Home > Other > FOR THE LOVE OF THE SEA > Page 6

by Jennifer Bohnet

  James was home when she phoned a few minutes later and was pleased to hear from her, as Anna had predicted.

  “I’m sorry I was so rude James.” Cassie got straight to the point. “I don’t normally snap at people. Please forgive me.”

  “Consider yourself forgiven. I realise you’re under a lot of strain right now.” There was a short pause before he went on. “Would you like to have dinner with me Saturday evening?”

  “That would be nice, thank you. There’s something I’d like to ask you then as well.”

  “Ask me now.”

  “No. It’ll keep. I’ll see you Saturday.”

  As Cassie replaced the receiver she wondered whether her question for James would in fact keep. Or whether she would have changed her mind by Saturday and lost her nerve.

  It was raining hard the next morning as Cassie and Anna prepared to leave for town. Cassie nearly suggested putting their outing off but Anna was so keen to show her the house that she didn’t have the heart to even suggest it.

  Polly sent an e-mail just before they left which they read over Tom’s shoulder.

  “My first night on Clotted Cream was wonderful. The self-steering is working a dream. Weather so far good, but there is a depression forecast. Hopefully I’ll be able to skirt around the edge of it. Turning for home about mid-day. See you all sometime tomorrow morning. Love Polly. P.S. Any chance of a curry for dinner tomorrow Mum?”

  “If you’re e-mailing or speaking to her, tell her yes,” Cassie said, adding the ingredients to her shopping list.

  “Right, we’re off to brave the rain. We’ll drop these brochures off to Rufus as we go past reception. See you later.”

  Cassie and Anna ran into the Marina Reception Office both clutching a box of barge brochures. Rufus was talking to a large man dressed in expensive wet weather gear.

  “Cassie, Anna, meet Doug Hampshire. He’s berthing his yacht down on Pontoon E for the next year.”

  As Pontoon E was reserved for the largest, most expensive boats Cassie reckoned Doug must be the wealthy client Rufus had been so keen to sign up.

  She smiled at Doug as he took her hand in a firm grip.

  “Pleased to meet you,” he said. “I’m having an ‘Open Boat’ for a couple of hours on Sunday, as an opportunity to meet some locals. I hope you’ll both come? About 6.30. You’ll pass the word around Rufus?”

  Thanking Doug, Cassie and Anna made a dash for the car.

  “Nice man,” Anna said. “Wonder what his wife’s like?”

  Cassie shrugged, but there was a warmth in his eyes that made her think she must be a lucky woman.

  Once in town, Anna collected the key from the estate agent and took Cassie to see Glebe House.

  Situated down a lane off one of the main streets, Cassie saw immediately why it appealed to Anna.

  Built at the turn of the 19th century it stood squarely in what had once clearly been an orchard, and through the rain Cassie could see several gnarled apple trees dotted around the large garden.

  A high red-brick wall around the entire perimeter of the property encased it in perfect solitude from its neighbours, creating a little bit of countryside in the heart of town.

  Once they were inside, Cassie turned to Anna.

  “I can see you living here. It’s got such a wonderful feel about it - even on a day like today.”

  The next hour flew by as they wandered from room to room, discussing the best way to redesign and decorate the house.

  They finished the tour of inspection in the kitchen. “The only thing I must have in here apart from the Aga is a dresser,” Anna declared.

  “The only thing I must have right now is lunch!” Cassie said. “I’m starving.”

  “Come on then. Let’s get the key back. Shall I make an offer d’you think?” Anna asked seriously.

  “You’d be mad not to,” Cassie said.

  Anna, as promised, treated them to lunch in the old coaching inn on the embankment. Before leaving town they did some shopping and then drove slowly home in the rain that was still pouring down.

  As they drove into the yard Cassie was surprised to see Dexter’s sports car parked in front of the house.

  “Lovely to see you Dexter,” she said. “Tom didn’t say you were coming. Are you staying?”

  “It was a spur of the moment thing. And, yes, please if you can put up with me for a couple of days. I’m on my way down to Plymouth but I don’t have to be there for a couple of days.”

  Supper that evening was a jolly affair. Tom was pleased to see his old friend and as they all gathered around the table, he and Dexter were soon deep in reminiscences about the times they’d sailed together and the races they’d won.

  Because Tom was hemmed in and unable to move quickly, it was Dexter who got up to answer the satellite phone when Polly called.

  “No problems to report? Good. So we’ll see you tomorrow about mid-day? D’you want to talk to Cassie? Tom? OK I’ll give everyone your love. Take care out there,” he said.

  “Everything is fine.” He turned to Cassie. “She’s planning on having something to eat then getting some sleep so she’ll be awake and ready to tackle the busiest part of the channel tomorrow. Sends her love to everyone.”

  The next morning Cassie and Dexter were down on the landing pontoon as Polly motored up river. They both gave her a hand securing Clotted Cream alongside.

  Within minutes the shore crew from Rule of Thumb Technology were on board checking out all the electronics and plans were made to begin loading provisions that afternoon.

  “Did you have much trouble trimming the boat?” Dexter asked, looking at Polly’s slight frame and remembering how difficult it had been for him to balance the last boat he’d raced properly.

  Polly shook her head.

  “Not really. The only problem is, with the wind continually changing direction you know that you’ll be shifting it all back again within a few hours. Hopefully during the race itself the wind will be more consistent.”

  “Probably be much stronger too,” was Dexter’s only comment as he picked up Polly’s sail-bag ready to go ashore.

  That afternoon Polly and Dexter loaded and packed provisions into Clotted Cream’s hold with an easy familiarity. As they walked tiredly back to the house Polly turned to Dexter.

  “Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it.”

  Dexter glanced at her before replying.

  “I gather from Tom that your boyfriend is worried about you doing this trip?”

  Polly shrugged.

  “Mum’s worried too. But she hasn’t said I shouldn’t.”

  “And he has?”

  Polly just pulled a face and didn’t answer.

  “Are you and he engaged?” he persisted.

  “No.” Polly shook her head. She didn’t feel the need to tell Dexter about the ring box hidden in her drawer - or about the doubts she was having over her feelings for Sebastian.

  She’d enough to think about right now.

  The next twenty-four hours were busy ones. Everybody in the boatyard and marina was roped in to help with all the preparations necessary to get Polly and Clotted Cream ready for their big adventure.

  As Cassie told James over dinner at The Seafarers on Saturday evening, she found it hard to believe how quickly the race date was approaching - and how much work was involved.

  “Honestly James there are far more regulations these days compared with twenty years ago. And the amount of paperwork is unbelievable.”

  “A lot more people are involved, I suppose,” James said. “Like everything else, it’s big business these days too.” He glanced at her.

  “How did Polly cope with her sea trials? Clotted Cream’s a big boat to manage single-handed.”

  “Fine. Polly is very determined. She feels if Ellen MacArthur can race Open 60s, so can she!”

  They were eating dessert when James turned the conversation.

  “Well Cassie what was the question you wanted to
ask me?”

  Cassie put her spoon down and took a deep breath.

  “You once asked me to go sailing with you.”

  James nodded.

  “Yes, I remember. The invitation still stands.”

  “In that case, will you please take me sailing as soon as possible?” There, the words were spoken.

  “Of course. Monday afternoon OK?”

  “Thank you.” Cassie smiled.

  “Can I ask what brought on the change of mind?”

  Cassie was reluctant to tell him the truth – that she had some ghosts to lay. She didn’t want him to think she was using him.

  “Oh, I just wanted to find out if I still remembered how to do it after all this time,” she said instead.

  To her ears the reason seemed shallow, but James appeared to accept it.

  “I don’t think you ever forget,” he said simply, placing his hand over hers in a comforting gesture that felt to Cassie suddenly too intimate.

  To her relief, an attentive waiter appeared with the offer of coffee and she was able to reclaim her hand without undue fuss. As much as she liked James she wasn’t ready for any complications in their relationship.

  “My social life suddenly seems to be taking off,” she said brightly.

  “I haven’t been so busy in years. Here I am tonight with you, we’re going sailing next week and tomorrow it’s the ‘open boat’ party. Are you going?”

  “Yes. Not really my sort of thing but I have to make an appearance. Doug Hampshire seems nice enough.”

  “Rufus says his boat is amazing - the last word in luxury. He reckons it should be moored in St.Tropez rather than here!”

  Cassie was inclined to agree with her brother the next evening as she, Polly and Anna went on board Megabyte.

  “Now we know how he made his money,” Polly observed. “Computers.”

  “Wow!” Anna exclaimed, “It’s a floating palace. Perhaps you ought to talk to him about some sponsorship for Clotted Cream.”

  “Come on,” Cassie said to Polly, “I’ll introduce you.” The three women moved across the thick cream carpet of the main saloon towards Doug who was standing by an ornate dining table laden with food and drink, talking to Mai, Dexter and James.

  “No sign of Mrs Hampshire is there?” Anna whispered.

  Cassie, looking round at the opulent furnishings, the original paintings on the walls, the priceless ornaments placed strategically, had to keep telling herself that she was on board a boat. It felt more like a very expensive and exclusive hotel.

  But Anna was right. With nothing personal or feminine on display, one couldn’t help wondering about the existence of a Mrs Hampshire.

  “All ready for your big adventure, Polly?” Doug asked, after the introductions had been made.

  She nodded.

  “I can’t wait. There’s the trip to Plymouth tomorrow, ten days’ final sorting out and then it’s all go.”

  “Are you going to Plymouth, too?” Doug asked Cassie.

  “I’m planning on being there for the start of the race,” Cassie said. “I’d hate to miss that. Otherwise, work here calls.”

  “I’ve organised a berth down there for Megabyte for the weekend of the race start. I hope you’ll all join me on board. Then we can go out to sea and give Polly a proper send-off.”

  Cassie smiled her thanks at Doug. She had been wondering how she was going to manage to join the flotilla of boats that always followed competitors out to the line at the start of a big race. Going on Doug’s boat she’d certainly be seeing Polly off in some style.

  “My daughter Vanessa,” he inclined his head in the direction of a tall dark haired girl talking to Mai, “will be there. She’s the one you need to talk to Polly, if you want some additional sponsoring.”

  “We could always do with extra money,” Polly said quickly. “And the bank didn’t come back to us about their offer after Tom’s accident. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go and have a word.”

  Doug turned to Cassie. “You’ll have to excuse me too. I think I’d better circulate. I’ll see you later. Help yourself to food.” He waved his hand in the direction of the buffet.

  “Not me thanks,” James said. “I have to be off. I’ll see you tomorrow, Cassie. Two o’clock down on your landing stage, OK?”

  “I’ll be there,” Cassie promised.

  Both Anna and Mai looked at her as the two men left them, waiting for an explanation.

  Cassie sighed.

  “I’m going sailing with James tomorrow. And I’d appreciate it Mai, if you don’t mention it to Tom. I don’t want him jumping to the wrong conclusion.”

  Despite getting up at five o’clock the next morning, Cassie still missed saying goodbye to Dexter. According to the thank you note he left, he’d crept out of the house at 4.30 and hoped he hadn’t disturbed anybody.

  “Thanks for having me. Tell Polly to have a good trip and I’ll see her in Plymouth later. Dexter.”

  Drinking her coffee Cassie thought about the day ahead. Polly was planning to leave at noon for her trip to Plymouth.

  Cassie realised Tom was still having a hard time accepting that Polly was taking his place, but he was hiding his feelings well. He’d given his sister all the support and advice he could. And Cassie knew that mentally he’d be with her on every wave of the voyage.

  He even managed to make it to the pontoon to see her off. Polly came across to kiss him goodbye as the shore crew began to untie the moorings.

  “Thanks, bruv. I’ll see you. ‘Bye,” she said gruffly.

  “I’m coming to see you off next week so no goodbyes,” Tom said. “I want to make sure you’ve got Clotted Cream set up properly before we let you loose in the Atlantic.”

  “But…” Polly began, looking at Tom and then the wheelchair.

  “But nothing. I’ll be there,” Tom said, an edge to his voice.

  As Clotted Cream motored down river, Tom sat watching until she was too far away to focus on. Mai came over to move him.

  “I’m fine,” he said quietly. “Leave me for a bit.”

  It was another half hour before he asked Mai to push him back to the house.

  Cassie was back down on the landing stage in good time for her two o’clock meeting with James and nervously watched as he began to bring his small sailing yacht alongside to pick her up. Was she ready for this?

  “I thought we’d go up to Salmon Creek. There’s usually a bit of breeze up there. Do you want to steer whilst I get the sails up or d’you want to do the sails?”

  Cassie took the tiller from him and concentrated on steering the boat out through the mooring trots to the main channel. She was used to this, doing it several times during the course of a working week with the yards launch.

  Salmon Creek though, was different. She rarely ventured that far up river. There were too many memories associated with it. She and Miles had often gone there for an afternoons sailing. Now she was going with James.

  She watched as he pulled up the mainsail and turned the outboard motor off as he hauled the jib sail up.

  When he joined her in the cockpit she released the tiller and moved forward on deck, ready to do her bit with the sails when James changed course to take advantage of the fluctuating wind.

  Without the noise of the outboard she could hear the natural noises of the river - seagulls screeching, curlews on the mud banks calling their plaintive cries, the wind rustling through the trees. Even the noise of sheep bleating in distant fields drifted down on the wind.

  As James called “Jibe” Cassie automatically ducked, and the boom swung across, taking the mainsail to catch the wind now blowing from the east. And that was the start of an exhausting hour during which James really put her through her paces and Cassie re-discovered her love of sailing.

  “Thank you so much James,” she said as they motored back down river. “I really enjoyed that.”

  “I told you, you never forget the basics. We must do it again. Fancy crewing for me in this ye
ar’s regattas?”

  “We’ll see,” was all Cassie said.

  Ghosts might have been slain but it was too soon to commit herself to doing more of something that had once before taken over her life.


  Polly and the crew made good time getting to Plymouth. As they motored Clotted Cream into harbour and slowly eased their way into a berth between other competitors, Polly could almost taste the excitement in the air.

  Dexter was on the quay to welcome her. He was part of the official race-organising committee and as soon as the yacht was secure he jumped on board.

  “I’ll give you five minutes to phone Cassie and tell her you’ve arrived safely,” he said. “And then I have a mountain of paperwork to go through with you.”

  Polly made them both a cup of coffee and they settled down to making sure everything was in order for Clotted Cream to take part in the race. As Dexter stamped the last official piece of paper, he looked at Polly.

  “Before I take you to meet people, I have to say something.” He paused before continuing.

  “You know you have only to ask for my help and I’ll give it, but there may be times when it would be best for us not to appear too friendly. The other competitors…” Dexter hesitated again.

  “Might read the wrong thing into one of the organisers being too friendly with a competitor,” Polly finished for him.

  “I know the score Dexter. Don’t worry.”

  “Thanks for understanding, Polly. I didn’t want you to feel that I was suddenly keeping my distance.”

  He gave her a helping hand as she jumped onto the quay.

  “Right,” he said, “let’s go and introduce you to some of the other competitors.”

  Just as they turned to walk along the quay, Dexter’s mobile phone rang.

  “Sorry. Duty calls. I’m needed back in the office.” And he was gone.

  Polly stood undecided for a second or two before starting to climb back on Clotted Cream. She’d meet everyone later.

  “Hi you must be Tom’s little sister.”

  She turned to see a huge bear-like man standing on the deck of the next yacht. Polly recognised him immediately as the world famous solo yachtsman she regarded as one of the hero’s of the sport.


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