Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel] Page 41

by Robert Iannone

  Egg stared at the new serpent. She was heavier than Soo’ and she wore an expression that made her look . . . well, kind of ditsy.

  “Did she say your name is Kiss?”

  “No, she said it was K’ssss.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry.”

  “You’re nice.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Go away you stupid serpent.”

  “Hey, don’t call her that. She’s not stupid.”

  “How would you know?”

  “Because I just do. Besides, you’re just being rude.”

  “Listen, human, if you’re not going to buy anything, why don’t you and dumbo find someplace else to play.”


  “Stop what?”

  “Stop being so mean.”


  Well, this was going spectacularly badly. {“Dazzle, any suggestions?”}

  “Be yourself.”

  So she tried a new tact. “Listen, I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve never been here before and everything is so different. It kind of makes my head spin.”

  “Ah, it’s okay.”

  “I think you’re nice,” repeated K’ssss for no apparent reason.

  “Can I ask you two something? Have you ever heard of Princess Dazzle?”

  “Stupid question” replied Soo’ sarcastically.

  K’ssss on the other hand said “Oh, yes. She’s been my hero forever.”

  “Would you like to help her?”

  “You’re a little late, girly. She’s dead and I’ve seen her body.”

  “But if you could . . . would you?”

  “What could I do? I’m only three hundred and ten years old.”

  “And I won’t be three hundred for another year” added K’ssss.

  {“Dazzle, how old does that make them on Earth?”}

  “You would call them teenagers.”

  “Perfect,” she said . . . only out loud.

  “What’s perfect?”

  “Uh, nothing. Let me ask you again. If you could help her, would you?”

  “What does that mean exactly?”

  “It means you would join a very special club and you would help me, and her, get rid of that Moby guy.”

  “MOBIUS? ARE YOU NUTS? You’re as loony as that one” she said pointing at the overweight K’ssss.

  “He scares me” added the other serpent.

  “Now that’s the first smart thing I’ve heard you say,” agreed Soo’.

  “You’re right, K’ssss. He’s very scary. But how would you feel if Dazzle was Princess again . . . especially if you helped her? Would your parents be proud?”

  But it was Soo’ who asked “Who are you again?”


  “Oh, yeah . . . the girl with the stupid name.” But she said it without trying to be mean. “I still don’t understand. And if I don’t, she sure as heck doesn’t. She really is kind of slow in the head.”

  “It’s true. Even my parents say that.”

  “That’s awful.”

  “Maybe just a little. But I don’t mind.”

  “How would they feel when Dazzle invites them to the palace and gives you a medal?”

  “Ohhhhhhhhh,” she sighed breathlessly. “Ohhhhhhhhh”.

  “And you, Miss Smarty Pants, wouldn’t you like to get a medal or statue or something?”


  “So, will you help me?”

  “I still don’t know who you are. But I do know that I once saw the princess’ body in a glass coffin. And trust me when I tell you . . . she was dead.”

  “You only saw her body.”

  “Well, DUH. That’s all you can see when the person’s dead.”

  “Dazzle is not dead.”

  “You are one cracked egg.”

  “If she’s not dead, is she living in a different body?” asked an apparently serious K’ssss.

  “That’s a long story. But suppose, just suppose, that she wasn’t dead and she needs your help . . . would you do it? Even if it was dangerous.”

  “I don’t know. I’m too smart to do something this stupid and she’s too stupid to realize that she’s too dumb to help.”

  “You have a whole world of people who need you. How can you say no?”

  “Geez. Why did you have to put it that way?” When Egg didn’t respond, the serpent asked “So what do we do, exactly?”

  “The first thing you can do is stop calling her dumb. Someday she might just save your life.”

  “Now there’s an even scarier thought than fighting you-know-who. So, what else?”

  “I’ll tell you after I tell you Dazzle’s story.”

  “I don’t know. You gotta admit that it sounds too weird to be true.”

  “I do know,” said K’ssss. “I want to help.” Then she asked “does that mean you’ll be my friend? I don’t have too many friends.”

  “We’ll be more than friends . . . we’ll be sisters.” She turned back to Soo’ and said “Last chance. Are you with us?”

  “Egg, are you sure these two are the right ones?”

  {“It’s like you said before, Dazzle. I have to trust my gut.”}

  “Well, I was just about to close the store for the day. But you still need to convince me.”

  “I can do that. I’m going to take you guys to our clubhouse.”

  “Why would that convince me?”

  “Because I’m going to pick you up and fly you there.”

  “H’sssss” she laughed. “You are one loony loon.”

  And even K’ssss joined in with “H’sssss. I’m pretty big.”

  Egg slipped her bracelet to the right hand and said, “Make me twice as large as these serpents.” And she grew and grew and the two serpents nearly fell over and fainted.

  She put the bracelet back on her left had (to give her strength) reached down and picked up the serpents – one in either hand. Then she flew straight up and out of the city.


  Egg landed at Se’rene, the new Hameggattic Sisterhood headquarters. She put down her passengers, returned to her normal size and said, “How was the flight? Sorry, I didn’t have any peanuts for you.”

  The serpents had absolutely no idea what a peanut was but they were still trying to get over their shock, so they said nothing. They just stared at Egg with their mouths open and their tongues hanging out.

  “Come on. Let’s go inside.”

  Egg opened the big wooden doors and they walked in. Actually, serpents slither like snakes since they have no legs.

  “WOW,” said a very awed K’ssss. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Are you rich or something?” asked the always suspicious Soo’.

  “No. This castle belongs to Dazzle. She’s letting us use it until our quest is over.”

  Soo’ gave her a look that said, “You are truly crazy.” Not satisfied with that, she actually said, “You are truly crazy . . . breaking into a royal palace. They’re going to throw you in prison and chop off your head . . . or worse.”

  “Listen you guys, you’re going to have to trust me if this is going to work.”

  “Why should we?”

  “I trust you.”

  “Thank you, K’ssss. Look, I know this is all way too amazing for words. But how would you explain me flying and carrying you two?”


  “No . . . I’m using the power that Dazzle gave me. Now, I want you two to go jump in the pool over there, and I’m going to tell you the whole story. Okay?”

  “I came this far . . . so I might as well.”

  “I love stories” added K’ssss dreamily.

  So the serpents made their way to the pool that was there just for that purpose and Egg sat on the edge and told Dazzle’s story. When she was finished, she asked, “So what do you think now?”

  “That was a wonderful story,” said the easily impressed K’ssss.

  But to Egg’s surprise, even Soo’ was won over. “I don’t kno
w if what you said is true . . . but I really hope it is. What the heck, I’m in.”

  “Oh, that’s just great. So now, you have to take the pledge to become an official Hameggattic Sister. Repeat after me . . .,” and she recited the pledge and the girls followed suit.

  “Now, we make it official with a blood oath.”


  “Oh . . . no, please” whimpered K’ssss.

  “It won’t hurt; it’s only a small prick. But I promise you that after it’s over, you’ll be very glad you did. Remember . . . trust me.”

  Reluctantly they let her prick their fins and they touched the little wound with the one in Egg’s thumb.

  “So now what?”

  “So now . . . I would like to introduce you to Dazzle, the royal princess of Aerianna.”

  A swirl of fog formed and out stepped the warrior princess. Though the two serpents had never met her, Dazzle’s face was as familiar to them as their own mother.

  “K’ssss and Soo’nami, I thank you for joining with Egg on our quest. When we succeed . . . I shall indeed invite your parents to Q’umulus to watch you receive the highest medals of Honor from a grateful Princess.”

  K’ssss fainted dead away.

  Soo’ stared at the princess . . . and to Egg’s surprise . . . broke into tears.

  And so the Hameggattic Sisterhood now had four members. Egg only needed three more to begin the quest.


  Chapter 8 – Etch a Sketch

  “Your granddaughter was magnificent. She is such a remarkable young woman and I am proud to call her my sister.”

  Egg had just finished telling Gammy how she recruited K’ssss and Soo’nami. Dazzle had floated next to her the whole time, smiling with satisfaction as the story unfolded.

  “On that, we can both agree,” said Grammy glowing with pride at her granddaughter’s success.

  “Come on, you guys. I didn’t do anything that special.”

  Grammy looked at Dazzle and they both looked at Egg. “Nonsense, dear one. You were able to get two sea serpents for goodness sake to join your quest and to follow you wherever you need to take them. That is just a remarkable show of leadership.”

  “But I just told them Dazzle’s story.”

  “Being able to lead people is a rare gift. In all modesty, I was born with it . . . and so were you.”

  “Well, now that you’re back safe and sound, you need to change out of the flying suit. Your parents could come home at anytime. And, before I forget, Sylvia called and I told her you would call her back. She’s bursting with curiosity as you can imagine.”

  “Okay. Dazzle, maybe I’ll have another good dream tonight.”

  “Do not anticipate these dreams . . . they come when the time is right. They cannot be forced. And, Egg . . . you did well today. Soon our quest begins.”

  And with that Egg said “See you later, Dazzle. Ring, tend to my suit”.


  “Hi, it’s me.”

  “What happened?”

  “It’s a long story . . . can you come over?”

  “Hang on a sec . . .” Egg could hear her friend yell to her mom, “Can I bike over to Egg’s house? Thanks.” She got back on the phone and said, “I’ll be right over.”

  All of three minutes later, the two girls were up in Egg’s bedroom. “So first tell me why you didn’t take me? I’m your Feminion, aren’t I?” Sylvia was a little miffed that she hadn’t been invited to go along.

  “Oh, Syl . . . I just felt that getting these girls to join us was my job. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. In fact when I was there I kept looking for your hand to squeeze ‘cause I was really scared.”

  “Okay then,” and the girl’s hurt feelings were already forgotten. “So tell me everything.”

  Egg retold the story. When she was finished, her friend asked, “Tell me again what the two serpents are like?” She was fascinated by the idea that the Sisterhood would have dragons and serpents for members.

  “Well, K’ssss is very nice, but she’s not too bright. Soo’ kept calling her stupid and I kept yelling at her not to.”

  “Do you think having a dumb sea serpent is going to help us defeat Mobius? What kind of worthy trait is she going to show?” The girl sounded very doubtful.

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that part.”

  “What about Soo’nami?”

  “She’s completely different. She was always saying something mean to K’ssss or me. I think she only thinks about herself.”

  “Isn’t that great? Now we have a serpent that’s dumb and one that’s selfish.” Sylvia was convinced that she should have been there with her friend.

  It was Egg’s turn to get a little defensive. “Well, it’s what the dream said to do. And besides, Dazzle thought I did a great job.”

  “Oh, you’re right. I’m sorry. This is your quest so you have to do what you think is right. I shouldn’t say anything.”

  “Of course you should. You’re my best friend and there’s no way in this world . . . or that other one . . . that I could do this stuff without you.”

  Sylvia smiled then gave her friend a big hug. “I do have one question . . . aren’t you afraid that they might talk to someone about you and Dazzle? Mobius probably has spies everywhere.”

  “No. I used the power of the bracelet so they can only talk about all this stuff with each other. Dazzle said that at some point we may want them to talk to the Shades of Night people . . . but not yet.”

  “Egg, I’ve been giving our quest a lot of thought and there are two other problems.”


  “For one, I’m not going to be much use to you if I can’t understand what the other sisters say. I need a necklace like yours.”

  “But I can tell you what they say.”

  “I may not be with you all the time. What happens if we get separated?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’ll talk to Dazzle and see if she can help.”

  “That would be great.”

  “What’s the other problem?”

  “How do we communicate with the other sisters? I mean we can’t email them or call them can we? How do we get them to do things?”

  “Ummm . . . I guess me flying all around to talk to them isn’t the best way. I’ll add that to my Dazzle-I-need-to-talk-to-you list.”

  The phone rang but the girls ignored it and kept on talking.

  “One more thing . . . are you going to take me with you next time?”

  “I can’t promise that . . . but I will if I can.”

  “Thank you.”

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Come in Grammy.”

  “Girls, that was Mrs. Z on the phone. She and the boys want to hike to the lake today and they invited us. Are you up for it?”

  “YES,” said an over eager Sylvia. “I just need to call my mom.”


  For reasons that she cared not explain to herself, the girl felt a little tinge of excitement at the prospect. Pretending as if she didn’t really care one way or the other, she shrugged and said as casually as she could, “Oh, why not. It’s a nice day for a walk.”

  “Sylvia, give me a minute to finish with Zelda then you can call your mom.”


  “Hi, ladies. Thanks for coming on such short notice.”

  “Our pleasure, Zelda. Where are your two handsome boys?”

  “They’re packing our supplies. Come on inside for a minute.”

  They followed Mrs. Z into the house and found the boys in the kitchen packing food and stuff into backpacks. They both had on identical tee shirts this time . . . probably just to confuse the two girls.

  When the girls walked in, both boys looked up, smiled and said “Hi” at the same time.

  Egg tried not to smile, but a little one escaped her lips anyway. She said “hi.”

  Then Sylvia did something that totally shocked everyone. She looked at the boy standing to her left and said, �
�Hi, Zack.” Then she turned to the other boy and said, “Hi, Zeke.”

  The boys’ mouths flopped open. Mrs. Z and Egg said “Oh my gosh” at the same time. Grammy just smiled.

  “How did you know?” asked a dumbfounded Zack.

  Realizing what she had done, Sylvia had the good grace to blush a deep, scarlet red. She regained a little of her lost poise and stammered, “Umm . . . umm . . . cause . . . ummm . . . I can just tell.”

  Not a great answer.

  “Curiouser . . .,” started Egg.

  “. . . and Curiouser,” finished Mrs. Z.

  “More like weird and weirder,” countered Zeke.

  But Zack handled it much better. “Hey, no big deal. We were on the same side when we played volleyball so . . .,” but he didn’t finish since there really wasn’t anything that made sense.

  “Congratulations, dear. You are only the second person in the world that can tell them apart. Not even their father gets it right more than half the time.”

  “We’re ready,” declared Zack as he zipped the backpack and swung it over his shoulder.

  “Then, Eloise, this is your parade. Lead and we’ll follow.”

  So they marched out the back door, walked to the end of the property, crossed a small stream, climbed over a wooden fence, hiked over a small hill and lo and behold . . .

  “There’s the path,” said Grammy pointing to a dirt trail that meandered into the distance. “Just watch for cow pies.”

  That made Sylvia giggle as she remembered Zack’s tee shirt. He smiled at her then stuck out his tongue. She returned the gesture.

  “Stop flirting,” Egg whispered to her friend.

  “I wasn’t flirting. I was being . . . sociable.”


  “You’re just an old fuddy-duddy.”

  “Hey boys, while we walk, why don’t you sing your new song for the girls?” suggested Mrs. Z. “They’re always writing songs or stories.”

  “I’d love to hear it,” said Sylvia encouragingly. Then she gave Egg a punch in the arm.

  “Oh yeah . . . me, too.”

  “What’s it called?”

  “Something Crazy,” answered Zack.

  “Like what?”

  “No . . . that’s the name.”


  “Okay, here it goes . . . ,” and the boys looked at each other, counted from three to one, then started to sing in a very fast cadence.


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