Let us speak plainly,” said Nellus, looking troubled. “I believe that Prince Varson wishes to use the Horn to prove his own kingship.”

  “But he is not the true king.”

  “I believe you are correct, but I fear Varson now believes himself to be the rightful king. His adviser, Kappa, has convinced him that he should be king, and all of his thoughts are bent on taking control of the kingdom.”

  “Surely the Horn will prove him to be a false king.”

  “I doubt Varson has considered that,” said Nellus. “And I also doubt that Kappa will allow him to try to sound the Horn. Kappa only wishes to keep the Horn from King Trion so that he cannot prove that he is the true king.”

  “Kappa will be disappointed, I think,” Bregnest replied softly.

  “I believe he will. However, Kappa may try to prevent you from returning to the king. I have heard rumors of war, though we are still too far from the city of Athanor to know if the rumors are true.”

  “We also have heard these rumors,” said Bregnest. “As for myself and my company, we will defend the king, whatever Varson and Kappa do.”

  “A good choice. Sadly for myself and my companions, we must return to Prince Varson and renounce our quest. I fear that Kappa will not be pleased with us.”

  “Could you perhaps delay your return?” Bregnest questioned. “If you did not return too quickly, Varson may be shown the error of his ways, and Kappa may decide to flee.”

  “A good idea, and I wish we could. Unfortunately, we have all sworn an oath that we will return as swiftly as we can. Even if we renounce the quest, we must fulfill our oath.”

  “Then perhaps we can travel together,” said Bregnest. “Varson’s palace is close to Athanor, so our paths go the same way.”

  “We would be most honored to travel with your company, though it appears it may be a few days before we can move on.”

  “Yes,” said Bregnest, looking at Alex. “I doubt very much that my friend Alex will leave Tara until he is sure she is out of danger.”

  “Then we should set up camp in the oak trees,” suggested Nellus. “That is, if the healer thinks Tara may be moved.”

  “She can be moved,” Alex replied. “Though I feel that more troubles her than her wound, or the poison in it.”

  “You see many things,” said Nellus, a surprised look on his face. “We will not speak of this now. Let’s move Tara and set up camp. Then we will discuss payment for your services.”

  “We must also discuss captives,” said Bregnest. “Three of the bandits chose surrender, and we must decide what is to be done with them.”

  Nellus nodded but didn’t reply. The two companies moved to the nearby grove of oak trees and set up their camps slightly apart from each other. Once this was done Andy, Halfdan, and Sindar went to search the dead bandits for any treasure. Bregnest remained talking with Nellus, and Alex remained beside Tara.

  Alex felt a great need to hurry to Athanor, but he felt an even greater need to help Tara. There was something strangely sad about her, something that he couldn’t put his finger on.

  Alex’s friends returned with a small amount of treasure the bandits had been carrying, and Bregnest offered the treasure and the captured horses to Nellus.

  “We are in debt to you and your company,” Nellus said in a businesslike tone. “You shall keep what the bandits had, and we will make some payment to you for your assistance.”

  “And what payment do you offer?”

  “I offer five thousand gold coins from each of my company,” said Nellus. “Also, I will ask that each of my company deliver to you one in ten of the primary treasure from their next adventure.”

  “You are most generous, Nellus. Perhaps too generous,” said Bregnest. “My company and I have had the honor of assisting you, so I will ask for something less.”

  “That is your right, Bregnest, though I think the offer is not over generous,” said Nellus, looking slightly worried.

  “I will ask but two thousand gold coins from each of your company, and one in twenty of their next primary treasure,” said Bregnest. “Your current adventure has cost you much already, and may cost you more when you reach Prince Varson.”

  “You are both kind and generous, and your honor is great,” said Nellus. “I agree to your request.”

  “And the prisoners?” Bregnest questioned.

  “We will not kill them, though it is our right,” replied Nellus. “We will take them to King Trion, and there they will receive their punishment.”

  “As you wish.”

  Nellus called his company together. The adventurers all agreed to Bregnest’s ter
ms, and they each came forward to make payment to Bregnest and swear the requested oath.

  Bregnest accepted their payments and their oaths, bowing to each member in turn. Then he called Alex and the rest of their company together, dividing the payment among them.

  Once the ceremony of payment was over, Alex returned to Tara’s side. He hoped she would show signs of improvement, but she remained unchanged. Sindar came to see how Alex was, and he paused to look at Tara. Alex thought Sindar looked slightly alarmed, and he was quick to ask his friend why.

  “She has elf blood in her,” Sindar answered in a whisper.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Back to the Wall

  Alex remained next to Tara as night fell over Alusia. He ate little and said less as he tried to think of a reason why Tara was still sick. The dragon’s bane potion would remove the poison from her system, but he felt that she did not wish to be healed and perhaps that was the reason she had not improved.

  Alex did not sleep at all that night. His mind was full of questions that he could not answer, and his heart longed to press forward to Athanor. Nellus and the other members of his company came to check on Tara from time to time, but Alex had nothing to tell them.

  When morning finally came, Tara was pale, and it seemed that she had little life left in her. Nellus asked Alex if he knew what was wrong, and Alex nodded.

  “I fear that she does not wish to be healed,” Alex said slowly. “I can feel a great sorrow in her. A longing for something that is lost.”

  “You see many things, healer,” said Nellus. “I will tell you what I know of Tara. Perhaps that will aid you in healing her.”

  “She has moved closer to the wall in the night. I do not know what I can do for her.”

  Both companies gathered around Alex and Tara as Alex talked to Nellus. They all looked troubled, and Alex wished he could tell them something to comfort them.

  “You have an elf in your company,” said Nellus, looking at Sindar. “Perhaps he can call her back from the wall?”

  “I have been to the wall before,” Sindar replied, a pained look on his face. “I do not wish to return there and would do so only if Bregnest commanded me to.”

  “I will give no such command,” Bregnest was quick to reply. “I know you would go if I asked this of you, Sindar, but I will not put you through that trial. I would not command you to do such a thing, not even if Tara were my own child.”

  “My apologies, Sindar, Bregnest,” said Nellus, bowing. “I do not know much about the wall, and I asked before thinking.”

  “There is no harm,” Sindar replied. “I can tell you that to call someone back from the wall requires great power. The one time that I attempted to do so, it nearly destroyed me.”

  “Then we have a sad journey ahead, and must carry sadder tidings to Tara’s family,” said Nellus with a deep sigh.

  “She has not crossed the wall yet,” said Alex defiantly. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and pushed away the sorrow that had built up inside of him. “Nellus, tell me all you can about Tara.”

  “What do you wish to know?’ Nellus asked, looking shocked and surprised by Alex’s sudden outburst.

  “Tell me about her family, her adventures, what she was like—everything you can think of.”

  “As you wish,” said Nellus, pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts. “Tara is the youngest daughter of King Nordal from the land of Kess. She has two older sisters and three older brothers. She is greatly loved by her family and by all in the kingdom. She was only allowed to undertake this adventure because her father thought it sounded fairly safe. She has a great talent with animals and can calm even the most angered or fearsome of beasts.”

  Alex asked Nellus a few questions from time to time as he continued to talk, trying to understand what Tara was like and why she was so sad. He learned that she had gone on three other adventures and had found some success as an honorable adventurer.

  Once Nellus had finished, Alex asked each of his company to tell him their own impressions of Tara. They all spoke highly of her. They agreed that she had a temper and that she had definite ideas about things. She would argue her point of view as far as she could without offending her companions, and then would accept whatever decision Nellus made without argument.

  The information was interesting, but none of it seemed to answer the questions that Alex had. He wondered what Tara’s great sorrow was and what the reason for it could be. He could feel the depth of her sorrow as if it was his own, but he could not see any reason for it in what Tara’s friends told him.

  “Does she have elf blood in her?” Alex asked, remembering Sindar’s comment.

  “She does,” Nellus answered. “Her mother was half-elf.”


  “Her mother was killed several years ago when Tara was young. I don’t think she can even remember her mother, so I didn’t mention it before.”

  “How was her mother killed?” Alex questioned.

  “Bandits,” Nellus replied slowly, looking toward the three bandits they still held captive. “She was traveling to see an oracle and her company was attacked. Only one of the company survived, and he died of his wounds after telling the story of what had happened.”

  “Very well,” said Alex, deciding in his own mind what he must do for Tara.

  “I don’t see how anything we said could help you heal her,” said Nellus sadly. “I had hoped that it might, but . . .”

  “Your hopes are not in vain. Your words have cleared my own thoughts and driven out my doubts.”

  “Then you know of a way to heal her?” Nellus questioned.

  “Yes,” said Alex in a determined tone. “I will call her back from the wall. I will free her from the sorrow that drags her down, if I can.”

  “But you are not an elf.”

  “No, I’m not,” said Alex. “But I am a healer, and I have been to the wall before. The shadow lands hold no fear for me. I will go.”

  “Alex,” said Bregnest looking worried. “I know more than perhaps anyone about your journeys to the wall. I must warn you against returning there again.”

  “I thank you for your concern, Bregnest. However, this is a burden that I must carry,” Alex replied. “You know a great deal about my journeys to the wall, but you do not know all.”

  “Then be careful, my friend,” said Bregnest with a slight bow. “We will await your return.”

  “Journeys?” Nellus asked, stunned. “You have been to the wall more than once?”

  “I have been to the wall three times,” said Alex. “Twice I went before I knew about the wall and the shadow lands beyond. Those times friends of great power called me back. The third time I went by my own choice, knowing what I would find there. I went to call back a friend and free him from a terrible burden.”

  “And you are willing go there again—for a stranger?”

  “I will help Tara, though I have never met her,” Alex answered firmly. “This is the burden I carry now, and I will help in any way that I can.”

  “Then go, Master Taylor,” said Nellus, looking almost as worried as Bregnest. “We will watch and hope for your success.”

  Alex nodded, sitting for a moment, gathering his thoughts and working his magic. He knew what he would find at the wall, and he knew that the shadow lands would call to him as they had before. He focused his mind on his friends, the people he cared for on this side of the wall, and on what the future might hold for him. Alex thought of his hopes and dreams, everything that would keep him anchored to this side of the wall and to life.

  Once he was ready, Alex took Tara’s right hand in his own left hand. Pausing for a moment to focus his magic, he placed his right hand on top of Tara’s hand. Softly, he called her name.

  It happened much slower than the last time he’d worked this magic. Alex called Tara’s name three times before he felt himself moving away from his friends under the oak trees. Slowly his vision cleared, and once more he found himself climbing a
grass-covered hillside in a shadowy land.

  Tara was not standing at the top of the hill. Worried, Alex hurried to the hilltop, and looking down the far side, he could see the stone wall that divided the land of the living from the land of the dead. There, about halfway down the hill, stood Tara. She looked confused and afraid, as if unsure which way she should go or what she should do.

  “Tara,” Alex called softly, moving down the hill toward her.

  “Have you come for me?” Tara asked as Alex approached. “Am I to go over the wall then? Does my mother wait there?”

  “Calm yourself, Tara. I have come for you, yes, but not to take you across the wall.”

  “But my mother is there,” Tara protested.

  “Your mother is not beyond the wall, Tara. Your mother was half-elf and has gone to the halls of waiting with her people.”

  “How . . . how do you know this?” Tara questioned as she searched the wall with her eyes.

  “I know many things, and I know that if your mother was beyond the wall we would see her there now, waiting for you,” Alex answered. “Let go of your desire to find her there, before it is too late.”

  “I . . . I do not remember my mother,” said Tara with a sob. “I can’t even remember her face. I hoped to see her here, but . . . there is nothing.”

  “Your mother is alive in you, Tara. To see her, all you need to do is look in a mirror, or at your sisters and brothers. Your mother is alive in all of you.”

  “Who . . . who are you?” Tara asked, looking away from the wall and sounding tired and confused.

  “I am a friend. I have come to help you, but you must also help yourself.”

  “I do not know you. Why should I trust you or believe anything you say?”

  “We have never met, that is true. But your friends, Nellus and the rest of your company, have told me about you, and I feel that I know you.”

  “Perhaps you know something of me, but that is no reason for me to trust you,” Tara pointed out.

  “You speak truly, so to win your trust, I will tell you something of myself and how I came to know you.”


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